Evolution to GOD

Chapter 134: Story(III)

Chapter 134: Story(III)

My eyes were glued to that man when he told the story. To be honest, even my heart started beating faster when I heard those words. I could even associate with him. But again, his voice reached me.

“I got strong enough, enough to stand against my so-called father. Do you know I awakened so many powers in my body that nobody could believe that I was from this world? At that point in time, only mutants with dual power were present in the world. But I arrived and threw their world upside down.”

But he shook his head, “Ah! Even I am getting distracted by unnecessary thoughts. Anyway, I was telling you about my confrontation with my father, right?”

I nodded my head, “Yes, you were,”

“Yes, I got strong enough and one day I stood against the so-called father. Do you know what he asked me when he saw me on that day?”

Unintentionally, my brows were furrowed when he started speaking about his father. And as if he understood my question, he replied.

“You are right. My father was powerful enough to destroy the legions of the Power Users. He could control anything related to earth, and this made him one of the most powerful people on this earth. For the time being, his family and Diana’s family were equally powerful, but one day, out of nowhere, he became more powerful and he started devouring many families. And that time, I got a lot stronger. For your information, this world was very different. There were no countries, and the families ruled the areas.”

“Anyway, don’t get confused. You will get to know it in the future. But anyway, it was at that time when I faced my so-called father, and do you know what he said after he saw me?”

I shook my head. How would I know what his father said to him? Even in my memories, there are no memories of meeting his father.

“He asked me to come back. He said that his blood was flowing inside my body. He didn’t even think twice before dumping me on the streets, and then he asked me to come back, and he received the reply right away. I killed him. Yes, I killed my father, but I didn’t have an ounce of regret in my heart. These were the people who didn’t even consider me human and when they got to know that I am one of the most powerful men on this earth, he was asking me to come back and that too without even an ounce of shame,”

And he took a deep breath again, but I was really surprised by the fact that he is taking a deep breath again and again.

“Anyway, after I killed him and decimated his whole family, I became the strongest person on this planet. But you know, it didn’t stop me from getting stronger to the point that I crossed the threshold known to humanity. But you know what, once I crossed the threshold, I couldn’t stay on this planet. On that day I got to know that there is much more to this world than meets the eye.”

He stopped and looked at me again. “I think you would have seen the memory of me leaving, right?”

I nodded while my eyes were locked on him.

“Hmmm, it was at that time I had to leave this world. I had to leave Diana and that family, my family. Anyway, when I left, I left them some of my blood which they can use on the following generation which can make them stronger. I think you already know about that, right?”

I nodded, “I know,”

But suddenly, a mocking laugh escaped his lips. “To be honest, I didn’t know that my act of giving blood was already pre-written.”

“Pre-written?” I scowled and asked.

He nodded and said, “Yes, pre-written. To be honest, I didn’t know that before and when I got to know, it was already too late.”

“What happened?”

“Wait patiently, you will get to know about it.” He again looked at me and smiled.

“Fine, tell me.”

“After bidding goodbye to everyone on this earth, I ascended. And I got to see a new world. A world of the so-called GODS,”

He again looked at me and asked, “Do you believe in GOD?”

“I don’t know. I really don’t know whether I should believe in GODS or not.” I replied while my eyes were fixed on him.

He nodded and said, “You will get to know whether or not there is GOD. Well, anyway, when I first left that planet. A brand-new world opened up to me. All my beliefs regarding everything turned into a speck of dust when I got to know more about that world. I was like an ant who could be killed by the flip of a hand by any one of them. But anyway, I was not there alone, many people ascended just like me.”

He again took a deep breath and looked at me again.

“Getting bored?”

I was surprised at his words, but shook my head. “Not really. At least I am getting to know more about those words.”

He nodded, “Good. Anyway, when I ascended to that world. I got to know that there are many more worlds just like the earth which are in the universe and power users were not the unique factor of the earth. I got to know the secret.”

My brows furrowed as I asked, “Secret?”.

“Yes, a secret, a secret which is going to change the future of everyone in this universe.”

“What was that?”

“I will tell you, but first listen to the story patiently.”

I was dumbstruck by his words. Was he telling me a story about a movie? Why is he acting like that? And leaving in between the cliffhanger. If he wants to tell, he can tell me clearly.

“I am telling you again, don’t think too much. Just listen to my story, and you’ll learn everything you need to know.” His voice reached my ears again as he turned around to look at me.

My eyes were fixed on him as I retorted, “I can’t help but think since you are narrating the story in that way.” To be honest, I am feeling weird talking to a man who looks exactly like me.

But he shook his head and said, “You are impatient. I don’t know how you could be my reincarnation. I was not like that. I was very patient in my life.”

“Please don’t give me any lectures, just continue with your story,” I had enough of him saying badly about me. It was his fault all along by twisting the story here and there and now he is saying to me that I am impatient?”

After hearing, he had a moment of stunned silence, but then he started laughing, “Good, you should be like this.” Not like me, who kept his mouth shut for so many years.”

Even though he looked to be praising me, I felt weird when I heard him as if it was my fault that he was silent all along.

He shook his head and started speaking again. “Anyway. Let’s continue with our story. Where was I? Ah, yes, I just ascended and got to know many things about that world. I think you should know about the rumors about the GOD on your previous earth right?”

“Yes,” I nodded and said.

“Well, as per your world, god is an omnipresent being who is also a creator of the world. But in some way, it is somewhat wrong and right.”

“What do you want to say?” I frowned.

“God is not the creator of this world. This world was already there when GODS appeared, but we took control of this world. When we get powerful enough, we are given a set of worlds to care for.”

However, I interrupted midway, “I understood nothing.” “What are you trying to say?” I didn’t get a word of what he was trying to tell me. Who gives them authority to control the worlds and how could they control the worlds?.

He turned to look at me and sighed. “You are dumb. I am telling you such simple words even so, you cannot understand. Just tell me which part you didn’t get.”

“First thing, stop saying I am dumb or I am an idiot. As per your words, I am the reincarnation of you. If I am an idiot, am I an idiot because I gained the quality of stupidity from you? I didn’t understand a bit of what was said, so please explain it clearly to me. How are you controlling the worlds, and who has the authority to give or distribute the task of looking after the worlds? You are just saying some words as if I were God. Please understand. I don’t know a bit of thing related to GOD apart from random GOD who played a trick on me and I got transmigrated to this world.”

My fuse lit when again and again he called me an idiot. As expected, he was stunned by my rant, and his widening eyes stared at me.


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