Evolution to GOD

Chapter 133: Story (II)

Chapter 133: Story (II)

“There was no one for me in this world. I was all alone. Alone in this jungle, until the day I met her,” a mocking laugh escaped his lips as his lost eyes stared into nothingness.

Somehow, even I started feeling the sorrow he felt at that time. But then his voice reached my ears again.

“You can say that I saved a damsel in distress. But, to be honest, I was the damsel, and she saved me from the distress of life. After living alone for most of my life, I was slowly losing my life to paranoia. But she came as a fresh breeze to my life. Even though I saved her and she knew that I am a Power user, she didn’t treat me differently. And after that day, I started living with her in her village where she used to live with her mother,”

He paused and closed his eyes. 

“I was just a young man who hadn’t spoken to anyone since he was a kid. I watched my so-called family grow stronger and stronger, but they abandoned me like a dirtbag. I l had lost all hope in humanity when people loathed me for being a dark spot for a powerful family. Having spent years in the darkness, she stepped into my life as a bright light. She was the one who pulled me out of the darkness and let me see that there was also brightness in life. After I started living with her, I got to know that there is something more in life other than darkness.” 

“She was Arin, my Arin,” He stopped again.

All this while I stood quiet while my attention was on that man. Even though he told me the story of his life, I somehow felt his emotions as well. I saw him sighing as he continued.

“But that brightness faded away soon. Maybe it was a year or two when I knew more about life. One day, I left the village for the hunt. I didn’t know that it would be the last time I see her. When I came back to the back after the hunt, everything turned upside down for me. The villagers were surrounding a burning house. Heh, they were just talking while no one went forward to save the one who was inside the house.”

He stopped and turned around and his eyes were fixed on me. “You would think that, why I am telling you this story, right? Which you have already seen in those memories?”

I nodded and then shook my head, “Maybe, but I need to listen from your mouth,”

He nodded. “Good, that you think like that. You know, you have lived your life very peacefully and got very panicked when you got transmigrated to this world. I can also see that you are very sensitive to your emotions, as you haven’t seen the cruelties of life. But anyway, listen to the story first,”

I was surprised when he said that; he was right in some way that I became more sensitive to my emotions. Sometimes I even started behaving like a crazy person. I looked at him as he started the story again.

“When I came back, I saw villagers surrounding the burning house. I think you don’t know, but the feeling of fear of losing someone dear to you is worse than hell. I ran, ran towards the house, but people stopped me from going in. No one in the village knew that I was the Power User, but then again before I could use my power. The news I heard from those villagers shocked me. My Arin was gone. Gone because of one asshole who wanted to play with her. A man who killed her destroying her. He burned the house, my Arin slightly scratched him. He was the son of the city lord who passed by the village when he saw Arin. No-one stopped him even though he and his bodyguards were also non-power users,”

He stopped and took a deep breath again.

“That was the day when I lost control of everything. I don’t know what happened, but when I came to my senses, everything was destroyed. Everyone around me was gone. I found myself that I was standing in the mid of the city, which looked like a ghost town. There was an eerie silence around me, where I stood among the ruined structures. But I didn’t feel any pity for these people. These were the people who were responsible for the demise of my Arin. On that day, I got to know that I had awakened the Third Power. The power of Darkness.”

He paused again and looked at me and said, “At that time, it was rare for someone to have dual powers, but here I was having a triple power user. I was the first one to have the Three powers inside me, but no one knew about that as everyone was dead. I think you also know that I was just a teenager when I suffered that blow. Now you think, what would you do after suffering so much at such a young age? Then what would you do?”

I was stunned when he asked that question. Words stuck in my mouth as I didn’t know what to answer for that question. 

He shook his head and continued, “Don’t think too much. There are many things in this world that you cannot control. Since then, my life has gone the way it has. But from that day onwards, I decided not to use powers and live my life as a mortal. You should know that for us Power users we live a long life, long enough to see all the mortals live and die.”

“My life again went bland, but this time I didn’t lose to darkness. I lived among mortals to understand the essence of life,” 

He took a deep breath and then said, “Arin was the one who pulled me back from the darkness and I wanted to keep her memory alive. But anyway. Even though I didn’t use power while living among mortals. My understanding of the power grew leaps and bounds and during this time, my body awakened many more powers. I think I was the anomaly, as no one in this world could have awakened as many powers as me.”

“You know what. I family I was born into got much stronger, even though they didn’t know about me. I kept an eye on them as one feeling of revenge bubbled up inside me, but being alone, I couldn’t do anything. But after living alone for so many years, the flame of revenge got dimmed until the day I met Diana,”

He paused and looked at me. “You have seen her, right?”

I nodded when I heard his question, “But there is one question I wanted to know?”

He looked at me. “I know what you wanted to know, but there will be the answer to your question. First, listen to my story,”

My brows were raised when I heard him, but still, I nodded and my eyes were fixed on him.

“Diana, you know, meeting her was just the accident and just like the novels in your worlds. I met her when she was taking a bath in the stream and I saw her naked. And it was somewhat a tradition in her family that the first man who saw her without clothes would be her husband for a long time. Heh, our relationship started with an accident but ended up with me being her husband. Hah, she initially wanted to kill me, thinking that I was just a mortal, the non-power user. But after we had a fight, and she got to know that I am also a power user, she calmed down and the rest was history,”

Again, he took a deep breath. “Our relationship started from that day onwards. She was the daughter of the head of one of the powerful power user families and, coincidentally, they were not on good terms with the family I was born into. After I got to know them, my impression of them grew a lot. They were not like one of those noble families who despise the non-power users. Even though they were powerful, they didn’t despise the non-power users. To be honest, they were very powerful and could have killed me to protect their daughter from getting married to a stray dog who came out of nowhere. But still, they accepted me into their family, and, for the sake of Diana, I started living with them. But the more I got to know, the more I was glued to that family and, for the first time in my life, I had a feeling that I had a family. People who are there for me when I am in need.”

He took a deep breath again and looked at me.

“Slowly I grew more powerful, powerful enough that no one could hold a stick against me. I even massacred many power users single-handedly when they stood against me and finally, the time came when I stood against my so-cdalled father,” 


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