Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Saving the monster corpses in the manual, the hunting speed increased quite a bit.

In the first place, the level of my party members increased a lot and the monsters here were all low level so they were able to kill them without expending much stamina and they could also move without having to wait for the monsters to return to the void.

Han Joon-suks arrow went flying from his Stalker.

The arrow hit one of the Tutulips that were rushing at them from all directions. As it was a bow that made the arrow hit even if it was shot carelessly so it was impossible to dodge it and could only be blocked or deflected.

However, it was impossible for a level 4 monsters strength to block the level 6 Stalkers attack.

A Tutulips jumped out from behind. As it hit the van just like that, the van shook. I wonder how many ores Ill need to repair that.

Either way, everyone besides Cho Young-gu, Jong Sa-won, and I diligently shot arrows or gun from the window.

During that, I was dizzily throwing the Dancing Sword to the ones that rushed in one by one.

Jong Sa-won flung his body and attacked with his strengthened level 6 Rubicon Sword while Cho Young-gu was behind me with the shield barrier on. He wasnt protecting me but the van.

As the number of Tutulips I personally killed entered the double digits the swarming Tutulips started fleeing.

I cant miss a single one. Thats all money.

I summoned the Agentaya Mongol Horses. All the party members got on the horses and chased after the Tutulips.

The hunting was smooth sailing. Recon done by eagles, and if the number was small then they would be killed by ranged attacks from the van and if there were many then Cho Young-gu, Jong Sa-won, and I would come out and actively participate in the battle.

We were able to raise the efficiency to the limit while keeping the ranged attackers in a safe place and protecting them.

We continued hunting like that for a week.

The items gotten in that time numbered about 150. It was the total after adding both team 1 and team 2s harvest. It was a tremendous amount that was several times more than usual.

Arent we going to be billionaires like this?

Cho Young-gus expression was full of jubilation. The amount of money he had gotten until now was an amount that he wouldnt have been able to get in his entire life.

However, thinking about how much they earned in the past week, they had probably almost gotten the amount of profit a large company would get in one year.

Even if I had a level 10 skill and got powerful abilities, it would have been impossible if there wasnt a great hunting place called the Yellow Sea.

Even we are like this so I wonder how much the large raid teams that dominate the entire north region are earning.

I probably didnt have to worry about it since I wasnt going to fight against them or something.

Since we got an unexpectedly large profit, I was planning on giving Jang Moon-boks team a considerable bonus as well.

It was because they had contributed quite a bit by diligently and swiftly lured mobs even though they lacked ability.

Thank you for your hard work everyone!

Eh. I think its fine to work some more though?

Cho Young-gus was overly talkative and said so. In reality, our party members were still full of energy.

Thanks to the lake there was no problem of sanitation either and meals were good thanks to Jang Moon-bok too.

Most importantly, thanks to the level of the equipment having an overall increase, the hunting utilizing spider webs was too comfortable. It was hunting that reminded me of the Leisure Party during my porter days.

However, this much was enough.

The ruin did not leave my mind during this entire week. I was thinking about turning on the Mystic Dungeon after returning home. It would be possible to hunt again after all.

While we were packing up like that Soo-ah suddenly put her smartphone in front of me.

What is it?

Look at this.

BJ Pacheongeoms private broadcast was on the screen.

There was no particular story and just talked about how the food was and how easy going the battle yesterday was while receiving donations.

I had also added it to my favorites just in case the situation took a bad turn while we were hunting so it wasnt something I found interesting.

Soo-ah pointed at a corner of the screen seemingly having sensed the doubt on my expression.

Here. Dont you think weve seen this person somewhere?

There was a person that could be seen in a corner of the screen.

Looking at the persons actions, the person didnt seem to know that he was appearing on the broadcast.

I cant see the persons face so who is it?

I cant remember the name but you know. The Ezekiel.


I took the smartphone from her hand. The man in the corner of the screen slowly turned his head. The face was definitely familiar.

It was none other than the one that led Team Ezekiel, Han Jung-ho.

The outfit was also most certainly Black Belt Martial Arts Uniform.

It was the level 3 defensive equipment the guy had.

Why is this guy there?

I remembered the last battle where I tossed Wee Oong-bee to fight. My purpose was for them to defeat each other but I didnt think that I would see him perfectly fine and in the government team.

I thought of the reason that guy might be there.

Did he go there because he had experience facing the Chungho Group?

That might be possible. It might not be too though.

What are you thinking?

By chance. If that guy had evil thoughts then what would happen?

Soo-ahs voice lightly trembled.

Evil thoughts? So is she talking about the possibility that they have joined hands with the Chungho Group?

Of course, Ezekiel itself was not a normal raid team.

They were guys that didnt bat an eye at attacking other hunters and gathering the items from them after all. They were guys that might not even care about turning their backs on the country if they got money.

Manager Kim who was nearby cut in.

However, the Chungho Group attacked first. I dont think those guys would cooperate with the Chungho Group though?

I also thought so.

Even thinking about it again, it wasnt a problem for Han Jung-ho to be in the government team.

He had experience battling the Chungho Group and he might be burning with revenge after losing so many of his subordinates.

But something felt wrong.

I had an ominous feeling that he was going to do something.

In such cases, it was best to ask a related personnel. I took out my smartphone and called Son Aram.

[Who is this?]

Can we talk right now?

For now, Han Jung-ho was normally registered in the government team member list.

On top of that, he had the position of group leader that commanded 100 people due to being rated highly having battled with Chungho Group before.

If it was only that then it would have been fine but the strange thing was that Ezekiel members were in different groups in small numbers.

Some were group leaders while others were below that as team leaders.

At my words saying that there might be a problem, Son Aram left words saying that she would look into it.

However, there was no way to chase them out after doing battle so well until now without some physical evidence.

They are definitely up to something.

Han Joon-suk said with a heavy expression. I also agreed. If they had really joined for revenge then there was no need to be mixed into other teams. It would be better to move as an organization in one place.

What should we do?

Yeon-gyeongs pupils shook as if there was an earthquake. It seems she was still concerned because the hunters on our side could be in danger.

Im not sure.

Since the situation became like this it did start to worry me. However, it wasnt like there was something I could do about it.

Even if I rushed there and said that that guy was Ezekiel I would only receive gazes saying so what.

Ezekiel itself didnt have that good of a reputation but it wasnt like the fact that they hunted other hunters came to light either.

I had no pretext. It wasnt like I had some evidence that those guys were really cooperating with Chungho Group.

It might be that this was all just pointless concerns. They might have actually joined to annihilate the Chungho Group.

Han Joon-suk opened his mouth.

If they were really cooperating with Chungho Group then what method would they use?

Thats. Of course they would send and receive messages through smartphones.

Soo-ah looked at him as if asking why was he asking such a thing.

It was said that the government was monitoring it but there were many applications that made that impossible in the first place. As the government team did not take any phones, it was impossible to completely prevent such spy activities.

It must be assumed that they had taken that into consideration.

Seeing how they are leaving the internet broadcast alone, they are probably confident that they can win through numbers even after they spy using all that. They are also considering the Chungho Group as a mere group of bandits too.

Then we would be able to know if we take their phones.

How would we take them?

Like we usually do.

A smile appeared on Han Joon-suks face.

Like we usually do he says. It made us sound like people that kidnapped anyone you know.

For now, going back home was postponed. Instead, I would go alone to the government team, infiltrate them and return after capturing Han Jung-ho.

It would have been difficult if it was the past me but the current me could easily subdue someone like Han Jung-ho.

The rest of the members decided to continue hunting in the meantime. There was no need to let the resource laying around rest.

I rode a horse to the government team.

The horse ran quickly through the forest with its characteristic hoof sounds.

It was a speed that couldnt appear from the van that had to destroy trees along the way.

From the feeling of the branches grazing my ears it feels like 100 km/h but if measure properly it was probably around 70~80.

Even so, it was impressive that such a speed could be achieved in a place like this where there were many obstacles.

It made sense because this horses wasnt a normal one but a monster. It couldnt be helped that its basic physical abilities were in a different dimension from normal horses.

This is amazing.

I unconsciously mumbled so while feeling the wind brushing by my face.

It was not difficult to locate the government team. I just had to ask lieutenant Son Aram who was moving with the government team after all.

Currently the Forest Region Conquest Business Team. Simply put, the government team was split up into three places. They were simply called team 1, 2, 3 and the place I was going to was team 1. There were located in the middle and in terms of location they were at the forefront.

I was planning on meeting up with Son Aram for now to search for Han Jung-ho.

3 or 4 hours passed while running like that.

Its there I see.

I flew an eagle to confirm the government teams location. The distance was approximately 3 km.

I was wondering if I should continue riding but it might seem weird to ride a monster so I despawned it. It was a distance that I would be able to cover fast enough even on foot.

I despawned the eagle in the sky as well. It could easily be seen and if there was an archer then it could be taken down easily like before.

I was walking slowly like that when I felt a presence.

It was not a distinct feeling. But it was certain that something was glaring at me.

What caused such a sense to appear? Is it because of something like reflex I wonder?

I wouldnt be able to know even if I pondered about it so I stopped and stood still. Then, two hunters holding spears appeared from between the trees.

The equipment was about level 3. Looking at them they didnt seem to be soldiers. It seems they picked several normal hunters to patrol the border.

Who are you!

The taller person of the two shouted loudly.


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