Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Herd them all this way!

Soo-ah shouted in a loud voice.

I am running as if my life depends on it!

Jang Moon-bok shouted. Beside him were the members of Delta Team 2 who were riding Agentaya Mongol Horses.

Behind them where dozens of monsters charging at them like crazy.

I calculated the timing and moved my hand. The Dancing Sword made a sharp noise as it grazed the place we set up a trap ahead of time.

A great amount of trees and boulders fell on the monsters with a tremendous sound. The charge of the monsters was cut short in an instant.

Is it a success?

Jang Moon-boks members got off the horses and breathed in desperately. It seems the stamina use was high due to the unfamiliar horse riding.

The monsters in the dust cloud started moving.

They are still alive!

Of course, idiot! Theres no way monsters would die by such an attack right!

Soo-ah shouted back at Jang Moon-boks shout and jumped out of the tree. The purpose was to block their charge anyway.

Once the dust cloud settled, Soo-ah could see the monsters all tied up by the spider webs.

The trees and boulders were to hinder their vision and block their way and the real trap was to capture them by making them get tangled up in spider webs in the first place.

I tilted my head and opened my mouth.

Why did we use the boulders and trees if we were going to get them tangled up?

What would you do with people that are there.

Soo-ah said to me as if whispering.

So basically, she made team 2 work while setting up the trap.

I let out a sigh at team 2 and Jang Moon-bok who didnt know this and were being happy. I wonder what kind of feelings they would have if they found out they went through meaningless suffering.

What are you doing? Stop sightseeing and kill them already!

Yes sir! Guys, kill them!

Jang Moon-bok and team 2 massacred the monsters caught in the spider webs at Soo-ahs command. A swarm of monsters that were at least level 2 and at most level 4 were killed without mercy by Jang Moon-boks team who were merely level 3 hunters.

Kuhahaha! How is my Strike Sword!

Power Charging!

Animate Spear!

A one sided slaughter started. The monsters that were still alive cried in a sad voice while Jang Moon-boks team shouted technique names in contrast.

These guys were showing off well while facing monsters that cant even move while caught in the spider webs huh, those guys.

Either way, the method of hunting by utilizing Soo-ahs spider webs was going pretty well.

For now, the luring team was scattered to lure monsters and then dragged them into the spider web ridden forest to kill all at once or caught them in spider webs one by one.

There were monsters all over the forest even besides these ones that were caught in spider webs.

It would have been impossible for the old low level Arachne Armor to bind the level 4 monsters that appear in the forest region.

However, it was now level 7.

It was possible to bind level 5 monsters even if it just passed by and got caught in one while level 6 monsters could easily be caught as long as Soo-ah personally poured out spider webs.

This was really like a spiders way of hunting. The only thing that was different was that there wasnt only ones that get caught unluckily but also those that were caught by being lured.

Either way, spider webs were a good way of hunting besides the fact that it did not distinguish between friend or foe.

When are you guys going to release this!

Manager Kim was hanging from a tree on spider webs.

I told him to stay still but instead he prowled around and got caught in a trap.

Soo-ah said that it was a good thing and told us to just watch but it seems hes suffering due to hanging for an hour.

This hunting method was much more efficient than I thought.

Also, it was even more so in the sense that it could be done without me joining. There were quite a few cases where it was dangerous when I wasnt there but the lure and spider web hunting method was relatively safer.

Another one is on its way!

Cho Young-gu and Yeon-gyeong was running here on horses.

The two that knew exactly where the spider webs were directed the horse this way and that way to avoid the traps.

And the giant monkey that was diligently chasing after them got caught in a wide spider web on the tree.

The ones that caught would then diligently cry to call its friends.

Soon after, dozens of monkeys came to save their friend but got caught in the trees. Jang Moon-bok opened his mouth.

Do we have to kill those as well?

No, I will do it so leave them alone.

If I didnt kill them personally then the reward points didnt come.

I let team 2 kill the monsters just now to make them forget their fear of monsters.

They had a fair amount of experience but they had never killed a bunch of monsters like we did after all.

We killed and waited for the monsters caught in the spider web to return to the void then got the items.

I waved my hand at Soo-ah.

Then were going.

Are you really going to leave only me out?

We were planning on leaving Soo-ah and team 2 to hunt here while the rest of us go hunt elsewhere.

Soo-ah was strong enough to possess level 7 equipment and Jang Moon-boks group just had to lure so separating it like this was the most efficient.

You said that you would take care of those guys. Whether its a person or an animal, the person that takes them in is supposed to take responsibility.

Hmph. Take me toooo.

You wanna die?

Ah, was it not cute?

Her face flushed red.

Im telling you, dont do something that suits you.

Why were you doing something that was embarrassing to me whos seeing it and embarrassing to you yourself?

The eagle that I had left flying in the sky for recon started circling in the air.

It meant that there was a monster. Cho Young-gu turned the wheel.

Trees kept blocking the road since we were driving at a place without roads. After driving while destroying a few trees, we found 5 Milworms fighting with a level 4 Tutulips.

The purpose of the Milworm was not to engage in mortal combat but to stall for time until we arrive.

In other words, it was doing a role similar to that of a hunting dog.

I opened the window of the van.


Yes, party leader.

As soon as her words stopped, she started firing arrows from inside the van.

The Tutulips that died in a single hit collapsed with its tongue out.

The one that shot the arrow herself got surprised and checked Athenas Bow. The item that was originally level 4 became a level 6 this time around.

The damage was certainly on another level compared to before. Even if there was a 2 level difference, to kill that large monsters with a single hit.

This is really strong. I thought I would have to hit it a few times but I was really surprised.

That is the reason it was strengthened.

This is level 6 so then how strong is the Aura Blade?

Yeon-gyeong tilted her head and asked.

You saw it.

I did see it but I couldnt exactly feel the difference.

I dont know exactly either. It did seem like it was able to break down a building though.

What level of building?

A 15 story high apartment maybe? I dont know since I didnt try though.


To be honest, an apartment was nothing. If I had an appropriate amount of time, then I could destroy a skyscraper.

In the first place, buildings were things that crumbled down on their own as long as the bottom was destroyed.

Yeon-gyeong suddenly bended her upper body and came to me.

I didnt know where to look due to the volume that couldnt be hidden by even the leather armor. She came close and opened her small mouth. A refreshing aroma stimulated my sense of smell.

Seonbae oppa.

Uh. Yeah?

That was the way Soo-ah called me. As I looked at her with a flustered expression, Yeon-gyeong laughed lightly and let out a soft smile.

I just tried calling you. Its quite fun.

So silly.

While I was talking with Yeon-gyeong like that.

The Milworms picked up the Tutulips and threw the corpse into the open trunk. We were putting it in the van instead of wasting time waiting for it to return to the void. It would return to the void while moving after all.

As we were preparing to leave after closing the back door of the van.

The giant insects pushed its head towards me and blinked its compound eyes.

What do you want you bastards.

I think it wants you to praise it.

Han Joon-suk extended his hand to them and the giant Milworm squinted its eyes and shook its head.

It was being cute in its own way but it was completely gross.

Ah. Im getting sick.

Urgg Hey. Stop it.

Cho Young-gu shivered and turned his head. Manager had his eyes closed tightly as well as if he wasnt feeling good while Edwards shivered as his pale face became whiter and hid in a corner after turning into a bat.

Han Joon-suk lightly laughed after seeing such figures.

Its cute if you look closely.

I got it. Lets send it there now.

I pointed at the eagle that was circling in the sky. The eagles I had spread everywhere was letting us know the location of the monsters.

I sent the Milworm to that place and all we had to do was go there with the van.

After moving like that and killing monsters, the inside of the van was full of corpses before long.

Because they all quite large we couldnt fit more than three.

In addition to that, because there were people riding as well it was disturbing to have corpses right beside them.

The time it takes for a monster to return to the void was 10 minutes give or take. It wasnt exactly the same and there was a tendency of taking longer the higher the level it was.

Also, the more relatively slower the speed of returning to the void was, the chance of an item dropping seemed to be higher.

Because of this, time was often wasted waiting.

That was the same in the Yellow Sea. To just leave it and come back later the terrain was too complex and it was cumbersome more than anything.

It would have been nice if it was possible to put this into the manual as well.

I put my hand on the monster corpse while thinking like that.

Then, the monster in front of me suddenly disappeared.


I got surprised and opened the manual. The monster corpse was in the item list. Was this treated like an item as well?

Certainly, if I think about it the summoned monsters went into the item list as well. There was no rule that dead monsters couldnt go in when thinking like that.

Did the monster return to the void just now?

Han Joon-suk asked. I shook my head and explained simply.

I didnt explain in detail about the manual or item list and just told them that it was a additional ability of the Effort skill.

The manual was an item important enough for me to be unable to tell him who was the closest person to me.

If this was lost then the items and ores etc stored in here would all be lost as well.


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