Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Even I knew that government officials were having a hard time producing results but the Dungeon Administration Team that should put safety above all else thinking about profit first was a serious problem.

I involuntarily opened my mouth.

Immediately adjust the level requirements.

I have no idea with what authority youre saying such words.

Lee Jung-hyun looked at me dumbfoundedly. He did have a point. I regretted my word after I said them after all. This was not a problem the Dungeon Administration Team had to solve after all.

It was a problem that I had to solve myself.

There was no need to waste any more time here. I started talking to Lee Jung-hyun.

We are both probably tired so lets end the interview here.

Are you protesting right now?

Lee Jung-hyun said in a sarcastic tone. My general opinion of the government officials was about to become bad because of this guy. It was just that the Dungeon Administration Team was special, and this guy was especially like that among them.

More than that I just didnt want to continue the interview with a person that doesnt even believe what I say.

Flash. Flash.

Even during this the photographer kept pressing the shutter. It was great and all that he had a thorough work mentality but I would have like it better if he could read the mood.

The end of Lee Jung-hyuns mouth went down.

If you leave like this there can be disadvantages later. You already seemed to have overstayed before when I took a look at your profile. You do know what happens when the warnings pile up yes?

Thats fine. I dont really care after all.

Hah. I was going to do this nicely since you were young and all but nothing gets into your head.

That guy seriously.

Soo-ah turned her head and stared daggers at him. It was an expression so scary that it even made Lee Jung-hyun twitch.

Leave it. Theres no need to fight with the administration team.

Hes saying hell put us on the blacklist.

Tell him to do so then.

There was no need to be obsessed with Red Holes when the Yellow Sea still exists. And I wasnt the type of person who would let others eat what I cant.

I didnt look back at Lee Jung-hyun and left the interview room. I had no good memories in particular with the Dungeon Administration Team but that was especially so with that guy. There was no need to even look into how many times he used his authority over hunters as it could be guessed.

The appointment times changing for regular hunters at a moments notice was all because of guys like that. If a hunter with a good amount of money handed them some cash then he would even cancel existing appointments for their convenience. That was a daily occurence in an administration teams life.

We got about 10b won after processing all the dropped items. I took about half and split the rest with Soo-ah and Han Joon-suk.

We were able to get a good sum with a single dungeon exploration but it was obvious that Lee Jung-hyun guy or whatever would put us on the blacklist so it couldnt be guaranteed when our next appointment could be made.

More than that, the Red Holes were far too dangerous. I returned to my house for now and turned on the [Mystic Dungeon]. The computer started up while making noises vehemently.

It was a new model computer that I had bought not too long ago but I was worried regardless. It felt like it would stop working after using the program a few times.

What are you going to do?

Soo-ah who was watching from the side asked.

Im going to close them off for now. The drop rate is high as well so the price of items will become trash priced as well so.

It couldnt be helped that there would be a large influence on hunters who made a living from selling items when a bunch of items appeared in the market.

Marketability was only formed when the supply and demand was at a certain level but if there was too much supply like now then the price of level 1 items were in danger of falling below 10m won.

Hunters were not apostles of justice or protectors of the Earth. It might have been like that at some point but there were not many cases of monsters attacking peoples houses these days and even if there were they did happen they were not as meaningful as other disasters or crimes.

In the end, hunters were like miners that mine rare earth metals. The difference was that they got items from time to time that earned them extra profits. Therefore, there were no big problem about suddenly closing these dungeons.

Since theres the Yellow Sea as well.

It was possible to get the amount that was coming from dungeons.

There would be a problem eventually considering the nature of the Yellow Sea where theres no respawn but it would be fine to just turn on Red Holes at that time.

Soo-ah opened her mouth.

Its still a bit of a shame. It was a pretty profitable dungeon.

Nobody can eat what I cant eat.

It can be checked whether or not I have been put on the blacklist. If I asked lieutenant Son Ah-ram, taking my name off the blacklist couldnt even be considered work.

In the first place the blacklist was something that was personal among the administration team so the security wasnt that tight.

Even if there were such conflicts, I was thinking about closing them either way. They were too dangerous after all. If hunters swarmed in like they were now there would be too many casualties.

For now, only after the mood has died down a bit.

I was planning on opening the Red Holes one by one after its dangers and clearing method has spread a bit more. If that happened then the government had no choice but to properly manage it and the number of casualties would decrease.

I closed all the Mystic Dungeons.

But its a bit strange.

Soo-ah tilted her head. What was she going to say this time.

What is.

From what I know. I believe the first place dungeons appeared in the world was our country.

Hm they all opened in the same period of time but the first was here.

But the Mystic Dungeon, so the Red Holes appeared first in our country first.


Isnt it weird? Why is it our country in particular?

Not sure maybe its a coincidence?

I did say it like that but it really is quite a coincidence. Enough to wonder why I didnt think so before.

However, this sides world had an unwritten law that applied at any time.

Do not be curious. Do not doubt.

It sounded like some maxim from a religious cult but it was something formed from the passage of meaningless effort.

Why did monsters appear. Why did something like a dungeon exist.

Why, did hunters appear.

The answer to all these were always I dont know. It was the conclusion made after numerous scholars poured their money and time into it. There was now no one curious about it.

There was no one who questioned the sudden appearance of the Yellow Sea and Red Holes.

It was just natural things.

And I also thought like that. I had no thoughts of uncovering things like the secrets of the world or hidden truths. I actually dont even believe that such things exist. If there was such a thing, theres no way it wouldnt have been found out in the last 50 years.

There was a place called Roswell in America where the story of an alien spaceship landing in the countryside was going around. For quite a while that story had been the center of attention. However, 70 years after that the American governments secret documents were opened and it was revealed that it was merely a military facility used to develop weapons.

Of course, there were people that truly believed that aliens existed and said that the document was replicated but it is a fact that the number of people that believed the existence of aliens decreased.

The story flowed in a weird direction but thats what I thought. I think that unrevealed secrets are not well hidden but just do not exist at all.

So well, it was right to see this as another coincidence.

Just one thing.

The words the Vampire Lord had said as he handed me the USB bothered me.

He said he was merely an agent of Delta. He had a master that had given the command.

Did something that I believed was a natural occurrence until now start by somebodys interference.

Poke, Soo-ah poked me in the waist.

You surprised me.

What are you thinking so hard about?

Whatever was I thinking about.

But its a bit of a shame to close them all off.

We dont need them for a while. Its better this way than people dying off.

Can you only open Mystic Dungeons in our country?

No, I can do so anywhere in the world.

But the only place they were open was our country right?

Yeah. Not sure if its because of some error or something though.

The government is probably feeling down. After the dungeons disappeared, it seemed like they were going to profit a lot but they suddenly disappeared into thin air.

Thats none of my business.

Its not like Koreas government will earn money and give it to me.

There was another fuss after the Red Holes disappeared. It was obvious that there would be a commotion since they only gave a bit of profit before disappearing. This could be said to be my responsibility. However, I had only opened the Ansan dungeons and the computer was the one that went haywire creating such events so it couldnt be helped.

The news only dealt with the Red Holes for several days. Because they were only open for a single day, there was not much information. But there seemed to be some expectations on them opening once more.

But it was not like everyone was thinking so. There were also some concerns coming out.

[What is your opinion on the Red Holes that followed after the Yellow Sea event recently?]

[I believe that some a large sudden change is approaching. Dungeons disappear, land rises up, and new dungeons appearing again were not things that happened in the last 50 years. Im afraid that these might be a warning about the approaching disaster.]

A former hunter broadcaster said so in reply to the announcer. He was a person in his 30s that was famous for lecturing about dungeons and clearing methods after retiring.

I had diligently listened to his lectures while working as a porter.

[This large sudden change you speak of is.]

[Im not sure. Its something that I cant have much of a say in.]

[Are you not just creating unfounded fear?]

[I would like it if it was like that as well.]

Its boring.


Soo-ah changed the screen and searched for a different channel. This girl was the one that profitted the most after I put a TV in my house.

In any case, this girl was not even thinking about going back home even though its been quite some time since the sun fell.

Go back home already.

Cant I stay over here?


I dont have a place to go to though.

You have a home.

My sister told me to sleep at a Korean dry sauna since her boyfriend is coming over.

Says the person with a lot of money. Go sleep at a dry sauna or motel.

How could you let a girl sleep in such a place on her own. Its scary.


Why are you looking at me like that?

Its nothing.

I should just buy a large new house. One with several bedrooms.

Either way, I wonder what I should do about our next schedule. I think we have to go to the Yellow Sea in the end though.

The forest region had the Chungho Group so it was dangerous as expected. However, it was difficult to say that other places were safe.

Seeing how there was no further news about Ezekiel, it can be assumed that they are on the verge of collapsing but each region had a famous raid team guarding it.

It was a situation where hunting in those regions was perfectly regulated.

As it was a company type raid team different from the Ezekiel bunch it was impossible for our team to interfere with them.

It was possible to sneak in and hunt but apparently you get chased out after taking everything if youre caught. There were many such stories of their experience on the market bulletin board.

They couldnt be sued since they were large company teams that had the governments backing. It would be suicide for an individual to fight against them.

In the end, the only places normal hunters could go to was the entrance region, wetlands, and forest region.

Because the wetlands had been targeted a lot, there were few monsters while the forest region had Chungho Group people.

It didnt matter which side chose but on the other hand, it was a bit ambiguous as to which side was better.

I considered opening the Red Holes but they only opened at given locations. They werent mine just because I opened them.

If by any chance we were on the blacklist, the appointment would be pushed back without ending so it was a question to be answered slowly.

Ring ring ring-

While I was contemplating my phone started ringing. I checked the caller wondering if it was Han Joon-suk but it was someone unexpected.


Yes. This is Jun Sang-min.

[Its Son Ah-ram.]


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