Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

I came out of the exit with my teammates. Once outside, we could hear people whispering to each other.

It seemed like the fact that we cleared the dungeon had already been spread to some degree.

Was this something to be so surprised about though? Even if the dungeon had appeared just yesterday, theres no way this was the first time it had been cleared.

Senior brother, there.


At the place Soo-ah pointed at where several people in suits approaching us.

The only people that wore suits at a place like this were government officials. In other words, the Dungeon Administration Team.

I am called Lee Jong-hyun of the administration team. Might you be Jun Sang-min?

Among them, the one that seemed to be in his 30s and had a rather fit body started talking first.

That is so. What is your business? We have been in the dungeon for too long but I was planning on paying the fine.

No, were not here for that matter. We heard from the two that came out first that Jun Sang-mins party had cleared the dungeon.

That is true.

Do you mind having an interview?


What the hell was this about? About an interview.

Ah. Its nothing much. Theres was no party that was able to clear this dungeon you see. We wanted to hear the clearing process and the detailed method. Of course, you will be given appropriate compensation.

Were the first you say?

That didnt make much sense. It was only a level 4 dungeon. The Dungeon Administration Team should have high level hunters and they would have tried going in.

As if having read my expression, he opened his mouth.

The hunters under the administration team is at the Yellow Sea you see.

Ah. Thats what it was.

The appearance of a new dungeon was big news as well but the importance of the Yellow Sea was still high.

It wasnt only the monsters but the land itself that had a large amount of potential.

Since it was said that they were in the process of researching food production and such with the information I gave them, the value of the Yellow Sea would skyrocket.

This meant that we would not have to yield to China who had used food supply as their weapon. Due to that situation, the government shoving in all the hunters available to the Yellow Sea was understandable.

I turned to look at my teammates. They didnt look like they had any particular misgivings.

The terrain inside the dungeon or the method of fighting the monsters, the existence of a boss monster and how to take care of it were all things that were fine to reveal.

It wasnt information that could be sold for money and it wasnt something I could monopolize either.

If hunters became able to strengthen their overall power a bit more and then enter the dungeon, then it would be possible to prevent some unnecessary damage.

So youre saying that a stone statue turned into a boss monster?

Lee Jung-hyun said. I nodded to confirm once more. I told him everything besides the trouble with Song Han-sol and the items I got.

It was information that would spread even if I kept quiet.

Another side was continuously taking pictures. I was told not to worry about it but there was no way I couldnt be.

My face really isnt being revealed yes?

Yes, it will only be used as reference in the internal conference. The people above like having pictures after all.

Hm That doesnt seem like a nice thing either though.

Haha. Please dont worry. Either way, youre an unusual person. People normally want to make a article appear.

It was better the more well known hunters were.

It was something that already happened at the Yellow Sea, but if you were well known it was possible to gather many people and people asked to join the party.

If it went over a certain level it was even possible to appear in TV shows. There were even quite a few people that went on to become celebrities from being a hunter.

Of course, there were some that were the opposite case. There were celebrities that used the money they earned to buy equipment and skills to do hunter work.

Some did it for fun while others did it for rewriting their image. However, it was mostly done by male celebrities that wanted to avoid going to the army.

This was because it was possible to apply for alternative service if one became a level 3 hunter.

I knew best how good it actually was. I also did the alternative service after all.

While porters like me went into dungeons every day of the week, hunters would only go in once or twice a week.

At such an age, the ones that could become a level 3 hunter or higher were usually the children of rich families or high ranking officials so they didnt go clear dungeons often either. There was no easier job than this easy job.

Mr. Jun Sang-min?

Ah. I apologize. I was just thinking about something else.

Haha. I wonder what you were thinking about.

I had done the alternative service at the Dungeon Administration Team. I suddenly remembered that.

Ah. Is that so? Where did you work?

I worked near Mun-Gyeong. Thanks to that, I had been to every single dungeon in the Gyeong-Book region.

You were a level 3 hunter already? Thats impressive.

Ah, no. I was a porter.

A porter?

Lee Jung-hyuns pupils shook for a moment. The alternative service was just a few years ago, and I who was a porter at that time had cleared a level 4 dungeon. He was probably wondering if I was lying.

I remember you saying that there was a level 6 centaur in the dungeon. Are you saying that you were able to become a level 6 hunter from a porter in just a few years?

This much of a response was a matter of course. I would have asked so even if it was me. But it was a fact that I did not have to say every single matter. In these situations I needed to push forward with force.

It was already true that I had cleared the dungeon and I didnt need to do such an interview after all.

The one that would have regrets was the other side not me.

Are you doubting me?

More than doubting Its just a little hard to believe.

The words were said carefully but the expression was not so. It was openly showing doubt. If its like this then even I get a bit annoyed. I was thinking about just leaving but Soo-ah got up first.

Her expression was pretty scarey.

What did you just say?

Its vital for this kind of information to have credibility. There needs to be some form of evidence for it to be trusted.

Why should we do this interview if youre not even going to trust what we say?

When did I ever say that I didnt trust you?

Your expression is saying exactly that. Its a face of complete disbelief.

No, I dont think thats something to get angry about though.

The atmosphere was becoming pretty bad. Did I have to calm her down.

Its not something to get angry about? You called us and treat us like liars and you expect us to stay calm?

Like I said, when did I ever say so?

You just said so!

Oh boy. Then can you believe it? He was able to become a level 6 hunter from being a porter in a few years? Its not like Im an idiot. You could have just said that you dont want to tell me honestly, isnt this going a bit overboard?

So youre finally admitting it.

Well, then give some evidence or something then.

Lee Jung-hyuns face became red. Soo-ah stared at him while biting her lips. It was not something that should have gotten this heated about though.

I first put my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

Hey, sit down for now. Theres no need to be so angry.

It is something to become angry about.

To be honest, it was a bit refreshing. It was a situation where she said what I was contemplating. But we had nothing to gain from causing trouble.

She expression loosened up a bit as if noticing my feelings.

Doing that much was plenty.


Soo-ah sat down for now. I started talking to Lee Jung-hyun this time.

You can sit down as well now.

Are you not going to apologize?

I quickly pushed down on Soo-ahs shoulder. She moved slightly trying to get up before taking her seat again.

Lee Jung-hyun looked like he wouldnt do anything else before getting an apology. This guy seemed to have quite a temper as well.

It was difficult to enter dungeons if you were put on the Dungeon Administration Teams blacklist so there were quite a few officials that pressured hunters.

Of course that was in the case of an ordinary hunter.

It would be bad if they mistakenly got on the wrong side of a high ranking officials child after all.

But that didnt mean they could look down on people like this.

I silghtly frowned and opened my mouth.

Are you not going to work?

Youre coming out this uncooperatively so how could I work?

Uncooperatively you say which part?

Lets just lay it all out then. A level 6 centaur you say. Why would something like that come out of a level 4 dungeon?

Was there no such information from people that went in before?

Being angry was one thing but I thought that part was weird. Leaving aside being unable to clear it, did they not even meet the centaur.

I heard that they werent able to progress much further from the entrance.

Whats the mortality rate like?

There is no need for me to tell you such things as far as I know.

Ok, I thought that the administration team had to publicly announce things like the number of casualties and survival rate though.

They had to immediately announce something like casualties on the homepage. Things like survival rate were the most accurate barometers as indicators of how dangerous the dungeon was.

It has just opened. It cant be helped that theres some problems in the early stages.

Ok, so whats the percentage.

Its 80%.


At his words Han Joon-suk let out a low moan. I was also surprised at this. 2 out of 10 died?

If it was that dangerous, shouldnt the level have been adjusted for the people? Level 3 hunters are entering in droves no?

We decided that there was a need to look at the situation a little longer.

Seriously, theres people dying.

That is our jurisdiction and has nothing to do with you.

Of course it has something to do with me. Its a dungeon I created.

This meant that there were up to hundreds of people dying a day. It might just be this particular one, but the dangers of Red Holes is something I have felt as well.

Senior brother, this.

Soo-ah put a smartphone in front of me. It was the Hunter Market bulletin board. I left Lee Jung-hyun alone and slowly read the bulletin board.

Red Holes are awesome. So many items drops. Seems to be almost 10%.

It was about getting a lot of items after coming back from a Red Hole. On top of that, there were quite a few items that werent part of the original ones.

The comments below it didnt hide their expectations.

How many did you get?


Damn. That means there were 100 monsters?

Its not 100 but several hundreds. We got tired while killing them so we came out. Its a complete treasure field.

Then. How much do you get if you sell it? What level dungeon did you go into?

By current rates it will probably be about several billions of won.

Holy Then shouldnt we go now? Its hella nice.

Definitely go. Go twice.

Bull shit. If its such good information why are you releasing the information without receiving money?

Dont go if you dont want to. You can stay poor while others profit.

The guy above seems to be doing that because hes already feeling rich. I was also going to act accordingly after waiting but I think Ill go now. I should quickly make an appointment.

Gathering people for a party. We have a fresh tanker that doesnt even have a scratch on his item.

I was getting annoyed with the raid teams that were being territorial at the Yellow Sea but I can just go there now.

Come quickly.

It wasnt even at the level of a mess. It was a situation where even people at the Yellow Sea would come after hearing about the high item drop rate.

It wasnt like there werent people warning about the high difficulty level but they were mostly buried in other comments or became targets of mockery.

This cant be left as it is no?

I showed the smartphone in my hand to Lee Jung-hyun. I thought that he would be concerned but his started smiling instead.

There was something off about this.

Is this the time to be laughing? Theres this many people swarming to such dangerous dungeons.

Its only something that happens in the beginning. Since the item drop rate is high they will be able to equip them and the survival rate will rise as well.

He said so as if it wasnt something to be concerned about.


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