Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 9: Terrifying Power! Instant Kill of the Minotaur Herd!

Chapter 9: Terrifying Power! Instant Kill of the Minotaur Herd!

Chapter 9: Terrifying Power! Instant Kill of the Minotaur Herd!

After absorbing all the energy of the S-grade Divine Fire Jade Essence, the level only increased by four!


What is this?

You should know that at level 1, if a human could consume and digest an S-grade natural treasure, they would definitely rise to a dozen levels!

But for Xiaojiu, it only increased by four levels!

This shows that the experience required for dragon upgrades is far more than that for humans.

Of course...

Because of this, the attribute boost brought by leveling up is also extremely terrifying!

Strength and intelligence attributes rose from 300 to 500!

Agility and physique attributes rose from 270 to 450!


Just as expected of the dragon race!



Xiaojiu, who was intimately snuggling with Qin Fan, raised its head alertly, its golden dragon eyes looking towards a corner of the small valley.

Following Xiaojiu's gaze, Qin Fan saw a group of minotaurs holding stones!

[Monster: Minotaur]

[Level: 12]

[Type: Beast monster]

[Skills: Throwing, Horn Charge]

[Qualification: Black Iron ★★★]

[Note: Common small monsters in the Youlin Mountains, they like to eat cat demons' meat and are enemies with cat demons.]

Looking at this group of minotaurs, Qin Fan knew they were here to hunt cat demons in this small valley!

But what they didn't expect was...

All the cat demons were dead!

Instead, there was a Holy Flame Dragon!


Originally, the aggressive and violent minotaurs were now trembling with fear under Xiaojiu's dragon might, their eyes filled with terror.

They even dropped the stones they were holding to kill.

Obviously, in the face of the supreme dragon race, these little monsters were utterly terrified.


Even though Xiaojiu was annoyed by these minotaurs interrupting its time with its master, it still obediently turned to Qin Fan for permission.

Master, can I kill them?

Qin Fan naturally had no reason to refuse Xiaojiu.

With the master's permission, Xiaojiu immediately became happy.

Just a flap of its wings!


Like a flash, even Qin Fan couldn't see what happened...

Xiaojiu's figure instantly appeared in front of the already terrified minotaurs!

Without any hesitation...

The dragon's mouth opened!

'Flame Breath'!!


A torrent of flames spewed from Xiaojiu's mouth like a waterfall, and in an instant...


The group of minotaurs was engulfed in the breath, burned to ashes.

Instant kill!!

Qin Fan was dumbfounded.

You should know that without the 'Affinity with Beasts' SSS-grade talent, Qin Fan would struggle even against a single cat demon.

Even if he could win, it would take a lot out of him.

If he faced two or three cat demons at once, he would have to run away.

It's not that Qin Fan was weak.

It's that monsters are much stronger than beings of the same level.

Otherwise, why do so many career changers team up when entering the Youlin Mountains?

If cat demons are so difficult to deal with, how much more so a level 12 minotaur?

A herd of minotaurs would require at least a level 15 five-person adventure team to take down.

But in the face of the Holy Flame Dragon Xiaojiu...

It was just a breath.

And this was overkill.

In Qin Fan's estimation, Xiaojiu could kill this group of minotaurs with just a swipe of its claw.

But it disliked getting its claws dirty.

You should know that dragons have intelligence on par with humans, so they also have unparalleled elegance.

Even with food, they won't eat raw like common monsters.

They would cook it well or do some delicate processing before eating.


Having easily destroyed the group of minotaurs that troubled Qin Fan, Xiaojiu flapped its wings happily and flew back to Qin Fan.

Then it put on a 'praise me' expression.

"Well done!!"

Qin Fan smiled and reached out to rub Xiaojiu's head.

Xiaojiu's monster hunting shared experience with its master.

Qin Fan's level also rose from 11 to 12.


After receiving praise, Xiaojiu patted its little belly covered with divine fire golden patterns.

Understanding Xiaojiu's thoughts, Qin Fan knew it meant:

It was hungry.

This made Qin Fan laugh helplessly.

This little glutton just drank an S-grade Divine Fire Jade Essence!

And after a breath, it's hungry again!

"How about I prepare the cat demon and minotaur corpses for you to eat?"

Qin Fan asked.

He didn't know much about dragons.

He thought, like common monsters, they could eat any monster's corpse.


No surprise, Xiaojiu shook its head in disgust.

It wouldn't eat such disgusting things!

It wanted gourmet food!!

"Alright, alright, let's make gourmet food! But we need to hunt some horned rabbits and magic goats first, so I can make you roast whole lamb and rabbit!"

Qin Fan smiled.

Entering the Youlin Mountains, Qin Fan had planned to stay for a few days.

He had brought plenty of seasonings and outdoor survival gear.

For him, killing 30 cat demons couldn't be done in one go.

But with the help of the 'Affinity with Beasts' talent, he completed it quickly.


Hearing Qin Fan's promise of gourmet food, Xiaojiu roared happily and flew into the sky!

Frightening all nearby monsters into trembling and lying down, not daring to move.

Dragons are the top hunters in the world.

In just ten minutes...

Qin Fan was shocked to see Xiaojiu return with ten horned rabbits and magic goats.

Seeing the happy little dragon cub, Qin Fan could only smile indulgently.

Alright, alright...

After all, it was his own little dragon cub!

What else could he do but pamper it!



Meanwhile, in another valley of the Youlin Mountains.


A burly man raised a giant axe, easily killing two cat demons.

As a level 14 warrior, he could easily kill cat demons thanks to the priest's buffs.

'Weapon Blessing'.

'Strong Body Curse'.

"Haha! You're amazing! Not only do you have a level 10 purple staff, but also the C-grade support skill 'Strong Body Curse'!"

"If it weren't for you, we couldn't kill so many cat demons!"

The burly man laughed.

Two other warriors also laughed.

They were brothers.

The eldest was named Long, and the other two were Erlong and Sanlong.

Being praised by the three warriors, Su Rou remained silent, only nodding slightly, her actions showing her pride.


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