Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 8: Naming Yingjiu! Digesting the Divine Fire Elixir!

Chapter 8: Naming Yingjiu! Digesting the Divine Fire Elixir!

Chapter 8: Naming Yingjiu! Digesting the Divine Fire Elixir!


At this moment, the little dragon cub had finished drinking the bottle of Divine Fire Elixir. Satisfied, it burped, and a flame flickered from its mouth. It wiggled its round dragon body and affectionately nuzzled Qin Fan's palm.

It's hard to imagine the noble and proud dragon species acting cute in Qin Fan's arms.

At this moment.


The system's electronic prompt sounded again!

[Congratulations to the host for completing the second stage of the novice task!]

[Now, distributing rewards!]

[Reward ①: B-level skill 'Hatred Mark'!]

[Reward ②: B-level skill 'Dragon Berserk'!]

[Reward ③: B-level skill 'Dragon Claw atack'!]

[Rewards are distributed. Now initiating the final stage of the novice task!]

[Task: Please level up your dragon pet to Level 10!]

[Reward: Two S-level passive skills exclusive to the profession.]

[Penalty: None.]

[Time limit: 30 days.]

[Please complete the task as soon as possible!]


[Hatred Mark (B): Mark a target, making your dragon pet generate extreme hatred towards it. The damage inflicted on the marked target will increase by 30%.]

[Dragon Berserk (B): Enter a 'berserk' state with your dragon pet, increasing all attributes by 20% during the state.]

[Dragon Claw Assault (B): Transform your arms into dragon claws and attack the target in front, causing massive damage.]

Another batch of generous rewards!!

It seems the system knows Qin Fan is currently too weak, so it offers such rich rewards in the novice tasks!

"It appears the strength of the Dragon Master profession lies not only in controlling dragons but also in integrating dragon abilities into oneself!"

Qin Fan's eyes gleamed as he read the descriptions of the three skills.

It's worth noting...

Currently, his stats haven't changed yet. The four dimensions are still evenly balanced at 15.

However, Qin Fan didn't mind. With such a powerful dragon pet, as long as he doesn't act foolishly, he won't have to worry about exams, dungeons, or battles with others in the future.

Of course, although Qin Fan's talents weren't the best in the class, his combat assessment scores were always the highest in the entire grade.

Heaven didn't grant him the best talents like others but gave him an extremely keen combat intuition.

In battles, even if he couldn't win a one-on-one fight, relying on combat techniques to maneuver, he could protect himself as long as he didn't face opponents with a vast difference in strength.


At this moment, the little dragon cub was affectionately nuzzling Qin Fan's chest, its golden vertical pupils sparkling with happiness.

Since drinking the Divine Fire Elixir, the divine fire golden patterns on the little dragon's body had brightened significantly.

Qin Fan gently rubbed the little dragon cub's head and softly said:

"You don't have a name yet. It's time to give you one."

"Ga-oo!" Hearing Qin Fan mention naming it, the little dragon cub stood up excitedly, waving its cute little dragon claws.

But Qin Fan knew...

Despite its harmless appearance, these seemingly cute little dragon claws could turn into deadly weapons against enemies or monsters.

After all, the four attributes of this little dragon cub was incredibly impressive!

"I originally wanted to give you a cool name like 'Great Fire God,' but since you're a girl, I'll choose a poetic or cute name."

Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Ga-oo!" The little dragon cub's ears drooped upon hearing the name 'Great Fire God.'

However, it perked up again when Qin Fan mentioned giving it a poetic or cute name, looking forward to it.

"My favorite lines of poetry are 'The fireflies gradually gather fire' and 'Green ants brew new wine'..."

"And you love drinking the Divine Fire Elixir, looking like a little drunkard with your red body."

"So, your name will be 'Yingjiu,' with the nickname 'Xiaojiu,' how about that?"

Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Ga-oo! Ga-oo!"

As soon as Qin Fan finished speaking, the little dragon cub's expectant and nervous eyes widened, its golden, gem-like vertical pupils shining with joy.

It nuzzled Qin Fan's chest repeatedly, clearly very pleased with the poetic and pleasant name.

"Then it's decided."

When Qin Fan made the decision.


The little dragon cub's information panel changed in the name section.

[Name: Yingjiu.]

[Nickname: Xiaojiu.]

After nuzzling Qin Fan for a while, Xiaojiu suddenly leaped up, and its little dragon wings flapped fiercely!


A strong gust almost knocked Qin Fan off his feet.

And Xiaojiu's figure soared into the air.

It's undeniable...

Dragons truly are the rulers of the skies!

Even Qin Fan's eyes couldn't keep up with Xiaojiu's speed as it took off!

Once airborne, Xiaojiu wrapped its dragon wings around itself, hovering in the sky, absorbing the golden sunlight.


Even on the ground, Qin Fan could hear Xiaojiu's intense heartbeat clearly!

"It's...digesting the pure energy of the Divine Fire Elixir!"

The Divine Fire Elixir is an S-level heavenly treasure!

Its fire elemental energy is naturally pure and immense!

Although Xiaojiu is a holy dragon, it's still in its infancy, having just hatched from its egg.

It can't instantly absorb such pure and immense fire elemental energy like an adult dragon.

And while digesting this energy...

Xiaojiu's body, originally the size of a cat, grew visibly larger.

After half an hour.

Hovering in mid-air, Xiaojiu finally spread its dragon wings covered in divine fire golden patterns.

Its body had grown to a height of 1.6 meters!

The intense heat it emitted was terrifying!

Qin Fan had no doubt that if Xiaojiu breathed fire at this small mountain, it could melt the entire peak in an instant!


Xiaojiu, having fully digested the Divine Fire Elixir, swooped down from the sky.

Then it hovered in front of Qin Fan.


It excitedly pounced into Qin Fan's arms.

Its massive head affectionately nuzzled Qin Fan.

The little creature seemed unaware of its significantly changed size.

Qin Fan struggled to support Xiaojiu's affectionate behavior while checking its information panel again.

[Dragon Pet: Blazing Holy Dragon (Master of Infinite Fire)]

[Name: Yingjiu.]

[Nickname: Xiaojiu.]

[Gender: Female.]

[Age: Less than a month.]

[Level: 5.]

[Four Attributes: Strength 500; Wisdom 500; Constitution 450; Agility 450] (Without any buffs, equipment, or item bonuses)


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