Dungeon Life

Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Two

Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Two

I watch and listen through Teemo as Rezlar starts his speech.

Citizens of Fourdock, I am Lord Mayor Rezlar Herjan Kalsorthoth Niyeroul ifGofnar the Eighth. Many of you have never even heard my voice, let alone seen me. Its not because of a lack of interest, but because of the simple fact that the day to day life here is so stable. Theres no need for me to interfere when life and business are working so well already.

He glances at Teemo before continuing. Then we got a new dungeon, last spring. Fourdock has not had great luck with dungeons, so plans started to be drawn up for what to do about it. For those somehow unaware: Thedeims growth has been much quicker than usual, which makes planning difficult. An ordinary dungeon may take a year or more before its first expansion, and typically a decade before its first enclave.

Plans are hardly made before theyre woefully out of date, thanks to his rapid progress. He pauses, which is Teemos cue.

Im Teemo, Thedeims Voice, if anyone didnt know, he says and looks around the crowded hall, and sees a few faces light up as they realize why Rezlar had a rat with him. He wont apologize for his quick growth, nor for taking decisive action against Neverrest and Hullbreak, though he does recognize hes put the local government in an awkward position. He understands that he could just ignore all this and just do his thing, but he says he wants to be a good neighbor.

And while a good neighbor will do his best to fix any mess that spills onto someone elses property, a good neighbor also lets the neighbor know if a mess might be incoming in the first place. The Boss didnt do that, so he apologizes not only to the Lord Mayor, but to the people of Fourdock, too.

Rezlar smiles at that, and at the surprised murmuring of the crowd. He lets them do so for a few moments, before clearing his throat and continuing. And a good neighbor accepts an honest and earnest apology, so: thank you, Thedeim. Moving forward, hes agreed to work closer with me and my people to ensure further plans can keep up, as he seems to have no intention of slowing down his growth.

Teemo grins, earning a few chuckles from the crowd, before Rezlar continues once more. Which is something that will be good for Fourdock. Revenues are up across the board, delvers and crafters alike are seeing a spike in their growth, thanks to his unique style of challenge. Much like I had no intention of interfering in the lives of Fourdock, I have no intention to interfere in Thedeims.

He holds up the scrollcase. I have here some preliminary plans, primarily focused on security for the town and trade routes. With the increased wealth all around comes increased tax income, which will be put to good use to ensure that, should another evacuation become necessary, a proper shelter will be available. The guards will also see increased funding, both to be able to facilitate such emergency measures, but to also patrol and secure our road to the rest of the country.

Ill be in communications with the various guild heads to work out the specific details and to hear their input, as well as keeping in touch with our local dungeon. For us both to grow strong, we must work together. Thank you, he says and nods at the gathered people, before heading back out the door he entered from. Teemo follows him, so I get to see the young noble deflate once out of the view of everyone else.

His butler is there to help guide the shaking elf to a chair, and offers him a warm cup of tea without prompting, which he sips gratefully.

That was a good speech, Rezlar, says my voice, hopping up on the arm of the chair.

Do you really think so? he asks, sounding more battered and tired than a lot of my delvers after a boss fight.

Yeah. The boss isnt a great speaker, but you avoiding uhming and stuttering, had good posture, and made eye contact with people. He says those are important, encourages Teemo, earning a small, relieved smile from Rezlar.

Well he is not wrong. Rezlar sets his cup aside for a moment and just shakes out his limbs, working the stress away before he takes his cup back. Will you be able to help with the construction of a hold in the mountains?

Teemo nods. Yeah, the Boss says he might even get Coda to help with the design. I dont know if the ratlings will be able to provide much help, but they do pretty good work for the Boss, so who knows? I can even make a shortcut to it, once you guys find a good spot. Probably cant go looking until spring? he asks, and the young elf nods.

The town itself has manageable snow, but not even the dwarven citizens are going to want to wander the mountains until after the thaw.

Teemo nods at that. The Boss says he could spare a few tundra wolves to survey, but theyre not exactly experts in whats actually needed to build a hold.

Nor am I, admits Rezlar. Theyll probably look over what maps of the region we already have and look for a place near a river source. Access to water means access to food. As for how to actually carve thats up to the miners, masons, and carvers. He sighs in relief as he finishes his tea, and sags in his chair, at least until Miller clears his throat.

If the Young Master is recovered, perhaps we could see to the rest of the business of the day? asks the prim butler of his charge, who sighs deeply, but nods before standing. He pauses in mid-step, and gives Teemo a weighing look.

Teemo would Thedeim be upset if I delved in disguise? Or at all? he asks, and Miller raises an eyebrow at that.

Young Master?

Rezlar grimaces, but pushes forward. I know its supposed to be a secret, but it just feels wrong to not at least let him in on it.

Teemo smiles. And the Boss will be less likely to let it slip if he knows you want it to be kept quiet. Hes not against it, but he says youll get the same treatment as the other delvers.

Rezlar smiles in relief at that. Miller bows at him in acquiescence, though I get the feeling he would have preferred I not know. Id probably be able to tell pretty quickly anyway right?

Thank you, Teemo and Thedeim. With that, the lad and his butler make their exit, and Teemo soon does the same. I turn my attention to the ratlings and Coda working on Rockys ring, watching them go through the process of prototyping the strange arena.


The skinny orcish guildleader looks over his desk at his latest applicant, and glances at the gentleman at his side. Miller has done an impressive job disguising the two. Rezlars hair is darkened to almost black, and his skin is far darker, making him look like a wood elf, rather than the city elf he actually is.

The light leather armor and other adventuring gear also helps hide the identity of the young noble, as well as the rapier at his hip. Rather than some fancy filigreed thing, its much more simple and practical. At least the Lord Mayor is smart enough to know the difference between something for some aristocratic duel, and something thats going to see actual sustained use.

Miller is done up to look like the lads father: similar skin tone and hair, as well as well-used equipment. He wouldnt look out of place as part of the guard in any caravan.

Honestly, he wouldnt have even realized who they are, if not for the fact the forms are incapable of recording falsehoods. He doublechecks the seals to confirm, and theyre still fully functional. Rezlars full name is clearly there, though his adventurer alias simply has him as Larrez

I take it youd like the public records to be redacted? he asks, and Miller gives a nod. Alright, thats fine. Lots of people get into adventuring to get away from something, so thats not going to raise too many brows. Youre not joining? he asks, already knowing the answer from the lack of a second form for the butler, but itd be rude to ask directly.

Miller shakes his head. The Young Master needs to grow on his own. Despite my desire to safeguard him from every potential danger, he must still learn to handle some things on his own.

Karn nods at that and taps his foot as he considers the situation. Itll be a bit awkward for him starting without a party, though. I have a few solo delvers, but theyre natural networkers, so they dont have trouble proving their worth to get quests.

Rezlar looks nervous about that. There are no open parties?

Karn shakes his head. Nope. Weve had more adventurers showing up lately, but were still out of the way enough that only solidified teams or dedicated soloists have actually joined.

The orcs foot stops as he gets an idea, and he grins at the newest member of his guild. Though there are two strong people in town who havent joined up yet. They only recently got their classes, so thats fair, but still. I want them in my guild. He grins as Larrez shrinks a bit in his seat. I think your first quest for the guild will be to recruit them. Theyre a bit younger than you, but dont let that fool you. Inspector Tarl is probably the only person in town who has more experience with Thedeim than they do and possibly not even him.

Miller frowns slightly at that, while Larrez looks confused. How can they have only just gotten their classes, then?

Karn shrugs and smirks. Youll have to talk to them and probably their mentors, too. Id like your first quest to be to recruit Rhonda and Freddie to the guild. And make a good impression with them, alright? Theyre probably your best bet to form a party with.


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