Dungeon Life

Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Three

Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Three

Rezlar Larrez

The young elven noble does his best to suppress his anxiety as he walks down the street. This is the first time in a long time that hes not been accompanied by Miller. There is, at least, the small comfort that nobody seems to be paying him any attention, thanks to the disguise.

He suppresses the urge to look around for his butler, knowing it wont do him any good. Hes appeared between blinks before. If he doesnt want to be seen, hes not going to be seen. Still, hed like to have the reassurance of his presence which is probably why, if he even is around, hes not going to make himself known. Rezlar is supposed to be learning to stand on his own. If he cant even walk down the street without help, how is he supposed to run even a small backwater like Fourdock?

Especially with the town making strides towards being a frontwater, at the minimum. He sighs and takes a moment to collect himself. Nobody recognizes him, nobody has any cause to bother him, everyone is just trying to do their thing, which does not include scrutinizing his every move. His eyes wander as he repeats that to himself, showing the truth of the little mantra. The only people around paying him any attention at all are merchants hawking their wares, and even that is simply because hes there, not that they have a specific interest in him.

Nerves calmed, he continues down the road, following the directions towards Staivens Emporium. Hes vaguely aware of the establishment being one of the premier alchemy and enchanting stores in the town, with Old Staiven being a well-respected member of the community. Even if he didnt need to pick up Rhonda from there, itd be a good idea to stop in and get some potions. Hes confident in the status of his equipment, but he doesnt have much in the way of consumables.

He steps through the door, and a little bell rings to alert the goblin sitting behind the counter, a spider the size of a hand sitting on her wide hat. She smiles at him as he enters.

Welcome to Staivens Emporium! Is there anything I can help you with, or would you like to browse some first? If youre looking for true aqua affinity potions, were out of stock, but Master Staiven has plenty of water breathing potions, inspired by the dungeon Thedeim! she says, going through the spiel. Rezlar probably shouldnt be surprised that people are apparently asking about water affinity potions. He has no intention of going there, but proper adventurers are always pushing boundaries. Even with what happened just a couple days ago, its no surprise that some are looking to delve the watery dungeon.

His thoughts are interrupted as he realizes hes staring and hasnt said anything yet. He coughs and looks away. Uh Ill browse a little, I think.

The goblin smiles and gestures at the shelves. If you have any questions, just ask! With that, she turns her attention back to her book on the counter, resuming scribbling in it.

Rezlar peruses the shelves as he considers how to try to approach her. If theyre going to be a party, the direct approach is probably the best, but he doesnt know what to say! He picks a red potion from the shelf, seeing its labeled as a healing potion. He considers how many he should get as he considers his options with Rhonda.

Just blurting out he wants to join her party would just be too weird so how to approach the subject? He sets the bottle down, resolving to get five, and looks at the lightning resist potions, wondering why there are so many of them. Is Thedeim a lightning affinity dungeon?

He examines the bottle as he comes to a realization. Karn seemed to be at least passingly familiar with Rhonda and Freddie, so perhaps he should bring up the guild. Itd be a better preamble than nothing. He nods to himself as he takes a resist potion to the counter, then brings several healing potions as well.

Rhonda looks up as the first bottle meets the countertop, and smiles as she watches him gather the rest. Will this be your first time into Thedeim, then? she asks, and he almost drops the healing potions on the floor at her question.

Is it that obvious? he asks, uncertain how else to respond.

Eh a bit. I know the regulars, but I havent seen you before. Are you a caravan guard or something? she asks, making conversation as easy as she breathes.

His cover story is easy to remember and relate, thankfully. Was. I was a guard for a caravan coming up here. I heard the local dungeon is pretty good for learning the basics. I just joined the Adventurers Guild, actually. He shows his wooden emblem, and she nods at that.

Guildmaster Karn seems like a smart guy. He usually sends all the newcomers here to make sure theyre prepared. Thedeim hasnt killed anyone, but that doesnt mean theres no danger.

Rezlar jumps on the opening. Guildmaster Karn actually did send me here, and for more than simply potions.

That gets her to tilt her head in curiosity. Oh?

Rezlar nods. He says you and your friend just got your classes? Hed like to offer you two membership, and I dont have a party yet he weakly finishes.

Rhonda seems to chew that over for a few seconds, before letting her eyes wander over Rezlar. Shes clearly taking his measure as an adventurer, her eyes lingering on his leather armor and the rapier at his hip.

Hmm Freddie and I do pretty good, but we could use a dedicated damage dealer. Is that what you specialize in? she asks, and Rezlar nods.

Yes, Im a Fencer with kinetic and water affinities.

Rhondas eyes widen at that. Water? Ooohh, that could be really good. Im an Ice, er, I have ice affinity, so we should be able to work together great! She beams for a moment, before deflating slightly. Ill need to ask Master Staiven if hes ok with it, though. Hes been teaching me so much ever since I got my class, I wouldnt want to mess anything up. She looks up and shakes her head slightly. Lucas? Could you go get him?

The spider on her hat, apparently Lucas, chitters and jumps off, quickly making his way through a hatch behind the counter.

Rezlar realizes he hasnt introduced himself yet. He starts a formal bow, before remembering what Miller said about how to blend in properly. Bows might be tradition in higher society, but handshakes are more commonplace in the rest of the citizenry. He holds his hand out a little awkwardly and tries to put on a brave face.

Im Larrez, by the way.

Rhonda smiles much more naturally and shakes his hand. And Im Rhonda, pleased to meet you! Though you probably know my name already, she finishes with a giggle. It fades after a few moments as she seems to realize something.

Does Karn know what my class is? Or Freddies?

Rezlar quirks an eyebrow at that. Not specifically, no. He said youre some kind of ice caster, and Freddie is a paladin? he offers, uncertain what she seems to be fishing for. Whatever she was hoping to hear, he apparently said, because she smiles.

Ah, good! Our classes are she trails off, uncertain how to explain it. A new voice from the hatch, though, saves her the trouble.

Nothing to be embarrassed about with your class, Rhonda. An Ice Sage might be a rare class, but it still takes diligence and work to use, like any other. An aged ratkin climbs out of the hatch in the floor, spider on his head. Once up, he plucks the arachnid off his head and lobs it at Rhondas hat. Back home with you, you hairy leg-beast, he says with a smirk, before turning his attention to the new elf in his shop.

So, youre here to get Rhonda to join the Adventurers Guild, he says, clearly not as a question. Rezlar gulps and nods.

Er, yes sir. He tries not to sweat as Old Staiven peers at him, weighing and sorting everything about him. After a few uncomfortable seconds, the ratkin speaks, looking and sounding much less intimidating.

I had expected Karn himself to come trying to beat my door in, or try to sneak a letter or something to her. Rhonda, do you want to join? he asks, and the young goblin nods.

Yes! Freddie and I delve so often anyway! Itd be a great resource for us!

Staiven nods at that. Yes, it would. Just be sure to read whatever quests before you accept them. Youre still my apprentice, and Ill not have you running halfway across the continent because you accepted a quest you shouldnt have!

Rhonda giggles at that. No, Master Staiven. Ill be careful.

He hmphs, though the ghost of a smile ruins his crotchety master look. Good. You three go run along and talk with Freddie. The latest batch of potions are cooling, and Ill have you bottle them and clean the cauldron once you return. Ill mind the store until then.

Rezlar is confused about the number of people Staiven seems to think will be leaving the shop, at least until Rhonda whoops in excitement and hops off her stool.

Come on, Lucas! We need to get our stuff! Rezlar watches her go, surprised at how apparently intelligent the arachnid is. His thoughts are interrupted by the voice of Old Staiven.

You make sure shes safe, Larrez. Freddie does a good job of it, but Ill be holding you responsible if anything happens to her. The aged craftsman is staring at him again, making Rezlar feel like hes a specimen in a jar. He gets the feeling that, if he somehow manages to get Rhona hurt, that might be a preferable fate compared to whatever else the ratkin might do to him.


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