Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 26: Beauty out of the circle

  Chapter 26 Beauty out of the circle

  In the old house of the Bo family, the large floor-to-ceiling windows slightly obscured the rustling wind outside the mountains and forests, and the blood-red setting sun made the tall and straight figure of the man by the window extraordinarily lengthy.

The two bodyguards stood side by side, lowering their heads as if they had done something wrong, "Eldest young master, at that time Ye Xian said, that we would take off his clothes and let him find them out... I felt it, that's why we let him go to the bathroom It was changed, I didn’t expect it, so I ran away for him.”

  When repeating Ye Xian's original words, the two stammered, as if they were a little embarrassed to speak, and Jiang Wanze's face on the sofa beside him turned dark.

   Thought he had changed a bit today, but he was still the same disgusting **** who casually said such shameless things to a man.

  Jiang Wanze looked at the man standing behind the window: "Brother, don't tell grandpa about this, so as not to make the old man angry. Ye Xian's gift must be for me, to disgust me on purpose."

  Bo Tingshen looked sideways slightly, the light in his long and narrow eyes flickered, "That's a set of women's underwear."

  Jiang Wanze, "..."


   At first, he thought he could take advantage of Mr. Bo's birthday banquet to get some resources, but in the end, he got nothing, and was messed up by his second brother, and got even deeper with Liang Zi, a top boss.

   Really unlucky reminder, nothing good...

  Ye Xian ruffled his broken hair dejectedly, and a push message came from his mobile phone with a 'ding~'.

   Number one on Weibo's hot search list—is this Ye Xian? ? ?

  After her name, three question marks were added in a row.

   Ye Xian went in with a confused face, and the first Weibo was posted by a marketing account with over a million followers:

  【Fuck! Am I blind? Come and help me, Jimeis, is this Ye Xian? ? ? How did he become like this? So handsome! What about the spirited guy in fancy clothes? What about smoky makeup and green hairy monsters? How could this handsome and A little brother be the **** boy Ye Xian! 】

  Picture: At Bo Yuanshan's birthday banquet, a photo of the four of FOR

The picture is a candid shot, it looks a little blurry, Jiang Wanze's face on it is very ugly, Lin Yan looks at her blankly, Cary looks surprised, only she is in the best condition, well-dressed, with a pure smile, which makes people There is a sense of comfort like a spring breeze.Visjt n𝒐velbin(.)c𝒐m for new updates

  The following comments are also Yishui’s shock and disbelief:

  【? ? ? Stop talking, if Ye Xian is such a handsome little brother, I will eat **** on my head! 】

  【Although... this really looks like Ye Xian, he also has a small tear mole of the same style in the corner of his eye. 】

  【Get ready to eat **** on the first floor, stone hammer, Ye Xian posted a photo without makeup on Weibo a few days ago, don’t be too handsome, but no one believed it at the time, everyone thought it was an online picture. 】

  【As a black fan, I feel that in this photo of FOR, Ye Xian actually won, full marks for state, clothes, smile, and looks. He is the Prince Charming in my imagination! I want to turn black powder! Yan Gou is so immoral! 】

  【Fuck, he's so handsome, what stimulated him? This big transformation flashed to me! 】

  【Has the little brother finally figured it out? Don't kill Matt and non-mainstream styling with such a great appearance, it's too eye-catching! 】

  【Hey, hey, everyone, don't be deceived by appearances. It's just a change of skin to seduce Captain Jiang. It's just a dead **** with black material flying all over the sky. What's there to lick! 】

  【9494, all of them seem to have never seen a handsome guy~】

  【I didn't like him before, his talent and acting skills are all bad, but now facing such a handsome and cute face, who the **** can hate him! 】

   Ask the cuties for a wave of five-star reviews~



  (end of this chapter)


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