Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 25: Don't mess with Bo Tingshen

  Chapter 25 Don't mess with Bo Tingshen

   "Really? But Mr. Bo didn't see the gift at all~"

   "I didn't see it, it's a pity..." Ye Shaowen looked regretful, and it took his careful preparation.

   "It's a pity that Bo Tingshen saw it."

  Ye Xian pursed her lips and smiled, already wanting to strangle her second brother to death through the network cable.

"Bo Tingshen?" Ye Shaowen was more than half sober when he heard this name, "He came back a few days ago, I know that this banquet was said to be Mr. Bo's birthday, but in fact it was all for him, yes Oh...Little sister, he saw it, did he do anything to you?"

  Bo Tingshen is a man with deep scheming and unpredictable methods. He is powerful and wealthy in the imperial capital.

   If you want to say that the only person in the Bo family that he can look up to and fear is him.

He has been developing abroad for the past two years. His business has been going smoothly. Now he is back... Although they are in different industries, in the online world and online transactions, there will inevitably be conflicts of interest. With the keen sense of smell of a powerful competitor, he suddenly became vigilant.

   Finally got to the point...

  Ye Xian clenched his fists, "What do you think?"

   Not only did she do it, but she was almost stripped clean in broad daylight, forced to put on **** underwear, and took a photo as a souvenir!

   Ye Shaowen became nervous when he heard her tone, "What did he do to you?!"

   "He..." Ye Xian wanted to blurt out, but hesitated for a moment.

  Ye Shaowen is a fanatic who spoils his sister, he can do anything for his sister.

   And Bo Tingshen is a top boss, the invincible existence in the original book, no one dares to challenge his authority, no one can challenge his authority.

  If she tells this matter, and Ye Shaowen goes head-to-head with Bo Tingshen for her, the loss will not be a little bit.

  The main reason is that she feels that although Erha brother is rich, he may not be the opponent of the big brother in terms of IQ.

  What can I do if I am bullied by someone who can't afford to offend? Smash your teeth and swallow it in your stomach.

   "It's nothing, he just said, don't make such a joke next time."

"that's all?"

  Ye Shaowen was a little unbelievable. In his memory, although Bo Tingshen appeared to be a personable and modest gentleman on the surface, his real temper was not that good. What's more, the little girl was playing tricks on his most respected grandfather this time. How could she let her go so easily?

  But the younger sister never lies.

"Okay, but the second brother must tell you that Bo Tingshen is too thoughtful and has a very decisive and cruel way of dealing with things. Unlike Jiang Wanze, you must be careful in the future and don't provoke him, especially because he cares very much. My younger brother, just like I care about you, you understand?"

  His implication is to tell Ye Xian not to chase Jiang Wanze anymore. After all, Bo Tingshen is back. If Jiang Wanze gets impatient and reports to his elder brother about his younger sister, then Bo Tingshen will probably attack her.

   At that time, he didn't dare to think about what he would do.

  You know it too? How dare you give that kind of **** gift! Ye Xian rolled his eyes silently, "I know, but before you make a joke next time, you must discuss it with me, or be careful that I will unscrew your heavenly spirit cover!"Findd new 𝒔tories on nov/e(l)bin(.)com

  Ye Shaowen was amused by her cute tone, and even more surprised... the little girl was so persuasive this time!

  In the past, when he mentioned Jiang Wanze, she was in a hurry with him!

   "Boss Ye~"

   Someone called Ye Shaowen behind him, and Ye Xian cut off the phone.

  Ye Shaowen looked at the phone that had been hung up with some reluctance.

   "Don't bother me next time I call."

  His little sister is getting more and more lovable.

  (end of this chapter)


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