Divine Mastering Dragon System

Chapter 35

C35 – In Terms of Quantity!

“Ignorant humans.”

The platform descended slowly, with Emerald and Choo Qin facing off against each other.

Behind them, the Wind Dragon let out a mighty roar, stirring up a fierce gale that, along with the Dark Night Elf’s wild aura, exuded a charisma that seemed to bewitch the heavens and the earth.


Choo Qin glanced back at Alyssa, intending to showcase his own frosty flair.

But when he turned, he found his Ice Dragon yawning, on the verge of sleep.

“This is a duel to the death, not the Arena we were at before…” Choo Qin muttered under his breath. Alyssa, previously bored due to her swift victories, now lacked any desire to unleash her Dragon Breath.

“Get serious!” Choo Qin tapped Alyssa’s head in frustration, realizing too late that ever since she hatched from the Dragon Egg, it was he who had indulged her into this complacency.

Emerald’s expressionless face had already sentenced Choo Qin to his fate.

Without the will to fight from his own dragon, how could he call himself a Dragon Tamer?

He reached back and drew his bow, a pale white arrow materializing. The Wind Dragon naturally lent its strength to the arrow’s tip before lunging forward.

Choo Qin instantly sensed danger. This Dark Night Elf was clearly skilled, far beyond the novices of the Beast Fighting Arena.

“Magic Shield.”

The arrow flew with incredible speed, the Elf Clan and the Wind Dragon synergizing to exploit their innate edge.


Choo Qin hadn’t anticipated that his shield would nearly shatter in less than a second.


With a roar from Choo Qin, Alyssa was jolted into alertness. She unleashed a furious Ice Dragon breath, forming a massive Ice Wall that blocked the Wind Dragon’s assault and the arrow’s aftershock.


The battle had truly commenced!

Emerald was taken aback; the Frost Dragon was stronger than expected. It was a pity it was paired with such a loser.

He shook his head. Let the battle begin?

No, the battle had ended before it even began. When the Dark Night Elf released the first arrow, the end was already in sight.

The first arrow was merely a test, a means to pinpoint the target. This human still relied on the power of a dragon.

Choo Qin was clearly not going to be able to catch the next item.

With a look of disdain, he drew his bow again, yet his eyes were even more agile than during his initial attempt. A Dark Night Elf always gives their all, even when hunting a rabbit – such was their creed.

“Seven Star Pearl!”

He slowly pulled back his bow and, to everyone’s surprise, released seven transparent arrows! This was Emerald’s most powerful technique, not intended for Choo Qin, but as a gesture of respect for the Frost Dragon.

“Again?! Can’t you slow down? With that kind of intensity, you’ll never find a husband,” Choo Qin exclaimed, taken aback.

The air was sliced by seven streaks of cold light, each splitting into seven more, culminating in forty-nine formidable arrows – the true essence of the Seven Star Pearl!

The first arrow pierced through Alyssa’s Ice Wall Breath and aimed straight for Choo Qin’s forehead!

From the sidelines, Chen Kai gasped, his heart sinking as his sliver of hope vanished. He could only wish that Choo Qin would consider surrendering at the last second.

But alas, Chen Kai’s hopes were dashed.

“Hmph?” Choo Qin let out a cold snort. “You think you can outdo me in numbers?”

“Prepare to witness true despair!”

With a calm demeanor, Choo Qin conjured barrier after barrier.

As the arrows struck, the sound of shattering filled the air, yet when it seemed certain that Choo Qin would perish, the barriers held firm.

​The third arrow arrived with a crack, yet it did not break through.

The fourth arrow shattered two layers, but still, it was ineffective.

Then came the fifth arrow, and the sixth.

Emerald, inside the arena, opened her mouth slightly in disbelief.

Red Devil, watching from the outside, furrowed his brow, unable to discern the trick.

Chen Kai was equally baffled, but nonetheless relieved that Choo Qin had survived.

Forty-nine arrows struck the same spot, but the Magic Shield remained intact.

Only heaven knew how many layers that shield had!

Choo Qin waved dismissively, casting a scornful glance at the loser.

“Think you can match me in numbers? Have you never experienced unlimited power? My abilities have no mana cost, no cooldowns – understand?”

How many layers does my Magic Shield have?

I’d say it’s over a thousand layers. Take your time trying to break through.


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