Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

Finding himself surrounded, Fang Xiu smiled fiercely, "If that's all you've got, you'll be dead in no time."

Then, the three Specter Slaves used their powers at once.

One slammed his hands on the ground. The earth shook, and countless spikes shot toward Fang Xiu, aiming to pierce him all over.

Another's face turned into a dark, ink-like substance. The substance covered his body in black armor and also transformed into a spear.

The last one multiplied from one to ten, then to a hundred, creating a hundred copies of himself.

All three were powerful second-tier psychics.

Fang Xiu, on the other hand, was exhausted from continuous battles. His body and spiritual energy were at their limits. If not for a brief rest, he might have collapsed from the strain.

Despite the huge power gap, Fang Xiu's fierce smile only grew wider.

"Finally, I can let loose!" he laughed wickedly, sounding like a demon from hell. His laugh echoed everywhere.

He ignited countless Specter powers within the scalpel, causing a massive explosion.


Terrifying power turned into black smoke, forming serpents with the faces of fierce Specters.

These serpents entered Fang Xiu's body, causing him immense pain and making him bleed, yet he laughed even more wildly.

"Power! The power is surging!" he cackled.

This transformation was much stronger than the last, as Fang Xiu's spiritual energy was greater. That allowed him to handle more Specter power despite the greater damage it caused.

As the ground spikes approached, Fang Xiu didn't even glance at them. The dark smoke around him easily destroyed the spikes.

Seeing this, Nightmare panicked, "Are you crazy? With your body in this state, how dare you absorb such immense Specter power?"

Nightmare seemed concerned about Fang Xiu but was actually worried about its own future, as he saw Fang Xiu's body as its possession.

Nightmare came from Green Mountain Mental Hospital and had seen the best there. It knew despite its current glory, Zhou Qingfeng still saw it as a failure.

It wanted to overcome its flaws, possess a real body, and impress President Zhou Qingfeng.

Fang Xiu, Bai Qi, and Yang Ming were its chosen bodies. With their powers of foreseeing the future, extreme speed, and fate, combined with its own, Nightmare believed it could survive even against the strongest enemies.

All Nightmare wanted was to not die. As long as it lived, there was hope. With time, it believed it could become one of the best, proving to Zhou Qingfeng that it was his greatest creation. So, seeing Fang Xiu mistreat its chosen body made Nightmare anxious.

"Stop him! I won't let him damage my body like that!" Nightmare shouted in desperation.

On its command, the three Specter Slaves attacked. The one in black armor jumped high, merging his figure with the blood moon before striking down at Fang Xiu with his dark spear.

The clone Specter Slave sent hundreds of copies to swarm Fang Xiu, while the other Specter Slave smashed the ground, summoning giant earth dragons.

When Fang Xiu's scalpel met the dark spear, a sharp metallic sound echoed. The ground around him cracked and sunk, forming a crater. Shockwaves spread out like tides, bending trees and tossing branches around.

Just as Fang Xiu seemed overwhelmed, the armored Specter Slave, trying to hold him down, caused Fang Xiu's arm to burst from the pressure.

But Fang Xiu, covered in his own blood, just smirked, "The feeling of death? How boring"

Suddenly, Fang Xiu's eye flashed with blood-red light, stunning the armored Specter Slave.

Fang Xiu's hair writhed around like a thousand snakes. Taking advantage of this moment, he wrapped his hair around the earth dragon and pulled. Using the force, he leaped into the air and avoided the incoming attacks.

Nightmare watched, its eyes narrowing at Fang Xiu's terrifying combat instincts.

Fang Xiu's ability to seize the moment, multitask, and coordinate his actions was almost perfect. No wonder he was fearless; he was so calm and ruthless that he could make the most advantageous decisions in any dangerous situation.

After dodging the attack, Fang Xiu stood on the earth dragon. His fingers flipped skillfully as he spun the scalpel in his hand, creating a dazzling display.

He crouched slightly, then exploded forward with incredible speed. His silver hair and the gleaming scalpel turned him into a streak of silver lightning as he rushed toward the clones.

Nightmare sneered. It thought Fang Xiu couldn't possibly identify the real body among the clones, which were almost indistinguishable even to itself. But its smile froze the next second when Fang Xiu, moving through the crowd, precisely targeted and struck the real Specter Slave without hesitation.

He left it with three fatal wounds before it even had a chance to react, and it fell dead.

This was Fang Xiu's "Instant Strikes."

Nightmare was shocked, unable to comprehend how Fang Xiu could have spotted the real body.

_'Is it some sort of precise foresight, allowing Fang Xiu to obtain the exact future information he desires?'_

Only Fang Xiu knew that it wasn't about precise foresight but endless trial and error.

After dealing with the clone Specter Slave, Fang Xiu sensed an incoming attack from behind.

Without even looking back, he dodged by slightly shifting his position. Then, without turning around, he struck backward with his scalpel.

The strike met the black-armored Specter Slave's armor, and while the armor blocked the blade, the force of the blow sent the attacker flying backward."


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