Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Yang Ming's cheeks were puffy as he got up from the ground, saying, "Besides dumb luck, I have the Specter Gadget."

Amazingly, the cut on his neck had disappeared, and the wound was as good as new.

"I guessed right; you wouldn't die that easily." Bai Qi was only slightly surprised and quickly regained his wicked and wild demeanor, adding, "Now it gets interesting."

He noticed Yang Ming holding a black bead in his mouth, emitting strange waves.

"Oh? A Specter Gadget with healing powers? I want to see how many times it can heal."

As Bai Qi was about to attack again, Yang Ming quickly stopped him, speaking unclearly with the bead in his mouth, "Wait a moment, let me have a cigarette first."

Then, Yang Ming actually took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

"Phew!" He breathed out, explaining to Bai Qi, whose face was turning darker, "Don't get me wrong, I mean no disrespect. It's just that the bead in my mouth, taken from a corpse, smells terrible. I'm using the cigarette to cover the smell."

"Go to hell!" Bai Qi roared and suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was in front of Yang Ming, striking down with his dark golden dagger.

Yang Ming, scared, dropped his cigarette and quickly raised his sword to defend.

The fight resumed, but it was clear that Yang Ming, even in the embroidered shoes, was slower than Bai Qi and was always on the defensive.

Soon, Yang Ming had several new cuts, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Bai Qi frowned, "I don't believe there's a Specter Gadget without side effects."

He attacked furiously, but Yang Ming seemed immortal, unable to be killed no matter how much he was cut.

Bai Qi started to panic, unable to believe that even after advancing to the third tier, he couldn't defeat Yang Ming; he even embraced darkness to gain the chance to advance.

His demeanor became unstable, shifting from wicked and wild back to his previous cold and dominating self.

Just then, Nightmare appeared, looking down from the roof.

"Bai Qi, keep attacking. His bead ignores damage, but if he doesn't spit it out within five minutes, he'll turn into a corpse."

Hearing Nightmare's words, Bai Qi stabilized, smirking wickedly, "I see."

Before he could finish, Yang Ming took out an old ceramic jar filled with rotten corpse water.

Then he frowned and said, "Ugh! Indeed, no matter how many times I drink this corpse water from the Corpse Jar, I can't get used to it. But it can delay the transformation into a corpse, so I have to drink it no matter how bad it tastes."

Yang Ming seemed to deliberately provoke Bai Qi and Nightmare as he explained.

Bai Qi and Nightmare were speechless.

"Damn it! The Corpse Jar? How many Specter Gadgets do you have?" Bai Qi's face was twisted into envy, as he didn't have a single Specter Gadget.

It wasn't that he lacked strength, but ever since he met Yang Ming, it felt like his luck had been sucked away, and so he had never encountered a single Specter Gadget.

"Take a guess?" Yang Ming blinked.

Seeing this, not only Bai Qi and Nightmare were speechless, but Fang Xiu was too.

_'So that's God's Plan? While others struggle to find even one Specter Gadget, Yang Ming casually pulls out three and can even use them together?'_

"That's Outrageous!" Bai Qi was furiously mad. "Using three Specter Gadgets at once? I want to see how much longer you can take before your Spiritual Energy goes out of control!"

Yang Ming, a bit embarrassed, scratched his head. "Funny enough, these Specter Gadgets spread their power and polluted my mind, but somehow, they balanced out and canceled each other."

Bai Qi was so angry he couldn't speak and attacked Yang Ming furiously.

Yang Ming was pushed back but couldn't be killed. The two were stuck in a deadlock, turning their fight to death into a war of attrition, waiting to see whose Spiritual Energy would run out first.

Meanwhile, Nightmare had set its sights on Fang Xiu.

Even weakened, Nightmare still seemed confident.

Looking down at Fang Xiu, it said, "Fang Xiu, can you predict the future? Can you see your own?"

"I see you dying in the most tragic way," replied Fang Xiu mockingly.

"Haha," Nightmare laughed wildly, "Your prediction isn't very accurate then. If you think Yang Ming can turn this around, you're greatly mistaken. Bai Qi is my masterpiece. I spent a lot of energy these past days training him to the third tier, with forty-five percent of his Spiritual Energy awakened! In a war of attrition? Yang Ming stands no chance!"

"Really?" Fang Xiu smiled coldly, then turned to Bai Qi and said, "Bai Qi, the reason you lost the captain's competition wasn't that you had diarrhea, but because Yang Ming gave you a laxative the day before."

Bai Qi froze mid-fight, then exploded in rage. "What did you say? Yang Ming, you despicable jerk! I knew it wasn't possible for a second-tier psychic to get a stomach issue!"

Bai Qi's attacks became even more fierce, utterly disregarding his energy consumption.

Yang Ming was both shocked and angry, "Fang Xiu! You traitor, you promised not to tell!"

Upon seeing this, Nightmare's expression darkened, and it quickly said, "Bai Qi, conserve your Spiritual Energy. Fang Xiu is trying to provoke you."

But then, Fang Xiu added, "One more thing, during that fight, although you tried to keep it in, everyone could already smell it."

That statement exploded in Bai Qi's heart like a nuclear bomb.

His expression changed dramatically, turning from red to pale, his overwhelming rage palpable.

"Yang Ming! I will kill you!!"

Bai Qi completely lost his sanity. His eyes were bloodshot, and his veins bulged on his face as he attacked Yang Ming with all his might. He even forgot to conserve his Spiritual Energy and didn't realize that Yang Ming was unkillable at the moment.

Nightmare was utterly dumbfounded by this turn of events, and it found itself unable to control Bai Qi anymore.

Bai Qi hadn't been fully transformed into a Specter Slave because becoming one would halt the growth of his Spiritual Energy, and Nightmare didn't want to waste such a promising talent. So, it had only infused a portion of its power into Bai Qi to stimulate negative emotions and guide him toward corruption. However, this process of corruption wasn't complete.

That was why Bai Qi hadn't been seen until now.

But with Yang Ming and Fang Xiu confronting them, Nightmare had no choice but to send the unfinished Bai Qi into the fray.

"Look what you've done!" Nightmare glared at Fang Xiu furiously. "Everyone, attack!"

At Nightmare's command, three figures descended from the sky. They were the three psychic Specter Slaves Fang Xiu had encountered before.

The three second-tier psychic Specter Slaves formed a triangle, surrounding Fang Xiu completely.



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