Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 31: The Unveiling of Hidden Agendas

Chapter 31: The Unveiling of Hidden Agendas

Chapter 31:  The Unveiling of Hidden Agendas

As Yu Ji-ha headed home, the United States formed a joint investigation team with Russia, the United Kingdom, and others.

The situation was so serious that they couldn’t rely solely on India’s investigation.

Fortunately, the wreckage of the fighter jet was carefully preserved, and India readily granted permission for the investigation.

In fact, there was hardly any need for an investigation because the evidence was so conclusive.

The joint investigation team quickly announced the results.

—Based on the marks on the pilot’s body and the shape of the identification code and air intake, it is certain that the Chinese Air Force was involved.

—This aircraft belonged to the 102nd Division of the Western Theater Command and participated in the hijacking after receiving mid-air refueling in Chinese airspace.

—Although China supported the terrorists with five Taliban members, they failed in the hijacking due to the courageous actions of the passengers.

—We need a detailed investigation to determine the exact cause of the failure, but one thing is certain: China has committed an unacceptable crime.

Once China’s wrongdoing was clearly exposed, countries immediately began to denounce it.

The fact that it was a member of the international community and not a terrorist organization that carried out the hijacking in 2026 was a huge shock.

Surprisingly, while the United States delayed its statement, European Union member states spoke out.

—It is shocking and sad. In 2026, China committed the crime of hijacking. The fact that the country has come forward leaves no room for excuses and is definitely unacceptable…

—After their audacity shown in the Spratly Islands, this reaffirms that China’s greed knows no bounds.

—We are disappointed in China.

—The most disappointing news in the 2020s

—China has lost self-control and become a country that has even abandoned basic common sense.

The European Union member states had maintained a relatively decent relationship with China due to their slight distance from the country.

However, the attempt to hijack and conceal the passenger plane shocked them, leading them to issue strong statements.

Russia and Japan also joined in the condemnation.

—We had no idea that China was trying to make money through kidnapping. We demand immediate apologies and necessary actions.

—We doubt if China is aware of its position as a G2 country. The Japanese government deeply regrets the incident and extends condolences and encouragement to the Korean passengers and Vice Chairman Yu Ji-ha, who were victims.

As more than 100 countries expressed their strong stance, the United States finally spoke up.

Rather than a spokesperson, it was the President himself who mentioned 9/11 and put pressure on China.

—Unbelievable events have occurred. We must feel sorrow and anger that a country like China has committed such a crime. We cannot let the nightmare of 9/11 repeat itself.

—I commend the passengers of Flight KE117 for their calm and courageous actions in dealing with the terrorists. I also extend my respect to Vice Chairman Yu Ji-ha, who skillfully piloted the passenger plane.

Finally, the US President hinted at the possibility of designating China as a state central of terrorism.

Of course, it is unlikely to actually happen.

Since the 2020s, the trade volume between the two countries has skyrocketed, and there are many economic entanglements.

However, it was important that even with such overt pressure from the United States, China couldn’t respond with its previous fiery rhetoric.

In other words, they also recognized the seriousness of this incident and chose to temporarily subdue their reactions.

According to Shanghai News, China has reportedly arrested dozens of individuals, including the commander of the Western Theater Command, in connection with this incident.

They also indirectly hinted at a 100 billion yuan investment through the NCC Group in South Korea.

However, they did not disclose their stance on Yu Ji-ha, who played a central role in this incident.

Finally, Air Force No. 2 arrived at Seoul Airport, and government officials welcomed him.

As it was being broadcasted live, everyone was astonished by the grand reception.

—What an over-the-top visit. Is this a state visit or something?

—The President probably wanted to be there himself instead of the Chief of Staff.

—It felt like a scene from a movie seeing Yu Ji-ha coming down from the plane.

—Did Yu Ji-ha really suppress the terrorists, or was it the armada?

—He’s not even an Air Force officer…

—But what happened to the other passengers? Why didn’t they come along?

—Yu Ji-ha is a VIP, and the other passengers are ordinary people, right?

—Do we really need to make a big deal out of it? The government said they would mobilize a whole plane to bring them back.

—It was said that Yu Ji-ha met with everyone in India and apologized, saying it was all his fault.

—Someone posted on social media that the apologies were so sincere that he sent gifts to each one of them.

—Even though he is a victim, he went to such lengths…

—Other chaebol kids are always causing accidents and such, but he became a hero.

—He’s handsome, smart, and rich, and now he even has a good personality. Is this balance for real?

Finally, Yu Ji-ha stood in front of the improvised press podium after exchanging greetings with government officials.

At this moment, the number of people watching this broadcast reached tens of millions.

Depending on his statement, global stock markets would fluctuate, and the black metal ecosystem would be affected significantly.

“…I would like to express infinite gratitude and trust to the Indian government, the Korean government, and the U.S. government for assisting me and the passengers. In contrast, I cannot contain my anger towards the Chinese government, which attempted to threaten the lives of the passengers and strip me of my freedom with despicable terrorism.”

“…I want to declare here and now. There will be no more dialogue with the Chinese government. No compromise, no exchanges. The Chinese government will be expelled from the black metal ecosystem and will not secure a single dismantler.”

These words were tantamount to treating China as a non-existent country, without receiving any investments.

Some journalists recalled the case of Japan. 

The atmosphere was similar then, but in the end, it didn’t amount to much and remained unresolved.

Money ruled everything. 

That was the harsh truth.

—If I promise an investment, I’ll deliver.

—The sheer size of China makes it impossible to ignore in reality.

However, Yu Ji-ha’s following statement left the journalists dumbfounded.

“This measure will be enforced until the day I die. You all here are witnesses.”

He dropped a bombshell declaration.

As silence engulfed the conference room, Yu Ji-ha reaffirmed his stance.

“Until the day I die, there will be no interaction with the current Chinese government. That’s final.”

So, did that mean if the current Chinese leadership was replaced, there could be a possibility of interaction?

But everyone knew that it was highly improbable.

As he disappeared with government officials, various countries announced sanctions against China.

While the Chinese stock market plummeted, Korea was not unscathed.

The stock prices of some companies related to China dropped, including Silla Energy.

It seemed that China’s presence was too substantial to completely exclude from Korea’s economy.

That had been the case until now.

Yu Ji-ha instructed Arma.

“Get started on that.”

One day in late May, prosecutors, police, and various media outlets received an envelope containing documents and a few photographs.

This envelope, containing the evidence, sent shockwaves through Korean society.

The director’s office at Yeouido Broadcasting Station was filled with thick cigarette smoke.

Several photos and documents placed on the table had top officials deep in anguish.

Lee Hong-sik, Jin Cheol-jin, Bae Dong-guk…

Prominent members of the ruling party, who could be considered the cream of the crop, were frolicking with women who were no different from escorts.

And that’s not all they did.

The documents blatantly revealed the real estate holdings of these lawmakers in Beijing.

Not to mention the offshore accounts and transaction records amounting to billions.

“If this blows up, it’s going to be a complete disaster.”

“The pro-China lawmakers will be wiped out. No need to wait for the next general election.”

“If what NCC Group provided is true, we should shut down operations in Korea.”

“It’s strange that there haven’t been any protests about this.”

The statements of the people were steeped in reality.

Already, Yu Ji-ha and the passengers had almost been kidnapped by the Chinese, and if this scandal were to erupt on top of that, anti-China sentiment would explode.

China’s influence wouldn’t be annihilated, but it was evident that its foundation would be shaken.

And this wasn’t even the whole story.

The head of the newsroom inserted the USB from the envelope into the laptop and played the files.

A familiar voice flowed out.

―The party is disappointed. Can’t you control a mere company?

―There is no excuse…

―No need for long explanations. Apply enough pressure and get the source code at all costs. How can you claim to be involved in a major enterprise when you can’t handle a single company?

―We absolutely have to obtain it.

Cigarettes fell from people’s hands.

To anyone listening, it was unmistakably the voices of Liu Wei and Lee Hong-sik.

One of the directors, realizing the situation, felt dejected.

“Why were we so obsessed with capturing the drone system at the Defense Committee…”

“So Lee Hong-sik was a complete traitor.”

“But who recorded this? It sounds like they were right beside them.”

“That’s not important right now. Even if it blows up, it needs to blow up in moderation… Their lives are at stake, not just their positions as lawmakers.”

“Let’s report it. No one can handle this. It’s better to ride along with the prevailing atmosphere.”

The opinions of the broadcasting station executives converged in one place.

In reality, they weren’t the only ones who received this envelope.

They had thought it would be better to let it explode quickly if they couldn’t stop it anyway.

A reporting team was dispatched to China, and that morning, a breaking news report aired.

People endured crowded subway rides and sometimes had meals while listening to this mind-boggling news.

―Concerns have arisen about the China connections of ruling party members, including Representative Lee Hong-sik, reaching the largest scale of suspicion.

―Here is the real estate status of five influential ruling party members. The combined value exceeds 780 million Korean won, a significant sum that cannot help but raise suspicions.

―Lastly, we have obtained the conversation between Liu Wei, who committed theft in Korea and was subsequently banned from reentry, and others. Let’s listen together.

When the problematic conversation was broadcasted nationwide, people were astonished.

―Is this for real? Can such a thing happen in Korea?

―Isn’t he practically Chinese? Why is he pretending to be Korean in Korea?

―Let’s capture and punish all these traitors!

Amidst the explosion of people’s anger, several problematic photos spread across the internet.

One photo, in particular, stood out, clearly showing a figure who was undoubtedly Congressman Lee Hong-sik burying his face in the chest of a woman who had approached him.

Around him, familiar faces were engaged in similar acts, and netizens managed to uncover all of their names.

―Lee Hong-sik, Jin Cheol-jin, Bae Dong-guk, Lee Oh-hyun. These guys are really insane.

―I wondered why only China made him gain weight. Turns out he was indulging in this kind of thing.

―But I have to admit, I’m a bit envious.

─Get a grip, you crazy bastard.

―What are they doing without issuing an arrest warrant from the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission?

─They don’t even conduct summoning investigations, so why bother with an arrest warrant? And do they even know what “non-arrest privilege” means?

─Then they should at least impose a travel ban.

─He’s a sitting congressman, do you really think that’s possible? Besides, everything that has been reported now is mere suspicion.

―If the ruling party doesn’t quickly pass the motion for arrest agreement, they’re all accomplices.

─It hasn’t even been an hour since the news came out…

─And Lee Hong-sik and a few others probably escaped to China and are comfortably enjoying themselves.

─They’ll have their cases closed smoothly.

─As long as China is backing them, we won’t be able to touch those bastards.

─Ugh, it’s frustrating…

Conversations like these could be heard all around.

To be honest, their words weren’t entirely wrong.

It wasn’t easy to dig up real estate information within China, and the fact that they were members of the National Assembly made things even more difficult.

As for the photos and conversations with Liu Wei, they could be dismissed as fabrications if one wanted to.

Lee Hong-sik and the other four congressmen were well aware of the situation and immediately cut off contact and went into hiding.

Throughout the day, follow-up reports continued, and people’s anger reached its peak.

As evening fell, protest groups gathered in various locations in Seoul, including Gwanghwamun.

Despite the lack of a focal point, people had gathered solely out of anger towards the traitors.

In the midst of the police line, people began marching, demanding the removal of those congressmen.

But then an astounding piece of news spread.

It was reported that suspects, including Congressman Lee Hong-sik, had fled to China.

“What? How on earth did they escape?”

“They took a business jet with NCC officials!”

“I knew something like this would happen.”

“Ugh… it’s really despicable…”

Everyone let out a sigh of disappointment. 

They had realized that no matter how many citizens gathered in Gwanghwamun, those with money and power would never be held accountable.

Nevertheless, instead of dissipating, their anger only intensified.

“If those bastards were caught and publicly executed, it wouldn’t be enough.”

Such extreme statements even garnered support from those around, indicating the depth of their frustration.

At that moment, the citizens in Gwanghwamun felt like abandoned dogs.

In a private jet belonging to the NCC group, Congressman Lee Hong-sik and a few others wiped their sweat-drenched brows.

Zhang Jiaojun, a board member, approached and whispered, “We’ve been instructed to wait in the home country. If the situation calms down, we’ll attempt negotiations.”

“But didn’t he say there would be no negotiations until his death… I wonder if he’ll actually go through with it…”

“As you know, absolutes don’t exist in this world. People’s hearts can easily change, and we have the power to make that happen,” he said with a smile, and Congressman Lee Hong-sik finally found solace.

By the way, who could be behind this incident?

Zhang Jiaojun was the first to make contact and claimed innocence, so it couldn’t be him.

It seemed like the work of another faction within China, but he couldn’t figure out who it might be.

Congressman Lee Hong-sik continuously shook his head and buried himself in his seat.

As the Chinese-made business jet crossed over the Shandong Peninsula and entered Beijing airspace, a clicking sound was heard.

It was a reconnaissance probe launched from the Settler-class spacecraft that had attached itself.

Ignoring the astonishment of the people, the probe hijacked the business jet and started pulling it westward, away from Beijing International Airport.

In that direction lay Zhongnanhai, the center of Chinese politics.

The military units deployed everywhere were thrown into chaos.

“Warning! If you don’t turn around immediately, we will open fire!”

“The, the controls aren’t responding! We can’t control the aircraft!”

At that moment, there was a loud boom as the business jet broke the sound barrier and the shockwave reached the ground.

Simultaneously, the anti-aircraft units immediately unleashed anti-aircraft artillery and missiles.

However, the fragile business jet suffered no damage thanks to its plasma shield.


“Everyone, run for your lives!”

Amidst the chaos on the ground, even the vicinity of Zhongnanhai couldn’t escape.

The security team, who obtained intelligence from the military, immediately led Party officials, including the President, into an underground tunnel.

Underneath the Hall of Supreme Harmony, there was a robust anti-nuclear bunker built in preparation for a potential nuclear war with the United States. 

If they could get inside, they could at least survive. 

However, the speed of the business jet was too fast.

The Chinese President opened the thick fireproof door and was about to enter the tunnel when he felt something massive descending upon him. 

It was the shadow of death.


The business jet collided with the Hall of Supreme Harmony, causing a massive explosion.

As the entire Zhongnanhai fell into chaos, Yu Ji-ha, together with Arma, maintained a view of the spectacle through their Sibiri satellite.

“The President, along with 13 others, including the Chief Secretary and members of the Central Committee, have died.”

“Were they in a strategy meeting? Nevertheless, without a successor, this will be the beginning of chaos. We will be against it.”

“The Leftists will be taken care of by Korean society.”

“So, let’s focus on our work.”

This is the future.

As mushroom clouds bloomed over Beijing, the citizens mistook it for a nuclear attack by the United States.

Windows in the vicinity shattered, and people staggered under the aftermath.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony, the heart of Zhongnanhai, evaporated completely along with the business jet, leaving no trace.

Given the situation, it was not unreasonable for the citizens to mistakenly believe it was a nuclear attack.

“The United States has attacked!”

“Take cover! It’s a nuclear bomb!”

While the citizens trembled in fear, the firefighters of Zhongnanhai quickly approached the scene of the fire.

However, they too were inevitably engulfed in shock and fear, just like the citizens. 

This was because the Hall of Supreme Harmony and the lake water had evaporated entirely.

“What on earth has happened…?”

Amidst the black smoke rising to the sky, vehicles from the Public Security Bureau’s Anti-Terrorism Unit and ambulances rushed in, but there was nothing they could do.

As the chaos unfolded, the Beijing Public Security Bureau and the Ministry of State Security immediately launched an investigation into the incident. 

Despite the spread of various rumors and unreliable hearsay, they managed to uncover information closer to the truth.

It was a terrorist attack carried out by a passenger plane.

“Just before the explosion, the nearby Zhongnanhai anti-aircraft artillery unit opened fire.”

“There is a passenger plane that disregarded Beijing International Airport’s instructions and changed its course to the west.”

The investigation was progressing steadily until someone mentioned the casualties.

“The President has died…”

It was none other than the President of the Central Military Commission and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, the leader of the People’s Republic of China.

This news brought an indescribable shock to everyone present.

The ruler of China had died.

Now, what should they do?

The current President was not a figure who could simply be summarized as one of China’s leaders. 

Since 2013, he had held the position of President and monopolized power for a long period, establishing himself as an extraordinary figure who demonstrated China’s strength in all directions.

The fact that such a person had died without a successor meant that his power was crumbling to pieces. 

When power dissipated, there were always people waiting to seize it, but currently, there was no one.

The destruction of the Hall of Supreme Harmony resulted in the simultaneous loss of lives of the members of the Communist Party, up to the 9th rank.

One of the members of the Central Military Commission, who had just arrived at the scene, dropped to his knees and sighed.

―China’s pillar has disappeared…

As those words spread, Beijing was engulfed in a great chaos.

All sorts of information were mixed up, making it difficult to properly grasp what was what.

The senior officials of the Central Party, who were only familiar with receiving orders, couldn’t figure out what they should do.

They knew all too well that if they acted on their own beliefs, they would become mere pawns at the President’s command.

Amidst such confusion, Li Shi Xin, the commander of the Northern Theater, made the following statement.

―So, is our enemy the United States?

As a senior officer of the People’s Liberation Army, he felt the need for revenge.

However, the secretaries of the Central Committee were well aware that the United States was not the main culprit behind the incident.

The direct cause of the explosion in the Hall of Supreme Harmony was a business jet that had flown in from Korea.

But even then, Korea was not the culprit.

The owner of the passenger plane was the NCC Group, a stepping stone set up by China in Korea.

When this fact became known, the surviving members of the Executive Committee and the Politburo were at a loss for words.

―Why did NCC Group do this? Wasn’t Zhang Jiaojun a faithful worker for the Party?

―Looking at the passenger list, most of them are Chinese… There are a few Koreans, but there is no evidence to suspect them as accomplices.

While the culprit was still unclear, some members of the Politburo stated that a concentration of power was necessary for future announcements and crisis management.

However, other officials were thinking differently.

―The President and the members of the Executive Committee have died. Power is floating in the air. In that case, what about me?

―What can I do if I’m only ranked 10th, Wang Wonten…?

Because everyone was lost in their own thoughts, the discussion couldn’t proceed properly.

To make matters worse, Commander Li Shi Xin of the Northern Theater ordered the entry into Beijing, shifting the situation to a new phase.

―I can’t believe the fools in Beijing. I will personally take action.

It was something that would be difficult to happen in other countries.

However, China had assigned senior generals to double as members of the Politburo, and that became the spark.

―All power comes from the barrel of a gun.

According to the words of the great President Mao, the one closest to the power at the moment was not just a member of the Politburo in name, but Commander Li Shi Xin.

He issued orders to his subordinate troops to occupy Tiananmen Square and surround Zhongnanhai.

The pretext was to prevent any possible additional terrorist acts and preserve evidence.

However, during his inspection of the scene, he was suddenly swept away by an unexpected explosion, further worsening the situation.

The generals under Commander Li Shi Xin immediately arrested the members of the Politburo and imprisoned them in the headquarters.

In the midst of this, the Commander of the Western Theater, who had been detained, managed to escape with the help of his subordinates, leading to a small-scale conflict.

China was truly descending into a vortex of chaos.


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