Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 30: The Unraveling Truth and the Price to Pay

Chapter 30: The Unraveling Truth and the Price to Pay

Five Taliban terrorists on board KE117 had successfully hijacked the cockpit, taking the crew and passengers hostage.

The pilots were trained not to open the cockpit door during a crisis, but they had no choice when the terrorists threatened to kill them one by one.

“Head west! Go west!”

With a knife pressed against his throat, the pilot reluctantly turned the aircraft westward, following the terrorists’ broken English commands.

South Korean Air KE117 deviated from its planned route and entered Chinese airspace.

Meanwhile, the other three terrorists threatened the passengers with high-voltage stun guns and knives.

“Don’t raise your head! Keep your hands above your head!”

“Give me your phone! Throw it into the aisle!”

“What, what did you say?”

“For fuck’s sake! Phone! Smartphone!”

One passenger foolishly lifted his head and received a blow, collapsing to the ground.

Soon, phones piled up in the aisle, and the terrorists smashed them one by one.

Yu Ji-ha and Arma also handed over their phones.

They had prepared in advance, so they gave away cheap phones with no valuable information.

One of the terrorists picked up a phone and sneered.

“I heard you’re rich, is this all you’ve got, a smartphone?”

He nodded.

Yu Ji-ha was tired of their bluff and just nodded his head.

“I don’t trust you. Let’s check.”

Meanwhile, KE117 was deep inside Chinese airspace.

South South Korea, who learned about the hijacking belatedly, declared a state of emergency.

President Lee Hyun-seong’s heart sank when he heard the news, but he had very little he could do.

He could only contact China and request maximum cooperation.

Other countries also inquired about the situation through their embassies after receiving the news.

Gradually, the news spread:

—South Korean Air KE117, currently hijacked by multiple terrorists and Afghan fighters, is flying through Chinese airspace.

—The aircraft, carrying 233 passengers including South Korean tourists, has an unknown status regarding their life and death.

—As a notable detail, it has been confirmed that Yu Ji-ha, the Vice Chairman of the Silla Group, was on board with government officials.

The world turned upside down because of that last statement.

Given the hijacking, it was extremely difficult to guarantee anyone’s survival.

In other words, Yu Ji-ha’s fate as an imminent death was almost certain.

If that happened, the means to use the highly sought-after black metal, which each country was diligently securing, would vanish.

The dismantling devices running on mining beams had low resolution and were practically useless, and there were only a few high-resolution dismantling devices in South Korea.

The fate of black metal worldwide was hanging on Yu Ji-ha’s life or death.

The media of each country immediately reported the breaking news, and the United States and Russia began pressuring China.

Their message was clear: Intercept it quickly.

This didn’t mean shooting it down; it meant using methods like obstructing its trajectory or issuing warning broadcasts to force it to land on the runway.

However, when they learned that the fighter escorting the passenger plane was an outdated MiG, the leaders of each country began to doubt.

“All the fighter planes in Afghanistan are just a few outdated MiGs imported from Russia.”

“Is it even possible for them to cross the Chinese mainland with that range? How likely is it that China didn’t notice?”

“Maybe it’s China’s own ploy.”

Russia immediately issued a statement, claiming that they could prove whether the MiGs exported to Afghanistan were authentic with a single photo.

However, China’s response was extremely slow.

They didn’t try to intercept the plane or issue any rebuttal statements.

It was as if they were hoping for the passenger plane to keep flying through their airspace.

And at that moment, Yu Ji-ha, who had been quietly held hostage, sent a signal.

‘Right now.’

Upon reading the signal, Arma quickly launched an exploration pod from the sunken Settler in the East Sea.

This exploration pod was designed with ion thrusters enhanced to achieve speeds exceeding Mach 30 at altitudes over 30 km.

Thanks to the application of optical camouflage and plasma shields, it could approach the passenger plane in an instant without being detected by the detection networks of the three East Asian countries.

[Fighter captured. Securing immediately.]

The exploration pod decelerated and split into two parts, approaching the fighter.

The MiG pilot, who was flying casually, sensed something approaching but didn’t know what it was.

Soon, with a thud, the exploration pod attached itself below and above the fighter’s fuselage.

The Chinese pilot looked around and grabbed the radio key.

“Ground control, this is Operation Unit. The aircraft just shook violently. Can you identify what it is?”

“We don’t see anything on our end. But for now, disengage. You’ll enter Nepalese airspace soon.”

“Understood. Disengaging.”

The pilot turned the controls to the right, but despite the creaking sound, the aircraft didn’t move at all.

He tried again, but the roar of the engines only grew louder.

“Ground control, the aircraft is not moving.”

“Is it an engine malfunction? Control surface issue?”

“For now, both seem to be functioning normally…”

“Navigation malfunction! Quickly maneuver the aircraft!”

The situation took a sudden turn.

Upon confirming that the exploration pod was still attached to the passenger plane, ground control immediately contacted the Western Theater Command of Air Traffic Control, responsible for overseeing this operation.

Ten minutes passed by.

During dozens of exchanges, the exploration pod remained attached to the passenger plane.

“No! I’m not a traitor! This damn control surface isn’t moving!”

The cry, almost a desperate plea, reached the command headquarters, but everyone ignored it.

The scenario was on the brink of complete chaos.

The original plan was for the escort aircraft to accompany the passenger plane until it reached Chinese airspace and then retreat.

However, the Taliban terrorists who had taken over the cockpit flew the passenger plane all the way to Afghanistan, where they planned to produce a Black Metal Disintegrator through threats and torture.

It might take a year or two, but since other countries would be facing similar situations, China decided to be patient.

Ultimately, if the Chinese government fought with the Taliban insurgents and obtained the disintegrator naturally, the scenario would end.

The remnants would be taken care of by the Taliban, leaving no evidence behind.

However, now the entire scenario was on the verge of being overturned.

The Western Front Commander lowered his red-colored communicator and issued a command.

“Take them both down.”

At that moment, a Chinese unmanned aircraft, the WJ-700, flew in from a nearby airbase, ready to launch an anti-aircraft missile.

From the orbit of Earth, the combat support satellite Sibiri released Reflector Bits.

These shimmering bits, like mirrors, were responsible for altering the angle of the Aether Laser.

Shortly after, a blue line appeared from the center of the Sibiri satellite.

This line precisely penetrated the engine of the unmanned aircraft after being reflected by the Reflector Bits.

Thanks to this, the unmanned aircraft was engulfed in flames and plummeted in an instant.

As the main screen in the command center blazed with fire, everyone jumped up.

“What? What’s happening?”

“I-I don’t know! The engine suddenly exploded…”

Meanwhile, Arma, who was holding Yu Ji-ha’s hand, tapped his elbow.

“We’ve taken care of the unmanned aircraft.”

Then let’s get started.

As Arma stood up, terrorists with thick beards approached, their laughter filled with ominous meaning.

The terrorists who were in the cabin realized something was wrong as they fought against the platinum-haired woman.

Why wasn’t the electric shock device working?

Why didn’t they fall down even after being hit by a taser?

Why did their vision darken after just one blow?

Arma took only three seconds to deal with them.

The terrorists, one by one, received blows and lost consciousness as they were thrown into the economy class aisle.

It was natural for South Korean tourists to gawk in surprise.

From behind the curtain, Galli, who had been beaten, heard someone’s sharp voice.

“Step on them!”

Upon hearing those words, a brave NIS agent leaped forward and stomped on the terrorists.

“Die! Die!”

“Step on them so they can’t get up!”


While passengers were caught up in chaos, Arma and Yu Ji-ha made their way to the cockpit.

The cockpit was securely locked, but when Arma manipulated the wiring, it opened easily.

Inside, there were two unconscious pilots and two terrorists.

A blade flew towards him, but Arma caught it effortlessly.


His joints bent in the opposite direction as his eyes snapped open.

He trembled all over, then received a punch from Arma and stumbled into a corner.

The other one met the same fate.

“Ouch, that hurts.”

Arma tied him up with the curtain and entered the cockpit.

“Hey, are you alright?”


He tapped the pilots’ cheeks, but they remained unconscious, probably due to being tied up for a long time.

This won’t do.

He could fly the plane himself, but the flight attendants followed him.


“We’re alive, so it’s okay. But first, let’s figure out our situation. Where are we right now?”

“I-I don’t know…”

“What should we do? We probably have very little fuel left…”

“But more importantly, there’s no one who can fly the plane! Captain! Captain!”

“What should we do… They’re not waking up…”

While listening to Yu Ji-ha’s crying, Arma spoke.

“For now, take a seat in the captain’s seat. Have you ever flown a plane in the United States?”

“Yes, a Cessna.”

A Cessna is a small aircraft that can accommodate only a few people.

The faces of the flight attendants turned pale as they began slapping the pilots’ cheeks.

“Captain! Please!”

Yu Ji-ha calmly took out her phone and contacted someone.


The cockpit fell silent, and a deep voice could be heard.

“Mr. President, I’m here.”

—Ah, Vice Chairman, where are you now? Are you okay?

“We’ve subdued the terrorists, so we’re fine. However, the plane doesn’t look too good.”

—Subdued? Ah, I see. It seems the pilots have been subdued. An expert is on standby.

The flight attendants were greatly surprised to see that Yu Ji-ha had a direct line to the President.

But even more astonishing were the two individuals who, on the spot, were checking the instrument panel and giving reports as if they were seasoned veterans.

‘This is unbelievable…’

‘How is that even possible?’

“We’re at a sufficient altitude, and the fuel is just enough. Let’s head to Indira Gandhi Airport. Ground, this is KE117. By the way, I must clarify that I’m not an official pilot. I’m a passenger who has taken temporary control.”

—Please proceed with your report, KE117.

“Currently, we seem to be in the northern airspace of New Delhi. Can you assist us?”

—We have confirmed your location, KE117. If possible, make a left turn to heading 080.

“KE117, we will make a left turn to heading 080.”

The giant A330 passenger aircraft slowly made the turn.

The flight attendants watched in awe as the two individuals worked diligently, rolling their feet back and forth. 

Today’s events would be unforgettable for the rest of their lives.

The A330 passenger plane landed with a wobble and touched down on the runway. 

The Indian Special Forces, who had been waiting in advance, stormed into the aircraft and made their way inside. 

Soon, five terrorists were brought out, bound and lined up. 

The Indian television stations broadcasted the news.

—As you can see, all 233 passengers on board KE117 are safe and unharmed. The five terrorists have been completely subdued, and all passengers are safe.

The news spread through media outlets worldwide. 

Those who had an interest in Black Metal could finally breathe a sigh of relief. 

With Yu Ji-ha alive, the Black Metal ecosystem would be preserved. 

Of course, every passenger’s life was precious, but it was fortunate that he survived.

The passengers were transferred to nearby hospitals at the request of the Indian government. 

However, during the intense negotiations between the South South Korean and Indian governments, some strange information began to circulate.

A fighter jet crashed unexpectedly at the Indira Gandhi Airport in the northern region.

Although the Indian government tried to conceal it belatedly, some people rushed over and couldn’t be stopped from taking out their phones to record the scene.

After a while, the truth behind the incident was revealed.

The crashed fighter jet turned out to be the unidentified aircraft that escorted the hijacked plane.

Upon realizing this fact, Russia immediately dispatched an investigation team and joined the joint investigation.

For some reason, the Chinese government also expressed their willingness to participate in the investigation, but India refused.

And a few days later,

The announcement of the Indian government spokesperson was heard from the hospital where they were being treated.

—Once again, let me explain. The pilot of the crashed fighter jet is a member of the Chinese Air Force. As the markings on the stripped-off camouflage of the jet revealed, it belonged to the 102nd Division in the Western District of China. This news is both shocking and sorrowful. The Chinese government must urgently reveal the reasons why they attempted to escort a hijacked civilian passenger plane…

The entire world was engulfed in shock.

Perhaps what is about to unfold from now on is something that even China cannot ignore.

Because a nation has stepped forward and committed an act of terrorism.

However, no one knows except China itself and a few insiders that they fired missiles at the passenger plane.

‘We’ll handle that personally, so wait for it.’

The price to pay will certainly not be small.

Soon, Arma entered the hospital room.

“Boss, it’s time to return home.”

“Did we secure all the data?”

“Yes. We searched through Jiaozhelong’s computer and obtained information on several Chinese lawmakers’ real estate status, records of bribery, and even recorded conversations with Liu Wei.”

If we carelessly leak such indisputable evidence, we might face not just mere criticism but a full-blown attack.

“When the time comes, if they start whining and complaining in China, we can simply take down Jiaozhelong along with them.”

Although it took some time, the thought of cleaning up neatly brought a sense of relief to his heart.

Arma and Yu Ji-ha returned home together.

The end and the beginning of chaos.

Yu Ji-ha’s journey back home was far from simple.

If they followed the usual route, they would have to pass through Chinese airspace.

Considering that the Chinese government had committed a direct act of terrorism, there was no aircraft willing to take the risk.

Due to all airlines avoiding China, the global air logistics network was thrown into chaos.

Figuring out how Yu Ji-ha would make it to South Korea became a significant issue.

The Indian government offered to use their Air Force aircraft to transport him to South Korea.

They probably had plans for a lucrative business related to the black metal mining sites in the Indian Ocean in the future.

However, the situation suddenly became complicated when the US Air Force, stationed on the British Diego Garcia Island, proposed using a C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft.

To prepare for any potential risks, the US military offered to escort Yu Ji-ha.

With aerial refueling, it would be possible to reach South Korea.

As a result, there was a growing argument in the South Korean government that he must be brought to South Korea on a South Korean aircraft, no matter what.

While the world was focused on his every move, it would be embarrassing to welcome him with a press conference at Seoul Airport rather than Osan Air Base.

In response, the Presidential Secretary proposed dispatching a B737, the Air Force’s second aircraft, to bring him back.

Although the Air Force also had the reliable Signus transport aircraft, considering the intense global attention, they believed the second aircraft would be more suitable.

However, there was a slight issue.

—The B737-3Z8 model has a range of only about 4,000 km, so mid-air refueling is inevitable.

—Can’t they refuel at airports in Bangkok or even Singapore?

—No, that’s not allowed. The VIP’s instruction was to bring him back without landing anywhere.

—Currently, the only aircraft in our country capable of such a mission is the Air Force’s first aircraft.

While the second aircraft is occasionally used for diplomatic missions or government officials without the president, the first aircraft is exclusively reserved for the president.

The reason the situation turned out this way was because a few years ago, the project to introduce a presidential aircraft was initiated but had to be halted due to the economic downturn.

While they succeeded in acquiring the first aircraft as planned, they had to continue using the outdated model introduced in the 1980s for the second aircraft due to lack of funds.

Now, trying to send out that second aircraft was conflicting with the VIP’s instructions.

As the discussions dragged on, President Lee Hyun-seong stated that it wouldn’t matter if they sent the first aircraft, but the Secretaries strongly opposed it.

“Even if it’s the second aircraft, it should never operate without the President.”

Meanwhile, they were waiting for news at their hotel.

“Why isn’t he coming? What’s going on?”

“There have been some conflicting opinions regarding bringing the boss back. 

The involvement of the US in escorting has made the situation complicated.”

“Damn discussions, discussions. Anyway, I should greet the Prime Minister of India for now.”

He sent a message of gratitude to Rahu Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, through a video conference.

“I appreciate the warm welcome extended to me as a sudden visitor. I will leave India with fond memories, and when I visit again, I will bring good stories with me.”

“Our Republic of India will always treat you as a friend, Vice Chairman Yu Ji-ha.”

And shortly after, news came that the Republic of South Korea Air Force’s second aircraft had departed from Gimpo Airport.

Arma explained the situation to him.

“The US Air Force will provide mid-air refueling. They will also provide escort until you reach the South Korean Air Defense Identification Zone as a precaution.”

“So, when I enter South Korea, fighter jets will fly up to escort me?”

“Yes. That will be their message as well. The Republic of South Korea Air Force will ensure your safety from now on.”


He wanted to say, “What a waste,” but he held back his words.

Sometimes… discussions can be important.

He boarded the Republic of South Korea Air Force’s second aircraft, receiving the hospitality of the Indian people. 

As the passenger plane left Indian airspace, US Air Force planes, which had taken off from Diego Garcia Island, followed closely behind.


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