Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 65: The prestige of the white wolf makes the musk ox retreat.

Su Lin's speed is at the pinnacle of the entire natural world!

Such a speed has never been seen in the North Pole.

The leader of the musk ox had panic in his purple eyes.

Still an arctic wolf?

for the unknown,

Even the musk ox, who had always been fearless, felt panic in his heart.

The speed of more than forty meters per second,

Like the wind and electricity!

What kind of existence is this?

At this time,

With the rough and clear wolf howling sounded,

There was a sense of peace in the eyes of Xiao Hui and Little Lone Wolf,

Then even more crazily, they attacked the musk ox herd.

Bite, harass, pounce!

Specially attack the pain points of the musk ox herd,

Finally, the group of musk oxen was intercepted.


A male musk ox roared wildly,

For Xiao Hui who has been harassing its Xiasanlu, it is completely angry.

With the sharp horns on it, the musk ox rammed towards Xiao Hui without hesitation!

And another male musk ox,

at this time,

It is also rare, and they cooperated.

Sealed Xiao Hui's escape route to this side.


Xiao Hui started to dodge in some panic.

Even as a heterogeneous,


If he was hit hard by a musk ox, he might not die or be disabled!

When Xiaohui dodged hastily and was about to be hit by a male musk ox,

It was the little lone wolf who moved.

With a swift leap, it climbed onto the body of a musk ox, blocking the sight of the musk ox.

Then the claws grabbed the horns of the musk ox fiercely, and the fangs began to bite fiercely at the head of the musk ox.

Wherever there is a weakness, just bite there.

Eyes, nose, ears!

The male musk ox was bitten beyond recognition very quickly.

At the same time, the musk ox was in pain!

It shook the bull's head frantically.

The little lone wolf was thrown down violently.


The little lone wolf's body was thrown on the ice and snow, and was immediately smashed into flying snowflakes.

This is a level 8 male musk ox,

Its mad power is simply not what the little lone wolf can bear now.

After the little lone wolf was thrown off,

Straits of blood immediately overflowed from the wolf's mouth.

It is wounded.

It can feel its own bones and internal organs, all of which are in severe pain under this crazy fall.

But it is holding back,

Not a single howl came out.

Because saving Xiaohui is its own choice.

This is to repay the kindness that Xiao Hui gave it with the food in its mouth.

The little lone wolf forcibly struggled to get up,

Started to quickly avoid the trampling of the male musk ox.

The eye of the male musk ox was injured,

Even if the little lone wolf only bites and blinds one eye,

However, the severe pain caused caused the other eye to burst into tears, making it impossible to see clearly.

I can only rely on the feeling and smell to trample frantically.


The male musk ox roared,

It really hurts!

When it was hunted by wolves before, it had never caused such severe pain.

Xiao Hui dodged the collision of another male musk ox.

Just when the male musk ox was preparing to charge again,

But I just felt a white shadow flashing in front of my eyes,

Then a white-haired wolf's paw pressed firmly on its huge bull's head.

I don't know how much strength this wolf claw has,

But even though the musk ox's purple eyes are wide open,

Even though the bull's hooves were exerting all their strength, they still couldn't move the slightest bit!


The musk ox roared,

The ice and snow under the hooves of the cows were also trampled out of a big hole.

But all seems in vain,

This white-haired wolf paw is like a bear's paw, with infinite strength.

Immediately afterwards,

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the owner of the wolf claw.

Then the wolf paws lifted, and struck hard,

The strengthened right paw, with hundreds of strength points, hit the huge head of the musk ox,

After hitting its huge body, it staggered back a few steps, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

This scene shocked the musk oxen who were still desperately resisting.

Except for the musk ox with a wounded eye, which is still mad,

The rest of the musk oxen quickly put on a defensive posture,

Confronted with this sudden white wolf and the pack of wolves.

A herd of musk oxen in defensive formation,

Even Su Lin felt a little tricky,

So didn't move them,

He set his sights on the musk ox leader who was alone not far away.

Species: Musk ox (male).

Level: Level 9.

Qi and blood: 1553.

Stamina: 105.

Strength: 93.

Defense: 82.

Speed: 51.

The strength of the leader of this male musk ox is extremely strong among musk ox.

And it has also grown to the limit, with a body weight of ** hundred catties.

Just right for food.

As for the rest of the musk oxen, they can be kept for a while longer.

After all, the warm season is coming,

Musk oxen are also beginning to put on weight.


At this time, Su Lin, who was staring at the leader of the musk ox, let out a long howl.

The howling of wolves was loud and long.

His pale blue eyes, with murderous intent and fierce light, looked at the leader of the musk ox!

The leader of the musk ox saw this majestic white wolf with a size of more than two meters slowly walking towards it.

It also felt the breath of death coming to its face.


musk ox leader,

Still couldn't help howling,

The lavender bull's eyes and Su Lin's gaze collided with each other over the Arctic ice field.

It is not that it has not experienced hunting by wolves in the past.

But this time,

The animal's sixth sense is madly sending out warning signals to it.

But it doesn't want to stand still.

It shakes its thick horns,

The delusion passed through the bull's head, and the sharp horns shining with cold light stopped the white wolf.

But no, this majestic white wolf was still slowly walking towards him.

Those pale blue wolf eyes just stared at it quietly.

It looks like a ghost from the dark world who has come to claim his life.



In an increasingly oppressive atmosphere,

The leader of the musk ox couldn't hold back any longer, it let out a low howl,

The hooves of the ox trample the ice and snow,

He began to rush bravely towards the majestic white wolf in front of him!

It may indeed be a little old.

But the strength is still there,

The indomitable momentum of the musk ox is still there.

It ran wildly, and the pair of horns were its most powerful weapons.

The sound of hooves on the ice and snow is ringing.

from far to near,

It slammed into Su Lin fiercely.

In the charge of the musk ox,

Su Lin moved,

Su Lin's speed is too fast.

The sight of the musk ox couldn't keep up with his speed.


The musk ox crashed!

The musk ox, who had no time to recover, smashed a pile of ice and snow into pieces.

But before it waited for it, when shaking off the snow and ice scattered on the bull's head,

I only felt a heavy blow on the side of my abdomen!

The sharp wolf claws, in addition to scratching the flesh and bringing **** wounds,

That swift force even directly broke several of its ribs.


crisp sound,

The leader of the musk ox only felt a piercing pain in his flank.


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