Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 64: Surin made a move to divide the battlefield!




When the herd of musk oxen stopped to chase the gray arctic wolf ahead,

Cubs were also found that broke out of formation and were caught by wolves.

They listened to the miserable cries of the cubs,

They all howled in anger.


This is the basis for the musk ox herd to reproduce and survive.

Especially the cub mother, a female musk ox howls the loudest!

It looked into the eyes of its own cub, full of anxiety!


it howls,

I want the leader of the musk ox to lead the herd of musk ox to charge the lavender-haired arctic wolf!

But the two female wolves on the side were already staring at the other cub.

This makes the male musk ox,

For a while, I couldn't make up my mind!

But when it hesitated,

The little lone wolf was ferocious again, tearing and expanding the wound on the hind leg of the little musk ox.

This made the howling of the little musk ox even more miserable.

The little musk ox was growling crazily, struggling, trying to get back to its mother.

But it's futile.

Its hind legs were injured and it couldn't run at all.

Even though he just struggled to stand up, he was knocked down by the ferocious little lone wolf again!

The little lone wolf's tusks and paws were stained with the blood of the little musk ox,

In the eyes of the musk oxen,

The little lone wolf is like a demon, wantonly tormenting its own kind on this empty arctic ice sheet.


The little lone wolf howled again at the musk ox herd,

The meaning conveyed in the howling of wolves,

The musk ox didn't understand.

But they can feel the obvious provocation!


As a mother, a female musk ox watched her cubs being abused,

I can't stand it any longer.

For the first time, it did not obey the leader's order and walked out of the formation alone,

Take the lead in attacking this demonic gray-purple arctic wolf!

The hooves trampled on the ice and snow, stirring up flakes of snowflakes!

With resentment towards the wolves in its eyes and heartache towards the cubs, it charged towards the little lone wolf.

Under the soft sunlight, the horns shone with a sharp cold light.

It will disembowel the arctic wolf,

To vent the anger in his heart, he had to knock the arctic wolf out of two **** holes.

But what it doesn't know is that,

After it rushed over,

Two female wolves also followed behind it.




wolf howling,

surrounded by its left and right sides.

This is to hunt, this charging female musk ox.

When looking at the female musk ox, also caught in the wolves' siege,

The leader of the musk ox let out a low howl.

He began to lead the musk ox under his command and charged again.


The female musk ox is the main force for giving birth to cubs.

It's the warm season,

When the stomach is full and sufficient food is provided,

They will enter the estrus period and start adding babies to the musk ox herd again!

Therefore, the leader of the musk ox had no choice but to watch the female musk ox fall into the siege of wolves.

After they charged,

Xiao Hui, who was originally chased, also became the chaser again.

Trailing behind the musk oxen,

Staring at the position of the other cub.

The little lone wolf has already made meritorious deeds.

As the only second wolf in the wolf pack, it doesn't want to embarrass itself in front of its boss!

Xiao Hui, who is eager to fight,

With a low howl, it broke into the formation of the musk ox.


The wolf howled.

Xiao Hui wanted to bite and drag the little musk ox from the camp.

But it underestimated the defense of the musk ox herd.


After Xiaohui broke into the musk ox formation,

He was kicked violently by a male musk ox, sending it flying backwards.

This flying kick is powerful,

Even though it was extremely strong against blows, it still grinned in pain.

Even the parts that were kicked were bleeding faintly.


for a while,

After the musk ox herd was temporarily settled, and after Xiaohui followed,

There is no need to worry about the future, and I start to charge boldly with confidence.

The hooves of the cow trampled on the ice and snow, making a dull and dense sound.

The wild arrogance of the musk oxen,

It is also growing with the gallop.

Especially the musk ox leader at the front.

When the little gray is solved,

It feels that there is no danger,

The three wolves ahead,

It is also bound to run away with its tail between its legs under the violent collision of the musk oxen.


It charges the fastest!

Because the young musk ox is also its cub, and the female musk ox is also its mate!

It wants to show its powerful side in front of its own cubs and mates.

Let cubs and mates, take a good look,

Under his sharp horns, any wolf family has to stay away!

Under the burst of performance desire,

The leader of the musk ox was running faster and faster, faster and faster!

Much faster than the rest of the musk ox herd,


It also broke away from the formation with the musk ox herd.

The strength of the leader of the male musk ox is much stronger than that of the female musk ox.

on the run,

surpassed the female musk ox,


And howled a little,

Show your mate that you haven't given up on the cub and it.

Then bow the bull's head,

Continue to charge towards the arctic wolf that keeps torturing its cubs!

In the purple ox eyes of the leader of the musk ox, there is a flame of anger rising.

Those pair of thick horns also gave off a dangerous aura.

Be it any hunter,

Hit hard by such a pair of sharp horns,

I'm afraid that even if he didn't die on the spot, he would at least suffer injuries!

Therefore, the musk ox herd is in the Arctic, and it is rare to meet other hunters who dare to hunt them!

Except for wolves, of course.

Musk ox has always been on the diet list of wolves.


The little lone wolf howled,

Another savage claw tore open the wound of the little musk ox, and then the wolf started to retreat with a shake of its body.

For such a musk ox with an indomitable arrogance, we can only avoid its edge!


The leader of the musk ox, who was eager to rescue the cub, was truly out of the musk ox herd.

A herbivore that broke away from the herd,

No matter how strong your body is, no matter how brave you are, you can't escape being hunted by wolves!





The howling of wolves continued to resound over the ice and snow.

The wolves howled, exchanging their next tactics.

When the howling of wolves stopped,

The little lone wolf circled around and led the two female wolves,

They chased and intercepted the rest of the rushing musk oxen.

Even Xiao Hui has already recovered,

Run over to help.

They started together, divided the field,

Want to block the confluence of the musk ox herd.

But it's an extremely difficult thing to do.

Even a pack of four wolves launched a crazy offensive against the females and cubs in the musk ox herd.

But it just messed up the formation of the musk ox herd.

The charge of the musk ox herd still did not stop.

The wolves were a little anxious,


At this time, the leader of the male musk ox,

It also started to make a dull howling sound again, calling the musk ox under his command.

for wolves,

It just took a look, then looked away, and started licking its injured cub.

It ignored the pack of wolves trying to stop the herd of musk oxen.

Because of the wolves, it is impossible to stop them.

These three or four little wolves are not in the eyes of the leader of the musk ox.

In its eyes, these wolves only dared to use despicable means of sneaking up on the cubs.

Other than that, nothing.

However, when the leader of the musk ox ignored the wolves,


A loud wolf howl echoed over the Arctic ice sheet.

The howling of wolves was extremely penetrating, and also brought out a chilling killing intent!

The leader of the musk ox who was licking his cub suddenly raised his head,

He began to look around anxiously.


It saw not far away,

Its size is more than two meters, not inferior to its majestic white wolf.

The white wolf's snow-white hair shines brightly in the soft sunlight!

Immediately afterwards,

The leader of the musk ox saw,

Under the sunlight, the white wolf that stood proudly moved.

The speed was so fast that an uncontrollable panic appeared in its eyes.


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