
Chapter 69: First Convert

Chapter 69: First Convert

Captain Navis stirred as he blinked the sleep from his eyes. He tried to move his arms but he realised he couldn’t. He snapped awake once he felt the chains dig into his wrists. His eyes shot open as he took in the dark surroundings. The first thing he saw was a beautiful woman with red hair sitting in a chair in front of him. She was illuminated by a magical light above her in the tall ceiling. 

“Ah so you’re awake…” the woman drawled lazily as she crossed her legs and tilted her head slightly.

“Who are you…” Captain Navis asked, but he had an idea on who was sitting before him. 

Fine clothes of red and black, ornate and beautiful livery, a gold circlet on her head encrusted with large rubies. Perhaps the biggest giveaway was her flaming red hair and her ruby red eyes that had as much warmth in them as a boreal wind.

“You are in the presence of the Empress of the Averlonian Empire.” the woman replied with a small smirk.

“Empress Cecilia…” Captain Navis said softly.

“The one and the same…” Cecilia replied.

“Now then I have many questions for you.” Cecilia said as she stood up from the chair.

“Ah, is he awake?” Captain Navis suddenly heard a deep rumbling voice echoing out from the darkness.

Captain Navis looked to the direction of the voice as his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and he saw a large shape approaching. He took in a shaky gasping breath as he slowly realised how large the creature was. It was massive, more than 7 metres tall, it’s body was larger than the size of a two storey house. 

Captain Navis felt his body shake as the beast entered the light and it lowered its massive head towards him. He looked wide eyed at it’s smooth domed head and his eyes lowered to it’s massive maw. It could swallow him whole easily, he saw teeth the size of swords, rows upons rows of serrated blades in its mouth.

“Hmmm…” the Beast growled as it seemingly took in his scent.

“Ahhh…” the Beast exhaled and Navis got a face full of its breath. It smelt of blood and rotting flesh, Navis had to muster every bit of will power to stop himself from gagging out of disgust and fear.

“Fear… regret… anger…” the Beast said, his head a few inches from Navis’s face.

Navis took in quite rasping gasps of breath. His body frozen in terror, he was rabbit cornered by a wolf… and he was going to die…

“Such useless sentiments, too little too late…” the Beast said as it raised its hand and showed Navis the massive blade on its arm. He whimpered as he saw the blade approach him. He felt the edge touch the bottom of his chin as the beast lifted his head. He felt a stinging pain as the edge, although barely touching him cut into his flesh.

Then he felt the blade shift as it moved to his cheek. He felt the tip touch his cheek and felt the stinging pain as it pierced his flesh as if it was made of puddy. Navis let out a groan, half of him wanted to recoil and scream, but the other half of him knew that if he thrashed he ran the chance of accidentally impaling himself. He had a feeling those blades would go through his skull as easily as it did his flesh.

“Human flesh, so fragile… simple, messy, its malleability is its only exceptional trait…” the Beast mused softly.

Navis to his credit was still able to remain lucid enough to realise the implications of what was said. 

Malleability? Like to mould and change?

Navis watched as the beast chuckled as it turned away and Navis noticed the snarling beasts standing guard in a circle around him. Then it dawned on him, the Great Beast wasn’t just one beast… It was a leader of a hive. He felt his blood go cold as he realised the implications. He had been briefed extensively on the available intel on the Elysian states. 

His post was right on the Elysian border afterall. From what he knows Command has been preparing to kill one single hard to kill monster. They had no counter measures for dealing with a swarm of monsters. The tactical assessments were clear, the Prince was banking on a more veteran army, better equipment and his superior cavalry to win the day. 

Elysia supposedly had an equal number of soldiers but they had better mages and a frontline core of Wardens. The entire invasion plan hinged on the supposedly equal numbers and superior command and control. A newly reformed army would not be used to working with each other, thus the manoeuvres that were possible would be both limited and sluggish. Thus the Prince planned to use superior mobility on the open field to win a decisive victory.

But if the Elysians had an entire Hive of monsters then that would change many things. Hive’s on average had at least 10 000 soldiers. The monstrous soldiers do not know fear, they will willingly throw themselves at the enemy. Also that 10 000 number was a conservative estimate, the Zariman hives have been known to be larger. The beast was older, probably meaning it could field more powerful beasts, what is old is powerful, that is the universal rule of this world.

Judging by the hulking beasts snarling around him, it seems that assessment was true. Navis looked at the surrounding beasts and noted their body shapes. He wasn’t a beastiarian but he did know the basics of Hive soldiers. He had read up a little about them, because a Zariman invasion plan was in the works. 

Hive’s were usually split into five types based on their preferred form of movement. Land surface types that ran over land, subterranean types that were burrowers, aerial types that preferred flight, aquatic types that roamed the oceans and ether based hives that were just a collection of elementals beholden to a single higher elemental. 

These one’s had no wings so they aren’t aerial types. No fins so not aquatic type either. They obviously weren’t elementals so it’s not that either. That left the land surface and subterranean, but judging by their body types, with their large upper arms and snake-like lower half, they didn’t look very good on land. Those large arms would also be useful for burrowing… which meant the most likely answer would be burrowers.

Navis felt his mouth go dry as he realised what it was, burrowers were the most common Hive type because they were also the most effective. The walls of Tralis would do nothing, the Hive could just burrow under them. These beasts could just emerge from the ground in the streets, in the houses, anywhere…

“Figured it out, have you?” the Beast asked with a chuckle.

“I suggest you tell us what we want to know. Even if you resist it won’t make a difference. So you might as well spare yourself the suffering.” Empress Cecilia said calmly.

Her tone was calm and matter of fact, as if she was describing the colour of the sky. 

The sky is blue, the grass is green and Tralis will burn…

Captain Navis always suspected something was wrong. An individual that could unite a region should at least be quite intelligent. So why would someone like that provoke Tralis? Yes Elysia had as many soldiers as Tralis but their armies were rotted and withered. With the exception of the Wardens, most of the soldiers barely had any combat experience.

The answer to strange mysteries was often so simple, she was sure she could win. 

Navis has heard the rumours about the Prince. He was a military genius, this war was years in the making. He broke the Beryl Line that was once thought to be impenetrable. That damned enchanted wall was built to guard the entire eastern side of Western Voleria. He managed to break the wall with twenty well trained men sneaking in the dead of night and raising the gate. The gate mechanism was damaged to this day, the commandos had intentionally heavily damaged the gate mechanism to prevent the gate from being lowered again. Ensuring even if the first assault failed the Beryl Line’s defensive abilities would be crippled.

The Prince had, however, several key weaknesses that were known to most of the higher ranked officers…

He was quick to anger, proud and lustful. His foul temper meant that many of his officers were afraid to contradict him and voice their opinions. This wasn’t that much of a problem because he was a capable commander. His pride however, meant that he would not shy away from a fight. This was never more apparent than when the Empress attacked the Prince. From what the rumours say no one has ever seen him that angry.  

In truth, even though the coming war was winnable on paper. At least with the information they had at the time. It would be more tactically sound to subjugate the other Volerian states first before turning their gaze to Elysia. Some part Navis suspected his anger alone wouldn’t have motivated the Prince to such action. The final straw was probably the Empress herself. Even chained to a wall and with an ancient beast breathing on him he was still able to recognise the Empress was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She almost looked like an idealised sculpture of femininity. 

The Prince’s lust knew no bounds and the only restriction to this personality quirk was his high standards for his women. From what he has heard his harem was quite small, but all of them were beauties beyond compare. There was even a rumour that he bedded his younger sister occasionally but that was just gossip, it has never been confirmed.

Navis would bet his right arm that the Empress knew this, this entire thing was to bait Tralis into a war, warfare did after all favour the defender…

“I’ll start off easy, what can you tell me about Prince Silas?” Cecilia asked.

“I want to make a deal.” Navis said softly, ignoring her question.

He knew he had to at least try, he has studied war tactics extensively. The Tralis army stood no chance against a burrowing Hive. Walls meant nothing to those who could go under or over it. That was why siege towers existed, and that was also why those towers were always priority targets for the defenders.

“Oh…” the beast asked as it tilted its head and Navis saw a wide smile appear on its face, showing more of its serrated teeth.

“Hmm interesting.” Empress Cecilia said as she leaned back into her chair and crossed her arms.

“Speak.” Empress Cecilia commanded after a moment of silence.

“I will tell you all you want to know, it will make your invasion easier. If you take less losses then it would save you lives and resources. With that you could be more merciful when you attack civilian centres.” Navis said shakily.

“Cutting your losses are you? Surprisingly rational for a human…” the beast commented with a chuckle.

“Agreed friend, the screaming and begging gets old rather quickly.” Empress Cecilia replied lazily as she turned to the side to look at the beast.

“Tell me about it, but that's what the gag is for.” the beast said dryly.

“Hmm… quite…” Empress Cecilia replied with a shrug.

From their conversation, Navis was starting to get the feeling that these two were partners. The theory that the Empress had tamed some ancient beast was starting to sound like a fantasy…

“If the information you have is useful I will refrain from going too wild when I’m in the middle of your precious city.” the beast said.

“Also…” Navis began.

“You aren’t going to ask how you can ensure that I keep my word?” the beast asked slyly.

“How am I even going to ensure you do something like that?” Navis replied in as steady a voice as he could manage.

“So it’s good faith then?” Empress Cecilia asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“I am doing what I can with the means I have.” Navis replied.

“Hmm you are really calm for someone chained to a wall and surrounded by monstrous beasts.” Empress Cecilia remarked with a grin.

“Screaming won’t do anything. I might as well do what I can.” Navis replied, sounding braver than he actually was feeling at that moment.

“Hmm so you have. Now what else were you going to say?” Empress Cecilia asked.

“I wished to request that you do not harm my wife and children.” Navis requested his voice finally shaking as he thought of his family back in Tralis.

“And where is this… wife and children of yours…” the beast said as if he was tasting the words in his mouth, as if the words were unfamiliar and he was saying it for the first time.

“In Tralis.” Navis replied.

“And how pray tell, are we supposed to know who your family is?” Empress Cecilia asked sarcastically.

“I can give you the address…” Navis began.

“Oh yes silly me, I forgot Volerians never leave their houses.” Empress Cecilia replied, cutting him off, the sarcasm so thick in her tone it was almost dripping from her lips.

“They will be… confined indoors during the siege…” Navis said bitterly.

“I don’t suppose you know how to draw? Would make your request easier to fulfil.” the beast asked.

“I’m afraid not…” Navis replied.

“Well then I have bad news for you. My soldiers aren’t very discriminating, I can send out simple broad criteriea instructions. Like attack no one that is holding a weapon, or don’t attack anyone who is on their knees. But if your wife panics and picks up a kitchen knife or a stick, I’m afraid she is mince. If I knew exactly what she looked like I could just forbid them from attacking them.” the beast said.

“I see…” Navis replied, his voice shaking.

“I have a solution…” the beast said as it approached him.

“A solution?” Navis asked as he gulped.

“You see, I can read the minds of willing individuals. So if you let me in, I can find out what your family looks like and I can find all I want about Tralis. I will know everything.” the beast said.

Navis felt his throat go dry, this was such an insidious request. This meant he couldn’t lie, he couldn’t hold anything back. His mind will be a book that this beast can peruse. Yes it would give his family the best chance possible but yet… this will rob his home of any chance of victory. Navis was well briefed, very well briefed…

He guarded the Elysian Border afterall, so in the event of a sudden attack he needed to know exactly what to do. Yes his command was small but that was due to manpower constraints. So in reality he knew far more than an average officer should…

“I will smash your nation’s army, I have a hundred thousand soldiers, do you know what I am? I have lived since the days that the firstborn walked this world…” the beast said as it lowered its head until their faces were centimetres apart.

“My soldiers do not tire, they do not know pain, they do not know fear, they live only to obey. If I order them to kill, Voleria will run red with blood.” the beast said.

Navis lowered his head, so it wasn’t ten thousand soldiers it was a hundred thousand. The rumours did say that the great beast was sprung from an Elysian vault. If this beast is really as old as he claimed then Tralis is doomed. Well it would have been doomed no matter what, it wouldn’t be long before Elysia turned their gaze north. The beast would have rampaged through Voleria at some point…

Navis nodded quietly as he lowered his head. At least this way the ones closest to him wouldn’t have to suffer… or at least he can buy a chance of that outcome…

“Excellent… do not resist or your mind will shatter like glass…” the beast said as it extended a finger.

Navis took a shuddering gasp as he closed his eyes. The moment he felt the beast’s hand touch his head he felt the world fall away. His chains were gone and he was standing in a dark world. Then he sensed something enter, it was massive…

He looked up as he sensed the being approach. He felt his breath catch in his throat as he struggled to breathe. He looked up to see this large silhouette of the beast, its form was made of oily black shadow and it was the size of a mountain. It towered over him and he could see small red eyes dotting every inch of its body. The eyes blinked as they gazes shifted to look around. Some eyes were larger than others, he noted a pair of particular large eyes that scanned the surroundings with slight curiosity.

Ah so this a human mind… rather unimpressive isn’t it?

A feminine voice said and he heard another louder female voice speak. Then they started to converse.

Come now Azatherine, you were the one who said you were curious about it…

I did mistress yet I was expecting more considering the mind we share…

Reality is often disappointing Azatherine…

So it would seem mistress…

Then Navis heard another softer voice speak. The other two voices were booming, almost hurting his ears, albeit one was louder than the other. This new voice was softer but still on the louder side.

As unimpressive as ever, how easy it would be for me to shatter this place…

Navis shuddered as he felt a wave of malice and bloodlust flood his mind and body. It felt like millions of small knives piercing him from every direction and he felt his legs give out as he fell to his knees.

Nafas, you are scaring the creature…

The loudest voice thus far chided and Navis felt the knives vanish as he shakily looked up at the black mountain before him. Then he heard a new voice and that voice shook the ground below him, a voice so loud it elicited pain throughout his body. He could feel the sound rattle his bones and his ears felt like they were on fire. More than that his head felt like it was going to explode from the voice alone.


He fell to his knees grasping at his head, tearing at his hair. The voice alone gave out an unspeakable pressure, it sparked something deep within him. A primordial fear passed down from his ancestors only to now burst forth from the deepest recesses of his mind. That primordial terror, now rose to the surface, called forth by this ancient creature. Just from this Navis knew whatever the great beast was, it was ancient, a higher life form above the writhing and mewling masses.

Navis knew without a shadow of a doubt that if this being so wished for it, it could shatter his sanity, destroy his dreams, and leave him as nothing but an empty husk. Navis in what remained of his lucid mind pondered what this beast could possibly be. Then the realisation hit him, this was a god… an old god from a forgotten time masquerading as some mortal creature. It had to be, it was the only explanation. Perhaps it was a divine creature sent to judge the unworthy…

In Navis’s fragile mind that was the only thing that was the only explanation. Calling the presence of the beast a being from another plane of existence would not be an exaggeration. As he looked up from his knees he felt tears stream down his face as he gazed at the god before him. He did the only thing he felt would preserve him. He lowered his head to the floor and started to pray. 

“What I have is yours great one, my life, my soul is yours, I only ask that you give mercy to my family. I am your servant from this day onwards.” Navis prayed as he clasped his hands in panicked devotion.

Navis tentatively raised his eyes and he saw its mouth widen in a smile and he saw that ominous red glow appear from it’s maw. He could see the massive red maw and the silhouette of its long fangs. The fangs looked to be as large as a house. Navis lowered his head again and saw the ground around him was cast in a red glow, the red light from its maw bathing him in that crimson hue.

Then he heard it speak again and again he felt the pain of its great voice rattling his entire body. It was a simple reply but it betrayed the absolute confidence in the god before him. As if his life and mind was puddy in its hands.



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