
Chapter 68: Scatterbrain

Chapter 68: Scatterbrain

Maria opened her eyes and instantly sat up from the bed. She looked around at the room in panic but quickly calmed. Yes this was the room that she was brought to last night…

“Maria?” Maria heard her lover Rowan say from the side.

Maria turned to see him sitting up as he looked at her, his gaze filled with concern. Maria didn’t reply at first, feeling a lump in her throat. She felt a wave of anxiety wash over her, the anxiety was mixed with relief. She felt her throat tighten. Her breathing grewing laboured. Her body trembled and shook.

“Maria?” Rowan asked as he reached forward and pulled her into an embrace.

“It’s ok… we’re safe now…” Rowan said softly as he gently wiped the tears off her face. It was then Maria realised that she was crying.

It was hard to believe honestly. It all felt like a dream, one minute she was begging Rowan to look away as she felt that brute’s member against her entrance. Then the next the sound of splintering wood and the sound of a crash. She turned to see a white monster smashing the captain down into the carpet with a chair.

Then slaughter, the Tralis soldiers stood no chance. They couldn’t even hurt the monster named Legiana. Their swords bounced off like they were hacking at solid granite. Then again they were using steel swords which were useless against the more powerful monsters, that fact was plainly apparent when Legiana cut through the sword like paper.

“Rowan…” Maria whimpered as she raised her head and pressed her lips against his. The two kissed gently as Maria continued to feel her tears fall. She didn’t feel like she was crying but at the same time the tears kept falling.

When they separated Maria slowly felt her heart calm. Her cousin came for her… she knew this room, it was the guest room she used when she visited as a child…

At least now there was a chance… the Great Beast Legiana was right. If left to her own devices she would be living on borrowed time. She didn’t think of it at the time because of the panic, but if she hadn’t been rescued chances are they would have made Rowan watch as those brutes took turns with her. Then they would have probably made her watch as they cut Rowan’s throat.

After that one of two things would have happened. If Elysia won, both herself and her family would be executed for betraying Elysia. If Tralis won she would be a doll and a toy, with Rowan dead she had no idea what would become of her. Would she descend into madness? Starve herself to death? Throw herself off a castle spire? Would she do it immediately? Or would she finally crack when that monster finally put his child in her? Perhaps killing herself and the unborn baby in a final show of spite? Maybe she would let it be born just to smother it in its crib?

A dark future no matter which side of the coin landed. Will Elysia win? She is damned if it does, damned if it doesn’t…

But not anymore, her cousin had bought her a chance. She had somehow done the impossible, she had united the squabbling lords and ladies of Elysia. United Elysia for the first time since the fall thousands of years ago. 

Yet… when she spoke with the great beast she couldn’t help but feel that it reminded her a little of her cousin. Cold logic, a calm acceptance of the cruel logic of the world and yet there was room for warmth within that intelligent mind. So many fall within the extremes, either hopelessly naive or unbelievably cruel. 

There was a pair of sayings that were often said…

If you spend all your time getting everyone to love you, you will end up with the most loved dead man in town.


Stick enough knives into others and you will eventually find one in your own back.

Or perhaps that wasn’t true… perhaps many know that one must balance it. They just appear to be extreme due to lack of skill in execution. To be kind often shows weakness, be too hard or strong and you will struggle to find allies. Knowing when to do what is always a struggle…

“We should probably get out of bed…” Rowan said as he stroked her head, taking Maria out of her thoughts.

“Yes, we should… I should greet my cousin…” Maria said as she separated herself from his warm embrace. 

When she opened the wardrobe she felt the same warmth in her heart she did when she first opened this cabinet the night before. Maria gently retrieved a set of clothing, the dress was in the Elysian style and with Elysian colours. She gently ran her hand over the fine silk and satin, over the beautiful lace and fine embroidery…

These dresses were expensive, way more expensive than should be necessary. These were temporary clothes after all, noble dresses were tailored to fit each individual. Especially for the women of Maria’s station, she was a royal afterall.

When she was in Averlin, the prince had burned her old wardrobe in front of her and replaced it with cheaply made Volerian style dresses. Gone were the livery of fine gold and glittering jewels she once had, given to his soldiers like cheap trinkets. She no longer wore the dark colours of Elysia, the dark reds, purples, blues and black. Instead she wore the lighter colours of Voleria, she had grown to hate white in her time there…

As she looked at the colours of red, black and gold she now held she felt her eyes water once again. Maria held the dress to her chest gently like it was a prized heirloom. 

“Maria?” Rowan asked, his voice filled with concern.

“Oh… it’s nothing… it’s just nice to wear the colours of my kin once again.” Maria muttered in response.

“I see… then let me help you get dressed.” Rowan said as he put a little pep in his voice, trying to cheer Maria up. She smiled in response and she laid out the pieces on the bed.

The dress, the corsete, the stockings, the garterbelt, the long lace gloves and the inner lace leotard. Maria shed her nightgown and turned around to face Rowan. She noted how he freezed when he saw her state of dress, afterall she was now only wearing her panties.

“Rowan… you’ve seen everything at this point…” Maria said as she blushed and looked away shyly.

“Yes but… it’s entrancing all the same…” Rowan said stiffly. Maria glanced over to his underwear and saw the noticeable bulge.

Maria blushed even redder, it was a nice thing to be desirable to your lover. Then again, she was already a soiled rag, if her lover still managed to find her desirable why not accomodate?

Maria looked out the window and saw that the sun was already high in the sky. The two of them had clearly overslept. At this point they would be having brunch not breakfast, if no servants have woken up chances are her cousin was expecting the two of them to sleep in. To be fair they did arrive in the dead of night…

“If you want to…” Maria said as she grabbed the side of her panties and pulled it down. Rowan visibly baulked at the sight.

“Maria… it’s the middle of the day…” Rowan said a little shakily.

“If you want to, I don't mind, I’m already a soiled rag, what difference does it make?” Maria said, her voice hollow.

Maria saw Rowan freeze for a moment but then he sighed and he stepped forward. Maria felt him pull her into a gentle embrace.

“You aren’t soiled, you didn’t ask for any of this… please don’t think of yourself like that…” Rowan said as he cupped her cheek.

“I won’t lay with you unless you want to. You don’t have to do anything to please me.” Rowan said as he embraced her and gently rubbed her back.

In the end Maria got redressed with nothing happening. After a quick bath the pair had brunch and Maria decided to go find her cousin to thank her. Yet when she approached the servants to ask about the matter she got more or less the same answers.

The empress is with the Great Beast

The empress and the Great Beast is in preparation for the coming war

The empress was last seen heading for the Great Beast’s lair

The empress is with the Great Beast in the Black Box…

The Black Box? Maria was curious to say the least. When the Black Box was brought up she noted a slight discomfort and unease in the demeanour of those who spoke it. Of course she pressed for details but the servants were unwilling to speak of it. As if speaking of that place would bring some kind of misfortune…

Maria realised that she wasn’t getting anything out of the servants. But then again those of the lower social station were often hesitant to speak of things that signify power and dire consequence. Power and dire consequences breed fear amongst those of lower station. That translates to the people with the power and the symbols that represent it.

This Black Box must be representative of that…

Even the name was ominous… the Black Box… like a void that swallows all leaving nothing behind…

This name was most likely created this way by design. Ominous names can serve as deterrents by themselves, merely bring up the name as a threat and it will be enough to make weaker men bend.

Eventually she ended up wandering the castle aimlessly. Revelling in her freedom, it was strange now that she was alone with her thoughts. She found herself not overly bothered by her father’s death. Did she hate him? Perhaps… perhaps not… she didn’t know. Yes her fate was necessary and though she had suffered but it did buy her people time. Yet now she feels numb some days as if emotions have left her completely, just an empty void in her heart. Other days she finds herself distraught, panicked and angry. The only solace she could find was in Rowan’s arms, she found her mind constantly moving towards thoughts of him. The nights where two of them were together was now the only time she felt truly alive. During the day her mind was a mess but in those tender moments with her lover she was happy. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him…

Maria continued to aimlessly wander the castle until she heard something that snapped her out of her thoughts. She heard the sound of clashing steel from the otherside of a nearby door. She approached the door and saw two guards standing on each side of the door. 

“What’s happening behind that door?” Maria asked one of the guards.

“The Lord Warden is sparring with the Empress’s new retainer Lady Lyra.” the guard replied with a courteous bow.

Such respect was rare in Averlin. Most of the nobility and the guards only gave her nods for the sake of formality. Her ordeals at the hands of Prince Silas of Tralis was simply too much for the pride of Averlin to bear. So she turned from a martyr to the “Royal Harlot” in the minds of the people she sought to protect.

In truth Maria didn’t blame them, with a Tralis garrison barking orders at her own soldiers, it was no wonder her court chafed under their rule. When a lowly captain of a garrison can order around the commander of her royal guard, the disgrace was immeasurable.

“May I enter?” Maria asked as she shifted her gaze to the door.

“Of course Princess, but please stay away from the ring of the arena. When the two wolves fight their claws rend the stone, the Empress will be displeased if you are injured.” the guard said in warning.

“Thank you for your concern, good sir.” Maria replied with a graceful smile. 

As Maria entered the room she saw that Lady Lyra was the woman that helped rescue her. She was facing off against the Lord Warden. Maria remembers his predecessor, the current Lord Warden was just as big as his predecessor. The legends say the Wardens throw their deformed and weak children off the cliffs into the sea. They say the Wardens believe only the worthy may guard sacred Elysia. Thus their bloodline is strong, most of them larger than the men on the mainland. Taller, wider and in general far better specimens than their mainland counterparts. Thousands of years of breeding and constant warfare will do that to any bloodline.

The frail are not permitted to live and the weak do not live long. A combination of both natural selection and selective breeding has led to the powerful men that now guarded the Elysian sea. They say fertile and beautiful low born women often journey to Warden’s Vigil in the hopes of catching a Warden’s eye. They say when they journey beyond their island fortress whores give them the time for free hoping to sire their children. Not that they had much time for such things; their lives were often so busy they had little time for the pleasures of the flesh.

The Wardens have a famously strong seed, the men they produce are usually strong and healthy. An extremely dominant bloodline just like how the bloodline of Averlon and Averlin often produced beautiful women with fiery red hair, eyes that glittered like rubies and bodies that looked like marble sculptures sculpted by master artisans. A child with warden blood could become knights or adventurers, buying their whore mothers a new lease on life. Such methods were often frowned upon and a gamble. Afterall raising a child is not easy, but with the bloodline of the Wardens on the table, well… few could resist the opportunity.

She watched as Lady Lyra easily parried blow after blow from the Lord Warden. Their movements were so fast Maria could barely keep up with her eyes. The only times she could see their swords was at the tail end of their swings and thrusts. During the crux of the attack, it was just a blur as their edges tore through the air. Each clash of their blade sent out sparks and the ringing sound of the blades colliding hurt her ears. Twin rapiers met a greatsword and the dance continued, it looked like they were using real weapons not the blunt training blades.

Maria saw Lady Lyra had a bright smile on her face as if she was having fun. To her surprise, it looked like the Lord Warden was the one being pressured. He was struggling to deal with her quick movements, he was panting hard but Lady Lyra wasn’t even sweating. 

“You are truly formidable Lady Lyra…” the Lord Warden said, his tone filled with respect.

“To parry my blows with those thin swords instead of evading. It appears I have a long way to go.” the Lord Warden admitted as he hefted his sword.

The Wardens could wear thicker armour due to their naturally strong physique, this meant they could forgo shields and instead use two handed weapons. Combine that with old relic war gear left over from the time of Ancient Elysia, they were the undisputed best frontline soldiers in the region. Heavily armoured, fast, strong strikes and immense stamina. A fearsome foe to cross blades with and the Lord Warden was supposed to be the best of them. So what did that make Lady Lyra?

“It appears we have a guest.” Lady Lyra said as she turned to look at Maria and the Lord Warden did the same.

“Ah Princess Maria, I had heard the rescue mission was a success. I volunteered my services but the Empress felt stealth was not a Warden’s strong suit. But on that I do agree.” the Lord Warden said with a courteous bow.

“Do not mind me, it’s not every day I get to watch a bout like this.” Maria replied.

“Hmm well I am afraid this bout is approaching it’s conclusion.” the Lord Warden said as he tried to steady his breathing.

“Would you like to end it here then?” Lady Lyra asked.

“No, let us finish this properly. If I am to yield then I will be defeated.” the Lord Warden said as he brandished his sword.

“Fine by me.” Lady Lyra said as she raised her twin rapiers.

Maria saw her switch the rapier in her left hand into a reverse grip as she took a stance. She looked like a coiled spring, almost like a viper about to strike. In contrast the Lord Warden took a firm stance, looking like an immovable mountain. His large greatsword held out, ready to meet Lady Lyra’s charge. There was a tense moment of stillness then Lady Lyra seemingly vanished, the only sign she was once there being the small dust cloud on the floor. 

Then Maria heard a clash of steel and she turned to see the Lyra in front of the Lord Warden with the rapier an inch from his throat. The rapier in her left hand that was in the reverse grip was holding the greatsword at bay and the rapier in her right hand was at his throat.

Maria saw Lyra smirk as she stepped back and sheathed her blades, the Lord Warden did the same and the both gave each other a respectful bow.

“It appears the stories of dual weapons being favoured in the Divonian Fighting pits must have some truth to them. A spare weapon let’s you exploit weaknesses in one-on-one combat far more easily.” the Lord Warden said as he handed his great sword to the waiting squire.

“Yes, I charge into your guard, using the rapier in the off hand as a parrying tool. Then I strike with the other hand.” Lyra replied.

“Indeed but that relies on speed and your weapon must be able to withstand such strikes. Where did you get those blades? I have never seen their like, it doesn’t look like much but it has amazing durability.” the Lord Warden said as he removed his helm, revealing a sweaty face with a scar running down from his right eyebrow to his right cheek.

“It’s an old relic, a very old relic. The wards have mostly faded due to neglect but the alloy is very strong.” Lyra said as she unsheathed one of her blades and handed it hilt first to the Lord Warden.

“Neglect you say… I assume you found it?” the Lord Warden said as he gave the rapier a few practice swings. Maria could tell from his expression that the Lord Warden was quite impressed by the weapon.

“You could say that.” Lyra replied with a nod.

“It’s very well balanced, almost amazingly so. It’s also very light for a weapon with such material strength. What alloy is this? One of the ancient lost alloys?” the Lord Warden said as he ran a thumb along the flat of the blade.

“It’s apparently built from some metals found only in the Endther.” Lyra replied.

“The Endther? Now that is a tall tale, many doubt that the old world even existed… legend says the world anchor was destroyed and it collapsed in on itself…

The Endther and Aeither the first two secondary worlds, the supposed precursors to the Searing Hells and High Heaven.” the Lord Warden mused as he handed the sword back to Lyra.

“The legends say many things, all I know is that I have not seen another set of blades like the ones I wield.” Lyra replied as she held the rapier in her right hand.

“If that story is true then that set of blades are one of a kind. The Endther is no more, lost to oblivion and all it’s treasures with it.” the Lord Warden said.

“Yes, sadly I may never know the truth.” Lyra said as she slashed at the stone below her, gouging a gash in the hard stone amongst a shower of sparks. 

“Indeed, few blades can receive such abuse and remain unscathed. You met many of my strikes with the edge and yet I saw no damage whatsoever. That metal is remarkably resilient.” the Lord Warden said.

“It is, well thank you for the bout Lord Warden. It is refreshing to fight an opponent like you.” Lyra said with a bow.

“You do me great honour Lady Lyra, you defeated me with plenty of strength to spare. I would not have stood a chance if we were fighting to the death.” the Lord Warden admitted with a chuckle.

“Perhaps, but it was a good bout regardless. You are faster than I expected for someone your size.” Lyra replied courteously.

“I am grateful for the praise.” the Lord Warden said with a smile and a nod.

The two of them traded some final pleasantries before they bid each other farewell. Maria watched as Lyra approached her. Lyra’s strides were confident as if daring the world to throw it’s best shot at her.

“Come Princess walk with me, you look like you have a lot of questions.” Lyra said calmly and that statement took Maria off guard slightly.

“I’m good at reading people.” Lyra said as if reading Maria’s mind.

“I see…” Maria replied hesitantly as she followed after Lyra.

“So ask them.” Lyra said as the pair exited the room and walked down the corridor.

Maria paused as she pondered this. Yes she had a lot of questions, what was the plan now? Was her cousin really confident with regards to winning the war? What was the Black Box?

What was the Black Box… the fear in the servants eyes was clear as day… it must be something truly fearsome… 

“What is the Black Box?” Maria asked.

“Oh now that is a juicy question. Where did you hear about that?” Lyra asked with a grin.

“I was looking for my cousin but the servants said she was away at the Black Box.” Maria replied.

“Ah well, the Great Beast is no doubt concocting some new horror to throw at Tralis.” Lyra mused.

“Some new horror?” Maria asked tentatively.

“The Great Beast is a hive creature as you know, the Black Box is where he makes his new creations. It is also where condemned criminals are sent. Criminals go in but none come out, I trust you know that Hive’s often create new creatures from the foes they slay. So why can’t they be created using sacrifices?” Lyra asked.

“Does… Does my cousin know?” Maria asked shakily. In her heart she knew the truth, she suspected it the moment she saw the Great Beast’s servants that ferried her to Averlon. But somehow she wanted to deny the fact that her cousin was complicit in this… it just felt wrong.

“Of course she does, the Empress, her servant and the Great Beast are the only two people that are able to leave that place once they enter.” Lyra replied.

“That can’t be…” Maria said shakily.

“Tell me Princess, you knew that the Empress was at the Black Box, so why did you think she was none the wiser?” Lyra asked as she stopped in her tracks and Maria froze as well.

“I… I don’t know…” Maria sputtered, yes why did she believe that? 

It didn’t make sense, was she delusional? Does this have something to do with her erratic emotions? The panic attacks? The numbness she felt at times? She was having problems paying attention and remembering things. She had a constant desire to please her lover with her body… no it was just a constant urge to have sex with Rowan… When he turned her down this morning she was quite disappointed…

Did that brute poison her or something? Or was it something to do with herself?

“Hmm…” Lyra muttered as she narrowed her eyes slightly and stared at the flustered Maria.

The Empress will be back for dinner

I’ll let her know you want to see her…


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