
Chapter 181: Welcome to Hell

Chapter 181: Welcome to Hell

I stood over this dark cliff face as I stared down at the small town below. Hell was simply not what most people thought it to be. Most people think it is full of demons just constantly killing and fucking each other.

Reality is kind of like it but not really

I zoomed in my vision onto the small town and saw the whole place looked like a normal town at first glance. But if I stared deeper I saw a large number of brothels, casinos and the streets were littered with prostitutes. 

Also, in the distance, there was this large structure that looked to be some kind of arena. Judging by some of the sounds I was hearing there was quite a fight going on. 

Adhaya, get your Hive entrenched. If push comes to shove we can start building your hive using the meat over there. I said and I sensed this thrill of excitement radiate from Adhaya.

As you wish my king. Adhaya replied before turning and swiftly burrowing into the red soil beneath us.

You might have some trouble with that body of yours, people might just lose it and the sight of you. Mahaila commented.

And I thought Demons were brave and fearless. I replied with a grin.

Most arent, as you can tell demons are just humanoids with less inhibitions. Mahaila said dryly as she gestured to a demon pulling a sultry-looking sex worker towards what I imagine was some kind of hotel.

Hmmm, kind of disappointing really. I mused as I tilted my head.

Oh well, lets get this show on the road shall we. I said as I opened my wings. A newly made compartment in my back opened up and ejected a new custom body.

I took control and gave it a few small hops to test it out. This was a high-performance humanoid frame, far better than the ones before. This also had the twin ether core concept, and I have also been training with Mahaila using this body. I could tell she was slightly unnerved at how quickly I was learning her sword tricks. 

I even overheard some of the guards mention in hushed voices that I was progressing at an absurd speed. I was learning in a day what most would take ten years to figure out. Advanced techniques implanted themselves in my brain and muscle memory can be programmed after a single repetition. All the sparring lessons can be replayed in my mind over and over again while I analyse mistakes and missed potential opportunities.

The dual ether core system also serves to significantly narrow the gap in physical abilities. Mahaila was still very strong and fast, but the gap was narrowing. This of course continued to disconcert Mahaila, she never was able to wrap her head around how quick the Firstborn could evolve and adapt.

It seemed almost otherworldly I supposed you could say.

Quite the gang we have here. Serchax said as she walked up to me in her almost ethereal humanoid form. Her skin was pale but not unhealthily so, in fact by human standards her beauty was a match for Cecilia.

Azatherine stood quietly next to us as usual. She was back in her humanoid form and her crown of golden feather twitched occasionally in mild irritation. I could tell she was rather annoyed at being here, but then again knowing what I know of Azatherine, annoyance was her natural state.

I thought you liked hell? I asked as I turned to look at her.

There was a lot more fighting last time I was here. Azatherine replied dryly as she gazed in disdain down at the town below.

Well, a fight can definitely be arranged, I said with a low, hungry laugh, that got a small smile out of Azatharine. The bloodthirsty tendencies of the Hive Mind have definitely got to her over the past year.

Can we please refrain from destroying any towns unless absolutely necessary? Mahaila asked with barely veiled irritation.

You always were such a boor Mahaila. Serchax said with a melodic laugh that was laced with magic.

Uh huh. Mahaila replied dryly as her right eye twitched in the way it always does when a migraine was incoming.

Careful your blood pressure is going up. I added with a laugh.

Mahaila took a deep breath and she turned towards the town. 

First things first we figure out what the hell is going on. That fight we just saw might be part of a larger war. Mahaila said.

The Blood War Serchax said with a vicious grin.

Yes, if that is in full swing and the Plains of Eternal Conflict are open then we need to figure out which side to back. Mahaila replied.

Alright, then lets get to it. I said with a grin and I hopped down the cliff not even bothering to engage my ether wings and I just let myself slam into the ground. Kicking up a large cloud of dust. The rest followed after me although far more gracefully.

By gracefully I mean they all just floated down calmly. I looked around and saw Azatherine just looking around ambivalently, Serchax was staring straight through the smoke like there was a meal on the other side, Mahaila looked relaxed but wary and Rosa well she was trying to wave all the dust out of her face.

We approached the town and  observed that it was surrounded by a high wall that was manned by demons. As we approached the front gate I heard alarm bells ring out as the soldiers began to man their positions.

I tilted my head as I listened, although this proxy body was not as powerful as my original one it was still very powerful.

Those are the ones that were at the gate!

Eyes on the sky, wheres the gold ancient?

Ah it seems my reputation precedes me. Well those Envy demons had to run somewhere. The gate we emerged from was on the border between the Wrath and Envy Rings, so rather far down honestly.

As far as I know the higher the rings the more powerful they are. But this power comes at the cost of space, hell was made like a pyramid. The rings with the weakest individuals were also the largest. So the top most which was the Pride Ring, this Ring lies closest to the Black Heart and was the location of the Morningstar Palace, the ancient seat of power of the Prime Evils.

The Rings of hell goes as follows








But below them are two more layers made up of lesser demons. The one below Wrath being Treachery and the final layer being named simply Limbo. As far as I know Limbo was just the absolute bottom of the pile crap basket. Apparently the origins of these demons were that they were the useless discarded souls of those who made pacts with demons.

Apparently just because you were desperate and stupid enough to make a pact with demons, it doesn't mean your soul was actually worth anything. From what I know Limbo has become this lawless place filled with warlords and other scum. Well at least more lawless by the standards of Hell at least.

Perfect for building a hive

So the plan was simple, first we go down, then we go up. Now the only thing was how do we go down

So none of you know where the Ring Gate is? I asked as I stared at those that have been here before.

It keeps shifting, Magne Morningstar made it so to stop the rings from fighting. Mahaila replied dryly.

I assume that didnt work? I asked and Mahaila just sighed.

Nope. Mahaila replied.

They found the maps and they were duplicated to the point you can find one in a tavern. So now the gates are guarded by roving warbands. Mahaila said dryly.

Sounds fun. I said with a grin and saw her give me the usual annoyed side eye.

So what now? They dont exactly seem that receptive for a chat. Serchax mused as she bit her lip like a woman would when she saw a very attractive man.

We try to talk. Mahaila snapped in response.

Wrong time, wrong world. I replied calmly as I scanned the mounting panic on the walls. Considering they were in Hell which had about as much peace and order as a house fire I highly doubted they were open to talking.

So that means Azatharine began but I raised my hand silencing her.

No, that would be unwise. I replied, I knew I would gain nothing from killing all of them.

Tribute does not flow from a dead race. Mahaila said softly.

Exactly, Im not here to destroy Hell, I am here to claim it. Also judging by what I know of this place they only listen to one thing I said as I flexed my claws.

A demonstration then. Rosa said calmly as she narrowed her eyes at the scrambling defenders.

Exactly, I am sure you know all about using fear, dont you Rosa? I asked as I turned to face her.

Oh yes, you might call it my preferred method. Rosa said as her hands crackled with power.

Fine, but minimise collateral damage. Mahaila said as she drew her sword.

Minimise huh? Thats not a no. As they say, when in Hell, do as the demons do. Serchax said with a low chuckle.

Start with this side of the wall. Make a dent then we make demands. I said and we shot forward. 

The first demons eyes widened in fear when I pounced on him. My hand closed around his throat and I squeezed so tightly his head popped right off. I sensed threats from all around me but I wasnt worried. I caught one sword as I slashed open the chests of two more demons. Two swords bounced off my back harmlessly. 

I ripped the sword out of the demons hand and rammed it hilt first into the demons head. I could hear the cries of fear and the cries of pain. I shifted my gaze as Azatherine melted one demon into a steaming mush with her magic. With her other hand she held a demon by the throat, I could see his brain boiling and his eyes had popped from the heat. 

I spun and kicked another demon off the wall. My claws flashed, cutting both the swords and the bodies of two demons in twain. They were slow, so absurdly slow, as far as I was concerned they were moving like they were moving through molasses. The only reason they hit me was that I couldnt be bothered to dodge.

As the halves of the bodies fell away I saw Serchax laughing as she pointed off the edge of the wall. The demon dazed and under her spell calmly stepped off the wall to their deaths. In the distance I could see a whirl of steel and pink scales. But to her credit most of the demons were falling down wounded rather than dead. As for Rosa the answer came in the form of an ear splitting explosion in the distance that blew body parts hundreds of meters away. I glanced over at the buildings and saw that she just broke all the windows within sight with her blast.

Crude but effective. Azatherine who had paused to look at the blast was now standing in the middle of a small stampede of panicking demons. They were all fleeing from Rosa who was spitting blasts and lightning from her hands like she was the host of a light show.

Well simple is best. Serchax said as she walked up to me and we both stood there as we watched as the demons fled.

Then I saw Mahaila fly up and above the wall.


Mahaila roared her voice echoing with subtle magics that compelled obedience. The demons didnt exactly calm down but they did calm down enough to realise that there was nowhere to run to. 

Mahaila gave me a pointed look and I took the hint. Instead of using this body I sent my original body over. I was hoping that I could at least talk instead of breaking shit but I suppose I was a little naive. This was Hell afterall, this was a chaotic and lawless place. The clue was literally in the name

As I stared down at the trembling demons from my original body I could see the creeping despair wash over the surrounding demons. They knew the wrath of the ancients all too well. I could tell they knew the only reason they were allowed was because I allowed it. If I wanted all of them dead, there would be nothing they could do.

Alright Ill keep it simple, I dont want to waste my time killing all of you so send me your leader or representative or whatever. I want information to tell me what I want to know and we will be on our way. I said as I looked around the small town. Then at the wall I saw a shaky hand being raised. In a flash I was hovering above the demon, he was terrified but at least he wasnt shaking like a leaf in the wind. 

You dont look like a leader. I said as I sniffed at him. Yeah no way, this guy wasnt a leader. He was an officer at best.

My father the demon stammered.

Ah how convenient. I suggest taking me to him. I said as I loomed over him and I bared my teeth.

Yes of course. Follow me. the man stammered as he began descending the wall via one of the nearby staircases. The rest of my crew jumped down the wall as if it was just a simple one foot drop and landed neatly on the ground below.

I watched him stiffly walk as if he was made of wood. I could tell he was trying his best not to panic, scream and run. But honestly I had shit to do so this idiot better hurry up.

I suggest you move faster

I havent eaten in awhile


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