
Chapter 180: Hunting Once More

Chapter 180: Hunting Once More

I looked up at the towering gate in front of me. Well, it would soon become a gate, right now it was this towering arch that stood almost a hundred meters tall on top of a mountain peak in the Ironhammer Mountain Range.

I could see ancient power coursing through the strange white stone. The magic I detected from it was unique, I have never seen anything similar. It was old and powerful, but what else would you expect from a structure called a World Gate?

Everything is ready, my king. the Queen of the Vanguard Hive said from my right.

I turned over and scanned her insectoid body. Compared to the other queens, she was far more combat-oriented in design. Vanguard Broods were designed to punch deep into enemy territory and wreak havoc. So, the more vulnerable designs that favoured rapid growth were less suitable. Vanguard Broods were designed to be lean and quick, able to strike quickly and retreat into the woodwork.

As Malagaros puts it, a Vanguard Brood is a brood with lightning in its veins. Strike hard, strike fast and leave nothing behind. 

Adhaya, ready your brood. It shouldnt take long, considering its number. But dont worry, well expand the number soon enough. I said with a grin, and she returned my smile with savage grin.

I could sense her mind, she was as savage as I wanted her to be. She was only slightly less intelligent than Nafas and Legiana which was a significant step up from the common queens. Given her strategic role, a high level of intelligence is of utmost importance.

I probed her mind, and she was one of the few sharp enough to feel it. Most of the other hive creatures would not be able to detect my probing unless I let them know. Adhaya on the other hand gracefully bowed and allowed entrance. I scanned her thoughts and I saw what I wanted to see.


Good, this was precisely what we will need once we enter the Searing Hells.

Everyone ready? Mahaila asked as she laid a hand on the World Gate.

Ready. I said with a grin as I instinctively bared my teeth and flexed my claws. 

At long last, no more hiding in caves and tinkering. For at least a little while, I can do what I was made for hunt

I scanned the surroundings and saw Serchax lazily lounging on a nearby rock. Rosa was fidgeting slightly in her new armour. It wasnt the frilly dresses she usually wore. This one was far more practical.

Lastly, Mahaila was still fiddling with the gate, and I could hear her muttering to herself.

Sure Mahaila, this is a great idea just use this old unmaintained gate to jump dimensions.

What could possibly go wrong?

Its not like no one had ever experienced a failed gate jump or anything.

Its not like the Old Gods have mentioned a world between worlds filled with cosmic horrors.

Noooo, itll be fine

Fucking crazy idiot

I smirked as I heard her mumble as she fumbled with the runes. She was expertly manipulating the runes, so I knew this was nothing more than her usual personal grumbling. 

If we die, I blame you. I said to Mahaila, and she paused as she turned to glare at me. I let out a laugh, and she sighed as she went back to the gate.

She fiddled with it a few minutes longer, and then I sensed a powerful surge of power. Somehow, I could feel the power dissipating rapidly across the short distance. I glanced up at the sky as a final check that no angels were watching, and then I saw the runes on the World Gate come to life as they gave off an almost kaleidoscopic glow. Each rune was a different shade, and the shades were changing with every passing moment.

Within the arch appeared a shimmering layer that showed exactly where we were going. I saw red soil, lave and fire lots and lots of fire. There was a battle going on just on the other side of the gate. Looks like we were going to have alot of fun right out of the gate.

Now that looks fun. Serchax said with a grin as she slithered next to me. It was always a bit jarring to see her swim as quickly through the air as she does in water. Azatherine on the other hand was in her humanoid form, and she gazed impassively at the gate, her humanoid face unreadable as always.

Been quite a while since you visited? I asked, and Serchax just flashed me wide cruel smile.

Oh yes, and I do so miss it. Never a dull moment in the Searing Hells. Serchax replied with a low laugh.

Well, if you two are going to have fun, forgive me if I dont share the enthusiasm. Mahaila said as she drew her twin rapiers.

Adhaya, want to take the lead? I asked, and I saw her give me another savage smile.

With pleasure my king. Adhaya said as she flexed her limbs and brandished her claws. Her long snake-like lower half was slightly tensed and coiled as if she was about to pounce on a prey.

Lets go then. I nodded at the gate, and I watched as Adhaya and her brood poured through the gate. Mahaila, ever quick on the uptake, darted in after her. Serchax was close behind, followed by Azatherine and finally by Rosa. 

The barrier between worlds felt like I was passing through this sheet of water. Kind of ironic as the first thing I noticed was the searing heat in the air. It appears the searing part of the Searing Hells was not just a flight of fancy.

Funnily enough, the battle in front of me had gone quiet as they all stared at us. Almost all of them just stopped to stare. There were all kinds of demons, some beastial, some horned humanoids even some that would pass for human if not for the red, green or bluish skin.

Wrath and Envy, at it again. Mahaila said dryly.

Will there be a fight? I asked as I turned to look at her and she gave me a slow nod.

The denizens of the Wrath Ring will never pass up a good fight. Mahaila replied as the two opposing sides started reacting very differently. The mass of Wrath demons started charging towards us while the Envy Demons just turned and retreated.

Pity, they sound like my kind of people I replied as I bared my claws.

Not the time. Mahaila said gruffly as she took a stance. Meanwhile, Adhaya shot forward with her platoon of two dozen Briars. The Wrath Demons charged forward heedless, their maws filled with the red fires of hell. On their heads grew wicked horns, and judging by the entrails stuck to them I guessed they used those horns to gore their opponents.

Cant let them charge into us. Mahaila spat as she flared her wings and shot into the sky with a thunderous crack, kicking up a red dust cloud.

Serchax let out a loud cackle as she swirled into the air after her, her sinewy body coiling into the air, her serpentine body crackling with ether. There was a flash of light and heat, I turned slightly to see Azatherine, now in her original form, shooting into the sky after her. Her wings glowing gold as she tore across the distance in a blaze of gold fire.

Rosa, for her part was channeling a spell, she was far more powerful than what she once was. As she was now, she would crush her old self like an insect. Her body shimmered for a moment before teleporting into the air right in front of the charging horde. Her body crackled with power before she unleashed a very old and very powerful spell. A spell once beyond her ability, it was a spell that predated even the Ravenborn. It was one of the four modified primordial magics that I taught her. Well, it was a little more than a matter of teaching, I had to build the compatibility of these handfuls of specific spells into her at a biological level. If I didnt, her body would just explode from the attempt to cast it.

[Akasha: Severance], Rosa intoned, and from her palms sprang forth a wave of crackling incandescent energy. The technicoloured arcs of lightning shot out, tearing into the demonic horde, anything that was struck had their bodies reduced to disintegrating motes of ash. 

Akasha was the name of the type of energy that binds the soul to the body and [Akasha: Severance] severs that bond. When a soul is torn from its body so violently, it causes the form to turn to ash.

This display of ancient magic did nothing to dissuade the charging horde, but Rosa wasnt alone. Almost immediately after, a barrage of gold fireballs slammed into the formation, incinerating dozens at a time. Meanwhile, purple lightning strikes slammed into the formation with enough force to leave craters.

The bombardment had thinned out more than half the demons and the Briars soon met the demons. The Brairs claws flashed as they let out blood-curdling howls filled with [Paralysis], [Ether Jamming] and [Terror] effects. The demons caught in the vicinity of the Briars fury did not last long. Claws slashed, and maws tore. One Briar bit down into the shoulder of one demon and tore the shoulder, bone, arm and all right off in a spray of red flaming blood.

As to where was Mahaila?

That answer came quickly when she suddenly dived into the formation in a flash of bright pink scales and silver blades. Her blades shot out with deadly precision, and bodies fell to the ground with nothing more than a precise surgeon-like stab or cut. Her rapiers found throats, eyes and hearts several times a second. The demons couldnt even react before she punctured their hearts and opened their throats. 

Chaff I grumbled as I watched them fall.

I wonder where the real demons are


Alastor stood next to Tobias as they watched the carnage unfold. 

Impressive. Tobias commented as he examined the carnage before the two of them through his matted wool like hair. He was squatting on his bipedal cloven legs, as he watched calmly. His deathly pale skin streaked with black veins on full display as squatted shirtless at the edge of a cliff.

I told you old friend, the Great Beast chooses wisely. Alastor replied with a low chuckle.

Or he makes them wisely at least. Tobias grunted as he nodded in the direction of Rosa Maledicta.

The power Maldeicta now wields is way beyond anything she could hope to achieve alone. Tobias added as they both watched Rosa Maledicta practically delete another few dozen demons in a flash of magic.

The Great Beast is willing to share his power, we would be fools not to take advantage. Alastor said with a wide smile.

And we would be fools not to see this power isnt free. The Firstborn does not partake in charity, a demon like you should know that all too well. Tobias said as he turned to stare at Alastor.

Of course, everything has a price. But if it is servitude then we are in good company no? Alastor replied, and Tobias just snorted in response.

We would be lucky if that is all it costs. The Firstborn will only take what you are least willing to part with. Tobias growled.

I thought that was a demon thing? Alastor asked sarcastically, and Tobias just slowly turned to stare at him.

And demons come from where exactly? Tobias asked coldly.

Exactly, we are Heirs of the Firstborn. Their power flows through our veins. Alastor said with a grin.

Stolen power, won by chance. But what would be the price of gifted power? Tobias asked as he stood up and dusted his worn trousers off.

Caution and meekness was always your weakness Tobias Giles. Alastor replied as he turned to face the battle below.

The Firstborn do not have such drawbacks. Alastor said, on cue, a pillar of flame appeared and out stepped a greater Wrath Demon. Towering five meters tall, with crimson red skin and powerful rippling muscles. From its head sprouted a pair of twin wicked horns that glowed with infernal heat. It wore nothing but a ragged loincloth and its hand held a large flaming seratted sword.

Alastors smile widened as he watched the demon let out a challenging roar. Mahaila shifted her stance and Rosa prepared a spell. Serchax did a twirl mid-air as she channelled another spell while Azatharine circled for another strafe on the demon. Adhaya wisely pulled back to rally with Mahaila. She was smart enough not to squander her limited number of forces.

But before any of them could launch an an attack there was a gold blur and the Greater Demon was tackled to the ground by the Great Beast. The Great Beast opened its maw and tried to bite down the demons neck. The demon to its credit managed to roll away, but for its efforts, it received a tail slam from the Great Beast with enough force to let out a thundering crack and a small shockwave. 

The Greater Demon fell face-first into dirt, scrabbling to get back up but it was too late. The Great Beast pounced on it, burying its claws into its back as it breathed a mouthful of crackling gold fire onto the demon. The Greater Demon let out a howl of pain as the flames flayed the flesh from its bones. 

Alastor knew it was over, the Greater Demon would be dead soon even if the Great Beast got up and left. Even from here, Alastor could see its exposed and charred spine. Such astounding power, flames that could flay away demon flesh.

The Greater Demon twitched as the Great Beast bit down onto its exposed spine and ripped it free tossing the white bone far into the distance. 

Then the Great Beast raised its head and let out a booming laugh of almost pure joy. Even though Alastor was far away, he felt a thrill of unease run up his spine. He glanced at Tobias and saw a similar unease on his face.

What Tobias said next was enough to even give Alastor pause and cause a flicker of doubt to enter his mind.

The Firstborn hunts again


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