
Chapter 133: Keeping Options Open

Chapter 133: Keeping Options Open

The reply from the Archangel came sooner than I expected. I expected the three working day treatment with a decision taking some internal debate. But this Archangel Uriel was surprisingly decisive. The way Ariel talked about this whole thing made it seem like decisions were only made after long and lengthy debates. So this quick decision could possibly mean a few things. 

The first possibility was that the angels were not rigid as I expected, I was hoping their government was this bureaucracy-laden behemoth that can barely turn when required. Like it would take two years to approve the construction of a new road or something.

The second possibility was that this Archangel was sick of the bureaucratic bullshit and decided to come down without consulting the others. This would imply internal division and factionalism within the Seraphim which was also good. The more time they spend arguing amongst themselves the better.

The third possibility was that she came because she feared for her daughter’s safety and decided to rush down to make sure she was alright. This implied emotional impulsiveness which of course made her easier to manipulate.

The final possibility was just that this was just a giant ruse. But of course, that was true for anything so it doesn’t exactly add anything new to the considerations. Trust no one, trust nothing, everyone and everything could be a threat. That was the way of the Firstborn, my predecessors strayed from that line of thought believing themselves invincible. Now all of them are fertiliser or glorified power sources for relics, with nothing but old legends, ancient ruins and scarred lands to show they were ever here.

I wonder will these angels also join the Firstborn in the pages of history?

I looked up at the radiant angel and her entourage of silver-armoured guards. I was standing on the steps of the Averlon palace and I looked up at the Archangel glowering at me. I could tell she trusted me as far as she could throw me and considering she was really tiny compared to me that was saying something. 

I watched as Ariel flew past me and when I saw Uriel look at her daughter her expression immediately softened as she moved forward slightly to greet her. Uriel clasped her daughter's hand and I heard her whisper a question. Uriel asked if she was alright and Ariel just nodded, then Uriel told her they would speak at length later. But Ariel said one thing before she took her place at her mother’s side.

“Mother, you should know the Great Beast is like a sweet calamity,” Ariel said and I couldn’t help but chuckle. That was a rather clever little line to convey a nuanced message. I knew that line from an old song about the Firstborn, the line she was referencing goes like this.

You are wicked like a beautiful dream

Like a sweet calamity

It was a song about how a once great hero was turned into the second Prime Evil, the Firstborn that helped to engineer the genetic line of the demons. The Firstborn were master manipulators even if they were brutish most of the time. If they truly wanted to do so, none are as persuasive. After all when negotiating with each other nothing less than a flawless performance would even stand a chance of success. It was one of the few times that the Firstborn chose manipulation rather than use force to bend the will of a humanoid.

The histories record only a handful of humanoids who were granted this twisted honour. To be deemed worthy of the Firstborn’s manipulations. The Blade and his closest friend the Crow Father were among them. The usurper of the light realm, the Lord of Dreams was one as well. The one this song covered was about a Princess of the ancient Daemons. She was an Heir of the Firstborn and a particularly powerful one. Her name was Magne Morningstar and she was one of the few demons who actually tried to seek peace rather than strife and war. That naturally did not go well with the Prime Evil so he managed to persuade her to promote strife rather than peace. Magne’s grappling with her own violent nature probably helped things along quite a bit. As the song goes the Prime Evil finally broke her convictions with one final line.

If you want to feel alive

Then let’s set the world alight

Long story short Magne became one of the Prime Evil’s top lieutenants and in typical demon fashion, she was part of the rebellion that slew the Prime Evil and she later took his place. After that, she gave the angels a lot of grief making them fight tooth and nail for their position as rulers of Terra. However, one day she vanished and the realm of Hell fell to chaos and infighting. No one really knows what happened to her but the Seraphim sure as hell remember who she was. 

Magne Morningstar Empress of hell and the second Prime Evil.

Ariel was basically telling her mother that I was a good talker but I couldn’t be trusted. In other words, I spoke sweet words but I was a calamity waiting to happen. Not that far off the mark but only a fool wouldn’t come to that conclusion. They thought I was the first Vanguard Hive, the one that rebelled against the Eternal Mother and somehow managed to survive. That alone was something to be wary off, one does not survive the wrath of the Firstborn alone. Yet I supposedly did…

This was the reaction I wanted, a mewling lamb will be swatted like a fly. A great danger would be taken out preemptively. But an unknown quantity that is neither harmless or unbearably dangerous? That creates hesitation, can they afford to be wrong about me? What if I am far worse than they could possibly imagine? 

To be fair that was exactly what I am. I could beat the Archangel’s guards one on one but I probably couldn’t beat all of them at once. As for Uriel herself, she was more powerful than me and could probably beat me or at least escape. However, if she did choose to attack me now, Mahaila was next to me in her fancy disguise. She would cut through them like she was carving a cake, I’ve sparred with her. She has enough strength to kick me across a room for one thing. Combine that with her speed, she was a nightmare to fight. At times I wonder if Mahaila was the weaker apprentice what the Blade was like?

“Sweet calamity? I find that’s a bit of a moot point, anyone with enough power is a potential calamity. Just ask him.” I said as I gestured to Balder who was awkwardly standing next to me.

I saw Uriel’s gaze flicker as she averted her gaze for a moment as her mind no doubt shifted to the state of Balder’s home city.

“I believe his hometown is suffering from a severe bout of non existence because your husband lost his grip on his sword. But I’m sure Balder doesn’t mind, dropping your city destroying sword by accident, could happen to anyone really.” I said sarcastically as I turned to look at Balder who uncomfortably nodded.

Ok… guilt tripping seems to work quite well… alright time to lay off abit.

“Friend, it is a difficult time for everyone. We have done our own fair share of drastic measures.” Cecilia said and I let out a laugh in response.

“Of course, I can be quite the calamity when I want to be.” I said as I looked up at Archangel Uriel. She seemed less aloof now and now also more cautious.

“If I may be so bold could I perhaps invite you inside for our discussion. I would be a poor host if I allow guests of your stature to remain outside in this cold.” Cecilia said with a gracious smile and I noted how the angels were indeed steaming in the snow. It turns out divine fire instantly melts snow, who knew?

I saw her guards look at each other for a moment before shifting their gaze to Uriel. She paused for a moment before descending towards the ground. Her guards followed her until she landed. It was then that I noticed that Uriel was barefoot; her garb didn’t cover her feet at all. Ariel landed next to her and her guards just continued to hover a few inches off the ground. It was kind of eerie how these angels could just float there without flapping their wings. They must use something similar to my [Gravitic Hovor] ability.

We headed inside with our little entourage in tow. Those that were present on my side were Balder for guilt tripping purposes, Mother Justina for divine faith lip service, Montis to answer any questions regarding military affairs and the treatment of the people in occupied Tralis and Mahaila who was masquerading as Lyra. Mahaila was here for stabbing purposes in the event of hostilities.  

I expected Uriel to want to walk around and have a look at the city before she left so Cecilia or Justina could help do that…

We were heading to the meeting room that Cecilia liked to use so much when I spotted a head of messy brown hair turn the corner.

“Empress about the menagerie we are setting up. There are some things I need to discuss with you.” Beatrice said as she hurried over to us her head buried in a book, completely oblivious to everything going around her.

“Beatrice…” Cecilia said patiently and Beatrice looked up to see a bunch of six-winged angels staring at her. She proceeded to jump in shock, and the book she was holding fell to the ground with many of its pages coming loose.

I channelled magic into my hand and I crudely reassembled the book before levitating it back over to her. Beatrice quietly took it back as her eyes darted from the angels, then to me and finally on Cecilia.

“We’ll talk later Beatrice.” Cecilia said gently and Beatrice nodded before scurrying off like a rabbit.

“I like her. She’s fun.” I said to the angels who all just looked at each other in confusion.

“Beatrice is also our best beastiarian. WIth my friend's hive now being an integral part of my empire she has proven to be invaluable in reconstructing our society around the hive’s presence. Her eagerness and love for the discipline also tends to rub off on others.” Cecilia explained and Uriel nodded in understanding.

With that, we proceeded forward but I could sense Uriel giving Ariel a questioning look and Ariel just shrugged in response. Beatrice’s appearance was rather opportune since it just throws more confusion in the way of the angels. Afterall, ancients don’t like humanoids, that’s a general rule. At best humanoids are tolerated as tools, at worst they are nuisances or threats.

More confusion was good, the less they think they can predict, the better.

When we eventually got to the meeting room and sat down, I noted that Cecilia decided not to take the seat at the head of the table and instead took one of the side seats. I have been with Cecilia long enough to know this was a little test of hers and judging by the look on Uriel’s face I could tell she knew it as well.

Uriel simply smiled and took a seat opposite Cecilia as if she was an equal but she also spread her guards around the room as if to surround the table. This could be seen as a security measure and this wouldn’t be that strange considering her daughter was recently blasted out of the sky by assassins.

Cecilia for her part simply gestured for those attending to her to sit down next to her so now even though Cecilia was surrounded she showed that she had trusted retainers around her. Uriel on the other hand was sitting alone with only her daughter at her side. So it was two types of factions now being shown, one that was united but weaker against one that was more powerful but isolated. Which in a strange irony was more or less the exact situation heaven was in at this very moment.

“Funny how ironies can play themselves out completely by accident.” I said with a chuckle as I headed over to the back of the meeting room and right at the wall behind Cecilia’s usual chair. I walked over to the wall and tapped on a secret magic circle and the wall opened revealing my secret fruit wine stash.

“Friend! How long has that been there?” Cecilia asked in indignation, she sounded like a sister would when they caught their younger sibling doing something they shouldn’t.

“A few months,” I replied nonchalantly as I hovered the six barrels and grabbed my trusty cushion before dragging it next to the table. I sat down next to the head chair in a haphazard position before calmly removing the top of one of the barrels.

“I knew you took those barrels…” Cecilia muttered.

“Hey you never know when there might be an emergency meeting. Me having a meeting without my favourite drink? Imagine the horror.” I replied with a laugh. Cecilia genuinely didn’t know about that secret compartment, it was one of many where I store my snacks and drinks. 

Afterall, you never know when you might want a snack!

“I do enjoy the humanoids, they make great drinks.” I said as I grabbed a barrel and held it like a cup.

Uriel simply raised a brow as her eyes darted over to Cecilia before darting back to me.

“Do you just like humanoids for the drinks?” Uriel asked.

“No of course not, they write some good books too.” I said and Uriel tilted her head slightly in confusion.

I reached into my own personal pocket dimension and pulled out the book I was reading. It was a new book from my favourite author. I even wanted to invite the author for a meet-up, but Cecilia said if I did, I might not get to see the end of the series because the author might stop writing it…

“A pocket dimension, you have an artefact?” Uriel asked as she peered at me. She sure was a curious one, fishing for any scraps of information. But I suppose someone in her position can’t exactly be ignorant, the more she knew the better. 

“Not an artefact, an organ, I built it into myself. Here’s the book by the way.” I said as I floated it over and Uriel took it but I could tell she was more focused on the fact that I could build organs into my body. She glanced down at the book and I saw her furrow her brows. I could tell her train of thought was immediately derailed by the title.

“It comes with pictures.” I said with a smirk and she opened it out of curiosity. Her eyes went wide, her face turned slightly red then she slammed the book shut and put it on the table like it was this diseased thing.

I saw Ariel furrow her brows as she tried to reach for the book out of curiosity. Uriel however, simply slapped her hand to stop her from taking it. 

I love messing with humanoids, the book was called “The Sultry Mansion”. On the side of the book was the words, “Now with illustrations!”. It’s all so funny to me honestly, I have no idea why humanoids breed in such weird positions. 

“Weird right? All of you humanoids I mean. Also what’s with the ingesting of that white stuff, I hear it tastes terrible and the nutritional value is poor. There are far better sources of nutrition or even taste.” I said and I saw Uriel give me a very uncomfortable expression. Then she blinked a few times as if trying to clear her head.

“That is very interesting but I was more curious about your ability to create organs within yourself.” Uriel said as she tried to power through my sudden offer of pornography.

“Oh that. Not sure if your daughter told you but I was the leader of the first ever Vangaurd hive. The Eternal Mother spared no expense so the ability to make modifications to myself would be quite useful when I’m deep in enemy territory don’t you think? I’m not as good as a Firstborn but it still comes in handy.” I said as Uriel nodded in understanding.

“And you betrayed your mistress.” Uriel said obviously, implying that betrayers cannot be trusted. In response I laughed, the loud thundering sound bouncing off the walls.

“And what did your old masters just keel over and die on their own? The angels once served the Firstborn, we all did.” I retorted and I saw Uriel narrow her eyes in response.

“Once. We are no one’s servant, not if I have anything to say about it.” Uriel replied.

“If.” I said and I saw Uriel’s gaze sharpen at my veiled threat.

“I just ran, you all killed your masters. Do you think I trust you?” I said.

“Then why have you invited me here?” Uriel challenged.

“For peace.” I replied simply as I flashed her fanged smile.

“Peace without trust?” Uriel asked as she raised a brow.

“Come now Archangel, I am not some lamb that only knows this little caged garden you built. I think we both know how things used to work.” I said as I pulled a little transformation trick. 

I preprogrammed my body to be able to change my feathered body into the purple-armoured appearance of the Eternal Mother’s old lieutenants, the Hive Tyrants.

Uriel instantly sprang to her feet, her guards all readied their weapons but Ariel just looked around in confusion.

“Ah I see all of you recognise this, it looks familiar?” I said as Ariel took another look at me before realising what I was copying and she instantly stood up and drew her swords.

“The Hive Tyrants have to be based on something you know.” I said with a laugh.

Although the angels looked ready to attack Cecilia and the other humans remained seated as they gazed at Uriel. I have to admit their nerves are pretty good. I suppose Cecilia has chosen wisely.

“Archangel my friend seems like something from the old world does he not?” Cecilia said and Uriel relaxed slightly as she shifted her gaze to Cecilia.

“Do you really wish for us to return to the ways of old? Can we not remain civil?” Cecilia asked calmly, in response I chuckled and returned to my gold feathered appearance.

“My friend likes to play his jokes. I hope you will forgive him. I feel you are a calm and reasonable person Archangel Uriel. I hope my feelings are not misplaced.” Cecilia said. 

Uriel shifted her gaze from Cecilia to me then back to Cecilia. Her gaze darted away for a moment before taking a seat once again.

“They are not misplaced. You do not know what the Hive Tyrants have done. The exacted a horrible toll on those that opposed the Old Gods.” Uriel said as she darted her gaze over to me.

“Nor do I wish to know, I hope we can keep it that way. Neither of us can afford to fight one another. Do you know why we kept those two demon infested fools alive?” Cecilia said as her gaze froze over, revealing for a moment just what kind of woman she was.

“I assume for study.” Uriel replied, holding her gaze. I let out a chuckle and Uriel shifted her gaze to me.

“Her thoughts were the same as mine. In fact the two of us are quite alike in alot of ways. There is a reason we work so well together even if Cecilia prefers a gentler approach as compared to me.” I said and Uriel narrowed her eyes in response..

“You see I am also a calm and reasonable person when the situation calls for it. I like to keep my options open, you see, calm reason is but one of many ways of resolving problems.” I said as I ran a blade across the marble floor carving a gash into it to the sharp sound of bone scratching against stone.

“As for why those two demon infested idiots are still alive…” I said as I flashed Uriel a wide smile.

Friends can have feathered wings or they can have horns…

I like to keep my options open…


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