
Chapter 132: Crumbling Order

Chapter 132: Crumbling Order

I sensed a pulse of ether rock the facility, the runes in the walls glowed for a moment before fading once again. That long-range teleportation circle sure has quite a bit of kick, well to be fair it’s mostly because this structure wasn’t that well constructed. It’s a bit of a jury-rigged solution due to resource limitations. The long-range teleportation array discharged quite a bit of ether once the transfer was complete. Usually, the structure was supposed to handle that discharge. The Averlonian palace was designed to accommodate that so there was no issue there, it was this place that had some trouble dealing with it. 

Then I felt the structure shake again as the ether reached the end of the structure and it rippled out into the surrounding earth. A little dust fell from the ceiling from the shaking and I saw Ariel look up in concern.

“It won’t collapse, don't worry. This place is a temporary facility so it’s a bit crudely constructed.” I said and Ariel nodded slightly in understanding.

“Is that the empress arriving? Or did someone set off some kind of magical explosion?” Ariel asked as she continued to examine the room.

“Good guesses, what made you think that?” I asked with a wry smile. I saw her give me a look as if to tell me she knew I was testing her.

“That was a spell aftershock, the rippling ether can only be caused by a powerful spell being completed. There was once this Firstborn who would teleport on top of my ancestors during the Great Liberation War. 

When something as large and powerful as a Firstborn moves through space instantly it creates an aftershock powerful enough to knock thousands of my ancestors out of the sky.” Ariel said.

“Yes teleportation spells do have that effect, the short-range one’s don’t have this problem. It’s only when you put enough power to transport something very far away or something very large.” I said and I saw Ariel nod in response.

“Or both, usually something extremely large needs to move a large distance for teleportation to be even worth it. If not, it could just move normally.” Ariel replied. Though it sounded like we were just having a casual conversation in truth we were probing each other. 

Ariel mentioned the horrifying power of the Firstborn to tell me she knows the horrors of the old world and by extension so do her people. It was such a specific detail, knowing teleportation could knock them out of the sky, but I suppose this was a rather relevant detail considering she herself was just knocked out of the sky. 

Then I mentioned the theory behind it telling her that I know how it all works. I’m not some dumb beast that only knows that when I open my mouth fire comes out of it. This was important because it was one thing to know how to use something, but when you understand how it works you can start to create some very interesting things. Anyone can wave a staff around and discharge some kind of magic but a master can raise the dead, scar the land, boil the seas, tear the sky and even bend time itself.

“How old are you really?” I asked and I saw Ariel raise a brow.

“Two thousand years old.” Ariel replied.

“Ah on the young side then, Elysia was already fragmented when you were born. All you know of this world is this withered ruin you see today. But I suppose you read the histories, the words on a page. However, seeing is believing, little angel.” I said and I saw Ariel avert her gaze slightly at those words.

“The world was once far more dangerous than you could possibly imagine.” I said I saw Ariel give me a defiant look.

“Is that not what my parents fought for? To ensure the children never have to know?” Ariel replied.

“Never know? Do you really think that is possible? Never is a very strong word. Something is coming little angel. The fragile peace you have is falling apart. Heaven is now weak and the monsters smell blood. The weaker you get the more factions are going to take their shot at you. The crown must be defended, the moment you become weak is the moment you die.” I said and Ariel remained silent no doubt thinking of all the horrible shit happening out in the world.

“How many enemies can you hold off? You can deal with the Syndicate for now. What about if we throw in the Vampires? What about the Demons? What about me?” I said and I saw a jolt of fear run through Ariel.

“Do you have anything that can deal with me? Do you even what I am? What I can do?” I asked and I saw Ariel grit her teeth in response.

“If you have a proposal say it.” Ariel replied after a short pause.

Right on schedule… I paused as I heard the footsteps of Cecilia approach the atrium we were in.

“Cecilia, this young angel wants to know if we have a proposal,” I said with mirth in my voice. I saw Cecilia crack a smile as she chuckled in response. Her laugh was gentle, giving off the impression that she was a kind and benevolent individual.

“I’m not sure if I am in the position to call her young. I am sure she is far older than me.” Cecilia said as she approached.

“I suppose that is true.” I replied with a laugh.

“Greetings I am Cecilia of house Averlon, I am the Empress of the Averlonian Empire.” Cecilia said as she gave Ariel a graceful curtsy. Ariel for her part returned the curtsy with a bow and a hand over her heart.

“I am Ariel Heseiva, daughter of Archangel Uriel and Mihael Heseiva.” Ariel said and Cecilia nodded in appreciation.

“Now then to our proposal. It’s rather straightforward, I hope we can have peace. A non aggression pact or even an alliance would suit my purposes well.” Cecilia said as she got straight to the point.

Cecilia crossed her arms behind her back as she faced away from Ariel and looked up at the cold dark ceiling as if lost in thought. This was an act of course, Cecilia knew exactly what she wanted to say but she instead paused. Dramatism was useful in negotiations.

“Perhaps it was my misfortune that I was born into a world wracked by conflict. First I had to reclaim my throne, I had to kill my own father and brother. Then I got word my people’s old rival to the north was planning an invasion. Apparently the wayward prince wanted me to be his toy. He had already made a toy of my cousin.

Without my friend here I would have never have reclaimed my throne, I would never have been able to unite the squabbling Elysian states to resist the Volerian invasion and without him I would have ended up as that cruel Prince’s personal whore. I expect I would have his child in my belly by now.

But no, my people my won. I saved my cousin and the people of Voleria from their cruel rule.

In my moment of glory do you know what I found? I expected relief, peace at last and instead I finally realized that there will be no peace anytime soon.” Cecilia said as she walked forward and past Ariel her gaze distant and faraway.

“Come please, there is something I wish to show you.” Cecilia said as she turned to face Ariel her gaze clouded with worry.

I know exactly what she was going to show her, just like this building Cecilia was not one for petty vengeance. She would use anything and everything available to her in service of her objectives.

I silently followed the pair as we headed towards the maximum security cell. I entered and I saw the two stasis pods holding the ex king and crown prince of Voleria. Their demonic possessions still stuck inside them. I could remove it but I felt they would be more useful as test subjects. Afterall there was no rush to take it out…

“Is that…” Ariel muttered as she approached the stasis pods. 

“[Reveal Malice].” Ariel muttered as her eyes glowed gold and she peered at the two fools in the pods.

“Demonic possession, my friend found out first.” Cecilia said as she stood next to Ariel.

“So the invasion, the horror. It was because of…” Ariel asked and Cecilia just nodded.

“And now I hear there is activity in Necoronas. The Vampire Courts are on the move. Zarima to the west views us with distrust and the Naga have wiped out the Ostayans. Now I hear you are here after being attacked by the Syndicate. 

To protect my people there is much to do. Though the chaos and strife may be inevitable, I do find having allies to be beneficial in such dark times. Even if your allies are rather strange…” Cecilia said as she gave me a fond smile.

“That will have to depend on my mother.” Ariel replied as she stared at the pair of demon possesed humans stuck inside the containment pods.

“Demons in Divonia, demons here…” Ariel muttered her eyes wide in worry.

“I would speak with your mother if that is acceptable. The future is dark and full of horrors. In my opinion we can face it together or perhaps at least out of each other’s way. Our peoples certainly don’t need to add any more enemies to the list.” Cecilia said with a light chuckle.

“That is certainly true…” Ariel replied with a nod.

“The leader of the Northmen mentioned to me that they had a prophecy passed down through the generations. They called it the Feast of Crows, it mentioned that the time of peace we once knew would one day come to an end. But I suppose that isn’t much of a prophecy, nothing lasts forever afterall.” Cecilia said.

“Well, technically there is something does lasts forever.” I said with a fanged smile.

“And what is that?” Ariel asked suspiciously.

“Conflict, peace is just the preparation for the next battle. The powerful fall when they choose to rest on their laurels and do nothing in times of peace. So tell me angel what have all of you been doing all this time you have held your limited grip on this world.” I said as I leaned in and Ariel backed off slightly as she bit her lip.

“The end of your precious order is near little angel. I have seen this pattern repeat again and again. Even the Firstborn were not immune to this, what chance do you have?” I said with a laugh.

“No, the Great Order must endure or it will be the end of all that is good in the world.” Ariel said her voice filled with defiance. Although those words seemed more for herself rather than for me.

“Order? You control barely half of the world. You have no sway over the destroyed east, the Umbarans and Vampires kill your kind on sight. The Mugumman jungle stands defiant all this time. The Mugummans and Naga fight your precious Great Order tooth and nail in service to their ancient mistress Serchax. Serchax who if you remember, has quite the bone to pick with heaven. 

Even in the places that you control your hold is shaky at best. The dwarves keep to themselves and they only half-heartedly worship you. The elves barely acknowledge your divinity. Did you forget that your ancestors were allies with the ancient elves? The ancient elves were allies, not subjects. 

If things go to shit will they aid you? Or will they sit on the sidelines and watch you burn?” I said and Ariel averted her gaze.

“I suggest you angels choose your friends and enemies wisely. Thus far I don’t know what all of you are, friend or foe? I suggest you call your mother down here before I take someone else’s offer. Remember right now our Empire is a wild card, you don’t know which side we will take. Are we friend or foe? That is not yet clear.” I said and Ariel shifted her gaze to Cecilia who nodded slightly.

“My interests lie in my people, I will side with whoever can ensure the prosperity of my Empire. In other words I side with whoever can give me the best offer. Seeing as all you are stretched thin across Terra I assume heaven cannot afford the Averlonian Empire going against you. Or at least if we do so, you will be even more hard pressed than you already are.” Cecilia said calmly.

“Your position of power is no longer stable, I suggest you start adapting to the new situation.” Cecilia said and Ariel turned her gaze to Cecilia before letting out a sigh.

I will let my mother know, but the final decision is still up to her…


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