
Chapter 118: Old Friends, New Era

Chapter 118: Old Friends, New Era

Uriel looked down at the armada of ships below her. It was a pitiful sight, many of the ships were in a state of disrepair and many looked like they were barely holding together. She was sure there were more smaller vessels last time she saw them. They most probably lost ships to the Naga. The Naga hated humans, they viewed them as traitors since the humans worship heaven. The Naga were Firstborn loyalists through and through. The humans were called the Seistio Sha in their tongue and it means “traitor scum”.

Uriel was glad she was able to be here, these poor souls have suffered enough. There was nothing Heaven could have done to have prevented this. The children born as stunted Cherubs grow more numerous with each generation. The Seraphim thought they could stave off the degeneration of their species, they were wrong. Without threats and pressure to weed out the weak this degeneration was inevitable. Ever since the Firstborn were vanquished the humanoid races entered an evolutionary death spiral. No one wanted to admit it but the old gods in their infinite spite made it so that the humanoid gene line needed them to constantly maintain it.

Heaven was weaker than ever so there was little they could do against the Syndicate that was essentially an army composed of Heirs of the Firstborn. The Heirs do not wither, they either grow stronger or maintain their abilities. Heaven had their own Heirs of course but the Syndicate had a far wider recruiting pool. Uriel has tried again and again to persuade her peers to allow recruitment from Terra and cease the hunt for the Heirs but her fellows were nothing if not stubborn. Most of them couldn’t even be bothered to pay attention to what was going on in Terra. As long as the ether continued to flow to Heaven they couldn’t care less. 

Uriel could see the signs of decline, she saw them a thousand years ago, and the thousand years before that. Just a few centuries ago the Syndicate would have found themselves horribly outmatched but now it was a stalemate. Heaven just didn’t have enough soldiers for a decisive victory and Uriel adamantly refused to press the Cherub auxiliaries into battle just to be slaughtered. Some amongst the Divine Council have advocated for it but those that advocated this held disdain for the Cherubs. Uriel has been advocating for an increase in the military and for a more interventionist policy for thousands of years. As it stands only a single percent of Heaven is within the military, estimates put that they could easily raise it to almost twenty percent even with a limited draft.

So many problems and with each passing day it looked like only Uriel herself was trying to hold it all together…

Uriel looked away from the fleet and looked to the mountain in the distance. She wondered if her old friend was still there. He was the one who told her about what was happening to those poor souls. With a small sigh she took a final look at the fleet before shooting off towards the mountain. This was foolish, coming to Terra alone without telling anyone. She wouldn’t have risked it if not for the personal request from one of the most powerful individuals in Terra. Someone even the Syndicate would hesitate to go against…

When she reached the mountain she looked down and saw a figure calmly sitting on a rock. Uriel activated a scrying spell to check and found nothing. It wasn't full proof, she knew Discordia and Nox could easily deceive her detection abilities. They were after all the Syndicate’s best infiltrators, they lacked combat power but if you needed a spy few were their equals. There were extensive records in the Golden Archives on the top Syndicate agents. Discordia means “bringer of discord” and she excelled at infiltrating nations and causing wars. Nox means “Night” or “Darkness” and she was the best stealth user in the Syndicate. If she wanted to stay hidden there was little anyone could do about it.

When Uriel landed she saw the figure raise his head. He was wearing this flowing green robe with wide sleeves. On his head was a wide brimmed hat which was green with white stripes. He had a head of blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes.

“A new disguise?” Uriel asked.

“It’s always good to mix it up once in a while. Keep your enemies guessing.” the man said as he stood up and he held up a hand before extending his index finger. He shifted his gaze to his finger and a shadowy crow with four glowing red eyes appeared. 

“Guard.” the man said and the crow flew off. Then his shadow seemingly shattered into hundreds of crows and they scattered out into the surrounding area. By the end of it he was sitting on that rock with the noticeable lack of a shadow. 

“You seem more paranoid than usual.” Uriel stated as she approached, this man could cut her down where she stood but she knew he would do no such thing.

“I am, but I’m worried for you. Many of the selfish individuals here in this world would love to get their hands on you. You would make a good bargaining chip to be used against your husband.” the man said as he rose to his feet.

“Phizaros you know no one would try when you are here.” Uriel replied but Phizaros just shook his head in response.

“The ancients stir, the old forgotten horrors rise from the depths, old enemies rise again. Something is coming. This is the changing of an age.” Phizaros said and Uriel paused in her steps as she felt a chill go up her spine.

“What do you mean?” Uriel asked as she felt her mouth go dry.

“I felt something was wrong with the Syndicate. They are never this bold, yet here they are waging all out war. I’m not sure of their intentions, if they are truly looking for something it is very well hidden, if not then something else is afoot. I spoke with Heimdall, he lied of course. I suspect something is happening somewhere else in the world. Or at least all is not what it seems.” Phizaros replied as he averted his gaze.

“So it’s a distraction? All of this is just a distraction?” Uriel asked in shock.

“Perhaps, perhaps not. My little draconic prodigee thinks so, but I suspect there is a larger game being played. I think they are looking for something but at the same time they want it to look like a distraction. This is preparation for something else, this is only the beginning.” Phizaros said as he approached.

Uriel mutely stared at his blue eyes and waited for him to continue, but he didn’t speak.

“What is holding you back?” Uriel asked.

“The dominos are set, I am sure. I do not want to be the one to set it all off. I know nothing specific but there are concerning signs all across the world. The signs are too wide for Heaven to cover.” Phizaros muttered as he cupped his chin. He paused for a moment before locking eyes with Uriel once again.

“You know how this game is played, too many factions are vying for power. Who knows what, who is doing what based on what the others are doing? Either way there is too much happening everywhere at once.” Phizaros said.

“What do you know? What is happening?” Uriel pressed as she leaned in, she could feel the slight panic building inside. She knew if he wanted to talk one on one, something was happening but she has never seen Phizaros this concerned. He didn’t care about Heaven’s order but he wasn’t a Firstborn Loyalist either. He served his own interests, a wild card in the truest sense of the word.

The cause he fights for is simple. Phizaros was always caring, almost like a parent. He despised those who abused the innocent and powerless. In his words “I defend those who cannot defend themselves, someone must”. 

“Many things, the Azure Sea is roiling. The Naga and the Mugummans are on the move. I believe that Serchax’s eon long isolation is about to come to an end. You know what she is, the last time you tried to kill her you lost two dozen High Angels.” Phizaros said and Uriel’s mind immediately went to the fleet of poor souls that she just spoke to. She had to tell them that it wasn’t safe to go south, the Naga typically kept to the deep waters but if the Azure Sea was becoming active. The oceans will be far more dangerous now…

“I wouldn’t have told you to help those poor souls if leaving this place for the south was a death trap, you know. Nowhere is safe now. I found traces of Succubi and the Archdemon Alastor in Divonia. The Succubi were powerful, they might be servants of Eisheth Zenunim or Naamah. Eisheth herself probably isn’t here, if she was here there would be quite a few more orgies in the capital.” Phizaros said and Uriel cast a wary glance around. 

If Uriel had an archnemesis it would most definitely be Eisheth Zenunim the Grand Succubus. Uriel always advocated chastity, temperance and the sanctity of marriage. Eisheth on the other hand exalted depravity, excess and the allure of boundless desire. She was the concubine of the Prince of the Ring of Lust, Asmodeus. She wandered the perfumed halls of the Lavender Palace, promising pleasure beyond imagining, every desire satisfied, excess in all things and the delights of this world. Uriel knows Eisheth would love nothing more than to capture her and break her mind, such was the cruelty of the Grand Succubus. 

“Succubi…” Uriel muttered in horror as her mind wandered to the fate of the fools that had no doubt had their souls ensnared.

“Yes, the weak minded often fall prey to the false promises of the Lust Ring. Many think these rituals and pacts to be mere windows, but they are no windows, they are doors.” Phizaros replied with a sigh.

“If you still want to know more, the vampires are on the move as well. The Crimson Court has awakened their black legions. The Umbaran’s are also up to something but I didn’t manage to investigate too closely.” Phizaros said and Uriel shook her head as she let the news sink in.

If all of that were true Elysia and Voleria might be the safest places in the world right now…

“One last thing, what do you know of the south?” Phizaros asked and Uriel looked up at him. 

Her mind went to the rumours she had read from reports. Some angels have been sent to Divonia to protect it and to gather information. The Syndicate could easily do what they did in the northern continent to Divonia. The last thing heaven wanted was for the chaos in the north to spread. The last two major sources of prayers came from the south and from Divonia. The elves and dwarves were more concerned with their ancestor worship. The other regions were either non believers or had too low of a population. Uriel had no idea if the Syndicate had the manpower to fight a war on two fronts but she knew Heaven certainly did not. As it stands, if another front opened up Heaven would have no choice but to press reserves and auxiliaries into service as well as institute a draft which would no doubt deplete their already limited population.

“Only rumours, no confirmed reports. We observed signs of Syndicate movement near Eastern Voleria. The rumours said there was war and some ancient beast was roaming the area. We didn’t pay attention to the rumours because the ether we are getting from the south has gone up recently. There is less sin tainting the land from what we can tell.” Uriel replied and she saw Phizaros nod in understanding.

“Less sin in the south, now that is interesting…” Phizaros said with another slow nod.

“Why?” Uriel asked, half expecting another cruel twist. At this point with their luck the ancient beast might be a newborn Firstborn or something along those lines. No that was stupid, if it really was a Firstborn the ether from the prayers and virtue in the south would have gone down not up. The sin would go down too considering the whole region would be depopulated.

“There is a beast actually but it is surprisingly civil. It supposedly emerged from an Elysian vault.  I heard banditry and rape is all but eradicated in the south. Nobles have been hung for partaking in depravity and apparently a housing scheme is underway to house the destitute.” Phizaros said and Uriel’s eyes widened at those words.

“The beast did all that?” Uriel asked in surprise.

“They call him The Great Beast of the Elysian Woods, or Great Beast for short. The beast has formed a friendship with the new Empress of Elysia. Now Western Voleria and Elysia answer to one woman and of course her new friend. He is also a hive leader and he does bear some interesting traits…” Phizaros said as he cupped his chin.

“What traits?” Uriel asked and Phizaros shot her look.

“It's good news… in a way…” Phizaros replied and Uriel gave him a look, prompting him to elaborate.

“I think this one is a vanguard hive… probably a vanguard hive of the Eternal Mother.” Phizaros replied and Uriel felt the blood drain from her face. 

Vanguard hives were notoriously dangerous, especially the ones that showed up later in the great war. Their task was to penetrate deep into enemy territory to cause terror and damage. The highest civilian body counts were from the vanguard hives. The Brood Lords of the Vanguard Hives were by far the most intelligent and their hives adapted extremely quickly. Only the most flexible strategists have any hope against a Vanguard Hive. 

“Relax, let me explain. The hives in Zarima are diminished, you know that they are the leftovers from the Eternal Mother’s hive. Or at least that was the theory but seeing as he has taken control of them I would expect that theory to be true. As for which vanguard hive brood this one is, I would wager it’s the first one, Hivebrood Frataris. The first ever vanguard hive brood was also the one that went rogue…” Phizaros said. 

“That was the one that gave the Eternal Mother a lot of grief wasn’t it?” Uriel asked and Phizaros nodded.

“We thought Hivebrood Frataris vanquished, looks like we were wrong. Keep in mind that Hivebrood Frataris most likely rebelled because it was too smart, too powerful and too independent. But it looks like that independence has worked out in our favour. From what I gather he does not share the Firstborn’s love for blood, in fact during the war between Elysia and Voleria the monsters used were suspiciously weak. Also not nearly as numerous as I expected. The vanguard hives of old can field several times what I saw.” Phizaros replied as he cupped his chin.

“Perhaps the hive is just diminished? The war with the Eternal Mother must have been costly and perhaps he was locked within that vault for a long time.” Uriel responded and Phizaros nodded.

“That is the most obvious conclusion but yet if you recall the kind of horrors that the vanguard hives brought to bear he could have easily sent out a dozen creatures to eviscerate his opponents. You know the humans wouldn’t stand a chance. They would be hunted to extinction within a single lunar cycle.” Phizaros replied.

“Then why?” Uriel asked as she stared at Phizaros.

“I think he is trying not to scare the humans too much. Think about it he just sends some pathetic chaff out and the humans would still cave under his might. If he used his full arsenal like the Necrophages or a Hive Reaver or even a Hierophant the humans would leave the continent in terror. It would seem like the world is ending. Even the usual standard infantry units would be terrifying to the humans. 

I didn’t hear of any Pox Bearers, Evisceradons, Terror Gaunts or Spore Carriers. None of the terror units were present. The units he sent out were actually able to be defeated with unenchanted mithril weapons. He was throwing garbage at them, or you could also say he used just enough force to get the job done.” Phizaros said and Uriel nodded in understanding.

“A surprising level of restraint. Restraint I did not think possible of a child of the Firstborn. If that is what he truly is then he is most definitely not a Firstborn loyalist. That’s a small positive at least…”  Uriel replied as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

“We have no idea what he wants but I suggest you just leave him alone. You have bigger problems right now. I would suggest keeping an eye on the Vampires, if they do another Black Crusade into the south you are going to lose a lot of power.” Phizaros said and Uriel nodded. It was a fair assessment, the demons, vampires, syndicate and the Firstborn Loyalists were far bigger problems. It is unlikely they would ally but still even alone they could stretch Heaven thin. Heaven would still probably win in the long term considering these groups would more likely fight each other rather than ally against Heaven. However it would be extremely costly and the destruction would be immense. 

“This is why you are telling me this isn’t it? You have no love for Heaven but you also do not want the world to burn.” Uriel said with a wistful smile as her mind wandered to ages past. When the two of them were close friends and not enemies. A time when they didn’t have to meet in secret…

“I don’t want Heaven to burn, I believe some of you can be redeemed. The Lord of Dreams did not destroy all of what made you good.” Phizaros said and Uriel looked away.

“We are doing the right thing, under our stewardship this world has…” Uriel began but Phizaros just snorted in response.

“You try to do the right thing Uriel. But you are alone with a handful of others in power who share your vision. As for the rest of the powers at be in heaven, forget doing the right thing. They can’t even be bothered to do anything. They only come down to burn some evil men and women every once in a while. The last time the angels were in Terra was almost a thousand years ago and that was just Divonia. The rest of the world hasn’t seen the hide nor tail of all of you for thousands of years. ” Phizaros retorted and Uriel couldn’t even meet his eyes. She knew he was right, but what else could she do? There was no one better, no alternative to create a better world. Heaven was the best choice, even if it joined the pool of bad ones…

“Listen, if something happens let me know. I’ll make sure you and your children are safe.” Phizaros said and Uriel cracked a small smile.

“Thank you… I’m sorry about what happened in the north. I tried to tell him beforehand.” Uriel said as her mind wandered to how her husband Mihael erased a city with his blazing sword Daedeulus.

“You didn’t do it, you have nothing to apologise for. But you know you are out of favours, the last favour you called in was the only thing stopping me from chopping your husband’s head off.” Phizaros said as he crossed his arms.

“He is going to be the death of all of you…” Phizaros added and Uriel bit her lip as she looked away.

“Anyway, you’ve heard it all of it before. You know what my views are. The world is changing and I’m not sure if the angels are going to survive it.” Phizaros said.

“Thank you for the information, old friend. With any luck I might just convince some of my fellows to do something about it. Provided they don’t spend all their time arguing…” Uriel muttered in response.

“No problem, if you need to talk to me just send a message.” Phizaros said as he reached into his pocket and took out a small gold device and Uriel nodded as her mind wandered to her own device that was tucked away in her private pocket dimension.

“I should go, before someone finds out we are talking. If you lose favour in the council then the angels are truly lost.” Phizaros said as black raven wings appeared on his back. 

“Yes that would be wise. Farewell Crowfather.” Uriel said as she flexed her own wings.

“Goodbye Archangel of Mercy.” Phizaros said and he shot into the sky. Uriel watched him leave and then she sped off into the sky. Her mind already wandering to how she was going to tell the council all that she had learned. But first she would need to make up a story on how she came across this information. She may need to send scouts out on missions just to confirm what she already knew. Phizaro’s wouldn’t lie to her but she still had to put her people in danger just for an alibi…


Phizaros landed on a nearby wooded area. He sighed as his mind went to what he had just done. It was deceptive but if he wanted to save at least some of the angels this was his only choice. Their leaders might be a lost cause but the common citizen in Heaven didn’t know any better. It wasn’t right for all of them to face extinction due to association.

With that he took out his communication device and channelled power into it, reaching out to his old prodige.

“Gramps?” Phizaros heard Mahaila’s voice emanate from the device.

“Hey kid, it’s done.” Phizaros said as a small fond smile crossed his lips as he heard the voice of what he considered an adopted daughter.

“Good… that’s good. So are you heading over here?” Mahaila asked.

“Not yet, I have things to do. First off is an appointment with the Drowned Admiral. I wonder if old Puff is as miserable as always…” Phizaros replied with a small grimace as his mind wandered to his old friend who sailed the Harrowed Mist with rage in her heart.

“Well given her curse it’s not that surprising.” Mahaila replied and Phizaros nodded slightly even if Mahaila couldn’t see him do it.

“I suppose that is true… are you sure about this? The Firstborn?” Phizaros asked as uncertainty coiled around his heart like a serpent.

“I am, you have to meet him to fully understand. He reads romance novels!” Mahaila half exclaimed. 

“You said that before.” Phizaros replied as he felt a small smirk appear on his face at the disbelief in her voice. It reminded him of when she was younger and was so easily surprised by almost anything. It was a far simpler time, with more friends still around…

“Ok fine, but yes I’m sure. Come on gramps have some faith.” Mahaila replied in mock indignation.

“I know I know…” Philzaros said with a small chuckle.

I have absolute faith in my little dragon…


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