
Chapter 117: Divine Intervention

Chapter 117: Divine Intervention

Balder Frostfang paced his cabin, his fuse was short and he was beyond irritable. The goddamn Divonians had them sitting off their shore for months. They were refugees running from the north after the war between the syndicate and the angels turned their home into a barren wasteland.

The Divonians were giving him a load of crap, saying the decisions of the council took much deliberation. On some level Balder understood why it was taking so long. Balder had almost a hundred thousand refugees from the northern continent under him. It wasn’t an easy request to just ask another nation to take them all in especially given Divonia’s history with the northerners.

The history of the northern clans was that they originated as exiles from Divonia. Their ancestors were essentially left to die in the frozen wastes but they somehow managed to survive and even thrive.

Things aren’t nearly that bad in recent centuries. Clan Frostfang has maintained healthy trade relations with the Divonian Empire for quite some time. In fact Balder’s clan was arguably the clan with the most experience dealing with Divonians. Clan Frostfang traded furs and certain teas made from winter flowers to Divonia in exchange for luxuries like wine, jewelry and exotic cheeses. The cheese was a peculiar quirk because cows couldn’t survive in the north so all the northern cheese was made from goats milk.

Only problem was that Balder was very aware that the Divonians viewed the northerns as barbarians. The bandit tribes on the western part of the northern continent certainly didn’t help that perception. Although the bandits usually raided the other tribes, still the stories spread and now many Divonians do not view the Northerners positively.

Balder could hear their condescension in their tone in every negotiation. Every time Balder spoke with one of the delegates for the past months he has heard the disdain dipping from their lips. What’s worse they were extorting him and his people because they knew they had no options. Balder was forced to buy food and repair materials for the ships at exorbitant prices. The worst part was that Divonia not only traded in coins, slaves were also a commodity that was highly prized. Balder would never have sold his own people, personally we would rather they all starve to death or drown rather than turn on each other. However, his people had different ideas. When word got around that the Divonians were willing to pay a good price for fighting men for their fighting pits and beautiful women for whores some came forward as volunteers. 

At first Balder denied them but after repeated insistence he caved. The children grew thinner with each passing day, the elders grew weak and many passed in their sleep. Some women miscarried due to lack of nutrition and desperation was starting to take hold amongst his people. 

However, no one questioned his leadership. Everyone knew despite how corrupt and flawed Divonia was this was still their best option. The Valley wouldn’t take this many people, the Eastern Volerians would use them for forays into the Mugumman Jungle. In that scenario pretty much all the men would be thrown into that god forsaken jungle. They would have better luck in the Divonian fighting pits. At least in the arena they were fighting other humans and not whatever horrors were prowling that ancient jungle.

They could go further south to Western Voleria and maybe even to Elysia. But there were some crazy rumours coming from the south. There was apparently a war that just concluded and the Elysians won. The rumours were that there was some giant golden feathered monster roaming the lands and it commanded this army of monsters. Also the monsters coexisted with humans and the monster was friends with the Empress of the newly united Elysia. 

Honestly, it sounded like a mad man’s ravings or just slander from the Volerians. The rumours were hinted to have come from displaced Volerian adventurers. So it could be that they were trying to make themselves look good by painting themselves as having survived a monster crisis down south. But that was someone else’s problem, for now he had more pressing issues. 

“Brother?” Balder heard the soft voice of his twelve year old sister Astrid from the side. 

He turned to see her big blue eyes staring at him. He felt his heart ache as he saw how she was thinner than before. Even though she was his sister and could be allowed more food Astrid decided to take the normal rations in solidarity with the others.

“Yes Astrid?” Balder replied as he gave her a brave smile and placed a gentle hand on her head.

“Are we ever going home?” Astrid asked, her voice small and brittle. Balder felt his voice catch in his throat. 

“I don’t know.” Balder replied as his smile turned sad and wistful.

“Oh… then I hope our new home will be nice.” Astrid replied with a small sigh. 

Balder could tell she was tired of all this and honestly so was he. When he was younger he loved sailing but now he couldn’t wait to settle down on dry land. The sea was unforgiving when you had no port to call home. Pirates, Naga, and all manner of creatures prowl the waves but Balder should count himself lucky, at least he didn’t need to sail the Azure Sea where the great serpent ruled. Stories say the great serpent Serchax was an ancient beast that was worshipped by the Naga and the Mugummans. This wasn’t some simple piece of trivia, even the angels could not control Mugumma. Defy the jungle and you will find the trees themselves fighting you.

“But you know brother, I am sure we will be just fine.” Astrid suddenly said and Balder saw a brave smile appear on her smile. A smile that didn’t look too different from his own when he tried to put up a front.

“Yes I am sure we will be.” Balder replied as he pulled his dearest sister into an embrace.

“Also brother, there is something I want to tell you.” Astrid said as she separated herself.

“What is it?” Balder asked and he saw her fidget slightly before she reached for the gold necklace she was wearing.

“I know you are requesting for valuables from the people so that we can buy more food…” Astrid began but Balder knew what she was going to say.

“Astrid that’s from mother.” Balder replied as his mind went to his deceased parents who were in their hold when the Archangel Mihael levelled it with his blazing sword Daedelus.

“I know but mother wouldn’t have wanted…” Astrid began but Balder heard her voice crack as she mentioned their mother.

“Astrid…” Balder began but Astrid shook her head as she roughly wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

“No, mother wouldn’t have wanted us to starve over jewellery. I shouldn’t get special treatment just because I’m from house Frostfang, we are all in this together.” Astrid said as she shakily extended her hand and held out the necklace. Balder could tell she was really struggling to offer it. A part of him wanted to deny her to spare her the pain but in her shaky gaze she saw the same determination as those who volunteered to be sold to the Divonians.

So Balder took the necklace and placed it into his pocket. He pulled Astrid into another embrace he could feel she was shaking. This was the last thing they had of their mother, it was a gift for Astrid long ago. 

“You’ve grown up so fast.” Balder said as he gently stroked the back of her head.

Astrid didn’t reply as she buried her head into his chest. Balder in that moment decided to allow himself a little selfishness. He decided to sell his sister’s necklace last, he knew she wouldn’t want that but he wanted to hold out on some small hope that she would hold on to the final reminder of her mother.

“Jarl, the Divonians are here.” Balder heard the familiar voice of his right hand man Gorm say as he opened the door of his cabin.

“I will be right there.” Balder replied without releasing his dear sister. He saw the stoic look on Gorm’s face as he avoided looking at Astrid, pretending he didn’t see this moment of tenderness.

“I will inform them.” Gorm replied gruffly as he closed the door far more gently than usual. He knew what this meant to Balder and him acknowledging this private moment could be construed as weakness. Jarls were expected to be stoic and strong, not tender and loving.

After the door closed Balder felt Astrid extract herself from his embrace and she gave Balder a look before nodding. Balder smiled as he kissed the top of her head and got ready for another meeting that could save his people but will probably go nowhere. Astrid gave him one last encouraging nod and he moved to exit his cabin.

It took awhile for his eyes to adjust to the light, the cabin wasn’t that well lit and the first thing he saw was a ship with gold sails on the starboard side. He glanced at his own ship and saw the old yellowed sails. The ships were old and definitely not as well maintained as the Divonian fleet even when they had access to a port in the north. 

“Ah Jarl Balder Frostfang. How are you on this fine day?” the delegate from Divonia said. He was a pudgy man in his forties. His entire figure spoke of a life of excess, rotund belly, chubby cheeks and flabby arms. His brown hair looked healthy even if a bit sparse with a balding head. His black eyes were alight with cunning and Balder could see the tell tale signs of makeup on his brown skin.

“Lord Gauhar, a pleasure to see you.” Balder said with a false smile. 

“The pleasure is mine, Jarl Frostfang.” Gauhar replied with a wide smile that held all the charisma of a man trying to sell a leaking ship.

“So what would you be interested in buying today?” Gauhar asked.

“I was thinking we could perhaps discuss entrance into the Divonian empire first.” Balder replied.

“Ah yes that, well as you know the ship of state is a slow turning vessel. Your case will be brought up again within the meeting a week from now. The Lord I spoke to with regards to your request, he said he could be persuaded to advocate for your case if he was offered something… special.” Gauhar said but he lowered his voice towards the end. Gauhar beckoned Balder to approach and Balder did so, he leaned in and waited for Gauhar to whisper whatever it was into his ear.

“You see Jarl, the Lord prefers younger partners for his bed. Preferably young boys.” Gauhar said and Balder physically recoiled at those words. 

“Absolutely not!” Balder shouted in response, losing his temper for a moment.

“Come now Jarl, is not the sacrifice of a few worth the sacrifice of the whole? The divine commands us to always serve the greater good.” Gauhar replied.

“No, I will not do such a thing. I will never agree to it.” Balder said coldly.

Agree to what?

A graceful feminine voice suddenly rang out above them. Balder looked up and blanched pale as he saw the beautiful visage of Uriel the Archangel. She had flowing gold hair, glowing white eyes, beautiful white skin and six white wings on her back. On her head was a blazing halo made of gold fire and on her back was a gold ring that glowed with arcane runes. Balder looked around and noted that she was alone this time. There were no guards like last time, why would an Archangel be here?

“Divine one!” Gauhar exclaimed as he fell to his knees and clasped the rosary around his neck along with the rest of his guards.

“What were you refusing to agree to?” Uriel asked as she turned her gaze to Balder. 

Balder flinched as he looked at Uriel’s face. He could tell she was very angry at something…

“Please Divine one, allow me to explain the circum…” Gauhar began in slight panic but Uriel turned her head at him and snapped.

“SILENCE!” Uriel shouted her powerful voice washing over them, compelling even more of those on the deck of the ship to kneel.

“What did you refuse to agree to?” Uriel asked in a gentler tone as she faced Balder.

“They wanted me to sell some of the children of my people…” Balder replied cautiously, although he did nothing wrong he did not want to see what an angry Archangel looked like.

“For what purpose?” Uriel asked as she turned to Gauhar who flinched in response to the question.

“One of the lords… he wanted to give these children a better life and…” Gauhar began but in an instant Balder felt the heat and his vision went white for a moment. When his eyes readjusted he saw a golden staff and appeared in her hands and at the tip was a blade of golden flames. Balder instantly knew what that staff was, it was the Caduceus, the weapon and instrument of healing that was used by the Archangel Uriel.

“You lie… what did you want the children for?” Uriel said, her voice carried a dangerous edge and her eyes now glowed a lot more strongly than before.

“Answer truthfully if you wish to return to your home on your own legs. If not you will return to your family in an urn provided the sea breeze doesn’t carry your ashes away.” Uriel said in a low dangerous tone and Gauhar shrank back in fear. 

“Archangel please our ship… it’s made of wood…” Balder stammered, if the Archangel used some kind of fire magic then his whole ship might go up in flames.

“Hmmm… so what is it? What was the purpose of that request?” Uriel asked again, this time calmer but the ominous sound of her flaming staff still echoed across the silent deck.

“He wanted them as toys, he likes to lay with them…” Gauhar said, his voice coming out as a stammering squeak. At this point he just looked like a pathetic blubbering mass of fat.

At those words Balder heard the sounds of weapons being raised and he turned to see his men seemingly forgetting the fact that there was an Archangel infront of them. Their eyes were glued onto Gauhar and his guards. Gauhar for his part was more preoccupied with the very angry Archangel in front of him but his guards were looking around at the very angry northmen in terror. If they were attacked they would be chopped into pieces by their axes.

“Stop, lower your weapons, Lord Gauhar is just a messenger and the guards are just following orders.” Balder commanded as he looked at his men. The northmen looked at each other for a moment before putting their blades away.

“Hmmm…” Uriel said as she turned away from Gauhar and looked at Balder.

“I was right about you, I knew from the moment I saw you. Your heart is good and true. I am sure you are tempted to cut them down where you stand, yet you hold back for the good of your people.” Uriel said as she approached Balder but Balder shook his head at those words.

“I wouldn’t have killed the guards even if there were no consequences. They are just men doing a job, they are paid to follow him around. It isn’t right that they die for his depravity and greed.” Balder replied honestly. His father always taught him to be just in his judgments. Association is not always guilt. A bad deed does not wash out the good and vice versa.

“It is as you say, I too had no intention of harming the others but this one on the other hand…” Uriel said as she floated back over to Gauhar who trembled and Balder could see tears forming in his eyes.

“But in light of young Frostfang’s show of mercy I have decided to give you a chance for redemption. I am sure it would be exceedingly generous to call your past dealings with the Jarl fair?” Uriel asked and Gauhar mutely nodded in assent.

“You will make this right, you will treat them fairly. Any injustice corrected with compensation. Am I clear?” Uriel said as she leaned in and Gauhar frantically nodded.

“I will be back to check with young Frostfang later. If I find any inkling of foul play I will return again with my husband Archangel Mihael. I trust I do not need to tell you what happens to sinners when they appear before my dear husband?” Uriel asked and Grauhar’s face turned pale as parchment when he heard those words.

“Flames, sword, ash. That is how my husband deals with sinners.” Uriel said and Grauhar meekly nodded before promptly wetting himself. Uriel looked down at the puddle forming between his stubby legs and Balder saw her nose curl in disgust.

“Get out of my sight and have it done.” Uriel said curtly and Gauhar frantically nodded as he scurried away. The guards hastily made to follow and Balder watched as they scrambled across the small walkway connecting the two ships.

“Tell me young Frostfang, do you still have faith in the divine?” Uriel asked suddenly and Balder flinched as he turned to see her floating towards him. He noted there was a slightly sad expression on her face.

“Be honest.” Uriel said but it sounded more like a request than a command. Balder knew lying was pointless seeing as she could see through everything that Gauhar was trying to sell.

“No… I have not prayed in many moons.” Balder admitted as he tensed for the inevitable reprimand or even punishment.

“Yes I expected as much. I do not blame you of course considering our failure. We were supposed to protect you and look how we have failed.” Uriel muttered as she looked around at the ship and its filthy deck. The ships were overcrowded so filth was an unavoidable result.

“But in truth young Frostfang you have not abandoned the light of heaven. You still follow the path of Order even without the prayers. Did you know young one, the best prayers are from good deeds.” Uriel said with a smile.

“What?” Balder asked in confusion.

“It is indeed but most struggle with it, so we hoped prayer would help guide the people to repent.” Uriel replied as her smile turned slightly sad.

“Either way I am sure your application into the Empire should go more smoothly now if you still desire entrance.” Uriel said and Balder looked down for a moment. Did he still want to enter? Perhaps the answer will be found in how much the Divonians were extorting them…

“See what they say, see what they have done and make your decision. If you choose to leave I will check on you to ensure all is well.” Uriel said as if reading his mind.

“Archangel… even though I no longer believe in the divinity of heaven but I at least still believe in you.” Balder said honestly. In truth some of his people have started to scorn heaven after what happened in the north. Part of the jewellery sold to the Divonians were rosary’s, given up for things as common as bread. The people even saved their family heirlooms and sold their rosary first, that was how far their faith has fallen.

“You are too kind, hopefully I can live up to your belief.” Uriel replied as she looked around the ship once again.

“I will pray for your blessing in the days to come. Thank you, that is twice you have saved us.” Balder said and at those words Uriel sadly shook her head.

“If only you never needed to be saved. But you need not pray for my blessing child, you already have it. Pray for your people and prosperity they may one day find.” Uriel said as she began to float up but right as she was about to leave she looked down at Balder, her expression now far more serious.

“One more thing child… If you decide to leave, stay away from the Azure Sea.” Uriel said seriously, her eyes filled with concern.

The children of the old gods do not take kindly to the devout

As for the great serpent Serchax, child of the old god known as the Deepshaper

She does not take kindly to the devout, in fact she takes offence

For she is an old loyalist to the old gods

One heaven has not been able to overcome…


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