
Chapter 115: The Offer for the Future

Chapter 115: The Offer for the Future

I looked at the stiff delegates as their eyes shifted around the room in uncertainty. The whole room was looking at them in confusion. This wasn’t a completely unexpected reaction, the delay of the meeting, both parties being in the same room and the strange statement of an offer. Talks about illegally seized territory usually involved strong arm politics and outright threats of war. Yet the Empress was here saying she had an offer?

“As to the offer we will get to that later. You will understand soon enough.” Cecilia said as she shifted her gaze to her vassals. She calmly nodded at Duchess Yatheria, and indicated to her that the meeting shall begin.

“Empress as you are aware we have been running experiments with druidic magic on the harvest. Since it’s summer we have some samples for you to inspect. The winter apples and the accelerated grains are currently available for your review.” Duchess Yatheria said as she gestured to two of her servants that approached with an ornate crate.

The crate was made of wood and decorated with gold and platinum embroidery, it was also rather new. Duchess Yatheria ever sly had made the embroidery with sigil of the Averlonian Empire rather than House Cathay. 

The servants opened the chest next to her and she took out the biggest apple I have ever seen.

“The results are surprising to say the least…” Duchess Yatheria said with a wry smile as she placed it on the table.

“I am sure this is as large as a baby’s head.” Duchess Yatheria commented as Cecilia looked at the apple with great interest.

“That just looks like a red melon.” Lord Enchanter Faren commented in fascination.

“This is from druidic magic you say…” Lord Enchanter Faren said as he leaned forward to examine the giant apple from across the table.

“What about taste and nutrition?” Cecilia asked.

“The nutrition is satisfactory, in fact we suspect it is superior to the average apple. I have ordered cider fermented as an additional test. As for the taste, perhaps you can decide for yourself.” Duchess Yatheria said as she snapped her fingers and a nearby door opened with servants holding platters of sliced apples. The servants went around handing each of the seated individuals slices of apples. Funnily enough the delegates also got slices and up until this point I have never seen someone awkwardly take and eat a slice of apple.

“Although the skin is a lot thicker, these apples need to be peeled before consumption.” Duchess Yatheria said as the table all took a bite out of an apple slice.

“It’s very good, sweet. Although I think the Lord Warden might prefer the old apples.” Lord Enchanter Faren said with a sly smile. Then I heard a creak as the Lord Warden turned his helmed head and shot a glare at the Lord Enchanter.

“Why? Is this not to your tastes, Gabrion?” Cecilia asked as she looked at the Lord Warden.

“It’s because he likes his apples unpeeled. He likes to crunch through them.” Lord Enchanter Faren replied with a chuckle. In response Cecilia let out a small laugh that was joined by Duchess Yatheria.

“Fear not, Lord Warden, we are growing some regular apples as well. I will be sure to send you a steady supply.” Duchess Yatheria said and the Lord Warden gave her a stiff nod of thanks in response.

It’s kind of funny how even the big strong man in thick plate armour still has some small little pleasures. Like the apples he eats having skin…

“As for the other aspects, the wheat is going well. We have taken the first accelerated harvest and tested it. The quality is satisfactory, the bread created was satisfactory to the bakers. I tried some myself and it was indistinguishable from normal bread. As for the enlarged stalks I am still unsure but I predict there might be some issues with the size of the grain.” Duchess Yatheria said as she pulled out a stalk of unripe wheat.

“That’s quite large…” Cecilia muttered as she gazed at the stalk of green wheat that had a bulb the size of her forearm.

“Yes, the flour may be too coarse for conventional processing methods. We will need to experiment once the harvest comes.” Duchess Yatheria replied with a nod.

“Also the second batch of accelerated wheat will have its harvest slightly into winter. For this year we can use druidic magic to tide over the harvest to survive when the snow's first falls. We will still need more time to fully optimise the harvest cycle.” Duchess Yatheria added and Cecilia nodded in understanding.

“Very well, keep me updated, anything else?” Cecilia asked and Duchess Yatheria shook her head in response.

“Excellent, that should be more than enough to tide over any chances of famine in Voleria. The grain prices will drop with us managing to double to harvest. This means that the various provinces may need to diversify their crops to include more luxurious products like fruit and even honey.” Cecilia said as she flipped one of the parchments in front of her as she finished she looked up and everyone at the table nodded.

“Now then Sarana, you mentioned you have something to tell me.” Cecilia said as she shifted her gaze to the second seat at the table.

“Two things actually. But one of which involves… sensitive information…” Sarana said as she glanced at the delegates at the end of the table.

“How sensitive?” Cecilia asked.

“Barely sensitive enough to be potentially said at this table… barely…” Sarana said and Cecilia nodded for her to go ahead.

“The more mundane first point covers the few resistance movements that have appeared. All of them have been tagged and identified.” Sarana said with a small smug smile.

“I assume the Night of White Blades is ready?” Cecilia asked as she raised a brow.

“Already completed actually as of last night, I will have the full report sent to you once the facts are compiled. Some rats may have slipped the net, I will let you know if some of them have managed to slip away.” Sarana replied.

“They won’t get far, rats do not live long. Whether it be within the empire or beyond it.” Cecilia said as she looked up at the delegates who all flinched in response.

“And the second point?” Cecilia asked.

“The preparations for Operation Imperia are complete. My agents have fully infiltrated the other Volerian states. At your command the royal heads of the remaining Volerian states will roll.” Sarana said calmly.

At those words they went silent. I looked at the delegates and I saw their faces go as pale as parchment.

“You are saying this because you do not think your plans can be thwarted.” Cecilia said as a smile smile crossed her lips

“It is already far too late to stop it. The rot runs deep in what remains of withered Voleria. The past few centuries have not been kind to the royal houses. The corruption, court filled with sycophants, more factions than they have population centres. It was almost too easy to get in, a few promises, some bribes, next thing you know I own half the court…” Sarana replied as she turned to look at the delegates. 

“Tell me Lord Ferenz, how is your wife?” Sarana asked as she looked at the delegate from Jaria.

“What?” the delegate from Jaria stammered.

“And your child, did she like my gift of chocolate coated strawberries? They are your daughter’s favourite afterall…” Sarana said as her cruel smile widened and Lord Ferenz’s face grew paler and paler.

I couldn’t help but let out a low laugh at her words. Sarana was called the Spider for a reason, her arms and eyes need only a target. Then she starts to spin her web and soon your whole nation was snared. Then the only thing left for her to sink her venom filled fangs in your nation’s neck. We never had to resort to it so far, but it was always an option.

“Your daughter, Fariah. Cute girl, twelve years old, dirty blonde hair, a little short for her age, although she is blooming early. Likes the colour blue, favourite food chocolate covered strawberries, doesn’t like pork, favourite piece of jewellery is a gift from your sister…” Sarana said and Lord Ferenz didn’t even have the strength to reply.

“You know Jaria is a lost cause, your standing in court is nonexistent. That’s why they sent you here, your own countrymen half expected you to get eaten by the Great Beast. Sending a delegate to argue for illegally taken territory. Territory taken from an empire now almost ten times your size. Jaria is a speck, a stone on the road, one the empire can kick aside with ease.” Sarana said and Cecilia let out a small chuckle.

“Sounds like your wife did you a favour, when your nation bends over backwards there might be a better future for your family. If all of you tow the line of course.” Cecilia said as she shifted her gaze to the other delegates.

“I assume you know quite a bit about the rest of them?” Cecilia asked as she stared at the other three pale faced delegates.

“The courts may be filled with fools but they aren’t complete imbeciles. No one actually thinks these four will be able to negotiate any good terms. It’s just a formality if anything. One month of debating who is going to be the sacrificial lamb isn’t exactly hard to detect. They didn’t exactly keep it a secret either.” Sarana replied with a shrug.

“Hmm, I see, listen well you four, you will want to pay attention for when my offer eventually arrives…” Cecilia said as she shifted her gaze to the next person which happened to be the Lord Warden.

This one was interesting because this was also where Cecilia planned to give him one of the swords we found in the last vault. There were some minor updates from the Lord Warden. It mostly covered how the plan to blockade Jaria was ready to go at any time. So with that we could effectively starve one of the Volerian states with a naval blockade and a cessation of trade. 

Well there is nothing they can do about it honestly. Even if I disappeared tomorrow along with the rest of my hive, Averlon still has more than enough power to clean up this continent. As for what lies beyond in Mugumma in the east or the ancient lands of the west, that was a different matter.

In Mugumma to the east you will find a land, animals and people twisted by ancient magic. To the lands of the distant west you will find the land of the ancient elves, the shadow lands of the vampires and the pyroclastic hell of Umbara. But those were lands faraway from our border, at least for now…

When it was time to hand over the sword, I saw the Lord Warden look at Cecilia curiously as she mentioned that I have a gift for him.

“A gift?” the Lord Warden asked curiously.

“Yes a gift, I have a collection of trinkets that might interest you humans.” I said with a grin as I turned my head to a guard who was standing next to me. He immediately picked up the case that was on a nearby tray and approached the Lord Warden. The Lord Warden stood up and approached the man. He gave Cecilia a look as if asking permission to open the case and Cecilia calmly gestured for him to go ahead.

“It’s my friend’s gift, I am sure you will like it. I was quite impressed as well when I first saw it, I have never seen anything like it.” Cecilia mused as she leaned back into her chair and looked at the Lord Warden.

The Lord Warden opened the case and I saw his vitals jump in excitement. He reached in and pulled an ornate silver sword. The blade was faintly blue and it looked more white than silver. Near the base of the blade there were five glowing blue runes. The guard was made of a pale silver metal, the grip was wrapped in this beige leather and the pommel was also the same silver material. The pommel was shaped like a bear's head with the eyes being made of sapphires.

“Does it have a name?” Lord Warden asked as he marvelled at the blade and he gripped it by the handle. It was a great sword similar to the ones he always used, except for the fact it was actually superior in every way.

“It might have had one at some point.” I replied nonchalantly.

“At some point?” the Lord Warden asked.

“I don’t pay much attention to human trinkets. Name it if you want, it doesn't matter to me.” I replied and the Lord Warden paused as he gazed at the sword.

“You can only name that which is beneath you or when a name is requested. Since you now own this sword you decide what it is swung at.” I said and the Lord Warden paused as he gazed at it.

“Oath Keeper. That is its name, I shall use it in the name of the empire, so my successors will remember our oath to Elysia. This sword will strike at your request, Empress.” the Lord Warden said as he turned his gaze to Cecilia who smiled and nodded.

The other speakers at the table had more mundane things to report. There were a few interesting things here and there. One of which was from the Lord Enchanter who said the formation of a new research division in Averlon was progressing nicely. Alot of applicants and volunteers apparently, every mage worth his or her salt wanted to be part of this. To any mage the job offer was tantalising. The new research division was supposed to explore old magical technologies and find useful applications for them. The Lord Enchanter said the new division also wanted younger applicants so that they could grow into the role. As a result many of the professors of the mage institute in Istland have been inundated with requests for recommendation letters. Many of the younger mages in Istland have been calling this the opportunity of a lifetime which isn’t that far off from the truth. Cecilia was promising much prestige and social advancement to those of this new research division. Cecillia didn’t just want the cream of the cream, she only wanted the cherries on top of the cream. So calling a position in this new research division a most coveted position would be an understatement.

This research division would also work closely with the Beastiary Institute of Averlon because some of the technology will also not be built in the usual sense. Most of these mages were used to working with wood, metal and ether crystals. But now they would be working with flesh, I had created a queen specifically for this little group and now Malegaros was also attached to this little research division. Honestly I expected great things from this new division, especially considering all the resources being poured in. 

General Montis reported low morale among his soldiers due to occupation forces. The soldiers were mostly the remnants of the old Tralis army. Every soldier has been given the choice to leave the army if they so choose. The prisoners of war have been mostly released and they were offered positions in the military. However those POWs that invaded Elysia are still being held in labour camps to serve their sentence. 

The current army of the newly formed Volerian Protectorate consisted of 40 000 men. A mere shadow of the past military strength of almost 140 000 soldiers. Voleria lost almost 80 000 soldiers in the war so their strength was severely depleted. 

The Volerian Protectorate consisted of Tralis and Beralis, both of which were now under the direct command of Averlin. The army was quite disconcerted due to the fact the current occupation hive in Voleria was none other than Warbrood Nafas, which also had the highest soldier count of 40 000. It also fielded a hundred Commando variant Adjutants and the four Gigantadons which were the giant armoured beasts designed to smash down gates. The Warbrood was mostly unburrowed and wandering the region to dissuade any thoughts of rebellion. Most Volerians knew them at a glance, their soldiers were all upgraded variants with special markings and they were also the ones that led the assault on the capital. Sarana had also spread rumours that the Warbrood guarding Voleria was the most dangerous and ruthless Warbrood of them all. Which to the average listener meant that the nation was filled with the Great Beast’s most dangerous soldiers. 

Montis was instructed to try to calm the soldiers but also tell them the Warbrood wasn’t going anywhere. Only when all resistance has been stamped out then Warbrood Nafas may be switched out for a weaker one.

The rest of the speakers at the table either had nothing interesting to report or nothing at all. Whatever projects they were tasked with was just progressing smoothly with nothing much to report.

So with the meeting over, that just left one last thing…

“So now that you understand how far my empire out classes your nations I want to give you all an offer.”  Cecilia said as she stared at the delegates.

“What is the offer, Empress?” one of the delegates asked softly.

“It’s quite simple really. I want Voleria chopped up into little harmless pieces. The lands you took you may keep if you swear allegiance to me. If you refuse then you will return the territory that you took. If you refuse again to return it then I will go and take it…” Cecilia said.

“But my nation and Boria did not take any territory.” the Jaria delegate replied.

“Indeed, there are other benefits on the table. I know all of you can’t agree to anything. You all are messengers at best and sacrificial lambs at worst…” Cecilia said as she smiled and the delegates all shivered slightly.

Go home to your lands, tell them my offer and to send a real delegate…


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