
Chapter 114: The Meeting

Chapter 114: The Meeting

Cecilia looked around this dark empty world. It was strange, it wasn’t cold, it wasn’t hot, in fact she barely felt anything. It was certainly odd to not feel anything, she looked down and saw she was wearing her favourite dress but the fabric was so soft and light she couldn’t feel it on her. She had no idea where she was, and she remembers that she got hit by something. 

Cecilia wondered if she was dead, if that was true then it was her fault. Mahaila told her not to go, her friend hinted that she shouldn’t go but she couldn’t resist. The Primordial Font was supposedly the origin of all power in this world. All the ether in the world runs through veins in the earth and from those veins sprouts the ether crystals. The people know this because the ether veins literally are arranged like blood vessels. No one knows what the ether veins actually look like, those areencased in dense layers of ether crystals. The harvestable ones are usually in the soil and stone a short distance away. The mages said attempting to damage those veins of crystals might cause some kind of chain reaction that would be catastrophic for those involved. 

Still as a mage the source of all power was certainly enticing. At first she was excited but then terrified. She could feel the pressure in the air, the soil was glowing, the entire place felt like it didn’t belong in this world. Cecilia had up to this point lulled herself into thinking she was more knowledgeable than everyone else. She knew the past, she knew ancient lost magics, and she had seen what her friend was capable of. Mahaila had shown her the ancient technologies and spoken to her of the great civilisations in the distant past. So in some way she had grown proud, arrogant even. Then she arrived at the font and realised how small she was, this was the beginning of everything. A place that predated basic concepts like gender, language, love, friendship, cooperation, arithmetic and perhaps even the measuring of time. Her dear friend did mention the Eternal Mother never bothered to count the years, so even the Firstborn didn’t know how long they had been around. Afterall why does the passage of time matter when you live forever? You only needed to know how many days, months or years until something was completed. But beyond that cataloguing history had little meaning. 

The Primordial Font, a land of eternal change and endless stagnation. It has remained largely the same in its chaotic nature. Ever the same, yet ever different.

Well if she was dead she was just as stupid as every overconfident ruler that came before.

Shows what she knew, her only regrets were for her sisters and her dearest friend…

What the hell was he going to do now…

“You aren’t dead you know.” a childlike voice said from her right. 

Cecilia turned to see a small boy standing there looking at her. He had a head of common brown hair, his skin was white like hers and he had these adorable baby brown eyes. In those eyes she saw an intelligence and yet a deep kindness. He was dressed strangely in this ragged and filthy blue jacket with what looked to be a thin hood laid on the back. There were words written in white on the jacket in a language that she didn’t understand. On his legs he wore this grungy and torn set of grey trousers. While on his feet was a pair of torn and stained white shoes. He also looked really thin as if he hadn't eaten well in years. If Cecilia had to peg his age he would be a child about twelve years old. 

“Who are you?” Cecilia asked cautiously.

“A friend, I’ve wanted to meet you for a while.” the boy said with a cheery smile.

“Meet me?” Cecilia asked as she looked at the smiling boy.

“Yes, it’s a long story and we don’t have much time until you wake up. That little zap knocked you out quite badly. But your friends took care of you.” the boy replied.

“Oh… I see… who are you?” Cecilia asked as she peered at the boy.

“My name is Timothy, don’t know what my family name is. Never met my parents. My lil sis calls me Tim, so you can call me that too.” the boy named Timothy replied with another bright smile.

“Well it’s nice to meet you Timothy, but where are we?” Cecilia asked as she looked around.

“Am I dreaming? You said I would wake up…” Cecilia said as she gave the young Timothy a questioning look.

“Well it’s kind of like a dream I suppose.” Timothy replied with a chuckle.

“So it’s not real? It’s all in my head?” Cecilia asked in confusion.

It was good that she wasn’t dead or was this just lies? Maybe it’s just her losing her mind before death…

“Hmm just because it’s in your head doesn’t mean it’s not real… But it looks like my time here is up, you’ll be waking up soon. Pity I thought I had more time, that potion must be quite strong.” Timothy said and Cecilia started to feel drowsy as if she was falling asleep.

“Probably for the best the big guy is going to be upset if I stay here for too long. Just wanted to pop in and say hi.” Timothy said but Cecilia could barely hear him now as she felt her consciousness fade.

“Big… guy?” Cecilia managed to mutter sleepily, fighting the fatigue with all she had.

“Ah you’ll like him, he’s fun…” Cecilia heard the last of his voice fade away and she slipped into unconsciousness.

It was only a moment but then she felt consciousness return and the first thing she noticed was that her entire vision was a blurry white. As her vision focused she realised that she was starting at her dear friend’s domed head.

“You alright?” Cecilia heard him ask and a small smile appeared on her lips.

“Yes, friend.” Cecilia replied through a dry hoarse throat as she gently raised a hand and touched his smooth white head.

“Nice to hear, you’ve been out for three days.” her dear friend said as he pulled his head back. 

Cecilia turned to see Mahaila standing there holding a cup of water. 

“Drink this.” Mahaila said as she handed Cecilia glass. Cecilia gratefully took it as she felt the refreshing cool liquid slide down her parched throat.

“Thank you, three days you say? I suppose the meetings were cancelled.” Cecilia replied as she looked at Mahaila. There was supposed to be a meeting with the other nobles of the empire a day after they were scheduled to return. The point of the meeting was to get an update on the status of the empire. The day after that was supposed to be a meeting with the other Volerian lords who had occupied Tralis’s territory in the chaos of the war. 

Usually for things like illegal occupation the standard procedure was to immediately demand its return or threaten military action but Cecilia had other plans. Afterall she didn’t just want most of Voleria, she wanted all of it.

“They weren’t cancelled, I didn't tell them you were knocked out, I told them you were busy.” her dear friend replied with a light chuckle.

“Those from our empire are still here, they decided to spend the time to reexamine their proposals and reports. The delegates from the other Volerian states on the other hand…” her dear friend said with a cheeky grin.

“What?” Cecilia asked with a small smile of her own.

“Well they were politely told to wait in one of the guest rooms until you returned.” Mahaila said from the side with a small sigh.

“Politely told?” Cecilia asked with a wry smile.

“They have been confined in the guest rooms for a day. They weren’t that pleased but…” her dear friend began.

“But you didn’t care.” Cecilia said finishing his sentence as she let out another small laugh.

Yep not at all…


It was a while before Cecilia was ready. In the meantime Cecilia sent out some orders, both the Empire’s leaders and the delegates were to be assembled in the same room. It was a strange command, the meeting with the Empire’s aristocrats would be disclosing some rather sensitive information. It wasn’t the real secrets, all the really sensitive information would only come in private meetings on an one to one basis. Still you wouldn’t go waving information on your internal affairs above your head. 

She probably has some kind of scheme in mind as usual. To be fair she was ever the opportunist, breaking with established practice has a tendency to disarm and create unease. Let’s see how Cecilia plays this little game. 

When we got back from the font, I noticed Cecilia’s vitals were jumping all over the place. It looked like she was having a strange dream. But I guess getting shocked like that would mess you up slightly. I know the brain runs on electric currents for sending signals, there was a spell that allowed someone to short circuit that flow and cause the target to fall unconscious. 

Cecilia of course having been passed out for two days and having not bathed in three was not immediately fit to meet the important men and women of the region. So she ended up taking a bath and having a quick meal of buttered bread and juice before heading out. 

However as we waited I looked at Mahaila and saw as usual she was her usual broody self. She always did this act of calm confidence but I could tell she was miserable.

“Tell me little goddess of war why are you always so glum?” I asked nonchalantly as Mahaila shot me a look with her sterling eyes.

“Because everything I had is gone except for some scant traces. Also what is with that line? Are you some aristocratic orator now? Tell me little goddess of war? Glum?” Mahaila said as she raised an eyebrow.

“A flight of fancy. But I suppose you feel powerless? Like you are too small in the world?” I asked and Mahaila narrowed her eyes at my comment. I could tell she got my hidden message. She said she would give us the long story of why she was here in the first place. But thus far Cecilia was unconscious but now that she was awake I was expecting an answer.

“Most do not have the power to change the world.” Mahaila replied.

“Well I guess once you travel enough the world seems smaller. Not as dramatic once you know what’s out there. Kinda takes the magic out of the world I suppose.” I replied as I thought back to the Primordial Font. It was always this crazy place in my mind, but now that I’ve been there it does seem far more mundane.

“The world isn’t smaller, there’s just less in it.” Mahaila replied with a small sigh.

“What has less in it?” Cecilia asked as the door of the bath opened.

“The world.” I replied and Cecilia paused for a moment before looking at Mahaila.

“Well then we have to fill it up again don’t we?” Cecilia asked and I saw Mahaila crack a small smile at those words.

“Hopefully we can. With any luck we just might.” Mahaila replied as she returned to her old broody self and we all turned towards the door.

When we arrived at the meeting hall I saw it certainly had an awkward atmosphere. At the head of the table was a grand empty chair, basically Cecilia’s seat. On the right and slightly behind the chair was my trusty cushion. The seating arrangement of those at the table was also far from random. On her immediate right was Duchess Yatheria of Cathay. The Duchess has been firmly cemented as Cecilia’s most trusted advisor based on ability alone. In terms of combined talent and experience, few could even come close to her. Although the five that came next were not to be scoffed at either. 

The lay out of the seating was based on how much regard Cecilia had for those individuals. The seating arrangement was dictated by Cecilia and she occasionally shifted it, clearly indicating to those attending that there was a very clear path to her side. Simply put, perform, prove your worth, merit will be rewarded. Everyone who was close to her was there for a reason, and no one at the table could deny it.

The seating arrangement goes as follows, Cecilia’s closest vassal was on her immediate right. Then the second was on her immediate left, the third shifted to the second on the right and the fourth went over to the left again. This went on and one until I counted fifty seats. Still despite the size of the empire and the many new upstart lords and ladies in probationary positions the seats weren’t even half filled. Not just anyone was allowed into the room, you had to earn the right to be privy to the most pertinent matters of the state. Anyone with a position that had the required competency was allowed in. For instance I could see Beatrice and Vilnol the former adventurer guild master of Averlon seated a few chairs down.

As for who was seated close to her, the top six goes as follows. Duchess Yatheria of Cathay, the Spider Sarana, the Lord Warden Gabrion, the Lord Enchanter of Istland Faren, the Royal Beastiarian Beatrice and Grand General Montis of the Volerian Protectorate. 

If there was any other indication that the seating was based on merit it was that Maria, Cecilia’s cousin was position twelve on the seating arrangement. She didn’t even make the top ten, it wasn’t because she was bad, it was just because everyone else was better. But in her defence, she wasn’t that ambitious, she never tried to prove herself. She was perfectly happy just running her new domain from her ancestral seat as she carried her new baby in her belly. Not that she was any the wiser on the latter fact but she would figure it out soon enough, looks like she and her new husband have been very busy. 

The final interesting thing was the cause of this rather awkward atmosphere. At the end of the table and I mean all the way at the end was seated the delegates from the four remaining Western Volerian states that were still independent. There was this significant gap of seating leaving the delegates feeling very isolated and also vaguely insulted.

I say vaguely because I could tell they were afraid, they have been basically held hostage under my orders and now they were looking at me in the flesh. It was plainly obvious I could kill everything in this room if I wanted to. Contrast that to the strange calm of those within the room, which included a very pregnant Beatrice who was behaving strangely to say the least. Judging by her belly it looked like she was due in a few weeks at most. So the sight of a pregnant woman staring calmly at the stack of parchment infront of her as if there wasn’t a giant man eating monster in the room would certainly be disconcerting.

I plopped myself on top of my cushion and watched as the entire room seemed confused about this whole arrangement. Afterall why would you invite potential enemies to this meeting on state affairs? Everyone except Beatrice, she was still engrossed in her notes… 

Honestly, at times I feel that girl isn’t just in her own world, she’s in her own separate dimension…

“Now then shall we begin?” Cecilia said calmly as she took a seat and I saw Duchess Yatheria give the Lord Warden a look and he shrugged slightly.

“Empress, may I ask why…” Duchess Yatheria asked as she turned her gaze to the pale faced delegates at the end of the table.

“They think they are here to negotiate with me in the hopes of keeping their stolen territory.” Cecilia said calmly as she shifted her ice cold gaze to the delegates who visibly flinched when her eyes locked onto them.

“Are you not?” Cecilia asked and the group slowly nodded apprehensively.

“Well I’m not here to negotiate with you on that…” Cecilia said calmly and the delegates gave each other confused looks.

I’m here to make you an offer…


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