
Chapter 108: Legacy of the Ancients

Chapter 108: Legacy of the Ancients

I watched as Malegaros prepared to drop the wards on one of the stasis chambers. The idea was that I wanted for him to show me how well he could control the beasts. At first contact I could immediately tell that Malegaros had a much more dominating presence within the hive mind as compared to others. That wasn’t to say he was more powerful, in fact Legiana had greater sway in the Hivemind. He was actually around the same level of the hierarchy as Nafas the leader of the ground forces and Azatherine the leader of the air forces. 

This was surprising to me at first considering I expected for him to be on the same level of Legiana but after some examination I figured out why. The Eternal Mother probably never gave anything as much autonomy as I gave Legiana. I allowed Legiana to make her own decisions and only consult me when she felt it was necessary. In the past I compared my control of the hive to a leash, like how one would leash a dog. But from what I can tell the Eternal Mother didn’t use leashes, she used shackles.


I heard Malegaros command in the hive mind and the beast that was just released fell to the ground and lowered its head into the floor. I could sense fear radiating from the creature into the hive mind. In fact the other queens and other members all seemingly froze in surprise. Yeah you could say this was quite different as compared to what they were used to. While for me usually I just tug on the leash hard and that was enough to keep the members in line. But for Malegaros it was more like he dragged the creature to the ground with the shackles and started beating it into submission with a stick.

The beast in question wasn't some small mewling creature, it was stronger than a Praetorian. It was easily stronger than any of my ground forces in terms of combat power. I suspect only my best Adjutants would even have a chance against it. It was this four metre tall creature, this height was surprising considering it was on all fours. Well kind of on all fours it had four large muscular arms and the same centipede like tail that all the members of the Eternal Mother’s hive had. Just by looking at it I could tell the Eternal Mother and I had very different design philosophies. My designs were rarely specialised, I usually incorporated some elements of modular design for flexibility. But from what I can tell the Eternal Mother’s creations were all highly specialised. Perhaps it was due to the difference of opponents they faced, as it stands I can still get away with flexibility. I suppose that wasn’t an option against the calibre of opponents in the old world. 

A good clear example of this was the beast in front of me. Its arms were large muscular things tipped with razor sharp claws. The four arms were clearly so that it could move while attacking, the lower arms helped it move while the upper arms struck. It was also easier to grapple with four arms. Judging by its heavy frontal armour my best guess was that it was a brawler. Other than the arms, there were these large blades attached to these scorpion tail like appendages on its back. This creature was obviously designed as a heavy shock unit. I could imagine these things barrelling into a formation of soldiers and just carving wide gashes into the lines.

“Do the rest.” I said calmly and Malegaros obeyed as he began triggering the other stasis chambers. Each command sent into the hive mind felt like a hammer striking down onto those below. The level of malice and callous brutality was something that was beyond both me and Cecilia. I thought we were brutal but if this was the Eternal Mother’s right hand I wonder what she herself was like. Her memories were like videos, I couldn’t feel the emotions that coloured those memories. But I’m starting to get an idea… especially as I started to examine his creature designs.

I think I’ll use shackles for Malegaros just to be safe…

“You seem troubled, friend…” Cecilia said as she looked at me in concern.

“That guy is something else, I’m starting to think the angels probably had a good reason to wipe out the Firstborn.” I replied and Mahaila gave me a knowing look.

“You have no idea how different you are from the Firstborn. I didn’t fight them but I was alive towards the end of their existence and the stories back then were quite accurate since it was rather recent history.” Mahaila said.

“I assume that’s a comforting thought for you?” I asked dryly as I gave Mahaila a look and she let out a sigh in a response.

“Again… you have no idea…” Mahaila replied with a shake of her head.

“Well let's see how this goes, he’s definitely useful. If the angels want to pick a fight, he’s going to help make their lives a living hell.” I said and Cecilia gave me a look before turning back to Malegaros who was a distance away continuing to open up the chambers.

“I assume he has some… interesting… design templates?” Cecilia asked, the caution clear in her voice.

“Interesting is one way to describe it.” I muttered in response.

“Then how would you describe it?” Cecilia asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Tell me Mahaila, are you familiar with Necrophages?”  I asked and Mahaila’s eyes widened for a moment before narrowing.

“Yes. Why?” Mahaila asked warily.

“That was his idea. How would you describe it?” I asked. Mahaila’s mouth fell open and her eyes widened into saucers.

“Nightmarish…” Mahaila replied as she glared at Malegaros.

“Necrophages?” Cecilia asked.

“They were creations formed from the Necrophage parasite. Malegaros laced all the hive members with the parasite so when a target is killed their body is controlled by the parasite. It converts the body into a rudimentary infantry unit. Hives need to drag the bodies back after the battle to reassimilate them. By doing this you essentially get a group of weak soldiers that augment your forces, even if they fall in battle you can drag them back underground anyway.” I said and Mahaila figdited for a moment.

“It’s not just that, it’s main utility is that of a terror weapon. The Necrophage Parasite changes the body but it keeps the face and vocal cords so that it could scream and cry in its original voice. It’s designed to terrify and traumatise, sapping the fighting will of the opponent. Babies and children were turned into acid bombs, women had their ribs turned into projectiles and men’s stronger arms were turned into blades.” Mahaila said as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Those that survived an encounter often lose a piece of themselves. Some go berserk, others become hollow shells. The ones that go berserk were often killed due to recklessness but the hollow shells were called The Haunted afterwards. It shaped the culture of every civilization that faced it. We must never use it, if we do, every civilization will turn against us and it will paint a giant target on our back. The angels and demons hate the Necrophages with a passion, since they were the main instigators of the fall they got the worst of it.” Mahaila said.

“There is an old parable that says to fear what both heaven and hell hates. I suppose this qualifies.” Cecilia said with a sigh as she scratched the back of her head.

“Hmm I suppose it does. But I can’t use it anyway, I can’t exactly let the angel know that I have connections to the Eternal Mother. There were rogue hives, I think masquerading as one would be good.” I said and Mahaila nodded.

“Many hives hid during the fall of the Firstborn. The hives of the Firstborn were giving everyone so much pain that most were killed on sight.” Mahaila replied with another nod.

“There is an alternative, my king.” Malegaros said as he approached after finishing with all the chambers.

“And that is?” I asked as I sensed the unease dripping from Mahaila at his presence. It was actually more than just simple unease, it was more of a visceral disgust. But after I scanned his memories… well let’s just say the disgust was earned…

“The Eternal Mother had three failed experiments that contributed to the rogue hives. They were the early prototypes what was known as the Vanguard Broods. As you know the hive mind have a limited range, additional steps are needed to maintain extremely long range operations.

These Vanguard Broods were autonomous, able to exist outside of the hive mind’s influence. But the early prototypes rebelled, one even fought against the Eternal Mother. The traitor brood was known as Hive Brood Frataris. The brood was eventually destroyed by the forces of the Eternal Mother. Past intelligence indicates that the humanoids do not know much about this only that there was a rebel rogue brood. You might be able to stand in as Hive Brood Frataris.

Hive Brood Frataris was arguably the first ever to rebel against the Firstborn to a reasonable degree of success.” Malegaros said.

“I think I’ve heard about that… the supposed Hive wave against Zarima was delayed because of it. It bought us decades of time to prepare.” Mahaila said as she cupped her chin.

“Frataris… that means sibling if I am not mistaken…” Cecilia asked as she tried to remember the old tongue.

“Yes, sibling to Hive Brood Mother. It was supposed to be a sibling-like entity that answers to the Eternal Mother since both Hives came from the Eternal Mother.” Malegaros replied.

“Let me guess too much independence and intelligence led to rebellion?” I asked and Malegaros nodded in response.

“Well that certainly is an option for my little cover story. The first ever rebel… sounds good honestly as far as the angels are concerned. Enemy of my enemy is my friend.” I muttered in response.

“But will they see you as a threat? The old Hive Broods were very powerful and if your supposed lineage was one that managed to break free from the Eternal Mother’s control then you are not something to be trifled with.” Cecilia countered. She made a good point, if I am so dangerous then they might kill me anyway to be safe.

“I doubt so, the angels do not have the luxury to fight a costly war now. They just might leave you alone for now…” Mahaila replied.

“And what exactly is tying them down?” I asked as I turned to look at Mahaila who sighed in response.

“It’s a long story, I’ll tell you everything when we get back. We’ll be here a long time if I start doing this now.” Mahaila replied. I don’t see any indication that she was lying, as far as I can tell she sincerely was going to tell me the truth. Well I guess this counts as one final trust test…

“Alright. Is everything done over here?” I asked as I looked at Malegaros who nodded.

“It may be beneficial to consume some of these stronger specimens to gain power. Their numbers are too few for any significant strategic benefit. If what the minions currently used is sufficient for strategic needs, such powerful minions may not be necessary at this time.” Malegaros said as he shifted his gaze to the small ensemble of minions.

He did have a point and honestly I can’t use them as they are anyway. I will need to change their bodies since it’s painfully obvious that they were part of the Eternal Mother’s hive just from their appearance.

“I think it might be better to hold off for now.” Cecilia said and I turned to look at her. I sensed a twinge of annoyance from Malegaros and I shot him a look as my displeasure leaked out into the hive mind. He instantly shrank back and bowed in apology. Cecilia gave the two of us a funny look as I heard Legiana chastising Malegaros in the hive mind.

“It’s nothing, I'll fix it later…” I said as I shot Malegaros a look, he flinched in response and I felt a thrill of fear radiate from his mind.

“I am sure you will, friend. As for why I think you should hold off for now. There is still another vault for us to inspect. I think we should take inventory before we decide how to utilise our resources.” Cecilia said and I nodded in response.

“Makes sense.” I replied.

Cecilia was right, it was only prudent to have everything on the table before you decide how to use your resources. I suppose this advice coming from her wasn’t that surprising. As an Empress she spends half her time managing how to allocate her resources. 

“Alright let’s do that, we should get ready to move. I think we’ll take the underground route since I want to bring Malegaros along. Since he’s here might as well get his input on what we find.” I said.

“Very well, shall we go?” Cecilia asked and I nodded as we headed out. As soon as we exited the vault I saw this hole appear in the sand in front of us. I saw Cecilia approach the hole and about to step in when I heard this rumbling from behind me. I turned to see the vault door seal itself and the illusion flickered back to life. Gotta love the security of this place, the last one did the same thing too. Once the bearer of the key gets too far from the entrance the vault reseals itself and the wards reactivate.

I headed down the hole and I saw Cecilia entering a carriage with Mahaila following after her. Carrying her and flying was one thing, especially since it was so much faster. But making her walk in this dark and dank underground tunnel was a bit much so I had this little arrangement done just in case.

Now then it would probably be best if I did a cursory examination of the giant database of genomes that Malegaros gave me. I can’t seem to assimilate these genomes, it might be because this is just the information and not the essence. Well I could always just ask…

“Yo disembodied voice in my head, why can’t I assimilate these abilities?” I asked in the hive mind.

Certain abilities are able to be assimilated but additional ether is required for assimilation

This can be circumvented by sacrificing current power to assimilate immediately

Other abilities and genomes are currently unusable due to insufficient [Core Evolution Level]

“So I just need ether or essence to assimilate some of them?” I asked.

Affirmative, would you like to assimilate available genomes?

“No, I think not for now. I assume if I eat something powerful and I choose to assimilate additional abilities it would slow my growth since some of the energy is being used for the assimilation instead of growing the Core Evolution?” I asked.

Affirmative, current situation grants increased strategic flexibility

Raw power can be delayed for immediate flexibility

Now that was interesting, I guess I kind of have an expanded skill tree. I can choose to get abilities or work towards a higher Core Evolution Level which will in turn unlock other abilities. As I scanned the various genomes and abilities I saw some of the ones available now required a lot of power to assimilate. Some genomes only had specific abilities that are available while others are available for complete assimilation.

Still some of these sounded really cool but the list was sooo long…

There’s this one that looks interesting, [Azurite Death Fog Basilisk].

“What the hell is Death Fog?” I asked.

[Death Fog] is an area gas attack that applies [Greater Necros Curse V] [Petrification X] and [Unstable Infusion] to [Petrified] targets.

[Unstable Infusion] causes [Petrified] targets to explode after a time spreading more [Death Fog]  

Ok… that's some weapon of mass destruction stuff. I can put the Death Fog into projectiles and launch them into cities and just kill everyone…

If that isn’t an indiscriminate weapon I don’t know what is…

There’s still a lot more interesting sounding genomes…

[Wrath Ring Bloodletter]

Is that demon? Isn’t the Wrath Ring that demonic place in hell filled with angry raging demons?

There’s even more here…

[Archon Hydra: Elder Phase]

[Progenitor Solari Phoenix]

[Cryo Phoenix]

[Thunder Phoenix]

[Sunlight Thunder Gale Dragon]

[Dracovian Sandworm]

[Umbara Shadow Wight]

Hang on, there’s some humanoids in here…







[Alven Ancient]

[High Elf]

[Elder Fawning]



[Enderlite Daemon]

[Lesser Daemon]


[Aetherlite Seraphin]

[Lesser Seraphin]

Hang on based on these names… am I looking at the progenitor genomes of the angels and demons…

What else is there?

Oh wait a minute is this what I think it is?


Watcher? Like THE Watchers? The original humanoids?

Shit… I mean I’m not even close to assimilating it, the power requirement was huge but… still…

I have the original humanoid template… it looks complete…

Many of the humanoids were really depressed about their species’s regression. What if I could undo it? Now that was something that many would take… I could ascend the loyal. I could also make some… subtle adjustments... to reduce the chances of betrayal. The original plan was to do my personal improvements on them but that was kind of a hard sell. But now I could give them their historical strength and then I can sell the other stuff. Think of it as a salesman getting his foot in the door first.

I might even be able to get demon and angel defectors with this…

I really need to look through all of this, this will take days… literally…

Hang on I just realised something, didn’t all the past genomes have some weird names? Like the horse was called Equss. Why were all of these in simple language?

“Hey disembodied voice, what's with the simple names?” I asked.

Names are based on the name identification keyed into each genome

Name identification keyed into each genome? 

“Who keyed these in?” I asked as I started to feel something was off. Perhaps it was from those afterlife bureaucrats? Or was it something else? Regardless, the answer that came didn’t make me feel any better…


Information is labelled  as [Redacted]…


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