
Chapter 107: Malegaros

Chapter 107: Malegaros

I held the key out and the next vault opened revealing a much larger structure built into the mountain. At first glance this place was far more secure. The architecture was excellent with intricate patterns of runes running along this large corridor. Notably I saw these strange statues that were modeled after Draconians. Unlike the Lizardkin they looked far more bestial which was apparently more common on the older species. Most of the current humanoids are linked in some way to the elves thus the rather hairless body.

These statues had bulkier arms and long draconic heads. Their necks seemed shorter but as I looked at their legs I started to understand something. The Lizardkin had this thing where if they killed their opponents with their feet talons it was considered a humiliating kill. The Draconians had rather large muscular legs. That must go well with their large powerful wings, they can just dive onto their targets and maim them with their talons.

Although as I look at the ether flow on the surrounding structure I don’t think those are just statues.

“Those aren’t just statues are they?” I asked as we walked past one of them.

“No, those are golems. The ancient Zarimans often employed constructs to fight for them. It was useful considering maintaining supply lines in a desert is quite difficult. A golem can’t die of thirst afterall.” Mahaila said as she glanced at the golem.

“But what good would these golems do if someone broke in? Judging by that door back there, if someone managed to break in chances are they could take care of these golems.” I asked as we continued past golem after golem. We weren’t that worried, I could most definitely take on these golems judging by their ether levels, also Mahaila was here…

“The Firstcult were exiles. My best guess was it was to guard against betrayal. If someone breaks in using a key the golems may be able to detect if the person isn’t supposed to be here. Either that or it’s just a deterrent for others who know about this place.” Cecilia suggested.

“Another mystery for the list I guess…” I muttered, honestly all the explanations didn’t completely make sense but I couldn’t just ask the creator. 

A betrayer who knew about this place would know about the golems and be able to circumvent them. If it was a deterrent I think the door was a better deterrent and honestly most won’t know about this place anyway. I guess this was the annoying part of the ancient past. It was quite the waste honestly. All this knowledge just lost to time…

Soon we arrived at another door, this one was even more fortified than the last. Although I did see a simple control switch on the door. If you make a door this fortified and make it easy to open from this side then the door isn’t to keep people out, it’s to keep something in…

“Something tells me there is something dangerous on the other side of that door…” Cecilia said as she peered at the little control matrix sitting in the middle of that massive vault like door. The door was this massive circular thing made of concentric rings. Each ring glowed with runes that each formed a magic circle. In the center of the door held this matrix which I could tell judging by the runes was how you opened the door. 

“Yes, you don’t make a door like that and make it that easy to open. That was there to keep something in…” Mahaila muttered as she gazed at the door.

“We should be careful when we open this thing. I’m starting to think the golems were not put here to keep things out. I think it might be to keep something in…” I said as I channeled power into my blades and activated my [Void Enchant] ability.

“Agreed…” Mahaila said as she drew one of her swords and approached the door.

“Cecilia take a step back.” I said as Cecilia backed off and I put myself in front of her. She was easily the weakest of the three of us in terms of combat power but she was arguably the most important at this point. Without her there goes my venerable beast alibi for the angels. Quite an interesting arrangement we all have, if any of us disappears all the plans fall apart…

Mahaila reached out and tapped on the matrix. The runes swirled for a moment and then it disappeared. Then the concentric rings began to glow as they rotated. I saw the magic barriers on the door fade one by one and soon the barriers were gone. Then when the final ring clicked into place, the door slid downwards into the floor. You know with the door designed like that how would someone close it? 

As the door completely dropped below the floor I saw this dragon-like skeleton lying on the floor on the other side of the door. It was lying next to this pedestal with another magic matrix. Now that’s dedication, looks like the only way to close the door was from the other side and the only way to open it was from the outside. I assume since this place was made to contain something they wanted to make it as difficult as possible for whatever is inside to escape. Also by making it impossible to close from the outside, it made sure that opening this door was a one way trip for someone. But as I look at what this room held I am starting to understand why all the security.

“What the hell is all this?” Cecilia stammered.

“Those lunatics…” Mahaila muttered through gritted teeth.

“They didn’t just lock up the Eternal Mother it seems…” I said as I walked forward into the massive room. The room was filled with magic stasis chambers holding various creatures. I recognised these designs, the Eternal Mother gave me some of the memories but she couldn’t give me most of the exact designs. Everything I made that was based on her creations was modeled after what I saw. I didn't have the essence code for her crazier creations. These monsters were vastly superior to the ones I had, although they were quite expensive to produce. I may have to cut some corners but I could still use parts of their designs.

“You know what these things are?” I asked in a tone that betrayed the fact I knew exactly what these things are.

“The Eternal Mother’s Hive…” Mahaila said through gritted teeth.

“So this is a Firstborn’s hive?” Cecilia asked as she looked around the room.

“Millions died to creatures like this… they reaved across this world, devouring everything in their wake. These are the monsters that drove the orcs to extinction. The orcs were brutal and these creatures were their replacement… the Firstborn’s new weapon…” Mahaila said as she warily looked around the room.

“Why did the Firstborn need such a tool? They wouldn’t need it considering their power. I never got the chance to ask before this.” Cecilia asked curiously as she too looked around the room in fascination.

“The Firstborn used to like to orchestrate catastrophes. Each Firstborn controlled a domain so sometimes they used them for raids. Why they did this I am not sure but I suspect it has something to do with the other reason they used the Hives and Orcs.” Mahaila replied as a dark expression crossed her face.

“Which is?” I asked.

“They would occasionally unleash their hordes upon us and the civilisation that performs the best gets a reward. It was a form of crude entertainment for them.” Mahaila replied.

“That seems wasteful, there are other ways to get entertainment, some of you write some really interesting books.” I mused and I saw Mahaila turn to give me a funny look.

“Careful there’s a lot of danger in front of us.” I said with a smirk and she scowled at me before turning forward. 

It was a cheeky jab as the only reason we were having this conversation was because we all knew it was safe. The contents of this room were still contained. The only reason the Eternal Mother was allowed to be semi autonomous was because there was no way for her to live without assistance. But these creatures, if unleashed could do alot of damage.

Most obvious of these creatures was the strange creature that was the centerpiece of this little collection.

“Are you sure these things are secure?” Cecilia asked a little nervously as we walked forward towards this pedestal that held this creature. I knew what it was but I could tell even Mahaila had no idea.

“Yes, the wards are still strong. The only way they are getting out is if something disables the containment wards.” Mahaila said as we stopped in front of the strange creature.

It bore a lot of resemblance to the Eternal Mother. Purple armor plates covered its body. Its lower half was like a centipede with large insectoid legs running along the side of its body. Its torso was vaguely humanoid in shape. What was interesting was its torso, it looked like it was designed to open up. As for its arms it was these six small shrunken things that looked primarily for digging. Its head was wide like a hammerhead shark with six small eyes dotted along it and one large eye in the center.

“Do you know what that is?” Cecilia asked as she gazed up at it.

“No, my best guess is that it's one of the Eternal Mother’s lieutenants.” Mahaila replied warily.

“That is the Eternal Mother’s right hand. Malegaros.” I said calmly. I saw Cecilia and Mahaila turn to look at me in confusion.

“Malegaros? Malicious Hunger?” Mahaila asked in confusion.

“Is that what it’s name means?” I replied with a smirk.

“It’s the old tongue, no one speaks it anymore.” Mahaila said as she narrowed her eyes.

“You are looking at the architect of some of the horrors that the Eternal Mother’s hive produced.” I said as I gazed at the frozen Malegaros.

“It’s a flesh crafter?” Mahaila asked in surprise, her eyes widened as if realizing something.

“The Eternal Mother’s hive was far more adaptable than the other Hives of the Firstborn. We thought it was just her skill but if she had an assistant to help her with that, then it made sense…” Mahaila muttered in response.

“I thought you didn’t fight the Firstborn?” I asked.

“There was a lot of time to discuss after the fact. I don’t think you understand, before the Firstborn fell they were like a force of nature in the world. Most thought they would always be there and their existence was like gravity. It would always be there no matter what, and then one day they were gone. Their end was hotly debated, celebrated and romanticized after their fall.” Mahaila replied with a shrug.

“It makes sense, that was probably the most significant event in the history of this world.” Cecilia added as she shifted her gaze back to Malegaros.

“Can you control this one?” Cecilia asked.

“Yes, I didn’t modify the Eternal Mother’s control signal. I basically inherited it and from what I can tell though powerful this one doesn’t have much combat potential. By the way it might go a little berserk at first, I will need to reconnect it. Shouldn’t take long, try not to kill it.” I said as I approached the stasis chamber.

“How long exactly?” Mahaila asked as she drew her other sword.

“No idea…” I said as I nodded at Cecilia who was reaching for the control pedestal in front of the stasis chamber. She had a barrier up in front of her just in case but I could tell she was nervous about this.

“Relax, I can take him. If things look iffy just retreat behind me.” I said and Cecilia flashed me a grateful smile as she activated the pedestal. 

I saw the wards around the chamber fade, the blue swirling runes began to go out and layer by layer the magic barrier faded away. I saw the creature’s eyes dart around for a moment then it started to scream and thrash. I immediately tried to connect it to the hive mind. It was surprisingly easy and in an instant I was in. But just as I made the connection I saw Mahaila leap forward and drive her knee into the creature's chin. The creature toppled over backwards from the force. I winced as I saw multiple torn muscles and ligaments on the creature’s neck.

“I have it.” I said and Mahaila backed off. I felt the creature’s mind scan the hive mind and it slowly started to get its bearings.

“Apologies my king…” the creature said as it calmly righted itself.

“Malegaros… The Weaver of Flesh… I believe that was your title… Speak out loud for the other two.” I said and Malegaros calmly nodded in response.

“The Mother, she is dead?” Malegaros asked, it's one large eye staring at me intently.

“Yes, perhaps this will make things clearer.” I replied as I sent him the memories through the hive mind. Just from the connection I could tell Malegaros was extremely intelligent and also quite individualistic. But I suppose individualism was needed for complex problem solving.

“Hmm… so it seems the Eternal Mother is lost as are the other Gods Unnamed.” Malegaros replied and I sensed sorrow from his mind.

“Gods Unnamed?” Cecilia asked in confusion.

“The Firstborn were not called the Old Gods when they were still around. Amongst themselves they were called the Firstborn. The rest of us called them Firstborn privately and The Gods Unnamed in public.” Mahaila explained.

“The Firstborn came before names. Names are given by those of whom you share an intimate relationship with or your superior. The Firstborn didn’t have relationships and none were their superior.” I said and Cecilia nodded in understanding.

“Is that why you never wanted a name?” Cecilia asked curiously.

“Not really. I just felt I never needed one. I suppose that was the same situation for the other Firstborn. Perhaps it's something to do with the way my mind works.” I replied with a shrug.

“Perhaps, no one has ever got the chance to speak to a Firstborn like this.” Mahaila said and I saw Malegaros large eye shift to look at her. I could sense the slight confusion in his mind, no doubt this was very different as compared to what he was used to.

“You can give me one if you want. I suppose calling me friend all the time is a little annoying.” I said to Cecilia and I could sense Malegaros fidgit in response.

“Really? But I… I don’t know what would be a good name.” Cecilia stammered in response, clearly taken aback.

“Well I guess you could think about it and let me know if you find something.” I replied with a shrug and I turned to look at Malegaros.

“A question my king, it is obvious you give these lesser creatures more credit than they are due. Why is that?” Malegaros said calmly. This was slightly surprising considering Mahaila who was the “lesser creature” just introduced her knee to his chin with enough force to topple him over.

“Because of this.” I said as I transmitted my rudimentary plans for utilizing Focii crystals in the Hive.

“What is this…” Malegaros said as his eyes widened, I could already sense the numerous implications running through his mind.

“These are early stage plans but the potential… where did you come across the knowledge on these Focii crystals?” Malegaros asked as he leaned in almost hungrily.

I calmly gestured to Mahaila who took out one of her Focii blades and ignited it. Malegaros turned to look at it in fascination.

“You say I give them too much credit, I say you do not give them enough credit. Do not forget Malegaros, these lesser creatures killed your master…” I said and Malegaros averted his gaze for a moment, his thoughts racing the Hive mind.

“It is as you say my king…” Malegaros admitted, although I could sense it was a rather reluctant admission.

“Tell me Malegaros, is underestimating your opponents wise?” I asked and Malegaros shook his head.

“Then what about underestimating the very opponents that beat you?” I asked softly and Malegaros remained silent as I felt his mind seemingly shrink in fear. He could sense I was annoyed at this show of stupidity. I honestly hated this mindset it was stupid in the extreme. You do not underestimate the people who beat the living shit out of you in the past.

“I can sense your arrogance, it bleeds from your mind like pus from a wound. I worked very hard to beat this mindset out of everyone else in the Hive. I will beat it out of you if I have to.” I said and Malegaros lowered his head in apology.

Then I heard Legiana chime in from the Hive mind.

The humanoids are weak individually but there are exceptions

But what is even more dangerous is when they are coordinated

As a group humanoids are not to be underestimated…

“Exactly…” I said and Malegaros nodded silently.

“I can sense you feel all other life should exalt the Firstborn and know their place. But in truth that place is not given, it is taken. The other Firstborn had their place taken, so what will we do?” I asked and Malegaros shifted his gaze to me.

We will take it back and remind them 

I am the hand of god

You are the truth they forgot…


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