Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 703 The Nether Is Too Good For You

Chapter 703  The Nether Is Too Good For You

However, lenny was an Assassin, and sending people to the afterlife was a trade that he bathed himself with, and it had granted him certain benefits along the line. This day was no exception. Lenny smiled as he whispered back, "good! it makes your death more fun!"

Lenny's fingers, fast as lightening reached out, leaving after images behind as it moved, piecing into Ella's chest. As it did, Ella tightened her muscles, holding his hand in place so that he could not move. What she had done was actually a genius move, but also a very deadly one. Ella had essentially sacrificed her own body for the sake of capturing Lenny. As she held him in place, the Holy tool that was a humanoid monkey also sent out a punch. this punch was heading for the back of lenny's head. The fist of the monkey about to hit lenny glowed brightly in a white light. Obviously, this move of hers was meant to do one thing and that was burst lenny's head like a watermelon. However, lenny suddenly gave a side smile. "You have been in the Nether for far too long. You really do not know how far i have grown, do you?" The moment he said this, he activated his magic, and it followed through his body.

<-30 magic points>

<-20 magic points>

As his magic flowed through his body, it was like a dam had burst open to let its content flow into a dried up river. Lenny's cells, greedy for life and power absorbed it all, taking in the magic points as it restored him to the sate of power that he formerly had. *BAM!*

The monkey's hand smashed against lenny's skull. However, unlike Ella had expected, the monkey's fist broke on impact. With force and magic flowing into his hand, lenny forced his fingers through the tightened muscles as his fist burst through the other side of her chest. "AHHH!!!"

Ella screamed in pain as her blood and meat splashed everywhere especially on athena's body. Lenny pulled back his fist and took a huge jump backwards. His fist was locked tightly. Meanwhile, Ella fell to the ground as she screamed and cried in pain. her eyes were a mixture of tears and confusion as she coughed out blood, again and again. She felt as if she had suddenly lost her voice. Then again, she might as well have. After all, lenny had removed a section of her chest. As she looked down, she could not believe that she was hollow in the chest. Her eyes as she looked at Lenny was one of confusion. At the same time, her Holt tool monkey rushed at lenny, landing punches upon punches all powered by holy energy. However, it was all of no use. Lenny did not so much as move or even turn his head to face the creature. Then again, he did not need to. After all, would an adult pay attention to a stuffed animal beating at his feet?

The answer was as clear as day. Lenny, with very precise steps walked towards her. His steps were slow and commanding, and for the very first time since she became the keeper of this castle, she felt intense fear.

However, Lenny did not rush. To an extent, it was right to say that he was savoring the moment.

Lenny saw the confusion in her eyes and explained. "The last time, your lackey's had captured me, only because the Nether had eaten against my power and they had used their techniques on me to further weaken me. At the time, I thought that it was a terrible thing. But looking back at it now..." lenny sighed loudly, "...I think that it was for the best.

After all, that way, you were not able to know the true extent of my power. I assume that in this black hole you now call home, there has not been any method for you to improve your power. but in the short months that you had been gone, I have grown incredibly well."

As lenny said this, he allowed the energy in his body to flow outward.

It was at this moment that Ella realized that she could not measure lenny's powerlevel. In fact, she could not even sense it at all. it was so far beyond her reach. it was like she was an ant Standing before a big, robust tree, attempting to see its peak. That was just not possible.

Lenny gave a side smile. "I know that you don't know, so I'll tell you. I am of the..."

"It does not MATTER!!!" She screamed back at him. "No matter your demon rank, it doesn't matter. In this place, I am KING!"

She stretched her hand, attempting to command the castle to her will. However, to her dismay, the castle did not obey. The walls did not move, and her orders fell on deaf ears. Lenny opened his fist. In his grasp was a piece of her flesh. This piece of her chest had certain black carvings on them. It was a rune shaped like a castle. "No!" She muttered. The realization of what lenny had taken from her hit her had.

In lenny's hand was the carving that marked her as ruler of the Nether realm in place of the Nether knights. Her eyes widened in shock as she struggled frantically to reach lenny. At the same time, the cold of the Nether had started to seep into her being, covering her body, slowly, she was freezing over. However, lenny chuckled, "Hell no! You don't get to go off so easily." He walked up to her and took a knee before her face, "I really want to throw you into the red sands as you did me, but if I could makle it out of that place, surely, an old demon like yourself would. The Nether is truly not enough punishment for you. I am not satisfied with it." As lenny said this, he threw a black egg before her.

On seeing the egg, she knew what it was for...


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