Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 702  An Assassin's Mind

Chapter 702  An Assassin's Mind

The image of Athena on the wall and of Ella's body. All of it to the detail of her strokes into Athena's body as well as her wild laughter, enjoying the pleasure that she derived. However, all this was not what he was searching for. What he was searching for was her method of control. He remembered that she had shown him the rune on her chest that allowed her control the castle. This was what he needed. Soon, Ella reached her climax, grabbing Athena's head even tighter as she flooded her insides with her seed. At this point, Lenny wanted to act but his instincts, trained meticulously for many years in battle fronts that had taken a lot of lives stopped him from moving a step. Every part of his being told him that it was not yet time.

Truly, it had been a very long time since lenny really made an assassination attempt on a person's life and even he could tell that he was at the moment a little rusty. After all, most of his battles in recent times had been head on attacks. For this particular assassination attempt to work beautifully, he had to be patient, he had to be calm, and best of all, he had to ignore the emotions in his heart. Lenny did not want to admit it but he had come to have incredible pity on athena. She had suffered for most of her life and even now, after he was the reason for their so called freedom, she was experiencing unimaginable pain. However, at this moment, Lenny choose to shut his so called emotions down. So assassination attempt ever done outside the premise of logic had ever gone smoothly. He needed to calculate every single thing if he wanted to be absolutely successful, and the only way to do that was to shut off every other thing that was not important to the task at hand. At first, because it had been a while, it was a bit problematic, but as he laid in the corner, his mind flashed back to the words of his master back in his former world. In times like these, lenny could always hear the words of his master in his head. It was as if the capabilities of his old master had a way of cracking through the void of space and time and sinking perfectly into his mind, guiding him on the path that was most efficient for the attack. Regardless of the moaning sounds, lenny's senses acted, blocking the unnecessary details and capturing the best and most useful details for the task ahead.

After all, this was Ella's territory, this was her battlefield and if he wanted to win, then he had no choice but to create an absolute advantage with variables that presented themselves to him.

Although, it might seem impossible, for lenny, it was absolutely possible.

At the moment, in his mind's eye, he could see it all. in his mind, he measured the distance between himself and ella, and then in took account for everything. From the friction of the bone-tiled earth to the friction of the walls and how they would feel against his finger tips as he planned to use them as a spring board, to any other part of the wall that would effectively give him any form of leverage. As he did this, Lenny did not know, but his body had sank deeper into the shadows, and deep within the ground of the castle, the ball of shadow runes seemed to resonate with him. lenny was not aware but that ball of shadow runes, made by King Solomon the Wise was at this moment resonating with his very soul. It vibrated slightly and even Ella, in the midst of her pleasure and enjoyment did not notice that for some unknown reason, the bones that made up the walls began to glow in very dark shadow runes. By now, she had removed her male member from Athena's mouth to focus on her lower body, removing the black meaty pipes that had been fixed into her anal. Athena replaced the pipes with her male organ, pumping away to the land of bliss and pleasure. As she continued, she was once more about to reach her climax, and it was at this point that it happened. lenny kicked hard against the ground, but his foot had touched the ground so lightly that a drop of water against the earth would have created a more violent force, and yet, waves of his motion as he broke the physically acceptable spread out in all direction. His feet, taking advantage of even cut on the ground and even the friction against his skin, propelled his body with incredible efficiency and in no time, he had appeared against another wall.

Lenny did not know this, but at this moment, even though this was the dark nether, he was like a spectral shadow of nothingness. His body blended with the world as if it had become an extra limb, a muscle that he could control the way he wanted to.  And with that, he moved again, bouncing off yet another wall. Time at this moment was Lenny's ally, as the world seemed to slow to a crawl, and Lenny used it well. Instantly, he had appeared behind Ella just when she was about to burst another load into Athena's body. However, lenny suddenly heard Ella's voice, "do you think that I didn't know you are here!" As she said this, a figure appeared behind Lenny. It was none other than Ella's holy tool which was in the form of a human sized monkey.

Ella had a shallow smile on her face. Truly, she was a demon on her own level. However, lenny was an Assassin, and sending people to the afterlife was a trade that he bathed himself with, and it had granted him certain benefits along the line. This day was no exception. Lenny smiled as he whispered back, "good! it makes your death more fun...!"


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