D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 99: In for a Pound…

Chapter 99: In for a Pound…

Gareth's plate of salad flew around Kat a few times not even bothering to get in close or slow down. Thyme understood this wasn't the distraction for Kat and so mostly just followed the pre-planned path for consistencies sake. "Thanks" said Gareth

As the dishes reached The Unfortune Four a wardrobe popped up, it was placed on its side to act as a table. Nixilei tried to open it when it appeared but the doors didn't budge. *Guess it's just for show then.*

Once the dishes lined up Green sat up, cast haste on herself and devoured her portion of the meal in an instant before returning to her resting position. Kat could see Nixilei's eye twitch under her glasses as she debated if Green deserved to be reprimanded.

*I wonder what's stopping her? Is it because we are in public or is it because Green did so well in the first two games.*

"Well, that's two teams settled, you other guys want anything?" asked Thyme

Skye spoke up first "Hey demon girl! Did you say Dusk froze his mask?"

"Yeah?" asked Kat somewhat confused

"Sweet, in that case… Thyme I'll take that steak you offered Gareth" said Skye.

Dusks shoulders drooped when he heard this but didn't actively complain, of course, that might be because he was trying to avoid speaking and breathing in more of the foods flavour then he already had.

"Clive, Eva, you guys want anything" asked Skye

*Is she just going to ignore the other guy?*

"Are you just going to forget me?" said Kutruph

"No, you are perfectly capable of speaking for yourself but Eva can't talk and Clive is my husband so they get called out" said Skye.

Kutruph just sighed and muttered under his breath "Favouritism I tell ya"

"I can hear you Kutruph" said Skye with her hands on her hips.

"Good" said Kutruph "Thyme I'll take the hog in the middle"

Kat's eyes widened in surprise at that. The dish Kutruph was talking about was a hog for sure, but it was almost the same size as Kat herself. *Is he ordering for Eva as well? Are they sharing it? I mean, sure he's a bit bigger than I am but there is no way he can eat a whole hog.*

"Ah, a man after my own heart. A true meal, one fit for a king" said Thyme who created a tiny version of itself with wings and a servant's outfit. Servant Thyme grabbed the boar from the middle of the table and carried it above its head towards Kutruph, not forgetting to tease Dusk suitable.

Dusk's response was to freeze the rest of his mask temporarily to deal with the increased temptation. Oooh, that does not look comfortable. *I wonder if he can still breathe? What happens if he falls unconscious because of it? Thyme would help right?*

"Come on Clive, get your order in, and Eva dear you can just try and point it out and I'll interpret" said Skye.

Eva nodded in affirmation and studied the dishes trying to work out what to order. "I'll have what my wife is having thank you Thyme" said Clive

"Of course sir" said Thyme pulling out two fresh Vexbrute Steak's from its bag, "And Eva take this"

Thyme threw a small package directly to Eva. Kat enhanced her eyes to follow it and saw that it was a tiny model of the table. Eva expertly caught the object and took a moment to examine it before getting a large smile and nodding towards Thyme.

"I can't have anyone left out now can I, just because you can't order with your mouth, doesn't mean you can't order" said Thyme "Now while Eva is looking that over, what about you four?"

Thyme turned towards Not Related at All's booth expectantly. There was a pause as everyone turned their eyes in that direction, but instead Lynn spoke up first "Don't you four even think about it. If you order, I'm dropping this orb right now"

"Now, Lynn… don't be hasty about this. There is no need for you to throw the competition just for a bit of food" said Grace

"Shut up Grace, you lost the first two rounds. Both of them! At this point we'll need to make up all out points in the final round anyway, so why not" said Lynn

"Look, Lynn, it's fine, those points are still important, and it's just a bit of food isn't it?" said Grace.

"Well Grace, if it's just a bit of food why don't you also abstain from eating" said Lynn

"I've been running around for hours! I even skipped breakfast because somebody, and I'm not naming names here, insisted we get here early" said Grace glaring down at Lynn.

"As I said, order if you want but I'll be eating as well if you do" said Lynn.

The pair continued to argue around in circles, Lynn insisting that she was hungry and had as much right to the food as the others, while Grace insisting that they shouldn't miss out on food just because Lynn was upset, and also that the food was much less important than the points.

*Seems a bit counterproductive to get so heated over this. What are you pair even accomplishing at this point? You are just talking passed each other.*

While the pair continued to argue unnoticed to Grace and elf with a shield walked behind her. With a satisfying bang, the elf smashed her shield into the back of Grace's head. "Will you shut up! Fine, we get it, you're both angry, but stop your insistent wining and reach a consensus"

"Ow, ow ow" muttered Grace "Why is it only me getting it Rakhor?"

"I'll smash Lynn on the head as well once the contest is done. We are professionals, and instead you pair are arguing of scraps of food like little children. Why? We packed food. We don't need to be doing this, but instead you've spent twenty minutes screaming at each other"

"Well, to be fair it was only five minutes" said Thyme from the stadium.

Rakhor gave Thyme a sidelong glance but didn't address the criticism. "Look Grace, is the food that important"

"No" said Grace letting out a long sigh

"So we won't order anything ok?" asked Rakhor

"Ok…" said a thoroughly browbeaten Grace.

Of course, unknown to Grace and Rakhor the other two elves had snuck down into the stadium. While nobody was really paying attention they were speaking with a copy of Thyme on the outskirts of the arena.

This Thyme was in a chef's outfit and had a notepad. "So, one fried chicken extra carasone sauce, three orders of the koringway salad and my recommendation of pie, all alongside two servings of elvish wine?"

"Yes please" said the two in sync

"Here you go" said chef Thyme as it reached under its chef hat and presented the two with a covered plate "This actually contains all the dishes, think of it just like a storage bag, but in plate form"

"Wait you aren't teasing Lynn over this?" asked the one with twin tales.

"Of course not, you came to collect it yourself" said Chef Thyme.

"Really?" repeated the other elf

"Really" said Chef Thyme

*That's allowed?* Kat tried not to look in the direction of the pair of elves as they received their bounty. *I mean good for them I guess, but who wins the argument now? Grace got her food, and Lynn didn't get teased with it?*

Once the two elves vanished behind their viewing tower the chef Thyme disappeared into the ground once again. The transaction had taken place behind Jack so he missed it. Dusk was currently thawing his mouth, and Lynn clearly had better things to do so for most the transaction went unnoticed.

*Should I be mean and point everything out? Nah…* Though it turned out Kat need not have even consider it because as soon as the pair returned to their booth a glass table appeared to separate Rakhor and Grace

"Grace… why is there a table here" said Rakhor

"Um… I didn't order anything I swear" said Grace

"Grace! Why the heck is there a table then" yelled Lynn for the stadium.

"We have secured our food" said the twintale elf

"Ryo?!" said Grace "But how?"

"Just asked" said Ryo as she walked to the edge "And I placed an order for you as well Lynn, but your only getting it if you finish the round"

"That's not fair, I. I made my point, I'll drop this orb right now!" said Lynn

"Don't be like that Lynn, Fight on!" said the elf with the left side of their hair tied back

"Nooo not you to Estelle, why have they corrupted you so" said Lynn

"Sis, we just went and asked for food. What's the problem?" said Estelle

"It's the principle of the thing…" said Lynn

"Ah yes, because sister, you are known for being a paragon of principles" said Estelle

"I'll do it! Don't tempt me, I'll drop it I tell you!" shouted Lynn


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