D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 98: The Honour of Food

Chapter 98: The Honour of Food

"Eh…" Thyme stumbled "I mean, wait what? This is rare fish you know?"

"Well, yeah, everything looks nice, even the fish looks nice, but the smell is so overpowering, and it mixes horribly" said Kat crinkling her face.

Everyone else included the people in the stands looked at Kat like she'd gone mad. They couldn't understand what she was talking about.

"I'll take it then" said Jack with zero hesitation

"Sure you can have a piece if you drop the orb" said Thyme.

Jack's face instantly fell as he grumbled "Damn traitor. How could you do this"

*So that was his temptation? Why? I don't even fell hungry, and the scents are much too strong, why would…* Kat noticed that everyone else looked like they'd swallowed a bag of lemons upon hearing that they'd need to drop the orbs.

*Wait am I crazy?* Indeed Kat was. It had been some time since breakfast and it was just past lunch time for the day, not to mention unlike Kat the others were using at least a minimal amount of energy to keep the orb in their hands.

Thyme then turned to the stands, splitting into four so that he could be facing them all at once. "What about you all? Those watching in the stands? You've got no orb to drop so you've got free reign"

Not even a moment later Jeff, the God Crusher with the wheel for a shield spoke up "Ye! Send it up here!"

"Sure thing" said Thyme "Anything you want in particular?"

"Send a bit of everything" said John

Thyme nodded at this and created a number of small plates and that hovered around him, then with a snap a large table appeared in the God Crusher's booth. It kept on theme, with one leg being held up by a barrel and the other had boards nailed to the table legs to keep them in one piece.

Thyme then armed itself with a conductor's baton and started to wave their hands towards music nobody could hear. Except the plates, which immediately sprung to action sliding under steaks and over apples, grabbing bits and pieces of food as they went. They collected everything in but a few moments and headed towards the God Crushers… after making a short detour of course.

Each plate slowed considerably and circled around Jack three times, making sure to get extra close to his nose as each dish passed. After the third plate Jack started trying to bite them with his teeth but the plates would dodge expertly every time he got close.

"Now you're the damned traitors!" yelled Jack "How could you do this?"

"Jack…" said Jeff solemnly "It's free food, how could we turn this down? What's rule number one"

Jack gritted his teeth in defiance not wanting to answer the question, as he looked towards his brother Josh.

"Don't look at me Jack, Jeff has the right of it. What's rule number one" said Josh looking at least a little repentant.

Jack still unwilling to say the words glanced at the rest of the God Crushers for salvation but found none. Sighing like a man on his last breath he said "Any free food offered for a job must be eaten and appreciated"

"Right" said the Thymes as they clapped their hands to get everyone else's attention "Anyone else interested?"

"Wait no hold on" yelled Skye, so that she could be heard "Before that, why is your first rule to accept free food? How is that a good rule for any self-respecting adventurer"

The God Crushers turned dark eyes towards Skye who shivered slightly under the intensity of their gaze. "Excuse me, Ma'am, but we work closely with the community, take on small meaningful jobs, and sometimes the only way we can get payed is a homecooked meal, often times by folks so poor the best they can offer you is dry bread and muddy water

"And still those folks will offer you the last they had, because they understand the danger and appreciate the work. We will never decline such kindness. Everyone from nobles to commoners understand the importance of a good meal" said Jeff.

"Why would you take such an offer then? If they are truly so hard up" asked Skye as a thud sounding next to her. Turning her gaze to the sound she found a dagger sticking into the wall next to her head.

Kress leaned out over the edge and glared at Skye "They give you what they can, and you accept that, because they'd never forgive themselves otherwise. Peasants aren't some foolish lot who give their last meal away for trivial things.

"When you get offered a meal, the best that can be provided, you accept that, because they show such sincerity with that one action. They are telling you that the job you have done means so much to them, that they'd risk starvation to thank you.

"And just because you accept it, you don't be a fool about it. You offer them a meal in return if you can. You build trust that way, understanding too. A community lives or dies off it's stomach and perhaps you're a bit to well off to understand that"

Skye looked rather pacified as she returned to her seat. Nodding slightly in understanding but not in true comprehension.

*I wonder if I've ever considered something like that. Gramps has always kept me fed, but I think I can still understand. Back when I was younger, we didn't always have enough blankets come winter, so the younger kids all jumped in one bed. It was a bunch of fun, but we knew why it had to be done.*

*And I've seen how careful Gramps is preparing food, for someone who doesn't seem phased by anything he always made sure we were fed well and on time, that was something he never compromised on.*

As Kat's eyes wandered across the contestants, she noticed that Dusk's mask had a faint shine to it. Wait a minute. Kat put a bit of energy into her eyes to get a better look. *Oh he is, ha, Dusk froze his mask to he isn't breathing the smell in through his nose.* Kat tried and failed at not laughing at the sight.

"You find something funny about what I said demon?" asked Kress holding a dagger towards Kat.

"Ah, no Kress, sorry. I was laughing because Dusk chose to freeze his masks rather than smell the food" said Kat.

Kress continued to glare at Kat before looking towards Thyme and saying "Send me a plate of your best"

"Certainly" said Thyme as he gathered up some alcohol and one of the steaks. Thyme once again conducted the procession to loop past Kat three times, but she really wasn't phased at all by this.

Nixilei looked at Kress in distaste and said to Kat "You can tell him off if you want, this is your event and he's trying to cause complications during your participation"

"Nah, it's fine, you can all order something if you want" said Kat

As they were speaking, Thyme was taking more dishes out to replace the ones sent off to the booths ensuring the table stayed fully stocked at all times. Nixilei looked to Gareth for confirmation who just shrugged.

Nixilei examined Kat closely, looking for a sign of annoyance or discomfort, trying to be a bit subtle about it, but failing. "Look Nix, it's fine. Order something for everyone, I don't really need to eat three meals a day anymore, and I just don't care for food that much, especially if I'm not hungry.

"I mean, this all sure looks impressive" said Kat as she raised the orb up to gesture at the table "And I can appreciate the time and effort it took to make and prepare dishes of this calibre, but it just doesn't get to me like it does the others"

Kat heard Lynn mumbling something along the line of, "Desolate winds, demons and their demon powers" but chose to ignore it.

Nixilei bit her lip unsure but eventually seemed to accept the answer after the third steak passed by Kat's face without her so much as blinking. "Fine, can I get one of every fruit for myself and a large bowl of that salad nearest to Lynn for Green thanks?"

Nixilei then gestured for Gareth to step forward and order but he seemed glued to Green's side for the moment, not wanting to stand and leave her, or shout and wake her.

"Fine" Nixilei snapper her fingers and a green spell circle lit up before encasing Green in a soft glow. "There now she can't here you yelling are going to order?"

"Sure… Thyme, just, uh, I'll take a recommendation" said Gareth

"Of course, sir, I'd recommend the Canyon Peppered, Vexbrute Steak, that has been tenderized to perfection, or alternatively Bocriogella Salad mixed with Sugio Vumice, and topped with Southern Island Galangal if you aren't one for meat in your meals" said Thyme.

"I'll take the salad for now thanks, something light to keep prepped for the competition" said Gareth

Thyme shrugged "Suit yourself"


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