Demon King Priest

Chapter 15: Mage Rasputin (1)

Chapter 15: Mage Rasputin (1)

"Be careful! That guy is still alive." Hearing Aya's urgent warning, Ulysses immediately notified the mercenary group, but it was too late.

With a "bang", the tornado with white flames suddenly exploded. Countless wind blades and white flames scattered around, and many of them flew toward the mercenary group. When the scattered cyan wind blade and white flame hit the shield wall of the mercenary group, and instantly blasted open several gaps on the shield wall. The shield mercenaries who were hit by the wind blade were lucky; they were only knocked back a few steps. The shield mercenaries who were hit by the white flame burned their hands almost instantly by the heat from the shield, and the hands of those who had not been able to drop the shield in time were almost cooked. More than a dozen mercenaries lost their ability to fight after just blocking their own attack. However, the nightmare of the mercenary group has just begun.

A black figure rushed into the formation of the mercenary group from the gap in the shield wall at lightning speed. After the blade reflecting the white moonlight flashed several times, several people in the mercenary group were chopped into pieces. The blood splashed all over the sky from their fragments, and fell on other people's bodies, causing some mercenaries to panic.

"Do not panic, form a circular formation and surround this guy. Warriors! Shields up! Go! Spearmen! Limit his range of action!." Faced with this unexpected scene, the three mercenary leaders immediately made a response. The best way to deal with agile opponents was to restrict his moving space.

The orders of the three leaders were quickly implemented, and the mercenaries of the mercenary group immediately began to change their formation. After paying the lives of more than a dozen mercenaries, they finally surrounded the enemy. After being restricted in the range of movement, the man's appearance was revealed in everyone's sight. It was still the masked man, but with his current appearance, no one would think he was "man" anymore. He still looked like a human not long ago, but now he had become an out-and-out demon.

The whole body of the masked man who was attacked by Wind Dragon and Pyroblast turned abnormally black, but it was not the scorched black, but a strange black similar to the black mud in the swamp. On that weird black body, all the wounds had disappeared, replaced by black veins and blood vessels. Under the shining moonlight, it could be clearly seen that those muscles and blood vessels were actually moving, as if they were alive. And his mask, it was actually not damaged under such an attack. The eyes in the mask had turned blood red at this time, and an endless murderous aura was radiating from the inside to the outside.

The masked man surrounded by the mercenaries finally showed his terrifying power to the people. Lightning speed and superb strength, moreover, what made all the members of the mercenary group even more frightened was that the defensive power and recovery power of that strange black body had actually increased several times compared to not long ago. The arrows that could have been shot into his body were now all bounced away by his muscles, and the fireball and wind blade could no longer inflict any damage on him. Most attacks couldn't even shake his body. Only a few magic arrows and the magic cast out by a few high-level mages could leave some wounds on his body, but under the action of his recovery force before the victory, these wounds healed almost instantaneously.

Blood was splashed everywhere crazily, broken limbs were flying all over the sky, people who saw this scene couldn't help wondering whether they were in the world or in hell On this street, this killer was constantly harvesting lives, in just a few minutes, hundreds of mercenaries had been killed by his short sword. Any formation had no effect before his lightning-like speed and abnormal recovering ability. All the mercenary group could do was delay their own death.

In this situation, Ulysses' light magic was completely useless. The mercenaries attacked by the masked man were all turned into pieces, and the healing spell could not save them at all. In this chaos, other spells were useless.

"All mages below level four retreat! And the same as all warriors below level five!" Watching the masked man slay their men frantically, the eyes of the three leaders of the mercenary group were bloodshot. These were the elites in their groups! But half of them were killed by this killer tonight, how could it not make them angry? But although they were angry, the biggest task at present was to remove the only elites they had left. Judging from the current situation, the mages below level four and the warriors below level five would not cause any damage to this killer at all. Moreover, their existence on the battlefield would hinder the attack of several stronger people.

After getting the command of the group leaders, all the mercenaries with weaker strength began to retreat quickly from this death street. Only three leaders of the mercenary groups, four deputy leaders, Ulysses, and the mysterious man wearing a black cloak and a veil remained. This mysterious man had been staying with the three leaders since the mercenary guild, but he didn't take any action at all in the battle just now, so Ulysses didn't know who he was exactly.

"Mr. Rasputin, we are counting on you now! When we surround the guy, please use powerful magic to destroy him. The reward will be the amount you proposed." Ulysses was surprised that Mage Yabu, the oldest person amongst the three group leaders, lowered his head to the mysterious man named Rasputin and asked him to take action to destroy the killer.

"Mr. Perth, what is going on? Why did Mr. Yabu bow to this man and ask him to take action? Who is this man?" Ulysses quietly asked the leader of Raging Gale next to him.

"You mean him? He is a mercenary from other places. He came to us after knowing the task of taking out this killer, and proposed to cooperate with us to complete this task. But his asking price was too high, we did not immediately agree." Perth smiled bitterly, obviously, the other party's asking price exceeded their bottom line.

"How much does he want? Thirty thousand or forty thousand." In Ulysses's eyes, this was already a ridiculously high asking price. Although the three major mercenary groups could each get sixty thousand to seventy thousand gold coins if they completed the task, they would be distributed to the whole group, and everyone would only get from a few dozens to several hundred gold coins in the end. From this, it could be seen that when they promised to give Ulysses ten thousand gold coins, the weight of Ulysses in their minds was quite heavy.

"No, it's one hundred thousand!" Perth said a number that Ulysses couldn't even dream of.

"One hundred thousand! What qualifications does he have to ask so much! What level is he? Is he a level seven master!" Ulysses really couldn't figure it out.

"No. He hasn't reached level seven. But he is arguably the best amongst level six mages in the world. He is a level six mage that can cast fire, wind, and lightning magic. Based on his voice, he is no older than thirty years old, so he is very likely to become a level seven mage in his life. With such strength, the compensation he proposed is actually not too exaggerated. So we decided to let him follow us, and if there is a situation where we can't complete the task with our strength alone, we promised that we will agree to his condition and ask him to take action." Perth sighed and explained to Ulysses.


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