Demon King Priest

Chapter 14: The Terrifying Immortal Body

Chapter 14: The Terrifying Immortal Body

"Don't just stand there, keep attacking!" Ulysses knew that if this continued, the masked man would immediately regain his fighting power. The best way to deal with the immortal body of the masked man was to keep attacking, making his body's recovery speed slower than the speed of being injured, until he was eliminated. Otherwise, the only way to destroy him was to use absolute power to destroy him in an instant, but there were no such strong people in Taji City now.

"Attack!" Almost at the same time, the three leaders also realized this and immediately issued the order to attack.

With the order, the archers and mages immediately started their second wave of attack. In fact, they had also encountered high-level magic beasts with quick recovery speed. It was just that the incredible magic defensive power and recovery power that only a few high-level magic beasts had, appeared on a "person". This surprised them. However, as long as arrows and magic were effective on this guy, it meant that he could be defeated. Maybe one person or two people would not work, but here there were more than two hundred archers and more than one hundred mage. Under the constant attack of these people, even the high-level magic beast with an immortal body would still be killed.

Countless arrows and magic once again filled the sky above the street, as colorful as fireworks, but this splendor represented infinite killing intent. Different from the previous attack, in order to maintain the continuity of the attack, both mages and archers were divided into several rows to attack in turn. In this way, after the first row finished attacking, the following row would immediately continue to attack, ensuring that the killer was always under the attack of magic and arrows.

The masked man still did not hide or flee, but stood in the middle of the street motionless, letting those arrows and magic attack his body endlessly. Sharp arrows were shot into his body, and then were blown away by magic immediately, leaving only the arrowheads in his body, and after a while, they were squeezed out by his muscles. Countless fireballs and wind blades continued to explode on him, like flowers blooming everywhere on his body.

"Something's not right!" Although the battle situation was constantly developing in the direction that was advantageous to the mercenary group, the uneasy feeling in Ulysses's heart was getting stronger and stronger. Judging by the battle in which he was killed by the masked man, the masked man should have a speed that would not lose to any strong man in Taji City. Otherwise, he might be able to defeat Leon with the immortal body, but it would never be possible to kill Leon. Because the greatest strength of Leon, who had the strength of the level six swordsman and the level four mage, was his speed. With the help of the level four lightning acceleration magic "Lightning Foot", Leon, a level six swordsman, had the fastest speed in Taji City. But such Leon was killed by the masked man.

From this point of view, the speed of the masked man was at least not slower than Leon. Then why didn't he avoid these attacks? With his speed no less than Leon, even if he couldn't completely dodge the attacks, he could at least dodge more than half of the attacks. Why did he endure these attacks motionlessly? Even if he had an immortal body, it was not reasonable for him not to dodge the attacks. Could it be...

Just as Ulysses was puzzled by the strange behavior of the masked man. The attack method of the mercenary group had changed. Seeing that Fire Blast and the serial wind blades could not cause too much damage to the masked man, the mages changed their attack method. The mages of Raging Fire and Raging Gale began to gather together and divided into two square formations centered on their respective leaders.

Standing in the middle of Raging Gale mages was their other deputy leader - an old wind mage in his sixties. Rumor had it that this old mage was about to rise to level five. And standing in the middle of Raging Fire was naturally their leader - Yabu, the level five fire mage. It seemed like they were ready to use joint magic. The so-called joint magic was a kind of magic in which the high-level mage was the main caster, and the other low-level mages provided magic energy. The advantage of this kind of magic was that as long as the high-level mage's mind and body could withstand it, they could use advanced magic that far exceeded their own power.

However, the shortcomings were also very obvious. As long as someone attacked any one of the joint magic, the others would also be harmed, and joint magic required a high level of tacit understanding between members. If it was not the mages that often cooperated with each other, it was easy to cause magic backlash. You must know that magic backlash was what all mage feared the most. The mage who suffered from magic backlash basically had no chance of survival. However, the mages of Raging Gale and Raging Fire obviously had enough tacit understanding. After three minutes, their magic was completed.

"The dragons roaring above the nine heavens! Please come down on this earth and tear everything apart! Wind Dragon!" A magical cyan dragon appeared on the heads of Raging Gale's mages. It seemed that the joint magic used by Raging Gale was the level five wind magic - wind dragon spell. Sure enough, the old mage already had close to the level five magic power, otherwise, he would not be able to cast this level five spell. The horror of this magic lay in its crazy attack frequency. The wind dragon it formed would transform into a tornado when it hit an opponent. In this tornado, there would be countless wind blades madly slashing the opponent. Those who were hit by this magic would be cut into pieces with an extremely bloody death.

"The indestructible flame floating in the depths of the sky! Awaken from my hand! Turn everything into dust! Pyroblast!" A small white flame appeared on the heads of the mages of Raging Fire. From the outside, this small flame was far inferior to the huge cyan wind dragon, but in fact, the power it contained was more than three times that of the wind dragon. This was the strongest single-target attack magic in the level five fire magic. If a mage could cast it without the help of others, it meant that this mage was only one step away from level six. If one was directly hit by this magic, they would be burned by a flame with a temperature of thousands of degrees, and even steel would be melted and evaporated.

"Go!" Following the shouts of the two mages, the wind dragon and the white flame attacked the masked man at the same time. In the face of these two advanced magics that should be enough to crush him, the masked man remained motionless, as if only a breeze was blowing at him. After a loud bang, he was swallowed by a tornado with white flames.

It stands to reason that these two magics were very effective magic for magic beasts with fast recovery speed. Whether it was torn to pieces by the wind dragon or evaporated by blazing flames, the masked man should be dead. But Ulysses didn't know why, the ominous premonition in his heart was getting stronger.

"Aya, can you feel the current situation of the masked man!" In order to understand where his ominous premonition came from, Ulysses sent out a spiritual wave to Aya. Aya had the ability to detect the situation of his enemies within fifty meters, she might know something. Now that the masked man was being surrounded by the tornado, he was unable to make a judgment based on his own feelings.

"Yes, Master. The trash's vitality is declining. If you count his total vitality as one hundred, his vitality is now only about forty, and it's still decreasing. In three minutes, he will disappear from this world." It was also good news from Aya. So why did he have an ominous premonition?

"Wait! Master, that guy's vitality has increased! He seems to have a special ability to stimulate his own recovery through external attacks!" Suddenly, Aya screamed in horror in his mind.

Ulysses' ominous premonition finally came true.


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