Demon King Ascension System

Chapter 206 - 206 Heaven On Hell

206 Heaven On Hell

Blake barely kept his body standing, his eyes focusing on the soul orb that had just come out of the necromancer’s body. It had been a long time since Blake had the pure intention of solely killing his enemy instead of thinking about the taste of the soul of his enemy.

Most of the time now, the first thing that came to Blake’s mind when he fought an enemy was most likely about the taste of the soul of his enemy. Whether it would be sweet and savory, how sweet it would be, and what level of savoriness the soul would be, Blake wondered about these things as he tried to defeat enemies sometimes in a slightly roundabout way in hopes of finding the sweet taste that he found in the soul of a scared demon.

The more they scared of him before they died, the sweetness would be more potent and Blake would be able to taste the sweetness before even swallowing the soul. Blake had at least learned that much about souls and simply ignoring that fact was impossible now that he knew how he could taste better meals.

However, for the first time in a while, Blake did not have any thoughts about the taste of the necromancer’s soul at all when he decided to kill him.

Just like how Blake was desperate to get out of the situation last time with the flying humanoid demon, it was the same case right now with the necromancer.

The moment Blake snapped out from having his consciousness transferred back from the empty void space to his body, Blake only had one thought in mind, and that was to kill the necromancer right at that second without wasting even a split second.

Although his body was not really hurt by the necromancer’s attack, the pain that Blake felt while inside the void space could not be more real to him. His soul had really been hurt, and no way Blake could forget it as even now, even after a minute had passed, he could still somehow feel lingering uncomfortable feelings all over his body.

It wasn’t like he could still feel his body aching, but it was as if his body was now bruised and Blake could feel the slight stinging pain of having bruises all over his body.

‘And also… I don’t think this is only my imagination, but I feel my nether recovering ability has returned back to normal…?’


Ever since the covenant with Cyra, Blake’s ability to gather nether from the surroundings and replenish the nether in his body was twice as fast. If Blake spent an hour focusing on recovering his nether, then his nether would go back to full capacity as long as he starts at least when his nether was a quarter part left from his full capacity.

The feeling of his body sucking in nether was even apparent to him as his nether capacity recovered at great speed even if Blake did not fully focus on it.

However, now, especially when Blake’s expenditure of nether was abundant after casting a second realm darkness bullet spell, Blake felt that his body’s ability to replenish nether had returned back to how it used to be before he made a covenant with Cyra.

Blake focused on his body, trying to hasten the speed of his nether recovery.

It would usually turn the speed from double the normal amount to triple the usual amount if Blake fully focused on gathering nether to his body. However, no matter how focused Blake became on recovering his nether, the speed of his recovery did not increase even a single bit as if there was a cap put on his nether recovery capability.

‘What happened to me?’

The question was thrown at no one in particular as it was more like a question that he was trying to figure out the answer to. And of course, Blake didn’t expect to suddenly get an answer.

[Your soul had received a significant amount of damage. Please evolve soon to repair the damages.]

A cold mechanical voice that Blake had hardly heard other than when he leveled up or back then when he needed explanations about his bloodline ability resounded again in his mind, this time explaining the answer to his question instead of congratulating him on a level-up.

Blake did not hear the system’s voice when he was ejected from the covenant space due to his senses being overwhelmed with pain, hence he didn’t know about his soul being damaged was the reason he was kicked out of the space. And now that the system had repeated the explanation, Blake kept his silence while he thought about it.

‘My soul was damaged…?’

‘Then it was true that the necromancer’s bloodline ability enabled him to control souls. Hence why he could drag souls from dozens of meters away to his hand.’

‘And it was also possibly related to his ability to create undead demons as well. He could make demons that were supposed to be dead and have their souls floating above their bodies move and act as if they were normal demons…’

The pain of having his soul directly attacked was a feeling that Blake could never forget. Although his actual body did not have any visible scars from the pain that his soul felt earlier, the feeling of pain that he felt was so strong that Blake could not even describe how he felt.

‘I need to be more careful… I don’t ever want to feel that kind of pain again…’

It wasn’t only the fact that the necromancer had directly injured his soul. In that empty void, Blake had been attacked and he did not have a single way of defending himself.

He might have a plethora of spells in his arsenal, but he didn’t know how he could defend himself against the necromancer if his soul was ever crushed in its grip again.

He could probably defend his physical body by interrupting the necromancer’s attack by directly attacking the necromancer. But an actual way to prevent his soul from being attacked, Blake didn’t have that kind of ability.

‘I should ask Vera…’

Blake’s thoughts ended up at that conclusion as soon as he tried to think of a solution to his predicament. The concept of souls being attacked directly was something that Blake knew was way out of his understanding. He had never talked about the topic with Vera, heck, he did not even know such a thing was possible. How could he ask Vera about something that he did not even know was possible in the first place?

But now that Blake knew that attacks that hurt souls existed, he would need to prepare himself to face that kind of attack again as he did not want to ever feel his soul being directly attacked ever again.

Once was enough, and that was more than enough for Blake to inscribe that feeling in his body, that level of pain that he felt was the first time he ever felt incomparable to anything that Blake ever felt before. Especially when an armor made of dark earth protected his body at almost all times.

‘I have to meet Vera soon…’

It was clear to Blake what he should do now. If his feelings alone before weren’t enough to drive him to gather souls as fast as possible so he could be back together with Vera, Blake now has a concrete reason to meet her again.

And to do that, Blake knew what he needed to do.

Walking forward, with his hand extended forward, Blake quickly took hold of the necromancer’s soul that was floating above the headless corpse.

Blake held the soul in his hand, the dark orb sat comfortably in his grasp. Seeing the soul orb right in the middle of his palm, Blake tried closing his open palm, trying to squeeze the soul orb into his fist.

The soul orb didn’t fight back as it had its size being compressed into a smaller round orb.

Blake then observed the corpse of the necromancer. But when he saw that the headless corpse stayed unmoving, Blake released his grip on the soul and just tossed it into his mouth.



Race: Darkness Demon

Level:14 (36/175) (+10)


The taste of the soul was surprisingly bland when Blake’s tongue touched it. The necromancer did not even feel horror or any fear when the second realm darkness bullet pulverized his head. The necromancer was alive in the first second, then just instantly died in the next second.

Knowing this, Blake thought that he was probably too rushed to finish the fight. He should have inflicted more pain on the necromancer, he should have used his three spell combination to lock up the necromancer inside a dark earth wall and pierce the necromancer’s body with hundreds of darkness tendrils.

His mind went through several scenarios where he would make the necromancer scream as much, if not as hard as him when the necromancer tried crushing his soul.

But recalling the feeling of that pain, Blake gave an understanding nod to his past self a minute ago as he understood well why he would think of killing the necromancer as fast as possible without wanting it to pay for what he had done to him.

The pain that he felt was too great for him to be able to think of anything else other than erasing the source of that pain as soon as possible so that he would never have to feel the pain again.

The savoriness of the soul was about the same amount as the humanoid demons from the deeper realms, so Blake did not have any other reaction other than thinking, ‘It was probably the taste of a level 15 demon, the highest level to have in this first demon realm…’

Looking at his level, Blake saw that he still needed 139 more souls to level up to level 15 and finally evolve.

139 was not really much as it would only take about less than 50 weaker demons that gave 3 souls to finish that requirement. However, finding 50 demons just loitering about was not really easy.

However, Blake was not worried at all now.

Spreading his wings and creating an explosion on his feet to fly above the dark earth walls that he had created to isolate the necromancer from his army, Blake could now finally see the state of the demon horde that was supposedly the necromancer’s army.

And to describe the scene that Blake had in his eyesight currently, Blake could use a single sentence to describe it perfectly.

“It’s Heaven on Hell…”


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