Demon King Ascension System

Chapter 205 - 205 Pain (2)

205 Pain (2)


Blake woke up with a scream that rivaled Robus’ roar, only stopping at the last moment as he realized that his throat ached after he released that unconscious scream.

Blake didn’t even waste a single second as he realized where he was and his mind quickly made up the next thing that he would do.

Jolting his body awake and forcefully pushing down the pain that he felt lingering in his body, Blake quickly took a stance as he instantly located the necromancer’s whereabouts.

Cyra had done her job well, separating the necromancer and the wolf from each other, burying the latter deep enough underground to make sure that it couldn’t help his master.

The moment the two demons met eye to eye, the necromancer’s grin came back to his face as he looked at Blake. Just as Blake had woken up a second ago, the necromancer also had his consciousness returned to his body at the same time as Blake.

Despite seeing the same grin that the necromancer had when he almost literally crushed Blake’s soul, Blake didn’t say anything, his eyes staring daggers at the necromancer’s head, refusing to look at anywhere else as his vision only filled with the necromancer’s body. Blake’s hand furiously moved as he drew one of the most complicated sets of runes that he had in his arsenal.

Seeing the familiar jet-black humanoid demon in front of him start drawing runes, the necromancer kept his grin while he activated his bloodline power once again.

The necromancer already knew what kind of attack worked on Blake, why would he waste his time trying any other method when already had one that worked splendidly.


In the time it took the necromancer to channel enough nether to the runes on his body to activate his bloodline power, Blake had also finished his complicated rune.

“AGHAHAHAHGHAHHAA” Laughter can be heard from the necromancer’s mouth as his bloodline power was activated and he aimed it towards Blake’s direction.

The necromancer then released the bloodline ability from his body, shooting straight toward Blake.

But after waiting for a moment, which was supposedly more than enough for the necromancer to take a hold of Blake’s soul once again, the feeling of the soul being grasped in his hand never came.

Looking back at his target, complicated demonic runes floated in front of the jet-black humanoid demon.

The necromancer tried using his bloodline ability again, this time his eyes focused on the ability that he shot forward.

It was invisible to the others, they couldn’t see anything being shot from the necromancer’s body, but in the necromancer’s eyes, a hand-like construct made from his bloodline ability flew forward, heading straight to the jet-black humanoid demon in front of him.

The grin on the necromancer’s eyes had dimmed when he did not feel the jet-black humanoid demon’s soul earlier, but it had curled back up again as he saw the invisible hand was only a couple of inches away from reaching the jet-black humanoid demon.

However, before it could happen, the grin that the necromancer had abruptly disappeared. The invisible hand that was supposed to grasp his enemy’s soul was blocked by the floating set of demonic runes in front of the jet-black humanoid demon.

But rather than saying it has been blocked, it would be more appropriate to say the invisible hand had been dispersed when it neared the floating demonic runes. The necromancer couldn’t be said to be a demon mage since he relied on his bloodline ability and innate ability as a variant to make and control his undead demon army, hence his lack of sensitivity to nether. Even the undead wolf had a better sense than him in that department.

However, when the necromancer saw the invisible hand destroyed when it touched the floating demonic runes, he even knew that what happened was the nether contained inside the invisible hand had been sucked by the demonic runes.

The floating demonic runes had destroyed and absorbed the nether constructing the invisible hand.

As the necromancer was about to try and test out his invisible hand for the third time, a stifling pressure descended in the area as the floating demonic runes that had been glowing faintly suddenly shone bright, signaling that it had consumed enough nether to greet its manifestation into the weaker realm of the demons.

At first, the necromancer just stood still as he saw the glowing bright light. But as the unreasonable amount of nether made its presence clear for the insensitive necromancer, he finally realized the danger that he was currently in.

The moment the necromancer regained his consciousness, his undead had also regained their ability to move and attack everything around them once more.

The necromancer tried calling his trusted steed, the wolf that had been at his feet ever since the moment the wolf had become an undead. However, no matter what he tried, he couldn’t see the wolf anywhere coming close to him.

A necromancer without his undead was as good as dead as it would be the same as Blake having his nether drained out completely.

But with the attack that Blake had cast for the necromancer, a healthy, flying, humanoid demon from the second realm couldn’t even dodge it, how could a necromancer that couldn’t do anything without his army of undead do?

The necromancer had his head turned to the side, still searching for his wolf mount. But when he blinked and was about to return his head in Blake’s direction, the necromancer abruptly had his vision turned to complete darkness, very similar to the dark and empty void that he and Blake had been in a few moments ago.

The second realm darkness bullet had been released from Blake’s hand, erasing the necromancer’s neck and head from existence, not even leaving a shattered piece of skull remains behind.

And as if to tell Blake that he had really won the fight, his trophy, a soul orb, was now floating above the headless corpse of the necromancer.


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