Debuff Master

Chapter 602

Chapter 602


The giant tuna shot out of the water with its jaws open to devour its prey. Then, it succumbed to the laws of gravity and fell into the waters.


A pillar of water shot up, creating a faint rainbow in the sky.

“Hey! What the hell was that tuna just now?!” Siegfried screamed in sheer disbelief.

[Blache of Ascension]

[A neutral creature that appears in the Arena of Extremity’s Shipwreck terrain.]

[It is a gigantic bluefin tuna that swims underneath the surface of the waters before jumping up, snatching any prey it can find.]

[Type: Neutral Creature]

[Race: Fish]

[Class: Flying Eater]

[Level: 500]

[Note 1: Your HP is guaranteed to drop to zero regardless of the prey's Defense and Magic Resistance upon being devoured by the Blache of Ascension.]

[Note 2: You should be wary of this neutral creature.]

“What the hell is this map?!” Siegfried screamed. It turned out that the map had a neutral creature that would randomly attack them.

What was going to happen if he ended up getting devoured by the Blache of Ascension while he was busy fighting his opponent? As the details stated, he'd immediately die, as the details stated.

However, he could end up getting a free win if his opponent, Kaosin, ended up getting devoured by the Black of Ascension, so it wasn't that bad.

– Ah! As expected of the Arena of Extremity!

– A gigantic tuna has appeared! How many people do you think that tuna can feed?! Dongwon Tuna[1]! Please contact us for sponsorship deals!

– There are other threats lurking in the Shipwreck terrain! This is not a map where one can drop their guards even for a second!

The flow of the duel changed after the Blache of Ascension's appearance. The two used their flight ability to fight each other, but they did not dare clash after seeing the dark shadow lurking beneath the waters under them.

The Blache of Ascension had already identified them as prey and were keeping a close eye on them, so neither Siegfried nor Kaosin could act rashly.

The reason was that they could end up becoming food for the gigantic tuna if they made the first move, causing them to lose this important match.

Should I attack from range? No, he’s fast. There’s no way I can hit him, and I’ll only end up wasting my mana,’ Siegfried thought of using Energy Buster or Flying Sword, but he decided against it. Kaosin was just too fast for him to hit with ranged attacks.

On the other hand, Kaosin was in a dilemma, as he did not possess any ranged offensive skills.

I’ll have to close the distance to kill him, but I have a feeling we’ll die together if I do... Damn it...’

A few seconds later...



Both Siegfried and Kaosin flew toward the sinking ship at the same time as if they had agreed to do so. They were both confident in their melee combat skills, so they decided against taking the risk of getting devoured by the Blache of Ascension.

In the end, the two decided to fight on the deck of the sinking ship.

Kaosin stepped on the deck and said, “Oh? It’s good since we’re near each other. This is the perfect distance to dice you up into pieces.”

“Did you wake up wrong or something?” Siegfried sneered in response. Then, he asked, “What did you eat before our match? Did you go and eat some good stuff?”

“What did you say, you bastard?”

“You could end up with bad indigestion if you eat random things,” Siegfried said, hinting that he knew what was going on.

Siegfried had a feeling he knew what Kaosin did to suddenly become so strong.

You suddenly became this strong when you haven’t even reached Level 300? Pfft! Don’t make me laugh. It’s so obvious you got some help from the Church of Osric to become stronger.’

Kaosin had some sort of connection with the Church of Osric, so it made perfect sense that he would seek help from them. Of course, Siegfried was not one hundred percent certain whether he did or not, as he did not have any evidence, but his assumption was right on the money.

“Didn’t your parents teach you not to eat things offered by strangers?”

“Shut up, you bastard.”

Haha! You must’ve been desperate to win.”

“You fucking asshole—”

It was then.


Siegfried charged at Kaosin and swung his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp.

Kaosin couldn't even finish his words.

This fucking coward dares to ambush me?!’ Kaosin cursed inwardly.


Siegfried was not done yet. He darted forward like lightning and grabbed Kaosin by his collar

Whoosh! Bam!

He used the secret technique of Leonid, Cyclone Slam, slamming Kaosin head first into the wooden deck.


Argh!” Siegfried growled out of frustration when the deck collapsed. He didn't expect that the wooden deck would collapse so easily, so his plan of following up with Machine Gun Smash ended up failing.

“You bastard!” Kaosin raged and jumped out from the hole in the deck. He was completely drenched.


The ship tilted just then and started sinking at a faster rate. It turned out that when Cyclone Smash sent Kaosin flying away, the latter ended up creating a hole in the ship's hull, causing water to rush into the ship like a deluge.


Neither Siegfried nor Kaosin cared whether the ship was sinking faster or not. The two were focused on each other, exchanging fierce blows one after another.

“Die! Asshoooole!” Kaosin roared like a beast.


Each of Kaosin's attacks contained a massive amount of energy.

Tsk! This guy is too strong!’ Siegfried grumbled inwardly and clicked his tongue. He tried to block Kaosin’s attacks, but he concluded that it was impossible. Thus, he had no other choice but to activate the second stage of Overclocking to keep up with Kaosin.

Kaosin had become tremendously more powerful in just a short period of time, but the buff that Siegfried was receiving from the second stage of Overclocking was pretty substantial as well.

– A-Amazing!

– There’s no way these two are amateurs!

Ah! What a display of technique! When was the last time we saw such an intense battle?! The battle is so intense!

The spectators could feel their palms sweating while watching the match between Siegfried and Kaosin.

The two were neck-and-neck, and there were numerous close calls that it wouldn't be strange for either of them to lose the duel anytime now.

Fwaaaah! Fwaaaah!

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Siegfried placed down both Blaze Field and Shadow Hell to debuff Kaosin. Then, he slowly led the pace of the battle in his favor.

Argh!” Kaosin gritted his teeth upon realizing that he was slowly getting driven into a corner. Kaosin was stronger than Siegfried when it came to pure strength, but Siegfried was a class above him when it came to technique and precision.

It turned out that Siegfried was not an opponent Kaosin could defeat just because he had grown tremendously stronger.

“You bastard...!” Kaosin growled.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Siegfried sneered in response while putting pressure on Kaosin. Then, he smirked and said, “It’s not going according to what you had imagined, right?”

“Shut uuup!”

It was then.


A blinding burst of light erupted from Kaosin.


And Kaosin's mana surged crazily, increasing exponentially...

Who would have known that he could still power up?

“I’m going to kill you, you son of a bitch,” Kaosin growled and lunged at Siegfried.

Siegfried was forced to widen the gap between them upon realizing that Kaosin had become even stronger.

I need to create space between us,’ Siegfried thought and changed his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp into a shield to block the incoming attack, but...

Bam! Bam!


Siegfried screamed in agony and was blasted away the moment Kaosin’s dual swords made contact with his shield.

“Die!” Kaosin exclaimed, swinging his dual swords like a madman. Then, he tried to end the duel—well, he tried to swing them but he was unable to.


Kaosin jumped into the air and came crashing down with both swords.


Siegfried kicked him in the abdomen just before the swords could reach him.


Kaosin ended up getting flung far away. He was flung so far away that he ended up going overboard. He was about to fall into the waters when he hurriedly activated his flight ability and made it back to the deck just before touching the water.

“You bastard...! Die!” Kaosin growled.


Siegfried responded by throwing his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp and controlling it using Flying Sword.


Kaosin used evasive maneuvers and evaded the +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp, but he ended up forgetting about one crucial thing.

The Blache of Ascension.

Kaosin realized it a step too late...

A dark shadow shot up from the water with its jaws open.


The gigantic tuna swallowed Kaosin.

– ...!

– ...!

– ...!

The commentators were stunned. They blinked a few times with dumbfounded looks before snapping back to reality upon realizing what they had just witnessed.

– H-Han Tae-Sung won!

– The victor! Han Tae-Sung!

– The neutral creature has devoured Kwon Oh-Shin! The winner of the first round is Han Tae-Sung!

The commentators announced the victor of the first round.


And the entire V0-Sports Stadium erupted in cheers.

The winner of the first round of the Super Rookie Tournament’s final was none other than Siegfried.



Kwon Oh-Shin threw everything he could grab the moment he reached his waiting room. He destroyed everything in the room while screaming like a bloodthirsty predator.

Aaaack! Aaaack! That fucking bastard! Son of a bitch! Fucking son of a bitch! Kyaaaaaah!” Kwon Oh-Shin looked like a madman—no, he was a madman at this point.

“Oh-Shin! Calm down!”

“Hey, it’s alright. You just have to win the other rounds!”

The coaches from the Supernova pro gaming team tried to make him calm down. They were expecting him to join their team after the Super Rookie Tournament, so they came to the waiting room in hopes of providing moral support to him.

However, Kwon Oh-Shin was already enraged beyond the point of reason. He couldn't see anything other than red.

“Hey! Fuck you! Shut the fuck up, you sons of bitches! Fuck! Fuuuuuck!” Kwon Oh-Shin raged and hurled curses at the coaches. Then, his anger did not show any signs of quelling as he hurled another round of curses at them, “Fuck! Do you think I can calm down?! I lost! Fuck you!”

Then, he proceeded to throw anything he could grab all over the room.



The coaches were greatly disappointed at Kwon Oh-Shin's actions, which made him resemble a madman. Moments later, they all decided to leave the waiting room.

“S-Sir... I think he’s a bit—”

“Forget about signing him," Supernova’s manager said before adding, “How can we tame that madman? I knew he had problems, but I didn’t expect it to be this bad. How can someone who can’t even control his own emotions become a pro gamer? Don’t make me laugh.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Let’s go.”

Kwon Oh-Shin ended up saying goodbye to the Supernova pro gaming team forever. Well, it wasn't a loss to him, as he had been planning on taking advantage of the Supernova team and discarding them once they were no longer useful to him.


Hoho! He’s probably going crazy right now.” Tae-Sung was having the time of his life in his waiting room after winning the first round. His decision to throw his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp to distract Kaosin the moment the Blache of Ascension was swimming upward had proved to be an excellent decision.

The pivotal decision granted him the first win in the finals.

However, his celebration didn't last long when he was reminded of Kwon Oh-Shin's unusual strength during the first round.

“Hmm... Did he sell his soul to the Church of Osric...?” Tae-Sung muttered with a grimace. He managed to get an easy win thanks to utilizing the Blache of Ascension, but there was no guarantee that he'd be lucky in the next rounds, so he knew that he couldn't become overconfident and drop his guard.

“Are you scared?” Cheon Woo-Jin asked.

“Who’s scared? It’s just that he’s stupidly strong, that’s all,” Tae-Sung pouted and replied. Then, he added, “I’m certain he sold his soul to the Church of Osric.”

“Come on, there’s no way he did that.”

“Then how do you explain him suddenly becoming that strong in such a short period of time?”


Ah, there’s no point in arguing about it,” Tae-Sung grumbled. Then, he got up and said, “I’m going to win the second round and come back.” He did not lose even an ounce of confidence even though Kaosin had become exponentially stronger than before.

1. A famous tuna brand in Korea. ☜


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