Debuff Master

Chapter 601

Chapter 601

“Salute to His Majesty!” Oscar exclaimed at the top of her lungs.

“Loyalty!” the Proatine Kingdom’s knights replied in a resounding voice. Then, they raised their hands at the exact same time and saluted Siegfried.

Ughhhh!’ Siegfried felt like hiding in a hole somewhere. He was feeling extremely burdened by the grand welcome that his knights had prepared for him. ‘Ughhh! I let my guard down! No wonder they were too quiet! I should’ve expected them to pull something like this since it’s the final round!’

However, the crowd had the exact opposite of Siegfried’s thoughts.

– Whoa! He’s built different!

– Is this a privilege only the first king among Adventurers can enjoy?!

– So cool! Han Tae-Sung is so cool! He’s putting on an entirely different performance compared to the other contestants!

The commentators went wild upon seeing the grandeur only a king could put on.

The spectators reacted the same as the commentators.


“That’s so freaking cool...”

“Look at his charisma.”

“That’s so awesome!”

“So that’s what a king is...”

Everyone in the V-Sports Stadium was stunned, amazed, and jealous of the performance that the Proatine Kingdom’s knights had done for Siegfried.

They could swear that this was the first time they saw the NPCs showing such loyalty to a gamer? On top of that, Tae-Sung was the only gamer with his own kingdom, so it was only natural for the spectators to be extremely jealous of him.

However, there was another reason why everyone was so jealous of Siegfried.

“You have to win!”

“I pray for your victory, Your Majesty!”

“The Nameless God will bless Your Majesty!”

“I am cheering for you!”

Princess Ingrid of the Nordic Tribe, Lord Angele of Stone Island, Saintess Jannette of the Constantine Holy Empire, Chieftain Antiope of the Amazoness Tribe, and even the Phantom Thief Selena.

There was a group of beautiful NPCs rooting for Siegfried.

– Ah! Han Tae-Sung is living every man’s dream in the game!

– So the rumors were true! Han Tae-Sung is a ladies’ man!

– Did you know? Han Tae-Sung is an alpha male with the title "Seggs Stamina King!"

– He’s a stud!

Siegfried’s public image of being a stud was further reinforced thanks to the beautiful women rooting for him.

N-No! I’m not!’ Siegfried felt like kicking his VR capsule lid open and wrangling the necks of the commentators, but he exerted superhuman self-control to stop himself from doing so.

However, what really made everyone jealous was something else.

“You got this, honey! I love you!”

“Papa! I wuv you! I wuv you!”

Kwing! Kwing!”

His wife, Brunhilde; his daughter, Verdandi; and their pet, the Fairy Dragon. His beautiful wife and cute daughter were cheering him on, so it was normal for everyone to feel jealous—except for two people.

“Tae-Sung... married a game character...?”

“Oppa has really lost it... I thought he had earned a ton of money, so why...?”

His mother and sister lamented upon realizing that he had gotten married and started a family in the game. He was already earning a lot and was very famous as well, but he had yet to date anyone in real life, which was a cause for concern for his family.

Fortunately, Siegfried's family didn't even cross his mind because the match was about to start. He was fully focused on the upcoming match.

“Both players! Forward!”

Siegfried and Hamchi walked to the center of the arena at the referee’s call.


The arena for the final round was the size of a football pitch, which was two to three times larger than an average arena.

This arena was called the Arena of Extremity, and the Church of Martial God would only open it during the final round of a tournament. This arena was infused with a spell called Random Terrain that would change the arena's environment every three minutes; the available environments were forest, desert, abandoned city, ocean, fiery pits of hell, etc.

The ever-changing environment would force the challengers to adapt to their surroundings as quickly as possible while fighting their opponents. It went without saying that some environments could prove favorable or unfavorable to them depending on their character traits and abilities.

Ugh... I don’t like this...’ Siegfried groaned and grumbled inwardly. He was not a fan of open battlefields. The Debuff Master was a melee burst DPS, so an open battlefield was disadvantageous for him.

However, it was the same for his opponent, Kaosin.

Kaosin was a melee DPS, too, so he had the same disadvantage as Siegfried.

I’ll have to pick the time and place to fight,’ Siegfried thought as he pressed the "Ready" button.

“I’m going to kill you, you son of a bitch,” Kaosin growled and pressed the "Ready" button as well.

[Alert: 3... 2... 1...!]

[Alert: Fight!]

Another set of messages popped up...

[Alert: Arena of Extremity’s Random Terrain has activated!]

[Alert: The terrain has changed to Shipwreck!]

The environment of the Arena of Extremity transformed into a vast ocean.

“Huh?” Siegfried muttered in confusion. Then, he noticed that he was standing on water and hurriedly jumped to a floating plank before he was submerged. The Shipwreck terrain chosen by the Arena of Extremity was a vast ocean. There was a large sinking ship in the distance, planks of different sizes, lifeboats, and buoys.

In other words, this was a terrain where one's mobility was severely limited.

It doesn’t matter,’ Siegfried thought.

He wasn't flustered by the Shipwreck terrain; he spread open his Black Crow Wingsuit and flew across the surface of the water. He didn't have to rely on the planks or whatever object was floating on the water, as he could easily fly over them.

“Here I go!” Siegfried exclaimed as he flew toward Kaosin.

– Han Tae-Sung is making the first move!

– He can fly?!

– Amazing! Just what in the world is this?! Is there anything he can’t do?!

The commentators were amazed by the fact that Siegfried could fly too, and even the spectators and viewers at home were surprised as well.


Bzzt! Bzzzzzt!

A powerful surge of energy surrounded Kaosin’s body and—


He shot forward like a comet, flying at incredible speeds toward Siegfried.

– A-Amazing!

– Kwon Oh Shin can fly too!

– It’s a dogfight! Both of them can fly!

The crowd erupted as both Siegfried and Kaosin showed off their flight ability. Flight was one of the rarest abilities in BNW, so the fact that both of them could fly sent the crowd into a frenzy.

The first round of the final match between Siegfried and Kaosin started with an aerial duel.


Oh? You can fly, too?’ Siegfried was slightly surprised after seeing that his opponent could fly. However, he was not really bothered by it.

I guess there’s no law that says he shouldn’t fly,’ Siegfried thought with a shrug. He knew there were others who could fly and the flight ability wasn't exclusive to him.

The aerial battle started, and Siegfried immediately placed down Blaze Field before welcoming Kaosin.


He swung his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp.

Kaosin responded by crossing his swords and blocking the +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp.



Siegfried was flustered when he was pushed back the moment their weapons clashed.

I lost in a contest of strength?’

It was extremely rare for him to lose in terms of strength. He was using a blunt weapon as his main weapon, and the overwhelming stats of the Debuff Master also allowed him to have the upper hand against his opponents.

However, he actually got pushed back? How did that happen when Kaosin was using dual swords instead of blunt weapons?

He became too strong in a short period of–’

However, Siegfried did not have the luxury to wonder how and why Kaosin became so strong all of a sudden.


Kaosin seized the momentum and went on the offensive the moment he pushed Siegfried away.

H-Huh?’ Siegfried was flustered once again when his hands felt like getting torn apart whenever their weapons clashed. Then, he clenched his +13 Vanquisher’s Grasp and thought, ‘Sure, let’s go at it if that’s what you want.’

He activated Irradiate and spread a radioactive green fog around him.


The cloud of green fog formed a cloud around him, but Kaosin's attacks remained relentless.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

A fierce melee combat ensued within the green fog.

“How many pieces do you want?! Fifty?! One hundred?!”


“I’ll make sashimi out of you today, you son of a bitch!”

Kaosin hurled curses after curses while wildly swinging his swords.

He’s not receiving any damage at all,’ Siegfried noticed that his opponent didn't suffer even a single point of damage, and he found it to be incredibly strange. Regardless of how high one's HP Regeneration was, they'd inevitably suffer chip damage during such a speedy exchange of attacks, but Kaosin’s HP stayed at full no matter what happened.

This is crazy!’ Siegfried exclaimed inwardly. He knew it was possible for anyone to achieve immunity against all poison. However, how was it possible for Kaosin to obtain such an immunity in such a short period of time? More importantly, it didn't make sense for him to be immune to poison while being so strong at the same time.

Kaosin had become a completely different person from the Kaosin whom Siegfried had destroyed in the arena back then.

“Die, you bastard!” Kaosin exclaimed and cast his skill.

I’m in danger!’ Siegfried instinctively knew that he was in danger and jumped back.

Chwak! Chwak! Chwaaak!

Sharp winds created by Kaosin’s swords, also known as Wind Blade, chased after Siegfried.

Argh!” Siegfried managed to evade them, but he did not emerge unscathed from it. His skin was cut, and he started bleeding when the Wind Blades grazed him. The Wind Blades was so strong that even getting grazed by it was enough to rip his skin and make him bleed.

Argh...’ Siegfried gnashed his teeth.


It was then.

An unidentified object the size of a large ship shot up from the water.



Both Siegfried and Kaosin had to jump back without being able to check what the unidentified object was.


The large object closed its gigantic jaws at where Siegfried and Kaosin were standing just a second ago.

“Just what in the world was that...?” Siegfried muttered while staring at the gigantic creature that attempted to swallow both him and Kaosin.

The gigantic creature the size of a ship was none other than—

“A-a tuna?!”

Yes, it was a fish highly sought after fish that looked strikingly similar to a mackerel.

A Bluefin Tuna.


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