Date The

Chapter 366: OS 03: A Future to Achieve (Mila & Elias)

Chapter 366: OS 03: A Future to Achieve (Mila & Elias)

[A/N: With a little Ambeevan.]

```This is CBB News bringing you the latest gossip on the hottest couples in the country. One of the wealthiest known bachelors in Maize City, Richard Kingston, revealed his romantic not too long ago. Recent reports state that the CEO of Venus Investments was spotted in Milan, Italy along with model, Tiffany Quartz, at Piazza dei Mercanti for a```

The LED TV played in the background as Mila sat in front of a digital piano keyboard. Her back towards the news and headphones over her ears, she used a pencil to write the next notes in her latest composition. 

A short clip of Tiffany and Richard appeared on the screen. Her fingers flew across the keys, playing the melody she had so far. It fit right into the scenery of the piazza as if transported back in time when love stories consisted of serenading on balconies and windows.

When the notes she wrote finished, she kept going and let the music speak to her.

A knock came from the door.

She didn't hear it. 

After knocking a second time, Elias decided to open the door. He leaned on the door frame and crossed his arms over his chest. Boxes covered the corners of their new apartment. They hadn't finished unpacking since moving to a new place.

His chocolate eyes scanned across the room. He didn't imagine Mila would prefer a small space such as this but watching her play, she seemed at home. Things were finally looking up for them. He wouldn't want anything to ruin this picture.

Mila stopped playing and rolled her neck.

That was when she caught something from the corner of her. Her lips flashed a wide smile. She pulled her headphones off and greeted her boyfriend. "Elias! You're back!"

"Yep! I am home," he replied, skipping to her side. She scooted over the bench and let him sit. He kissed her temple before talking again. "I also stopped by the school. Want to see what shots I got?"

Mila nodded her head and Elias booted up his camera. Photos came into view on the tiny screen. Her eyebrows scrunched as he scrolled through them. "... These are all the trees behind it."

"Well, what do you expect?" Elias chuckled. "The building is still under construction."

The Magical Symphony finally got the green light for their expansion. They had chosen an old building near the field at the base of the mountain. Mila still found being close to nature as the best setting for musical inspiration and for motivation.

It would almost seem like they had teleported somewhere remote.

"..." Mila rolled her eyes at his cheeky expression. 

She left her headphones on her shoulders and replayed the last few notes, humming a melody. Elias bolted for the remote the moment a scowl appeared between her eyebrows. He shut off the TV as she turned around to glare at the noise.

"Why did you even leave it on if you were going to compose?" Elias jested. He tossed the remote back and placed his hands on his hips.

"I probably"

"forgot about it," he finished for her. Deadpan eyes stared back at him. They only caused him to laugh. "You're so predictable. It's cute."

"Hmph!" Mila returned to her keyboard, reaching for her headphones. If he had already known that, he shouldn't have asked. There was no need to mock. As someone who would be dazed for days, Elias should have been more sympathetic.

A hand grabbed her wrist before she could cover her ears.

Playfulness had left Elias's face. "Hey, Mila"

She stiffened her shoulders. "Y-Yes?"

Elias moved to the right side of the bench. His eyes dropped to the floor. This turned out to be harder than he imagined. "I know we just moved in together"

"But?" Mila prodded. He was taking too long. The seconds sounded loud in her ears. 

"But I'd like to take a new step into our relationship," Elias breathed out in one go. Once that was out in the open, his posture relaxed. 

Mila's breathing sped up. "What are you saying?"

He held both of her hands in his, crouching down to the floor. His thumbs brushed over her knuckles while his mind thought of how to say the following words. "I know this may sound sudden. But I was walking down the street earlier after I left the school and"

Elias reached into his pocket. 

The piece of paper weighed like a ton in his hands. He unfolded it for her to read.

"Will you adopt a puppy with me?"

Mila blinked, widening her emerald eyes. She hunched down and snatched the adoption paper. The logo of a local pet shop was at the top right corner. Elias also clipped the photo of the dog for her to see.

Large brown eyes smiled at the camera. Its ears fell down on either side of its small face. The waves of silky black fur made the ears look like it had two pigtails. The dog had its tongue out. It had to be one of the cutest creatures Mila has ever seen.

Her heart leaped at how adorable the puppy was.

"Wha" Mila choked but the corners of her lips tugged upwards. But a wary thought popped into her head. Sadness welled up inside her. 

She looked at her boyfriend with an unsure gaze. "A dog? I agree on the responsibility part, Elias. We both work long hours. Sometimes we even get buried in it so much, we don't even realize how much time passed."

Elias inhaled sharply, exhaling in the same manner. He had considered this too. Both of them were artists who immersed themselves in their craft as if nothing else in the world existed.

"I understand your concerns, Mila," he started to say. "But if we'll someday start a family"

Mila knew what he meant even before he could finish. She averted her gaze and bit her bottom lip. Their current lifestyle wasn't healthy enough for a family life. Babies needed special attention and care. Although she'd take the time off, she couldn't give up her passion for long. 

Was there a way to have both?

"Then, do you think we can do it?" She asked Elias, searching for an answer on his face. 

"I know we can." Elias rose to his feet and kissed her temple. "When do you want to visit the shop?"

Mila thought about it for a moment. If he believed that then, she would have to do her best. They'll both make it workfor them, the puppy and their future children.

She stood up from the bench and said, "Right now sounds good."

They could worry about the future later. What she wanted the most now was to see this fur baby in the flesh. 

"She's so adorable!" Mila gushed inside the pet store. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel leaped into her arms the moment she and Elias were in its line of sight. She dropped down to her knees, meeting the puppy halfway.

"Have you named her yet?" She asked Elias as she straightened her legs. He patted the puppy in her arms and smiled at how relaxed the canine was. It was all going to be alright. They will have many happy memories together.

"I haven't yet," Elias said. He looked up at Mila's eyes. "Naming gives attachment. If you had refused to adopt, I'd have to break both my heart and the puppy's."

"So dramatic." She chuckled, directing a loving gaze at the new addition to their family. "What should we name her then? Oh, did the shop give her a name?"

The store representative jumped in to respond. "She's one of the dogs from the shelter. We sometimes take a few in so there would be space for more strays. They named her, 'Yae'."

"Yae" Mila tried. "Sounds like a happy moment."

Elias pursed his lips. "Pretty sure it has different meanings in other languages."

"Well, I like it. Want to come home with us, Yae?"

Yae barked with enthusiasm. Mila, Elias and the store representative were delighted to hear it. The sound of a wind chime caught their interest. Their eyes went to the front door and found no one. Instead, the sound came from the connecting door to the vet's. 

Two people walked into the store with a cat in each of their arms.

Elias spotted them first.

"Oh," Eve gasped when she noticed the couple. 

"Back so soon?" Elias questioned the returning newlyweds. He pointed alternatively between the two. "Weren't you supposed to be gone for another month or two?"

"Are you both behind the news?" Eve responded on behalf of her and Ambryan. Her hand rubbed Kiri's belly continuously. "We got back a week ago. Most people already know about it."

"Sorry we're late to hear it then," Mila cut in. Then, she thought about it. "But I think a new couple is to blame for that. They are about to kick you out of the limelight."

Eve and Ambryan exchanged a look, knowing exactly who she meant. Blueberry slept in Ambryan's arms without a care in the world. 

"How are you, Mila?" Eve asked. 

"Good, good. Came here to pick up your cats?"

"Had taken them for a check up and some grooming since we were gone for some time." Eve turned her head towards the wall to her right. She pointed towards it while saying, "If you'll excuse me, I need to get cat food."

"Right this way, ma'am," the store representative escorted her.

"What brings you back though?" Elias questioned Ambryan, his eyebrow raised. "Don't take it the wrong way but I rarely hear about a honeymoon cut short for reasons other than the couple had a fallout."

Ambryan sighed to himself. He lost count how many times he answered this question. Luckily, it hadn't reached the press yet. "Eve's not allowed to travel for a while. We figured we should go home if that was the case."

"Is she sick?" Mila knitted her brows. 

"Oh, no. She's healthy as a horse. A little more nauseous every now and then." Ambryan winked in her direction. No one could wipe off the silly grin on his face. "Especially mornings." 

Mila received the underlying message loud and clear. Her heart leaped with joy. "Oh my gosh! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys! "

Yae sensed her elevated amount of energy, barking in return. A pair of blue eyes snapped open and shifted towards the yapping puppy. Blueberry silently watched the annoying ball of fur. His claws extended and retracted while he tried to remain calm.

Elias turned to Mila. "I don't get it."

Ambryan used this opportunity to attend to his wife. The staff was kind enough to carry the bags of food and cat litter for her. He kissed her temple without warning. Eve gave him a playful pout before they walked towards the counter together.

"Eve is carrying a new family member," Mila explained to Elias.

He craned his neck to check on Eve. "Isn't that Ambryan's old cat?"

"In her womb."

"Oh!" Elias blinked, his jaw hanging open. "Wow, That should have been obvious. I don't know why I didn't get it."

Mila shook her head. Sometimes she wondered what was going through Elias's head. He was normally smarter than this. When the newlyweds passed them by on their way to the door, Mila beamed at Eve. "Eve, congratulations on the baby. I'm sure he or she will be as beautiful as you."

"Everlee Hathaway is pregnant?!" A bystander yelled inside the store. The manager immediately rushed into action, ushering the fake customer away. A few murmurs surrounded the group.

"Whoops," Eve muttered, unfazed by the incident. They were talking about how to make the announcement but this just solved that problem. It felt weird to post about it when the important people already knew about the good news.

Mila had her eyes wide with guilt. "I'm so sorry about that"

"Don't worry about it," Eve interjected. She nudged her husband in the ribs. "I'm sure Ambryan doesn't mind knocking Richard's relationship down the trending topics."

"You make me sound so petty." Ambryan scowled.

"I know. You make it look adorable sometimes, that's why." Eve directed another reassuring smile at Mila and Elias. "We're serious. You just saved us from having to make a public statement. We'll be going first then."

Mila stared at the floor after the newlyweds left. Yae observed her closely, studying the emotions that flashed in her emerald eyes. Suddenly hearing about the pregnancy made Mila feel nostalgic. If things were still the same as back then, she might have felt sad or even felt envious of them. 

She looked down at Yae and smiled. 

"What's the matter?" Elias spoke beside her. 

"It's just... I realized how amazing life is," Mila started to say. Her scattered thoughts formed into sentences. "I heard about Ambryan from Aunt Avery many times before. We talked about him every time we met and how she thought Ambryan would never marry or have kids."

"I would always tell her that the right time will come. What she didn't know was that I was imagining myself to be a part of that time." She took a deep breath and held Yae up to her eye level. "But now"

"But now you're thinking about another guy and talking about him around me." Elias frowned. He took Yae from her hands and approached the counter. They were supposed to be taking a new step in their lives, not walking backwards.

Mila rushed to catch up and shoved her shoulder against his arm. Her cheeks turned red. "You know it's not like that. Those things don't affect me anymore."

"You're blushing right now."

"That's because it's cute when you act petty from jealousy." She hopped onto her toes to peck his cheek. "If I heard about this, the old me might have done something ridiculous like Jane. Like her, I only saw Ambryan in my future. That's all in the past now and... because of you, I'm having a future I adore much more than my fantasies."

Elias halted in his steps. He snatched her hand and squeezed it. His chocolate brown eyes glared into her emerald ones. "You're nothing like her, you hear me? Don't ever compare yourself to that that"

Mila pressed a finger to his lips, trying not to laugh. "Don't finish that. She made terrible decisions but don't curse her. Think about it. If it weren't for her, I don't think we might have met. It's the least we could do."

He snorted, letting Yae down. "We would have crossed paths sooner or later."

"I didn't know you believed in fate."

"I don't. All roads are just connected one way or another."

The couple headed back to their new apartment after signing the paperwork. They also bought supplies and discussed where her stuff would be. Yae dashed out of her cage as soon as they released her inside. She went to work and familiarized herself with her new home.

Mila put away the food and let Elias do the rest.

She had a project to finish.

Days went by and the keyboard filled the home with a light melody. Yae instantly became a fan and lied down beside Mila every time she sat in front of the keyboard. Elias monitored her progress as he worked. Something seemed off about it. So much time had passed but Mila's composition didn't seem to lead anywhere.

When he finished editing the photos in his studio, he stepped out and looked at her.

Her mouth moved as she played the keyboard. That was his first clue.

"Mila, what are you doing?" The curiosity finally got the best of him.

She yelped, causing her fingers to smash on the keys. He walked over and sat on the bench next to her. "You're hardly using more than six notes. That's not like you."

Mila couldn't look him in the eye. Elias sneaked a peek at her music sheet. Scribbles were written under the staff lines and the notes. He leaned closer for a better look. 

Hearing only silence, Mila glanced over her shoulder.

She followed his line of sight and snatched the music sheet. 

"Were you" Elias propped an elbow gently over the keys. "Writing a song?" 

Mila scoffed and placed her folded music sheet back on the stand. "I'm not good, okay? I never tried to write lyrics before. No need to mock me."

"Now, why would I mock you?" He said. "'Eyes that have me craving for chocolate' sounds like a sexy line. I wonder where you got the inspiration. Must be equally sexy."

Yae barked in agreement while Mila cringed and buried her face in her hands. Writing lyrics was harder than she realized. The creative frustration felt familiar but she had no clue how to find thatthat voice which wanted to sing.

Elias relished in his girlfriend's embarrassment for a moment. Mila was always composed even when she was frustrated over the melodies of her compositions. This was a rare sight that will be forever engraved in his mind.

"Why are you trying to write lyrics anyway?" He 

"Because" Mila trailed off. "I'm not good with words."

She hadn't realized how bad it was until now.

"I think I understand you just fine," Elias comforted her. He played a few notes, remembering a lesson from when he was a child. "Just do what you always do. Although..., I didn't know this but do I now owe you a chocolate bar for every time our eyes meet?"


"Or would you prefer a piece of me instead?"

"ELIAS!" Mila scolded louder. She pointed at the floor. "There's a kid in here!"

He glanced at Yae who looked completely unaware of the growing mood. "She's not that young anymore. I have to be a good role model so she can pick out a good partner. That mut in the park will never get my approval."

"Why? Does he intimidate you?"

"Mila, I'm a grown man."

"And somehow you find a dog to be more manly than you."

"The opposite! That dog can't protect her."

Yae ignored the banter of her parents and went to the balcony. She stared at the building across the street. As if sensing her presence, a white havanese also appeared in his own balcony and found her instantly.

They stayed still with longing in their eyes.

Maybe someday they'd have their own story.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.