Date The

Chapter 365: OS 02: A Week of Relationship (Richard & Tiffany)

Chapter 365: OS 02: A Week of Relationship (Richard & Tiffany)

Richard rubbed the drowsiness out of his steel gray eyes as he stepped out of the bedroom. He normally couldn't sleep in someone else's house but his workload doubled for this week. He stayed up until his body couldn't handle it anymore. 


"Gah!" Richard stopped in his tracks and jumped. It was his third day staying over at Tiffany's. For the past two mornings, he woke to an empty apartment. He also came back to it still empty. She was a famous model so he figured her days were full-packed.

It was like he worried over nothing.

But that didn't seem to be the case anymore.

"Coffee?" Tiffany offered, raising her cup. She sat on the table with her phone in her other hand. She had her purple hair up in a messy bun and wore comfortable clothes. Plates of pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon were laid out on the table.

Richard regained his composure and headed for the coffee maker. "No early work today?"

"I'm free for the next 3 days actually," she explained before taking a sip of her coffee. A new site covered her phone screen. "Then, I'll be off to Milan. Help yourself with the food. I ordered it from the diner nearby. Felt a little lazy to cook."

"I see" Richard filled his mug with the coffee left in the pot. He glanced over his shoulder and found Tiffany scrolling through articles. A plate was already on the other side of the table. He sat in front of it and assessed the food.

"What about you? What work plans do you have?" Tiffany locked her phone, watching him. This had to be their first proper conversation since living together for a week. She almost felt bad that they hadn't crossed paths until now.

But maybe it was also better this way.

"Nothing much."

The pancakes gave off a creamy and sweet scent. The eggs were perfectly scrambled and the bacon was lightly crisped. Richard took one of everything to start with. After the first bite, he nodded his head in approval. They tasted as good as they looked.

"How much do I owe you for the food?" He asked.

Tiffany gave him a deadpan expression. "You don't have to pay. If you insist though, I could use a little more detail about your day. People might ask me where you are and I don't want to look like an idiot."

Richard reached for some water. "Are you going somewhere?"

She nodded, her mind wandering to the clouds. "I want to shop a bit, visit favorite spots and maybe see what's new in the city I'll be gone for a month so I don't want to miss out on the latest Maize City trends before that."

"How long will you be gone?"

"I'll probably leave around lunch so I might be back a little late."


Tiffany clenched her teeth. It was him who was supposed to talk. How come she ended up being the one to share her plans? In the end, she dropped it and shook her head. She would just have to wing it if it was necessary.

Unlike her, Richard wasn't aware that he dodged her request. 

"You look deep in thought," Tiffany told him after a moment of silence.

He raised an eyebrow. "Do I?"

She clicked her tongue and narrowed her black eyes. Her lips pursed in concentration. Then, she snapped her fingers while her face lit up. "Are you worried if Ambryan and Eve did it in your house?"

Richard spit out his coffee.

"You're sooo easy to startle." She cackled. 

He wiped himself clean. "You're really having fun, huh?"

Tiffany folded her arms over the table. "What else is there to do in this situation?"

Richard opened his mouth to retort but an alarm rang out from his smartwatch. He dismissed it and quickly ate the last bite. "I'll be leaving first."

"Take care, honey!" Tiffany shouted as he headed for the front door.

He winced but waved his hand without looking back. He could almost see the mischief on her face. After taking a breath, he opened the door and came out as a different man. His mind began preparing for the office work waiting for him.

Tiffany swept her around the apartment. It was almost like he was never hereuntil her gaze fell on the empty mug and plate across the table. She scrunched her nose. "He couldn't even put them in the sink."

Then, an old saying popped into her head. "Or does he believe I'll be single forever if he did that?"

She glared at nothing and drank the rest of her coffee. "What an odd person."

Hours later, Tiffany walked around the mall. Shanel sunglasses covered the top part of her face. She cut out a full set of bangs just to conceal her forehead. Long aquamarine extensions fell down her back, creating an ombre effect on her hair.

She picked a baggy black shirt and tight denim jeans to finish off the look.

It was a near perfect disguise.

Tiffany stopped by a window display. The mannequin wore an off-shoulder cocktail dress. What attracted her to it was the cut of the bodice. It looked structured to give a nice shape. She waltzed inside the store and talked to the sales representative she found, pointing to the mannequin.

"Can I try this?"

The sales rep widened her eyes. "Are you a model?"

"Uh" Tiffany pressed her lips together and tucked her hair behind her ear. A sheepish smile spread across her face. "Am I that pretty?"

"Mm." The sales rep nodded vigorously. It was like meeting a celebrity! "Your body shape is also like the mannequin too so I'm sure the dress will look good on you. Let me just get another stock so you can try it on."

Tiffany appreciated her enthusiasm. "Thank you."

Richard nearly slept against the elevator wall. The board gave him a hard time during the meeting. Their investments hadn't done well over the past six months. He studied statistics and projections for hours, trying to find a way to boost their profits.

He needed a solution or he might lose his job.

His secretary followed right behind him when he exited the lift.

"Ugh, I can't wait to get some sleep," Richard thought out loud without looking his way. "Must have been hard on you too, Scott. I had to stop my usual work just to look for our next investment. Do you need a ride? I can drop you off."

Richard unlocked his car and went towards the driver's side. Scott gawked at his back. Then, at the vehicle. He switched back and forth and processed what his boss had said. "M-Mr. Kingston... Aren't you going to meet with Ms. Tiffany?"

Opening the door, Richard angled his body towards his secretary. "What makes you think that?"

A few whispers followed him since Tiffany made a scene at the airport. No one dared to ask him directlynot until now. He studied Scott carefully. If he was being honest, he had been waiting for her name to come up at some point between them.

He had been conflicted whether to let his secretary know the truth or not.

Scott opened his mouth, thinking he made a mistake. It was too late for regrets so he fell down the hole he created. "S-Someone posted that they saw her sitting alone at a restaurant. Isn't she waiting for you?"

Richard checked the time on his watch.

It was almost nine in the evening.

'What was she doing?' He questioned himself. Tiffany seemed more than willing to play along the charade So why would she have dinner outside by herself? The news outlets would be all over it and fabricate some messed up story that they fought.

Scott pressed his lips together, waiting for his boss to respond.

It was odd how Richard hesitated. 

Wouldn't most lovers run off to their date even if they initially forgot about it?

"Miss, are you alone?" Tiffany heard from the seat across from her. 

She glanced up from her glass of fruit cocktail. A bored expression projected out of her eyes. The man wore casual clothes though this was a high-class restaurant. He had to be one of the reporters that were tailing her.

Her eyebrow arched up pointedly. "Did I give you permission to sit there?"

"So cold."

"Then, I suggest you leave and buy a jacket."

Tiffany proceeded to ignore him. She increased her drinking speed. As much as she wanted to leave right away, she didn't believe in wasting foodor even a drop of her fruit cocktail. The reporter clenched his teeth. 

Didn't celebrities need to maintain a good image?

He had just handed her a golden opportunity by sitting here. The public were voicing negative comments about her current situation. Whatever she had to say, he could spread it almost instantly and turn the tide.

But, before he could speak this out, a hand clamped down his shoulder.

His eyes looked up to find a pair of steel gray ones. Richard glared down at him, his fingers digging into the latter's skin. "What are you doing?"

The reporter paled. 

"I-I see you have a date.' He chuckled awkwardly and rose to his feet. His knee hit the table, causing him to trip. Richard merely stepped out of his way. He scrambled to escape. "I-I'll be leaving then."

Richard sighed and loosened his tie. His gaze shifted towards Tiffany. She stared back with wide eyes, unfazed by the whole ordeal. "Looking at you now, I wouldn't think you were the same person inside that limo when we talked to Ambryan and Eve. You sounded helpless back then."

"What are you doing here?" He asked her, taking a seat. His face relaxed once he sat down. More eyes had paid attention to their table. If he wasn't careful, they could mistake the mood of their conversation.

Tiffany shrugged in response. "I walked around all day and needed a break. It might not look like it but this place has some of the best alcoholic drinks in the city."

"But isn't what you're doing ruining the whole picture that we're dating?" Richard pointed out. A waiter passed by their table, asking for their order. Richard requested for a glass of water. Tiffany didn't seem to order yet so she might not have planned to stay long.

"Look at you being cooperative." She giggled. The alcohol tingled on either side of her head.

The waiter came back to serve Richard his glass of water. He drank it in one go. "Might as well have one thing go right. I can't fuck up on everthing or I'll go insane."

He slammed the empty glass on the table, causing Tiffany to jump in her seat. She set her own glass down and studied him. Initially, she thought he was in a bad mood because of the scene she made. Why else would he have showed up?

But, now,

"Hey, is everything okay with you?" Tiffany caught herself asking. When Richard met her eyes with a deadpan expression, she saw his answer. "Stupid question, I know."

"Just have a losing streak," Richard added. He turned his head towards the window. Thankfully, the paparazzi situation calmed down a bit. The restaurant had a top security team. He was surprised to find a reporter talking to Tiffany.

Unless she planned itRichardh shook his head. This wasn't the time to create speculation.

He would have better luck in using this energy for his next business plan.

Tiffany sympathized with him a little. It wasn't anything special. Every person must have been in that place at least once. She stretched her arm to pat hold his fist that rested on the table. Richard snapped his eyes back towards her.

A teasing grim bloomed on her lips. "It's times like this when you need a girlfriend."

Richard frowned. That wasn't something he wanted to hear, especially in this sour mood. 

A retort was at the tip of his tongue when Tiffany suddenly continued talking.

"You'll just have to settle for a fake one." Standing up, she moved her hand to his wrist and gripped it tight.

"Come on. I'll show you something."

"Wha" Richard lost the ability to think. His attention went all over the place until he noticed the shopping bags left on her seat. "What about your bags?"

"My manager will take them back," Tiffany assured him and tried again. This time, Richard lifted his bottom off the seat. "I doubt you go out this late because of how overworked you are. So you definitely have to see the city at this time at least once."

The next few minutes was a blur for Richard. They somehow reached the parking lot and climbed inside his vehicle. The city lights surrounded them as the wheels rolled down the street. Tiffany had her window open, letting the wind inside. 

Richard pursed his lips. "Where are we going?"

"Just go wherever the road takes us," Tiffany cackled. Then, she closed her eyes. The cool air caressed her skin. Without the view, it almost seemed like she was out on an adventurean endless one that could take her anywhere, even the stars.

Richard glanced in her direction and found her in that position.

He took a deep breath, deciding to go along with it. He could also temporarily forget his problems by worrying about hers first. Eventually, the tall buildings disappeared and a line of small stores covered either side of the road.

As if she had a sensor, Tiffany opened her eyes and pointed at a street corner.

"Turn right here."

At the end of the street was a small eatery. It had the exterior of a minimart but the hanging sign clearly said, "Stitz's Pizzeria." Tiffany quickly opened her door and raced towards the small window near the counter.

"Auntie!" She called out, pumping her legs. "Auntie, give me tokens!"

A hand came out of the window to smack her head. "Who are you calling an aunt? You're not a kid. You have no right to call me an aunt."

"Aw, come on." Tiffany pouted, rubbing the sore spot "I've known you since I was in high school. You didn't mind it back then."

"You were still a student at the time."

"But I can't call you, 'sister', now! It's weird!"

"Um" Richard uttered. If he didn't make a sound, neither party would have noticed his approach. The pizzeria owner stuck her head out. She pulled out her glasses to see him under the faulty street lights.

"And who is this?" She asked.

Tiffany seized the opportunity to reel the conversation back to the original topic. "He's someone bored and in a bad mood. We need tokens to cure it."

"Hm," the owner grunted, giving Tiffany the side-eye. She reached into her apron pocket for a few tokens. "I think I read somewhere that he was your boyfriend."

Happy to see the copper coins, Tiffany snatched them and counted. "Auntie how can you still gossip at your age? You'll grow old faster."

"Why you!"

Then, she ran off towards the entrance of the pizzeria. "Thank you for the tokens! Come on."

The owner sighed and looked at Richard. She nudged her head. "You should go before she uses them all up. Despite how enthusiastic she is, she's actually a bad player."

Richard gave a shy smile and nodded before following Tiffany. The pizzeria had various attractions in front of their shop. It wasn't obvious before because of the night sky. The street lamps and lighting from inside the pizzeria turned them into silhouettes.

"What's this?" 

Tiffany sat down, her knees higher than the bench "You've never seen an arcade cabinet?"

"But it's so" Richard trailed off. It didn't look comfortable but she didn't seem to mind.

"Small? That's what makes it more fun!" Tiffany inserted the tokens and patted the empty space on the bench. "Come, come. Sit, sit."

Richard thought for a moment. Then, he shrugged off his suit jacket and placed it on top of the arcade machine. Game music played out of the speaker while the screen asked for both players to pick their characters. The joystick was the size of his thumb. 

"What pizza do you two want?!" The owner screamed from the window.

"Everything on it. Plus two beers!" Tiffany shouted back. The game started and she pushed the buttons aggressively, attacking Richard's character with a flying kick.

"Alright. I'll have the busboy get you your beers."

Tiffany responded back and bumped her shoulder against Richard. "You're not allergic to anything, right?"

If he didn't know any better, he'd think she did it on purpose to throw him off. Unfortunately for Tiffany, he wasn't about to let his guard down that easily. He returned the flying kick she sent and knocked down a few hp points off her character.

"Not that I know of." He shrugged, acting nonchalant.

"Good. And you are sooo going to pay for that."

"You're even worse than kids," the pizzeria owner scolded the two. It was an hour after closing time and they still played with the arcade cabinet. "Shoo. Go home. I have no space for you two to sleep in."

"But, Auntie" Tiffany whined. She yawned as soon as she stood up. Her legs bent like jelly from sitting too long. 

Richard caught her and steadied her on her feet, not letting go. He smiled at the pizzeria owner. "Thank you for the hospitality. I enjoyed the pizza very much."

The front door bell rang and a man stepped outside. "I'll be off."

He headed for the truck parked on the other side of the pizzeria. Tiffany took a step forward when she heard his voice. Richard stayed close to catch her. "Where are you going?"

"Our supplier can't make deliveries today," the man explained, opening the driver's side. "I want to head over to pick them up. It's a long drive. If I want to make it back before opening, I need to go now."

"They're also close friends so he can take a bit of rest before heading back," his wife backed up. She waved and sent him a flying kiss.

Tiffany squinted her eyes at Richard.

He arched an eyebrow. That didn't look good. "What are you thinking?"

A mischievous smile spread across her face. "Do you have anyone who can pick up your car?"

"You're not thinking about" Richard stopped the thought. He should have known from the start how dangerous this woman was. Her impulsive nature never took a break. The occasional impulse was fine but today already had enough to last him a month!

"Two more days and I'm out of your hair," Tiffany reminded him. She ran up to the driver and shared her plans. Her face lit up when he expressed his approval. Not a moment to lose, she jumped on the back of the truck.

Richard only had one thought.

Was he really about to let a woman go off alone in the middle of the night?


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