Date The

Chapter 349: SS3 06: Honored Guests, Enjoy Thy (Dog) Food

Chapter 349: SS3 06: Honored Guests, Enjoy Thy (Dog) Food

"Do you, Ambryan Hathaway, with this ring, take me to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part?"

Eve waited for him to answer before slipping the ring onto his finger.

Ambryan tilted her chin up for their eyes to meet. "I do."

Hiding her blush, Eve cleared her throat and recalled her speech. "Ambee, when I met you six years ago, I thought you had to be the coldest person I know. I could never share things with you outside of work. I had to maintain my distance physically, mentally and emotionally..."

"Now...," she trailed off. It was too late to try. The tears in her eyes had dripped down to her cheeks. "Now, I can't imagine a day without talking to you. You're the first person I think about in the morning. You're the last person I talk to before going to sleep."

Ambryan felt his heart squeeze. He raised his right hand to her cheek and wiped the tear away through the veil. Every word she spoke aimed at his chest. Her affection never failed to stir up his insides. 

How did he even manage to win the heart of this woman? Why would she be willing to marry a workaholic? His schedule was never certain. In case of an emergency, he'd leave without prior notice. They were bound to have little time together... 

It sounded like a lonely life to his ears.

"I can always be myself around you, comforted that you'd be there like a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate on a winter day." Eve used both hands to squeeze his left one. "I love you in ways more than I can express in words. From this day forward, I will be the secretary of every aspect of your life. I promise to give you a loving home to return to, especially on hard days."

Just when he couldn't fall more than he had so far, she broke the floor underneath his feet.

Ambryan yanked her into his arms.

"Don't be shameless. It's not time to kiss the bride yet!"

Laughs, giggles and chuckles came from the crowd. Eve also joined them. She used this time to wipe the rest of her tears. Ambryan hugged her closer, propping his chin on the top of her head. Andie and Richard exchanged looks. 

For a couple that wanted a private ceremony, their best friends sure love their PDA.

The pastor bowed his head briefly before addressing everyone once again. "By the power vested in me by the higher power that exists in this world, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

At this, Ambryan had to pull back. He lifted the veil off his bride's face. Her makeup was perfect despite her cries. The tiara on her head glittered under the lights. He cupped both of her cheeks before leaning down for a kiss.

"Woohoo!" Richard cheered and fist-pumped the air.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway."

The crowd rose to their feet for applause and cheers. Andie would have clapped the loudest if it weren't for the bouquets she held. Kiri swept her tail faster from the excitement. Avery covered her mouth and her nose with her hands and tissues. Jackson squeezed her shoulder in comfort.

Madame Isabelle smiled fondly. Madison glanced up the ceiling as if someone was watching. Cale cheered louder when the kiss continued. Rose clapped harder beside him. Eri and Ede had stood up on the chairs, tossing flower petals towards the staircase. 

Luna nudged Mikael's side. "Don't make me wait too long for your wedding, okay?"

He merely rolled his eyes.

Jordan peeked behind Mikael, telling her, "It might not be that long. He's been texting the same girl everyday. If that doesn't tell me he has fallen for her, I don't know what."

"Would you both not talk about my love life? It's not my special day today."

Mila resumed playing the piano as Elias positioned near her. The orchestra soon followed when their cues came. Without looking, her voice spoke above the music, "You have impeccable timing. Everyone thought you came to stop the wedding."

Elias snorted, changing angles for the photos. "If I did that, I wouldn't get paid."

She chuckled and shook her head. 

"Then, it would take longer to save for our wedding."

People flinched when the piano played the wrong keys. Mila ducked her head before they could see her face. The rest of the orchestra also looked in her direction. She was not one to mess up easily. What could have caused her to be that startled?

"What's wrong?" Elias teased. "Don't want to get married?"

Taking a deep breath, Mila squared her shoulders and restarted the piece. "It's not that."

"Then, is that a 'yes'?"

Ushers escorted the entourage to their respective seats. A group of them also converted the platform with a pink and gold loveseat and a table. Andie returned the bridal bouquet. Then, she and Richard climbed down first to join the rest.

Ambryan stayed a few steps ahead of Eve when it was their turn. Another round of applause came from their guests. Eve was tempted to pull the veil down again and conceal her face. She felt much safer that way.

Unfortunately, her husband didn't share the same sentiments.

When they reached the last steps, Ambryan stole a peck from her lips. She slapped his arms in an instant. Eve realized her mistake as soon as she did it. The guests laughed at their little exchange, causing Eve to blush more.

Oh, this was going to be a long day.

The sound of a knife hitting a wine glass echoed around the room.

Richard stood on his seat, raising his drink for a toast. "May I please be the first to say this on a microphone... Congratulations to the happy couple!"

He paused as people supported his statement. "Anyone who knows Yan will know how true his wedding vow is. He found the idea of marriage unnecessary. It was something he couldn't picture in his life. Therefore, whatever anyone said, he stood by his principles."

"Now, for those that think they know Yan very well," Richard began to say. "Unless you know how his head turns for every redheaded female he sees then I'm sorry. You don't know him that well. Why? Up until the couple started dating, I thought Yan had a fetish he wouldn't admit. He would stare at their faces intently. I didn't want to doubt him but I always end up debating whether to warn the girls or not."

Eve leaned back on the couch, crossing her arms over her chest. She pressed her lips and checked on Ambyran. The latter glared daggers at his best man.

Richard shifted this attention towards the couple, ignoring his best friend's sour face. He placed a hand over his chest. "That said, I would like to thank Eve for enlightening me on this situation. It's not everyday that a person has their first love as their true love. His heart has been yours long before anyone could try to steal it. I would want nothing more than for you to keep my best friend happy."

"Because I definitely like him better when he's in a good mood," Richard added after another pause. "I'm sure his employees would agree with me too."

Eve laughed out loud. It immediately caught Ambryan's attention. He raised an eyebrow. 

She patted his back. "You know it's true. Happy boss means a happy work life."

"Congratulations again on your wedding." Richard raised his glass higher.

Andie rose to her feet next. Sparkling water filled her glass. "To Ambryan and Everlee."

"To Ambryan and Everlee!" The crowd repeated.

"I wouldn't say Eve never thought about marriage," Andie said. "But it was always at the bottom of her priorities. Her top one was always how to please her boss. If we all had known things would end this way then, we could have had the wedding much sooner.

"I remember Eve in their first days of dating. She was always anxious. Always worried. She thought her uninterested attitude would be able to drive him away. Well, we can all guess that it was actually the opposite that happened."

It was Eve's turn to glare at her best friend.

Andie chuckled. "On behalf of everyone, I would like to congratulate you on how far you've come. We're all glad that you have found each other. It only took 5 years of seeing each other a minimum of 5 days a week to make it happen.

"If there is one thing you have gifted us, it's that love does arrive at the right momentthat it would eventually find you. Thank you for proving to us that fairy tales could exist after all."

She clinked glasses with Richard. 

They both drank their beverages and the rest did the same thing.

Meanwhile, Mishta positioned herself near the orchestra. She tested the microphone in her hand before speaking. "While the food is being served, may I please ask the parents and the couple to move to the dance floor?"

Avery and Jackson did as they were told. 

Eve and Ambryan soon followed. 

Jackson offered his hand to his new daughter-in-law. "May I please have this dance? I'm sure Ambryan would enjoy listening to me brag about how I'm your first dance tonight."

"With pleasure, Mr. Hathaway," Eve replied, accepting the gesture.

He pulled his hand out of reach. "Please. Mr. Hathaway is the chairman of Eros Productions. You're no longer an employee there and neither are you a stranger to our family. Please call me something different."

Eve curled her bottom lip inward and bit on it. "Uncle Jackson?"

"That makes me sound like an old man."

"You are an old man," Ambryan interrupted. His mother pinched his side.

Jackson returned his focus on Eve. "Try again."

"Um" she hummed, her heart racing and her cheeks flushing red. "DaDa-Dad"


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