Date The

Chapter 348: SS3 05: Honored Guests, Pardon Thy Tardiness

Chapter 348: SS3 05: Honored Guests, Pardon Thy Tardiness

"Am I late?"

Avery did not hesitate. She marched right up to her son, gripping her clutch and forcing her smile more than usual. "I'm sorry. Should I have sent you an invitation? Because you clearly don't know what time the wedding starts."

Ambryan merely beamed and hugged her shoulders. "Thank you, mother. Everything looks great. I'm sure Eve would be blown away when she walks down the aisle."

Scowling, Avery stepped back. She assessed her son's face and searched for a hint of sarcasm. "Who are you and what have you done to my son?"

"Leave him be," Madame Isabelle cut in, walking up behind them. "Weddings are a good time for children to be grateful to their parents. Accept it now and question later."

Avery gave her son one last look before linking arms with her husband again. Mishta appeared beside them, informing them that the ceremony would begin soon. She gathered and lined up the entourage at the lobbyRichard at the front as the best man.

(A/N: I recommend listening to any wedding song while reading.)

The doors opened to the venue split into two by the carpet. Heads turned in anticipation when they heard them open. Tables had been provided for everyone, leaving the ones for the entourage empty. They had a set of chairs waiting for them on either side of the stairs. 

Each table setting had a centerpiece of peonies, cloth in the color cream and cutlery in gold. 

Mila sat in front of the piano. She smiled towards the entrance, waiting for a signal.

The assistant photographer roamed near the stairs in order to take photos of everyone walking down the aisle. For a second, he snapped photos of the orchestra and the seated guests. The videographer beside him panned the camera across the room.

Ambryan had his arm intertwined with his mother. Behind them, Madame Isabelle and Jackson Hathaway formed the pair meant for the mother of the bride and the father of the groom. The four of them walked after the groomsmen. 

They stopped at the platform prepared at the base of the stairs.

Madison led the party of sponsors. The aisle soon emptied again.

People near the walls wondered why the walk had been interrupted. They craned their necks searching for the group that should be walking by now but found noneUntil they stood up and caught a glimpse of two furballs. 

Kiri and Blueberry headed for the platform, tiny pillows tied around their neck like bowties. Each pillow had one wedding ring. Kiri had the pastel pink pillow and the ring meant for Eve. Meanwhile, Blueberry had the blue pillow with the ring for Ambryan to wear.

"Meow," Kiri purred, winning the crowd. Blueberry refused to do the same so she rubbed her head under his chin. "Meow, meow~"

Rose and Cale walked down the aisle next. They both carried small bouquets while joined at the elbows. A few meters behind them, Andie made her entrance. Jarrett accompanied her due to her pregnancy. The doors had closed as soon as they stepped inside.

Outside the building, the bridal car appeared. Nanzie opened the backseat door and two little girls climbed out of the car. Ede and Eri flinched when cameras flashed at their eyes. They held tightly on their flower baskets and followed Alecia to the entrance.

Then, a white shoe emerged from the backseat. 

The veiled bride had finally arrived. 

Miniscule gemstones decorated her ivory wedding dress. They formed a pattern of sparklers as bright as any star. The mesh fabric of her bodice extended to her shoulders, creating an illusion with the gemstones. Her gloved hands held a bouquet of white roses and pink hydrangeas.

Two braids pulled her scarlet hair back, knotting into a bun at the base of her head.

A tiara of pink diamonds sat on her scalp. The tip made a point under the veil.

More security blocked the paparazzi and bystanders that tried to get a closer look. Eve gave a wave to her left. Then, she did the same to her right. Cheers and squeals came from her supporters who wanted to have a glimpse of the wedding.

Mishta guided her up the front stairs while Wen and Nanzie held the train of her skirt.

The lobby was empty except for security personnel and the twins waiting by the doors. They watched as their older sister approached the main venue. Their cinnamon hair was up in a ponytail along with a giant bow. Silk ribbons in lavender and pink wrapped around their waists, tying into a bow behind thema perfect match to the ones in their hair.

Mila changed the music. This time, the rest of the small orchestra joined her.

The doors slowly opened once more. Everyone stood up to greet the bride. All three sisters walked inside together, Eri and Ede two steps ahead of Eve. They rained the carpet in pink and white petals for their sister to walk on. 

Eve smiled at her sisters. 

Then, her brown eyes met violet ones waiting for her at the podium.

They had rehearsed this scene several times. It wasn't until now did she feel tears well up in her eyes. It was crazy. How could this man turn out to be the one she'd spend the rest of her days with? How could he have turned out to be her long lost friend? 

A year ago, she mostly saw his back.

Now, he always faces her wherever she may be.

Eve smiled through her watery eyes. Ambryan returned it as if he could see her tears through her veil. The twinkling lights that hung on the ceiling seemed to dance around them. Ambryan had taken a half-step forward but Richard caught him in time. 

When the bride finally reached the platform, the twins along with the parents bid their blessings to the couple. Ambryan held out his hand to Eve which she gladly accepted. Together, they climbed hand in hand up the grand staircase where the pastor waited on the landing.

The doors officially closed for the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony," the pastor spoke into the microphone. "If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."











The doors rattled with a bang. 

Collective gasps turned towards it. Eve glanced over her shoulder while Ambryan scowled in the same direction. Murmurs erupted in the room. Who could this be? Theories hurled out of the mouths as if they had waited for this moment.

Mishta tiptoed to the doors and peeked outside.

Elias was on his knees, rubbing his forehead. He had come from a photoshoot that had taken longer than he wanted. Since he was late, he dashed through the lobby and slipped on the floor. His head dived headfirst against the closed doors. A small bump grew on his hairline.

Letting him in, Mishta bowed her head to the crowd and the pastor. Elias stepped inside. His head snapped up when he heard them gasp. It took him a second to feel unwelcome. He cleared his throat and raised his camera. 

Then, he ducked his head and disappeared to the shadows.

"Well, then" the pastor said, gaining everyone's attention. "May I please have the rings?"

Two felines walked up the stairs. Andie, who had stayed on Eve's side on the landing, reached for the bride's bouquet to get it out of the way. Richard stood at the other end. Ambryan picked up Kiri for Eve's ring. They had picked identical gold bands that twist at the top with encrusted diamonds.

He eventually let Kiri go and reached for his bride's hand. Pulling off her glove, he recited his vows. "Do you, Everlee Hart, with this ring, take me to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part?"

Eve beamed from ear to ear. Her heart backflipped when Ambryan looked up to meet her eyes.

Why did he have to be this good looking?

"I do," she managed to say.

Ambryan slipped the ring on her finger and kissed the back of her hand. She melted right then and there. How could this man be real? How was he the same person who refused commitment? It was like a dream.

And she never wanted to wake up.

He gripped her hand tighter, his thumb brushing the back of her fingers. "Eve, I never desired to marry. You know this very well. But, the thought did linger in the back of my mind. I know my parents would want it. I know close friends also hoped for it. I figured it was something I did need to do someday."

"And that day finally came today." He paused. His violet eyes stared right through her. "I couldn't be happier that it is with you. No one can make me feel the way you do. No one can convince me to have fun every now and then the way you do."

"Lastly." Ambryan exhaled sharply. "No one can love me the way you do. You've seen every side there is to me and I'm grateful that you still chose to stay. You're my evening star when times are dark. I promise to make you as happy as I can, supporting you every step of the way."

He stepped closer and leaned down until their foreheads touched. "I love you, Eve. And I know I always will. Thank you for making me the luckiest man alive today."

The pastor smiled and tilted his head sideways. It wasn't how they rehearsed it but who cared? Spontaneous ideas conveyed better sincerity than scripted ones. The crowd sent their silent blessings to the couple. Their chest had squeezed from the sweetness.

And that was only one out of two speeches/

"Meow, meow~" Kiri cheered, making everyone chuckle.

With a sniff, Eve picked up Blueberry to take Ambryan's ring.


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