Damn, I Have to Marry the Strongest Antagonist at the Start?

Chapter 112: Chapter112-War!

Chapter 112: Chapter112-War!

"General Stanley, are you a general of the Azure Royal Family or a general of the Azure people?"

Leslie's questioning voice echoed, and Stanley felt a wave of confusion.

As a soldier, he had always fought to protect the people of the border.

This commitment was ingrained in him.

He had come to the imperial capital to demand an explanation from Owen and Leslie because their rebellion had caused turmoil in the once-stable Azure Kingdom!

Now, as Leslie had said, under her rule, there had been no major unrest in the capital or elsewhere.

The real casualties and disruptions affected mostly the noble families.

Additionally, Chief Elder Otto and the Council of Elders were eliminated and destroyed by Owen. The Azure Kingdom would soon return to peace, only with a new empress in charge...

As various thoughts and emotions surged in Stanley's mind, Leslie noticed his inner wavering and waved her hand to the back.

Immediately, Charlotte appeared beside Leslie in a flash, holding several hundred urgent letters with respect.

These letters had red feathers attached, signifying that they contained the most critical information for the empire.

Leslie glanced at them and took a letter from the pile, beginning to read it aloud.

"At approximately 10:00 on the 16th, tens of thousands of Kyrik border troops attacked Sandfall City on the frontier. Sandfall City is in a state of emergency and requests reinforcements!"

"At approximately 11:00 on the 16th, Kyrik unleashed spellbeasts to attack the important frontier town, requesting aid!"

"At approximately 12:00 on the 16th, outside Sandfall City, a large number of spellbeasts were gathered. Spellbeasts attacked the city with the main army. The defending general fought bravely but was no match for Kyrik's overwhelming force. Sandfall City was breached, and the defenders lay dead everywhere."

"After the city fell, the Kyrik army looted, killed, and committed countless atrocities. They then set fire to the city, with flames soaring into the sky, visible from miles away."

Upon reading this, Leslie scattered the letters before Stanley.

Stanley was deeply shocked by the news Leslie had read.

He hadn't expected that during his time away from the border, Kyrik would take advantage of the situation and launch a massive attack on the frontier.

Even Sandfall City, a frontline border town, had been breached!

He remembered that the commander of Sandfall City was a straightforward man who had sent his wife and children away long ago.

When Stanley first heard this, he laughed at the commander, thinking that with himself stationed at the border, Kyrik would dare not invade, and if they did, they would meet their doom!

There was no need for such premature preparations for the aftermath.

However, now it seemed that the internal turmoil of the empire had foreshadowed great trouble.

Even sensing the imminent danger, the commander and his soldiers fought to the end, protecting the people of Sandfall City until they perished in battle.

Stanley's heart ached sharply.

Especially upon hearing about the fall of the city, his heart sank to the bottom.

He was all too familiar with the ways of the Kyrik savages, who raped, looted, and committed atrocities, treating the people of the Azure Kingdom as less than human!

Although he hadn't witnessed the carnage firsthand, the horrifying scenes seemed vividly before his eyes, and his eyes instantly turned blood red!

"Kyrik, damn you!"

The intense fury nearly tore Stanley's chest apart. He cursed loudly and immediately looked towards his army in the distance.

"All troops, assemble! Follow me to war!"

"The Kyrik beasts must pay for this!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his mount, which lay crouched like a black bear, sensed his emotion and charged towards Stanley.

Stanley leaped into the air, landing on the back of his spellbeast, and then, like a plume of smoke and dust, galloped toward the horizon.

The soldiers who had followed Stanley, all loyal to him, immediately followed him, heading towards the border.

To them, the safety of the frontier people was most important, not the internal strife.

They neither liked nor wanted to participate in it.

After Stanley led his troops away, the place returned to complete peace.

Countless people gazed at Owen and Leslie standing on the ruins of the capital's city wall, their expressions complex.

Earlier, the Chief Elder and General had come with great momentum.

The expected defeat of Owen and Leslie did not occur. Instead, Chief Elder Otto and General Stanley had faced death and retreat.

The situation in the capital and the Azure Kingdom was miraculously stabilized by the two of them.

Amid the crowd's astonishment, disbelief, and acceptance, Leslie stood like a pure white swan, surveying the crowd as if declaring her presence to them!

Everyone from the Azure Kingdom who met Leslie's gaze showed signs of submission.

Leslie's skill and strength had completely conquered them at that moment!

The same thought appeared in everyone's mind without exception.

From this day forward, the first and only queen in the history of the Azure Kingdom had been


Monroe and many other prodigies felt somewhat ashamed under Leslie's gaze.

Whether it was Leslie's absolutely stunning and coldly beautiful face or her absolute power in defeating Stanley with the strength of her domain, they all felt a sense of being unable to


It was as if their pride and glory seemed dim in her presence.

She was like a swan among chickens, noble and elegant, not comparing herself to anyone, yet surpassing everyone.

Seeing that the events of the day were mostly settled, Leslie glanced at Charlotte.

Charlotte immediately understood and began organizing the officials who had completely submitted to reinforce the city walls, calm the citizens, and finish the remaining tasks.

Seeing this, Leslie nodded slightly, then turned her slightly authoritative eyes to Owen, with a

playful smile on her lips.

"I think we should renegotiate our cooperation."

"Ah?" Owen opened his mouth, a little taken aback, not knowing what Leslie meant, but he

nodded in agreement.

So he followed Leslie to the Duke's mansion.

"The General Otto was killed by Owen, and General Stanley was subdued by Her Majesty Empress Leslie to continue guarding the border. They really won!"

Although the battle at the gates of the capital had ended, various news about the battle spread like wildfire, causing the capital to boil with excitement and commotion. Many citizens, who had been worried that Stanley would massacre the city, finally relaxed,

and all eyes were fixed on the direction of the capital's gate.

Even though Leslie had previously asked Madelyn to reassure the citizens of the capital, telling them that they would surely survive this calamity, deep down, they were somewhat


After all, the Chief Elder and the General were renowned diamond-tier mages with

formidable reputations.

Although Owen and Leslie were top prodigies, they were still far behind such veteran


But unexpectedly, not long after, Owen and Leslie achieved a resounding victory!

"They really are monstrous talents. No wonder Academy City specifically created a

Domination Leaderboard for Owen. I think, aside from Owen, Leslie... no, Her Majesty the

Empress, also deserves to be on it!"

"Of course, I've heard Her Majesty the Empress has mastered the power of a domain, but she's only at the platinum-tier. Imagine how terrifying she will be when she grows to the diamond-tier or even the master-tier!"

"I can't help but feel this isn't entirely a good thing. Leslie is very cunning; before she revealed her ambition, she deceived all of us. I feel that the throne of Empress of the Azure Kingdom is not the limit of her ambitions!"

"I feel the same way, but I think it's a good thing. Ambition leads to progress. Under her leadership, the Azure Kingdom might become a super kingdom far beyond its peak..." "She's an unprecedentedly young empress, truly the first female empress of our time!" "The first female empress? That's an apt title, matching her formidable strength and unpredictable ambition. But is this ultimately good or bad?"

People in the capital, the citizens, and the mages of the Azure Kingdom were all discussing

this matter.

Whether Leslie becoming the empress is good or bad for the Azure Kingdom, no one could say

for sure.

However, one thing gradually became a consensus. Leslie had both the strength and ambition and was definitely an empress who wouldn't be content with the status quo!

After all, when she defeated General Stanley, she didn't kill him but instead ordered him to raise troops against Kyrik!


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