Damn, I Have to Marry the Strongest Antagonist at the Start?

Chapter 111: Chapter111-I Don't Understand This Skill!

Chapter 111: Chapter111-I Don't Understand This Skill!

After reading about it, Owen couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

This skill could actually create a small world!

It is known that those who can touch the essence of the world almost always bear the title of a god!

And this skill could allow the practitioner a glimpse into that extraordinary power in advance!

Although this skill didn't have the destructive power of the Meteor Shower Technique, in terms of potential, it definitely surpassed it.

Owen glanced at the required fate points-seventy-five thousand.

Owen's excited heart calmed down a bit. Although he had Mana Void, his domain range was too small to truly cover an area of several miles.

This skill was somewhat impractical for him.

So, Owen continued to look further.

After several hundred breaths, after reviewing all eight stars, Owen's attention was focused on the last planetary-tier spell skill.

Supreme Order!

The name of this skill was quite special.

Owen had some impression of this [Order]; it was mentioned in the introduction of the first episode of the anime's background.

The Dark God King was not born in this plane but came from the previous plane.

It is said that Supreme Order was a skill possessed by the Dark God King's father.

However, the anime did not elaborate much on this skill.

It was only mentioned that this skill could create and destroy all things, serving as the foundation and prototype of all spells.

It is both a spell and time and space itself.

Extremely powerful and profoundly mysterious.

When Owen first saw the name of this planetary-tier skill, he wondered if he was mistaken.

This skill clearly wasn't a planetary-tier existence but something higher, even a legendary universe-level divine skill!

Only a god could master and perform such a skill!

Yet, this skill truly appeared here.

And the required fate points were only eighty thousand!

It could be acquired for eighty thousand fate points!

Owen was undeniably tempted!

Even though he didn't know what kind of existence the Dark God King's father was, the power of the Dark God King still circulated throughout the continent to this day.

His staff possessed various incredible abilities.

Moreover, the anime introduced him as part of a special background, indicating that the Dark God King's father was also an incredibly terrifying existence.

Owen didn't know if he would ever encounter this skill again if he missed it.

So, after only a moment of hesitation, Owen made up his mind.

Buy it!

Thus, eighty thousand fate points turned into a golden torrent, pouring into the light orb of Supreme Order.

Immediately, the surface of the Fate Store seemed to be on fire, burning away the surface information and refreshing it with new content.

A light orb, dozens of times brighter than the previous ones, replaced the eight light orbs, radiating a certain allure.

Supreme Order (Advanced), required fate points: 1,000,000.

Owen's mouth twitched slightly.

He had felt something was off before-how could a skill belonging to the Dark God King's father be sold so cheaply?

Now it seemed he had been tricked by the system.

The Supreme Order he just purchased had already appeared in his mind, clearly marked with the words (Beginner Version).

As for this Advanced version, Owen carefully counted the zeros after it.

A full million fate points!

Owen's eye twitched at the sight.

At his current rate of acquiring fate points, he had no idea when he would manage to gather a million fate points.

Just as Owen was feeling duped, the system seemed to sense his thoughts, and around the light orb of Supreme Order (Advanced), other light orbs of varying sizes appeared.

These light orbs also contained various spell skills, all marked with the words (Advanced), and the fate points required for each were astronomical, often in the hundreds of thousands!

It seemed that although planetary-tier skills were already very powerful, they would become outdated when reaching higher levels.

Skills like these have a gradual process and can't be achieved overnight.

Thinking of this, Owen felt much better.

After all, obtaining the beginner version of Supreme Order was quite a profit.

Previously, his skills were more about defense and survival.

Now, with the Supreme Order skill, he estimated that he should be able to cross two major tiers and easily defeat his enemies.

At that moment, Leslie walked over, slightly frowning, and tugged on Owen's sleeve.

"What are you daydreaming about? Did the technique you used just now have a strong

backlash on you?"

Owen snapped back to reality and shook his head slightly, "I'm fine."

Then he noticed, with slightly narrowed eyes, that Leslie's level had increased significantly, reaching platinum-tier level 8.

She was still at a higher level than him.

When Owen last saw Leslie, she was only at platinum-tier level 3.

Apparently, she hadn't been idle these past days and must have used the Dark Tower to train

and level up.

"It's good you're fine. Otto is dead, the Council of Elders is destroyed, and now we just need to deal with Stanley."

Leslie sensed that Owen had some secrets, but she didn't press him. Instead, she turned her attention to Stanley.

Owen had secrets, and so did she, which she didn't see as a problem.

Owen felt the same way. Although he was curious about Leslie's Dark Tower, if she didn't mention it, he didn't plan to ask.

Moreover, with so many people watching them, it was better to focus on the task at hand.

Under the gaze of Owen and Leslie, Stanley took a deep breath, recovering from the shock of Otto's death, and coldly glanced at Owen and Leslie.

"Although your strength is formidable, and I am not your opponent, the destruction of the Azure Royal Family and the Council of Elders must be explained to me and the world!" Stanley's attitude was resolute. The previous defeat had dealt him a significant blow, but it also made him completely indifferent to his own life and death.

"Leslie, not to mention your past crimes, you've secretly built a power, threatened ministers and mages to serve you, behaving like a treacherous villain!"

"And the Crown Prince, the Queen, the son of the Chief Elder, the Elders of the Council of Elders, all died miserably at your hands. This shows how ruthless you are, lacking any sense of


Hearing Stanley's words, Leslie shook her head and said:

"Firstly, I did threaten those ministers and some mages, but only because I had leverage over them. They were corrupt and unrighteous, which allowed me to control them. Moreover, under my leadership, rewards and punishments are clear. Even without using leverage, how

many do you think would leave me?"

"The bustling world is all for profit; people come and go for their interests. I can bring them benefits, so they are willing to follow me. It's merely a transaction."

"As for the Crown Prince and the people of the Council of Elders, they were already doomed. I was merely carrying out justice on behalf of the heavens!"

"The Azure Kingdom's current state of weakness and vulnerability is entirely the fault of the Council of Elders and the Royal Family. If not for their narrow-mindedness, constant scheming, and suppression of domestic talents, how would it cause a brain drain and disunity

among the officials?"

"They were blind to the suffering of the people. The streets are full of beggars, and thieves and bandits emerge one after another. You probably haven't noticed, have you?"

"Under my governance, this will never happen! The Azure Kingdom will rise and no longer

suffer oppression!"

In the end, Leslie spoke as if making a promise, her expression solemn.

When Leslie's words fell, everyone present, except Owen, stared at her in shock.

Stanley, finally understanding her intentions, questioned:

"Leslie! What do you mean? Are you planning to become the first empress of the Azure


Leslie replied seriously, "Why not!"

Stanley angrily retorted, "Your methods are bloody, and your schemes are ruthless. How can

you rule as an empress without the people's support, bringing disaster for a thousand years!"

Leslie snorted coldly, "Only those who rule the world can gain the people's support! The current Azure Kingdom is corrupt from top to bottom and requires strict measures. This is what's beneficial for the people and the Azure Kingdom. Has there been any rebellion in the imperial capital under my rule?"

Facing Leslie's question, Stanley was left speechless. He knew that he was a failure today, and no matter what he said, it would be meaningless.

Thus, he began to remove his armor, preparing to retire and live in seclusion.

But at that moment, Leslie planted a spear in front of him and asked seriously: "General Stanley, are you a general of the Azure Royal Family or a general of the Azure



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