Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 131 Change Of Plans

The feud that the two families had that day continued for a long time and there really wasn't any solution to fix the crack that appeared in their relationship.

Ran Yue also has no more expectations from Yang Baihua. She knew that out of everyone in that room, she was the one who lost a lot. She was humiliated in front of everyone during her party, the man she liked didn't reciprocate her feelings and must be only using her for physical pleasure, and her career was hanging by a thin, invisible thread. It was likely that her fans would recognize her voice in that recording.

At long last, as the fight between the two families continued to escalate in that room, Father Yang couldn't take it any longer and he punched the small table right beside him, making a crisp and loud banging noise. That sound captured everyone's attention and successfully silenced them.

"Stop fighting already!" exploded Father Yang. His nostrils were flaring as he eyed them one by one. "Fight and continue fighting! But don't you forget that we still have some unfinished things between us!"

He turned to Ran Mo Zheng and harshly said, "You! Don't forget you still have a debt to pay my Yang family. You promised me that you'll pay back the money when you receive your inheritance from Old Patriarch Ran... But look! I still haven't received a single cent from you!"

Ran Mo Zheng grumbled, "I'm trying my best to pay you back! Don't you see me trying already? I even pitted one of my daughters to marry into your family as a collateral!"

Father Yang scoffed at that when he heard him. "Do you take me for a fool? What collateral? Ran Xueyi was never a collateral since you all are already thinking of using her as a payment. I also heard that she's going to inherit everything from your Old Patriarch Ran. You're just shamelessly using her all these years so that you can take two birds with one stone!"

Having his real thoughts and plans seen through by someone else, one would usually feel ashamed. However, instead of feeling ashamed, Ran Mo Zheng seemed quite proud of himself.

Father Yang was right. Ran Mo Zheng has been trying to hit two birds with one stone all these years. Because he found out that his father was planning to give everything to Ran Xueyi and leave him with only a few villas and several million dollars, Ran Mo Zheng didn't care about their blood relation as father and daughter. He started to plan his movements against his own daughter.

Not only did he forcibly made her go through a loveless engagement with a complete stranger and controlled her mind and action all these years. He was already thinking on how he could get rid of Ran Xueyi, who was currently a favorite of Old Patriarch Ran.

By using the Yang family and the engagement, he successfully made Ran Xueyi go astray and made reputation turn for the worse in front of everyone.

Just a little push and Ran Xueyi would marry into the Yang family, evoking Old Patriarch Ran's anger, making the old man rethink his decision on making her his successor. Old Patriarch Ran would certainly cross out Ran Xueyi as the heiress since he absolutely didn't like the fact that everything he built and earned all these years will end up in somebody else's family and hands. Hence, he would be forced to make Ran Mo Zheng, his heir in the end.

All his plans and desires were laid bare naked in front of everyone. Ran Mo Zheng was completely silent as he didn't refute this. His wife already knew this and so did Ran Yue. The family of three already excluded Ran Xueyi from their small family, antagonizing and treating her like a stranger since the very beginning.

Father Yang did not approve of their actions. He still has some sense and humanity inside of him. If Ran Xueyie really ended up being his daughter-in-law, he would treat her well and make sure she wasn't bullied. He may not be able to straighten out his son and his rash actions, but he could at least make it up to her, unlike her real family.

However, since the engagement already fell through and Ran Xueyi was released from her torturous chains of hell, Father Yang also didn't want to force her into it.

"Now that Ran Xueyi is no longer planning to marry into my family... I think it's only right that we discuss what to do from here." Father Yang calmed down, observing the other.

Ran Mo Zheng didn't reply. He wanted to know what the other was planning to do.

"Everyone inside this room knew that without Ran Xueyi, you can't pay the 1 billion dollar you owed from me. Now that she's treating her own family as her enemies, it's only proper to say that she will not give you the money even if you begged to death like a dog to her. So, let's change our plans..."

"What do you plan to do?" Mother Ran dazedly asked. She was at first very aggressive, but after hearing everything from father Yang and also knew in her heart that everything he said was nothing but the truth, she became docile and wanted to listen to him.

If his plan could save them from damnation and paying 1 billion dollars, they will praise Father Yang and even thank him for it.

Unfortunately, Father Yang's next words shocked the whole room, causing everyone to take a big gasp while they couldn't contain the shock they just experienced after hearing his words.

"Since there's no more Ran Xueyi to marry into my Yang family and you can't take a cent from her once she receive her inheritance, we can make do with the younger sister and let Ran Yue marry into our Yang family," said Father Yang as if his words didn't weigh much. His eyes lingered on the pretty face of Ran Yue and added, "There's no need to say anything. This is the only solution to solve both our family's problems and at the same time, it'll also save Ran Yue's career."


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