Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 130 Today's Friends, Tomorrow's Enemies

At this moment, Ran Yue was already panicking after the bomb that Ran Xueyi dropped during her birthday party. She didn't even get to receive and open her gifts because the guests already left before the gift giving event happened. Not only that, she had to flinch and jump in fright whenever she heard the sound of her phone ringing constantly without stopping.

Manager Zhang has been calling her since earlier, but she didn't know how to answer. What was she going to tell him? There's also Golden Stage Century, the agency she was signed with this year after she canceled her contract with her previous H&R Studio. They must be dying to reach her and get her to explain what had happened.

Besides, Ran Yue could lie to everybody about the audio file, but not to Manager Zhang. That man knew her too well and knew that she was the one in the record with Yang Baihua. Moreover, it won't be long before her fans become suspicious and find out about it as well.

"What am I going to do, Mother?" Ran Yue cried. "I didn't know this would happen. If I knew, I wouldn't have done that!"

"You really think that's the only mistake you made?" Father Ran glared at his daughter and pointed a finger to her. "You're such a good daughter yet you tried to seduce the man your older sister is about to marry! Do you even know what you did?"

Mother Ran froze. She was about to comfort and reassure Ran Yue again, but hearing her husband's words, she forced the urge down and also scolded her. "That's right, Yue'er. Why did you do it?"

Ran Yue lowered her face and didn't answer. She couldn't tell them that she always liked Yang Baihua ever since she met him five years ago.

Seeing her lack of response and tears, Mother Ran's heart ached for her youngest daughter and could no longer stay angry. She shot Father Ran a glare before patting Ran Yue's shoulders.

"Don't worry, me and your father aren't angry at you because of what happened. The one we're angry at is none other than that useless boy Yang Baihua! How could he try to seduce our good daughter? If he didn't do that, why would you even fall for his useless charms! Besides, isn't Ran Xueyi the one who ruined everything? She even ruined your party!"

Just thinking about it, Mother Ran felt that her blood pressure was rising. Her head was about to explode from anger at the thought that Ran Xueyi made them lose face!

"Lu Jing!"

A thunderous voice came into the room accompanied by the sound of the door being pushed open and hitting the wall behind it. A few people entered the room the Ran family was in, pulling in Yang Baihua, who was going to escape from the place out of shame and anger.

The Yang family gathered to discuss the situation with the Ran family. Instead, they witnessed these three people trying to pass the blame on their good son!

"I dare you call my son useless again with your mouth and I'll rip it!" Mother Yang loved Yang Baihua to her bones, how could she let just anybody speak bad of him?

However, Mother Ran unexpectedly didn't back down from the challenge. She raised her chin and proudly said, "Am I wrong? Your son is such a wastrel and doesn't do any work. Has he ever accomplished anything that my daughters achieved in their life? He only knows how to seduce women and sleep around!"

Mother Yang was enraged by this and was about to come forward and slap that dirty mouth from speaking ill about her son. Seemingly reading her thoughts, Father Yang quickly looped his arms around her and pulled her arm, stopping her from advancing forward.

But even if Father Yang stopped her from stepping forward, he didn't have enough hands to cover his wife's mouth. And so, Mother Yang continued her verbal assault.

Mother Yang scoffed disdainfully and indignantly said, "Ha! Why does my son need to work when he has parents who can give him what he wants? We have enough money for three more generations to spend without worrying about their future. What's so wrong about my son using our money?"

"You must be proud of your daughters though... They're both pretty, but have no brains! They all fell for my son's useless charms. It's unfortunate that Ran Xueyi no longer likes my son and broke off from their engagement. But I can't say the same for your youngest daughter!"

"Speaking of which... I am even amazed that Ran Yue was the girl in that audio! How despicable! She actually wanted my son who was engaged to Ran Xueyi. Tsk, I am really amazed at how proud you are of your daughter!"

After speaking so much and so eloquently, Mother Yang took a deep breath to steady herself. Her eyes were filled with haughtiness as she looked at Ran Yue and the pair of Mother and Father Ran who was standing beside their daughter.

Ran Yue couldn't speak. She never thought anyone could speak so badly of her character like this. Mother Yang was even more ruthless than her anti-fans who beat her up in their comments.

Glancing at Yang Baihua, who was forcibly pulled back into the room, she saw him expressionlessly stare at her as if the thing that happened between them was nothing but an illusion she made in her daydreams.

It's all wrong... Everything was going so wrong and far from her expectations.

Mother Ran and Father Ran were also rendered speechless. What could they say to a parent who was proud of themselves for spoiling their child rotten because they had money? Even they couldn't boldly say that in public. Moreover, what Mother Yang said was all true even if they wanted to deny it.

The two families that were once living in peace and harmony were slowly breaking apart and drifting away. As the saying goes... Friends of today may be enemies' tomorrow.


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