Cultivating Immortality in a World of Chaos

Chapter 19: Breaking Through to True Force

“In Great Liang’s Martial Path of Blood and Qi, until reaching the three transformations, one primarily focuses on enhancing their own vital energy. This stage is known as a martial apprentice…”

“Once at the pinnacle of the third transformation, by comprehending Divine Intent Diagrams, you can unify your true force and enter the realm of True Force cultivators!”

“This is also the limit for most dojo masters!”

In the rear courtyard of Fang Manor.

Fang Xi seized the elusive moment of inspiration for breakthrough, channeling his peak vital energy power through every limb and bone, subtly preparing to form a new, unified strength within him.

With calm focus, he delved into comprehending both Divine Intent Diagrams, merging his spiritual awareness with myriad transformations, seeking that pivotal opportunity.

‘Cultivators possess spiritual sense, which seems to give them an advantage in understanding Divine Intent Diagrams compared to ordinary martial artists…’

The thought spontaneously arose in Fang Xi’s mind.

In the next instant, distorted images of snakes abruptly materialized before his eyes.

It was the Red Snake Leg Divine Intent Diagram!

“I didn’t expect…the Red Snake Leg would be the first to break through?”

“It truly shows that comprehending Divine Intent Diagrams relies heavily on chance, unpredictable indeed…”

Suddenly, Fang Xi perceived the mountains, rivers, and serpentine shapes within the diagram as patterns governing the flow of vital energy…

Unconsciously, his surging vital energy began to circulate along mysterious pathways.

The countless threads of vital energy twisted and intertwined, akin to fine strands coalescing into robust steel cables.


As if breaking through a barrier!

Fang Xi introspected himself and discovered a newfound strength within!

True Force!

This power was entirely distinct from the ‘inner breath’ commonly referred to by mortals in the cultivation realm. It anchored itself across his limbs and skeletal structure, coursing between muscles and strengthening his internal organs.

Due to its authentic nature, it was aptly named ‘True Force’!

With True Force achieved, Fang Xi’s abundant vital energy rapidly transformed into this potent essence.

He let out a triumphant howl, feeling the skin, hands, and main body parts harden swiftly! The enhancement was most pronounced in his legs, far exceeding that of other areas.

After all, he had broken through using Red Snake Leg technique!

This exemplified a limitation of third-rate martial arts: they primarily focus on enhancing one specific area. Although some strengthening occurs elsewhere, it falls significantly short compared to secret, advanced techniques.

Instinctively, Fang Xi stomped his foot.


The limestone beneath his foot crumpled as if struck by a heavy hammer, leaving a deep pit with countless cracks radiating outward like a spider web.

Before this breakthrough, Fang Xi could never have achieved such destructive force so effortlessly!

“Indeed… there’s a vast chasm between true force and ordinary blood qi for martial apprentices.”

“No wonder Mu Canglong dispatched She Lei with such ease; I can now do the same.”

Fang Xi estimated that his martial prowess had at least tripled, enabling him to easily take on multiple versions of his pre-breakthrough self. Even dealing with She Lei would be just a matter of one kick now.

After a moment, as if remembering something, he suddenly produced a flying sword thin as a leaf!

It was the Qinghe Sword!

Holding the hilt, Fang Xi positioned the blade towards his finger. Then, reconsidering, he lifted his pant leg and pressed the tip of the sword against his skin.

He felt a slight resistance. With increased pressure, the flying sword momentarily met some obstruction before smoothly piercing through the skin, drawing a drop of blood…

“This defense is indeed comparable to the first stage of Body Refinement…” Fang Xi nodded.

The first stage of Body Refinement equaled the initial phase of Qi Refinement for other cultivators!

However, it did not mean his body had become harder than low-grade magical artifacts!

Comparing flesh and blood against metal was inherently foolish.

“To truly achieve immunity against low-grade magical artifacts, or in other words, having a physique as resilient as such artifacts, would likely require reaching the fourth level of Body Tempering. That’s equivalent to Foundation Establishment for a body cultivator, where one could withstand both low-grade and mid-grade magical artifacts without sustaining any harm…”

“At the first stage of Body Refinement, when faced with a low-grade magical artifact, there would be a momentary resistance… Additionally, muscles and bones become significantly stronger, possibly even trapping low-grade artifacts, thus enhancing survival capabilities and overall strength… Those are the primary benefits.”

With these advantages, in close combat, body cultivators can gain significant superiority over ordinary cultivators.

“Consequently, my flying sword, being a magical artifact, poses a considerable threat to the dojo master Wu and even Garrison Commander Linghu!”

“Moreover, achieving the first stage of Body Refinement is akin to gaining dozens of spirit stones for free - truly delightful news…,” Fang Xi mused.

He flicked Qinghe Sword, causing its blade to hum resonantly, reminiscent of a dragon’s roar.

“Today’s breakthrough calls for celebration; I should kill a few people to unwind…” He gazed towards the Red Snake Dojo.

Lu She and She Lei had long been on his hit list, but he had exercised restraint until now. After all, while She Lei was manageable, Lu She posed a significant threat.

But with this breakthrough, they no longer seemed formidable.

‘Furthermore… by eliminating Lu She and his associates, I can make those behind Yuanhe Mountain believe I’ve only uncovered what they intended me to find. Heh… they wanted me to fall into their trap? I’ll show them that the same trap affects different individuals in entirely unexpected ways.’

That night.

At the Red Snake Dojo!

“I’m not sure what’s going on lately, but the dojo master has been holding late-night meetings with several elders frequently.”

A disciple responsible for nocturnal patrols yawned, gazing at the brightly lit buildings, muttering to himself.

With their superiors so engrossed in discussions, there was no chance for him to slack off or sneak off to sleep.

As his eyes began to droop, he suddenly noticed something flash past.

“What was that?”

He hastily raised his lantern, rubbed his eyes, and found only silence around him, punctuated by occasional insect calls.

“Could it have been a bat?” The disciple mumbled before continuing his patrol.

Inside the study room,

Lu She studied a map, his expression grim. “During this recent monster hunt… initially, everything seemed smooth, but then abruptly, Old Feng and his group disappeared. Rumor has it, neither bodies nor survivors were found - quite troubling…”

Facing Lu She were several prominent elders and instructors from the Red Snake Dojo, all having achieved three transformations of blood and qi. Among them was also She Lei.

“Master… Could it be that even Yuanhe Mountain found nothing?” She Lei asked.

“Hmph, Linghu Yang from Yuanhe Mountain is a complete fool!” Lu She spat angrily.

However, after cursing, he fell deep into thought.

Although the guardian from Yuanhe Mountain stationed in Blackstone City was cold-hearted, he wasn’t foolish.

His behavior at the time was indeed peculiar.

Could it be…that he discovered some clues?

“If it truly is that… we might not be safe staying in Blackstone City anymore.”

Lu She held up a candlestick lamp, studying the map intently with a contemplative expression.

Pffft! Pffft!

Suddenly, faint sounds echoed through the air.

“E-enemy…” Before one of the Red Snake Dojo elders could finish his sentence, an invisible sword qi sliced open his throat. He collapsed into a pool of blood, clutching his neck, unable to utter a sound.

“What kind of martial art is this?” Lu She exclaimed, both shocked and furious!

Such an invisible sword qi technique bordered on myth and legend, perhaps achievable only by rumored Zongshi-level masters.

But if it were truly a Zongshi, why resort to sneak attacks?

With just one command, the entire Red Snake Dojo could be razed to the ground.


Amidst his shock and fury, a figure burst into the room, unleashing a flurry of swift kicks.


Several muffled groans echoed as the remaining elders were sent flying, their bodies seemingly drained of all strength.

Most notably, She Lei’s chest caved in, clearly indicating his demise.

“That is…”

“The Red Snake Leg!” Lu She’s eye twitched, recognizing the attacker’s technique.

The fluid and unpredictable leg movements, appearing boneless mid-air, left no doubt in his mind.

“A True Force cultivator, who exactly are you?” Lu She demanded.

“Enough noise!” Fang Xi, masked in black, shifted his right leg, channeling true force into it. The muscles bulged, hardening like iron, ready to sweep away armies.


Lu She, also a dojo master, balanced on one foot before launching a powerful kick.

Their legs intertwined like two pythons before swiftly separating, leaving only muted echoes in the air.

“What a pity…” Fang Xi stood with hands clasped behind his back, letting out a melancholic sigh.

“Why do you say it’s unfortunate?” Lu She subtly glanced at his own calf, feeling a tingling sensation spreading from where their legs had connected.

Reluctantly, he had to admit that youth indeed held an advantage in combat!

Moreover, the opponent’s explosively powerful blood qi far exceeded his expectations, placing this dojo master decidedly on the defensive.

“It’s unfortunate because Red Snake Leg has no further advancement path,” Fang Xi replied honestly.

The Red Snake Master’s strength was limited; without any secret techniques, he proved remarkably weak.

This confirmed that beyond the dojo master level, there were indeed no additional training methods for the Red Snake Leg.

Fang Xi felt quite helpless about this revelation.

He yearned to rapidly advance his martial arts realm!

After all, reaching the dojo master level equated to achieving a once-tempered body. If he could break through another major boundary, would it correspond to a twice-tempered body for a body cultivator?

It was well-known that tempering one’s body once typically cost around dozens of spirit stones, while tempering it twice required at least a hundred!

Upon success, such mastery would be equivalent to a Mid Qi Refining cultivator!

With that level of power, Fang Xi would feel more confident to assert himself within the cultivation world.

“Since you were once an apprentice here, have you returned for further mastery of the Red Snake Leg?”

Lu She’s pupils contracted sharply before he exclaimed loudly, “Unfortunately… the Red Snake Leg has reached its true force limit. It cannot enhance your entire body nor transform true force into True Force, preventing advancement to the higher realm of martial artists!”

“Oh? After the dojo master level, it involves strengthening the whole body and transforming true force into True Force?” Fang Xi’s eyes lit up.

“Heh heh… Your talent is exceptional, but sadly, you’ve strayed onto a misguided path. With great proficiency in the Red Snake Leg, your blood qi will inevitably conflict with other martial arts, hindering your ability to learn advanced techniques. Your future achievements will be limited, ha ha!” Lu She laughed heartily.

However, after his laughter subsided, something felt amiss. His chuckles gradually diminished, and confusion crept across his face.

“Do you wonder why, despite your loud cries, no one outside responds as if they’re all dead, failing to come to your aid?” Fang Xi’s gaze held a teasing tone. “Too bad… I won’t reveal the reason to you!”

Outside the door, a talisman lay quietly affixed in a corner.

No matter how thunderous the commotion inside, silence reigned beyond…


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